District of Columbia Code
Title 99 - Reserved sections
§ 7–1671.05. (Perm). Medical marijuana program

There is established a medical marijuana program, which shall regulate the manufacture, cultivation, distribution, dispensing, purchase, delivery, sale, possession, testing, and administration of medical marijuana and the manufacture, possession, purchase, sale, and use of paraphernalia. The Program shall:
(1)(A) Require the registration with ABRA of all:
(i) Qualifying patients, except qualifying patients enrolled in another jurisdiction's medical marijuana program under § 7-1671.02(c)(2); and
(ii) Caregivers; and
(B) As part of the registration process, require a qualifying patient to:
(i) Repealed.
(ii) Provide a copy of the authorized practitioner's recommendation for the qualifying patient's use of medical marijuana;
(2) Require the registration of all:
(A) Dispensaries;
(B) Cultivation centers;
(B-i) Testing laboratories; and
(C) Directors, officers, members, incorporators, agents, and employees of dispensaries, cultivation centers, and testing laboratories;
(3) Issue nontransferable registration identification cards that expire annually to registered persons and entities, which may be presented to and used by law enforcement to confirm whether a person or entity is authorized to administer, cultivate, dispense, distribute, test, or possess medical marijuana, or manufacture, possess, or distribute paraphernalia;
(4) Require all dispensaries, cultivation centers, and testing laboratories to:
(A) Maintain true, complete, and real-time electronic records of the following:
(i) The name, address, home telephone number, and date of birth of each employee;
(ii) Each transaction conducted by the facility, including:
(I) The quantity of medical marijuana tested, distributed, or dispensed;
(II) The consideration given for the medical marijuana, if any; and
(III) The recipient of the medical marijuana;
(iii) The quantity of medical marijuana at the dispensary, cultivation center, or testing laboratory;
(iv) The disposal method used for any medical marijuana that was cultivated or acquired but that did not meet the requirements for sale established by the ABC Board through rulemaking under paragraph (5A) of this section or that was not sold for any other reason, including evidence of the disposal of the medical marijuana; and
(v) Any other information required by ABRA;
(B) Notify the Chief of the Metropolitan Police Department in writing and immediately of the loss, theft, or destruction of any medical marijuana;
(5) Require all dispensaries to maintain true, complete, and current records of:
(A) The name and address of the qualifying patient authorized to obtain the distribution or dispensing of medical marijuana; and
(B) The name and address of the caregiver who receives the medical marijuana;
(5A) Upon the registration of at least one testing laboratory under paragraph (2)(B-i) of this section and pursuant to rules issued by the ABC Board, require that cultivation centers segregate all harvested medical marijuana into batches before manufacturing any medical marijuana product or packaging raw medical marijuana for sale to a dispensary and hold the harvested medical marijuana from sale until:
(A) The medical marijuana has been tested by a testing laboratory;
(B) The cultivation center has received the information required under paragraph (5B) of this section; and
(C) The cultivation center has determined that the medical marijuana meets the requirements for sale established by the ABC Board through rulemaking;
(5B) Require testing laboratories to provide cultivation centers with the following information after testing harvested medical marijuana samples:
(A) The concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol in the testing material;
(B) Whether the tested material is organic or non-organic;
(C) The presence and concentration of fertilizers and other nutrients; and
(D) Any other information that ABRA may require through rulemaking;
(6) Develop educational materials about potential harmful drug interactions that could occur from using medical marijuana concurrently with other medical treatments and the importance of informing health care providers and pharmacists of the use of medical marijuana to help avoid harmful drug interactions;
(7) Revoke or suspend the registration of any person or entity if the ABC Board determines that the person or entity has violated a provision of this chapter or the rules issued pursuant to § 7-1671.13;
(8) Conduct announced and unannounced inspections of dispensaries and cultivation centers;
(9) Establish sliding-scale registration and annual renewal fees for all persons and entities required to register pursuant to this chapter; provided, that the registration and annual renewal fees for dispensaries, cultivation centers, and testing laboratories and for the directors, officers, members, incorporators, agents, and employees of dispensaries, cultivation centers, and testing laboratories shall be sufficient to offset the costs of administering this chapter;
(10) Establish a system to provide for the safe and affordable dispensing of medical marijuana to qualifying patients who are unable to afford a sufficient supply of medical marijuana based upon the qualifying patient's income and existing financial resources that:
(A) Allows qualifying patients to apply to the ABC Board to be eligible to purchase medical marijuana on a sliding scale from dispensaries; and
(B) Requires each dispensary to devote a percentage of its gross revenue, as determined by the Mayor, to providing medical marijuana on the sliding scale to qualifying patients determined eligible pursuant to subparagraph (A) of this paragraph;
(11) Submit to the Council an annual report that does not disclose any identifying information about qualifying patients, caregivers, or authorized practitioners, but that includes:
(A) The number of applications filed for a registration identification card;
(B) The number of qualifying patients and caregivers registered;
(C) The qualifying medical condition or qualifying medical treatment for each qualifying patient;
(D) The number of registration identification cards suspended and the number revoked; and
(E) The number of authorized practitioners providing written recommendations for qualifying patients;
(12) Establish standards by which applicants for dispensary, cultivation center, and testing laboratory registration will be evaluated to determine which applicants will be accepted for registration and renewal of registration, which shall include the following factors:
(A) Knowledge of District and federal law relating to marijuana;
(B) Suitability of the proposed facility;
(C) A proposed staffing plan;
(D) A security plan that has been assessed by the Metropolitan Police Department;
(E) A cultivation plan; and
(F) A product safety and labeling plan;
(13)(A) Provide notice through the mail to the Councilmember and all Advisory Neighborhood Commissions in the affected ward at least 30 days prior to approval of a location for a dispensary, cultivation center, or testing laboratory; and
(B) Accord great weight to input provided by the Advisory Neighborhood Commission regarding the proposed location of a dispensary, cultivation center, or testing laboratory when approving or rejecting an application for registration; and
(14) Require caregivers and qualifying patients to notify ABRA immediately and in writing of the loss, theft, or destruction of a registration identification card.
(Feb. 25, 2010, D.C. Law 13-315, § 6; as added July 27, 2010, D.C. Law 18-210, § 2, 57 DCR 4798; Feb. 18, 2017, D.C. Law 21-209, § 2(e), 63 DCR 15291; Dec. 3, 2020, D.C. Law 23-149, § 5012(d), 67 DCR 10493.)

Structure District of Columbia Code

District of Columbia Code

Title 99 - Reserved sections

§ 1–309.03. (Perm). Single-member districts

§ 1–309.05. (Perm). Advisory Neighborhood Commissions — Qualifications of members; nomination by petition

§ 1–309.06. (Perm). Advisory Neighborhood Commissions — Election of members; term of office; vacancies; change in residency; resignation; removal

§ 1–309.11. (Perm). Advisory Neighborhood Commissions — Meetings; bylaws governing operation and internal structure; officers; open meetings

§ 1–309.13. (Perm). Advisory Neighborhood Commissions — Funds; audit of accounts; employees; financial reports; publications

§ 1–328.04. (Perm). Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development grant-making authority

§ 1–523.01. (Perm). Mayoral nominees

§ 1–612.03. (Perm). Leave

§ 1–617.08. (Perm). Management rights; matters subject to collective bargaining

§ 1–1001.05. (Perm). Board of Elections — Duties

§ 1–1041.02. (Perm). Report of ward task forces

§ 2–218.31. (Perm). Local business enterprises

§ 2–1401.02. (Perm). Definitions

§ 2–1701. (Perm). Definitions

§ 2–1706. (Perm). Maintenance of public records

§ 4–753.02. (Perm). Eligibility for services within the Continuum of Care

§ 5–107.01. (Perm). Minimum standards for members of the Metropolitan Police Department

§ 5–107.02. (Perm). Mandatory continuing education program for sworn members of the Metropolitan Police Department

§ 5–107.03. (Perm). Establishment of District of Columbia Police Officers Standards and Training Board

§ 5–107.04. (Perm). Duties of the Board

§ 5–109.01. (Perm). Cadet program authorized; purpose; preference for appointment; appropriations

§ 5–115.03. (Perm). Neglect to make arrest for offense committed in presence

§ 5–116.33. (Perm). Body-Worn Camera Program; reporting requirements

§ 5–125.01. (Perm). Intent of Council

§ 5–125.02. (Perm). Definitions

§ 5–125.03. (Perm). Trachea hold prohibited; carotid artery hold restricted

§ 5–302. (Perm). Restrictions on powers and duties of federal law enforcement officers

§ 5–331.02. (Perm). Definitions

§ 5–331.09. (Perm). Identification of MPD personnel policing First Amendment assemblies

§ 5–331.16. (Perm). Use of riot gear and riot tactics at First Amendment assemblies

§ 5–1031. (Perm). Commencement of corrective or adverse action

§ 5–1104. (Perm). Police Complaints Board

§ 5–1107. (Perm). Authority of the Office and processing of complaint

§ 6–1110.02. (Perm). Targeted Homeowner Grant Program

§ 7–1671.01. (Perm). Definitions

§ 7–1671.02. (Perm). Use of medical marijuana

§ 7–1671.03. (Perm). Restrictions on use of medical marijuana

§ 7–1671.05. (Perm). Medical marijuana program

§ 7–1671.06. (Perm). Dispensaries and cultivation centers

§ 7–1671.07. (Perm). Health Occupations Boards review of medical marijuana authorized practitioner recommendations

§ 7–2304. (Perm). Issuance of emergency executive order; contents; actions of Mayor after issuance

§ 7–2501.01. (Perm). Definitions

§ 7–2502.02. (Perm). Registration of certain firearms prohibited

§ 7–2502.03. (Perm). Qualifications for registration; information required for registration

§ 7–2502.06. (Perm). Time for filing registration applications

§ 7–2504.01. (Perm). Manufacture of firearms, destructive devices or ammunition prohibited; requirement for dealer’s license

§ 7–2505.04. (Perm). Prohibition on sale, transfer, ownership, or possession of designated unsafe pistol

§ 8–771.02. (Perm). Battery collection

§ 16–705. (Perm). Jury trial; trial by court

§ 16–5505. (Perm). Exemptions

§ 22–4234. (Perm). Duties

§ 23–501. (Perm). Definitions

§ 23–581. (Perm). Arrests without warrant by law enforcement officers

§ 28–3814. (Perm). Debt collection

§ 30–301. (Perm). Hotel Recovery Grant Program

§ 34–801. (Perm). Members; eligibility; oath

§ 34–2162. (Perm). Lead Service Line Planning Task Force establishment

§ 38–2651. (Perm). State Board of Education; establishment; membership

§ 42–1903.03. (Perm). Meetings; electronic notice

§ 42–2703.07a. (Perm). Reverse Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program

§ 42–3509.04. (Perm). Service

§ 47–1803.02. (Perm). Gross income — Items included and excluded; "adjusted gross income" defined

§ 47–2002. (Perm). Imposition of tax

§ 47–2853.133. (Perm). Certain representations prohibited

§ 51–111. (Perm). Determination of claims; hearing; appeal; witness fees

§ 51–113. (Perm). Administration of provisions of subchapter; disclosure of information

§ 22–3312.03. (Perm). Wearing hoods or masks

§ 22–3312.04. (Perm). Penalties

§ 7–741.03. (Perm). Exemptions

§ 8–173.23. (Perm). Green Finance Authority Board

§ 48–1103. (Perm). Prohibited acts

§ 28–3901. (Perm). Definitions and purposes

§ 28–3904. (Perm). Unfair or deceptive trade practices

§ 32–1503. (Perm). Coverage

§ 7–751.01. (Perm). Definitions

§ 7–751.03. (Perm). Administration of the Program

§ 7–751.07. (Perm). Program participation

§ 7–751.08. (Perm). Loan repayment

§ 44–411. (Perm). Duration, modification, sale, or transfer of a certificate of need

§ 42–1903.13. (Perm). Lien for assessments against units; priority; recordation not required; enforcement by sale; notice to delinquent owner and public; distribution of proceeds; power of executive board to purchase unit at sale; limitation; costs a...

§ 38–602. (Perm). Examination requirements; certificates of health, testing for lead poisoning and dental health

§ 6–226. (Perm). Rent Supplement Program: establishment of program and distribution of funds

§ 6–227. (Perm). Project-based and sponsor-based voucher assistance

§ 6–228. (Perm). Tenant-based assistance

§ 47–1099.10. (Perm). Children's Hospital Research and Innovation Campus tax exemptions

§ 32–541.07. (Perm). Coordination of benefits

§ 31–2231.20a. (Perm). Prohibition on offsetting short-term disability benefits

§ 7–1234.02. (Perm). Perinatal Mental Health Task Force

§ 29–910. (Perm). Meetings; regular and special

§ 2–575. (Perm). Open meetings

§ 2–576. (Perm). Notice of meetings

§ 2–577. (Perm). Meeting procedures

§ 47–860. (Perm). Tax abatement for affordable housing in high-need affordable housing areas

§ 25–723. (Perm). Hours of sale and service for on-premises retail licensees and temporary licensees

§ 8–1031.12a. (Perm). Home Composting Incentive Program

§ 1–301.115a. (Perm). Creation and duties of Office of the Inspector General

§ 8–771.01. (Perm). Definitions

§ 8–771.03. (Perm). Battery stewardship plan

§ 8–771.05. (Perm). Annual reporting

§ 8–771.04. (Perm). Battery stewardship organization

§ 8–771.09. (Perm). Disposal ban

§ 8–1041.03. (Perm). Registration

§ 8–1041.05. (Perm). Manufacturer responsibilities

§ 4–681.01. (Perm). Definitions

§ 4–681.02. (Perm). Child Trust Fund

§ 4–681.03. (Perm). Child Trust Fund Program

§ 4–681.05. (Perm). Enrollment in the CTF Program; denial

§ 4–681.07. (Perm). Reporting requirement

§ 4–681.08. (Perm). Rules

§ 1–309.51. (Perm). Succession

§ 1–309.10. (Perm). Advisory Neighborhood Commissions — Duties and responsibilities; notice; great weight; access to documents; reports; contributions

§ 1–303.21. (Perm). Rules

§ 6–1403. (Perm). Scope

§ 6–1409. (Perm). Amendments; supplements; editions

§ 1–309.13a. (Perm). Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Technical Support and Assistance Fund

§ 47–3503. (Perm). Exemptions for qualifying lower income homeownership households and cooperative housing associations

§ 6–202. (Perm). Establishment of District of Columbia Housing Authority; purposes of Authority; Fund

§ 6–211. (Perm). Board of Commissioners

§ 6–213. (Perm). Executive Director

§ 10–551.07e. (Perm). Government Space Maintenance and Repair Transparency Dashboard

§ 42–3505.01. (Perm). Evictions

§ 47–1382. (Perm). Purchaser’s deed; payment; compliance with terms of judgment as to payments

§ 38–502.01. (Perm). Certification of COVID-19 immunization

§ 47–802. (Perm). Definitions

§ 47–869. (Perm). Performing arts venue real property tax rebate

§ 7–2504.08. (Perm). Identification number on firearm required before sale

§ 7–2505.01. (Perm). Sales and transfers prohibited

§ 50–301.03. (Perm). Definitions

§ 50–301.07. (Perm). Department of For-Hire Vehicles – duties; jurisdiction; powers

§ 50–301.30. (Perm). Vehicle inspection officers

§ 1–604.06. (Perm). Personnel authority

§ 1–609.05. (Perm). Lack of job protection; procedural protection

§ 1–611.09. (Perm). Compensation — Mayor and members of Council; Attorney General

§ 50–921.02. (Perm). Director