Florida Statutes
Chapter 17 - Chief Financial Officer
17.05 - Subpoenas; Sworn Statements; Enforcement Proceedings.

(1) The Chief Financial Officer may demand and require full answers on oath from any and every person, party or privy to any account, claim, or demand against or by the state, such as it may be the Chief Financial Officer’s official duty to examine into, and which answers the Chief Financial Officer may require to be in writing and to be sworn to before the Chief Financial Officer or the department or before any judicial officer or clerk of any court of the state so as to enable the Chief Financial Officer to determine the justice or legality of such account, claim, or demand.
(2) In exercising authority under this chapter, the Chief Financial Officer or his or her designee may:
(a) Issue subpoenas, administer oaths, and examine witnesses.
(b) Require or permit a person to file a statement in writing, under oath or otherwise as the Chief Financial Officer or his or her designee requires, as to all the facts and circumstances concerning the matter to be audited, examined, or investigated.

(3) Subpoenas shall be issued by the Chief Financial Officer or his or her designee under seal commanding such witnesses to appear before the Chief Financial Officer or his or her representative or the department at a specified time and place and to bring books, records, and documents as specified or to submit books, records, and documents for inspection. Such subpoenas may be served by an authorized representative of the Chief Financial Officer or the department.
(4) In the event of noncompliance with a subpoena issued pursuant to this section, the Chief Financial Officer or the department may petition the circuit court of the county in which the person subpoenaed resides or has his or her principal place of business for an order requiring the subpoenaed person to appear and testify and to produce books, records, and documents as specified in the subpoena. The court may grant legal, equitable, or injunctive relief, including, but not limited to, issuance of a writ of ne exeat or the restraint by injunction or appointment of a receiver of any transfer, pledge, assignment, or other disposition of such person’s assets or any concealment, alteration, destruction, or other disposition of subpoenaed books, records, or documents, as the court deems appropriate, until such person has fully complied with such subpoena and the Chief Financial Officer or the department has completed the audit, examination, or investigation. The Chief Financial Officer or the department is entitled to the summary procedure provided in s. 51.011, and the court shall advance the cause on its calendar. Costs incurred by the Chief Financial Officer or the department to obtain an order granting, in whole or in part, such petition for enforcement of a subpoena shall be charged against the subpoenaed person, and failure to comply with such order shall be a contempt of court.
History.—s. 5, ch. 8, 1845; RS 97; GS 101; RGS 114; CGL 144; s. 1, ch. 73-334; s. 56, ch. 95-147; s. 1, ch. 99-155; s. 22, ch. 2003-261.

Structure Florida Statutes

Florida Statutes

Title IV - Executive Branch

Chapter 17 - Chief Financial Officer

17.001 - Chief Financial Officer.

17.002 - Definition.

17.011 - Assistant Chief Financial Officer.

17.02 - Place of Residence and Office.

17.03 - To Audit Claims Against the State.

17.031 - Security of Chief Financial Officer’s Office.

17.04 - To Audit and Adjust Accounts of Officers and Those Indebted to the State.

17.0401 - Confidentiality of Information Relating to Financial Investigations.

17.041 - County and District Accounts and Claims.

17.0415 - Transfer and Assignment of Claims.

17.0416 - Authority to Provide Services on a Fee Basis.

17.05 - Subpoenas; Sworn Statements; Enforcement Proceedings.

17.075 - Form of State Warrants and Other Payment Orders; Rules.

17.076 - Direct Deposit of Funds.

17.08 - Accounts, etc., on Which Warrants Drawn, to Be Filed.

17.09 - Application for Warrants for Salaries.

17.10 - Record of Warrants and of State Funds and Securities.

17.11 - To Report Disbursements Made.

17.12 - Authorized to Issue Warrants to Tax Collector or Sheriff for Payment.

17.13 - To Duplicate Warrants Lost or Destroyed.

17.14 - To Prescribe Forms.

17.16 - Seal.

17.17 - Examination by Governor and Report.

17.20 - Assignment of Claims for Collection.

17.21 - Not to Allow Any Claim of State Attorney Against State Until Report Made.

17.22 - Notice to Department of Legal Affairs.

17.25 - May Certify Copies.

17.26 - Cancellation of State Warrants Not Presented Within 1 Year.

17.27 - Microfilming and Destroying Records and Correspondence.

17.28 - Chief Financial Officer May Authorize Biweekly Salary Payments.

17.29 - Authority to Prescribe Rules.

17.30 - Dissemination of Information.

17.32 - Annual Report of Trust Funds; Duties of Chief Financial Officer.

17.325 - Governmental Efficiency Hotline; Duties of Chief Financial Officer.

17.41 - Department of Financial Services Tobacco Settlement Clearing Trust Fund.

17.42 - Opioid Settlement Clearing Trust Fund.

17.43 - Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund.

17.51 - Oath and Certificate of Chief Financial Officer.

17.52 - Moneys Paid on Warrants.

17.54 - Annual Report to Governor.

17.55 - Examination by and Monthly Statements to the Governor.

17.555 - Division of Treasury to Keep Record of Warrants and of State Funds and Securities.

17.56 - Division of Treasury to Maintain All Warrants Paid.

17.57 - Deposits and Investments of State Money.

17.575 - Administration of Funds; Treasury Investment Council.

17.58 - Deposits of Public Money Outside the State Treasury; Revolving Funds.

17.59 - Safekeeping Services.

17.60 - Treasury Cash Deposit Trust Fund.

17.61 - Chief Financial Officer; Powers and Duties in the Investment of Certain Funds.

17.62 - Interest on State Moneys Deposited; When Paid.

17.63 - Chief Financial Officer Not to Issue Evidences of Indebtedness.

17.64 - Division of Treasury to Make Reproductions of Certain Warrants, Records, and Documents.

17.65 - Chief Financial Officer to Prescribe Forms.

17.66 - Securities in Book-Entry Form.

17.67 - Federal Grants Trust Fund.

17.68 - Financial Literacy Program for Individuals With Developmental Disabilities.