District of Columbia Code
Title 99 - Reserved sections
§ 2–577. (Perm). Meeting procedures

(a) A meeting may be held by video conference, telephone conference, or other electronic means; provided, that:
(1) Reasonable arrangements are made to accommodate the public’s right to attend the meeting;
(2) The meeting is recorded; and
(3) All votes are taken by roll call.
(b) All provisions of this subchapter shall apply to electronic meetings.
(c) E-mail exchanges between members of a public body shall not constitute an electronic meeting.
(d) When an emergency meeting is convened, the presiding officer shall open the meeting with a statement explaining the subject of the meeting, the nature of the emergency, and how public notice was provided.
(Oct. 21, 1968, Pub. L. 90-614, title IV, § 407; as added Mar. 31, 2011, D.C. Law 18-350, § 2, 58 DCR 734.)

Structure District of Columbia Code

District of Columbia Code

Title 99 - Reserved sections

§ 1–309.03. (Perm). Single-member districts

§ 1–309.05. (Perm). Advisory Neighborhood Commissions — Qualifications of members; nomination by petition

§ 1–309.06. (Perm). Advisory Neighborhood Commissions — Election of members; term of office; vacancies; change in residency; resignation; removal

§ 1–309.11. (Perm). Advisory Neighborhood Commissions — Meetings; bylaws governing operation and internal structure; officers; open meetings

§ 1–309.13. (Perm). Advisory Neighborhood Commissions — Funds; audit of accounts; employees; financial reports; publications

§ 1–328.04. (Perm). Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development grant-making authority

§ 1–523.01. (Perm). Mayoral nominees

§ 1–612.03. (Perm). Leave

§ 1–617.08. (Perm). Management rights; matters subject to collective bargaining

§ 1–1001.05. (Perm). Board of Elections — Duties

§ 1–1041.02. (Perm). Report of ward task forces

§ 2–218.31. (Perm). Local business enterprises

§ 2–1401.02. (Perm). Definitions

§ 2–1701. (Perm). Definitions

§ 2–1706. (Perm). Maintenance of public records

§ 4–753.02. (Perm). Eligibility for services within the Continuum of Care

§ 5–107.01. (Perm). Minimum standards for members of the Metropolitan Police Department

§ 5–107.02. (Perm). Mandatory continuing education program for sworn members of the Metropolitan Police Department

§ 5–107.03. (Perm). Establishment of District of Columbia Police Officers Standards and Training Board

§ 5–107.04. (Perm). Duties of the Board

§ 5–109.01. (Perm). Cadet program authorized; purpose; preference for appointment; appropriations

§ 5–115.03. (Perm). Neglect to make arrest for offense committed in presence

§ 5–116.33. (Perm). Body-Worn Camera Program; reporting requirements

§ 5–125.01. (Perm). Intent of Council

§ 5–125.02. (Perm). Definitions

§ 5–125.03. (Perm). Trachea hold prohibited; carotid artery hold restricted

§ 5–302. (Perm). Restrictions on powers and duties of federal law enforcement officers

§ 5–331.02. (Perm). Definitions

§ 5–331.09. (Perm). Identification of MPD personnel policing First Amendment assemblies

§ 5–331.16. (Perm). Use of riot gear and riot tactics at First Amendment assemblies

§ 5–1031. (Perm). Commencement of corrective or adverse action

§ 5–1104. (Perm). Police Complaints Board

§ 5–1107. (Perm). Authority of the Office and processing of complaint

§ 6–1110.02. (Perm). Targeted Homeowner Grant Program

§ 7–1671.01. (Perm). Definitions

§ 7–1671.02. (Perm). Use of medical marijuana

§ 7–1671.03. (Perm). Restrictions on use of medical marijuana

§ 7–1671.05. (Perm). Medical marijuana program

§ 7–1671.06. (Perm). Dispensaries and cultivation centers

§ 7–1671.07. (Perm). Health Occupations Boards review of medical marijuana authorized practitioner recommendations

§ 7–2304. (Perm). Issuance of emergency executive order; contents; actions of Mayor after issuance

§ 7–2501.01. (Perm). Definitions

§ 7–2502.02. (Perm). Registration of certain firearms prohibited

§ 7–2502.03. (Perm). Qualifications for registration; information required for registration

§ 7–2502.06. (Perm). Time for filing registration applications

§ 7–2504.01. (Perm). Manufacture of firearms, destructive devices or ammunition prohibited; requirement for dealer’s license

§ 7–2505.04. (Perm). Prohibition on sale, transfer, ownership, or possession of designated unsafe pistol

§ 8–771.02. (Perm). Battery collection

§ 16–705. (Perm). Jury trial; trial by court

§ 16–5505. (Perm). Exemptions

§ 22–4234. (Perm). Duties

§ 23–501. (Perm). Definitions

§ 23–581. (Perm). Arrests without warrant by law enforcement officers

§ 28–3814. (Perm). Debt collection

§ 30–301. (Perm). Hotel Recovery Grant Program

§ 34–801. (Perm). Members; eligibility; oath

§ 34–2162. (Perm). Lead Service Line Planning Task Force establishment

§ 38–2651. (Perm). State Board of Education; establishment; membership

§ 42–1903.03. (Perm). Meetings; electronic notice

§ 42–2703.07a. (Perm). Reverse Mortgage Foreclosure Prevention Program

§ 42–3509.04. (Perm). Service

§ 47–1803.02. (Perm). Gross income — Items included and excluded; "adjusted gross income" defined

§ 47–2002. (Perm). Imposition of tax

§ 47–2853.133. (Perm). Certain representations prohibited

§ 51–111. (Perm). Determination of claims; hearing; appeal; witness fees

§ 51–113. (Perm). Administration of provisions of subchapter; disclosure of information

§ 22–3312.03. (Perm). Wearing hoods or masks

§ 22–3312.04. (Perm). Penalties

§ 7–741.03. (Perm). Exemptions

§ 8–173.23. (Perm). Green Finance Authority Board

§ 48–1103. (Perm). Prohibited acts

§ 28–3901. (Perm). Definitions and purposes

§ 28–3904. (Perm). Unfair or deceptive trade practices

§ 32–1503. (Perm). Coverage

§ 7–751.01. (Perm). Definitions

§ 7–751.03. (Perm). Administration of the Program

§ 7–751.07. (Perm). Program participation

§ 7–751.08. (Perm). Loan repayment

§ 44–411. (Perm). Duration, modification, sale, or transfer of a certificate of need

§ 42–1903.13. (Perm). Lien for assessments against units; priority; recordation not required; enforcement by sale; notice to delinquent owner and public; distribution of proceeds; power of executive board to purchase unit at sale; limitation; costs a...

§ 38–602. (Perm). Examination requirements; certificates of health, testing for lead poisoning and dental health

§ 6–226. (Perm). Rent Supplement Program: establishment of program and distribution of funds

§ 6–227. (Perm). Project-based and sponsor-based voucher assistance

§ 6–228. (Perm). Tenant-based assistance

§ 47–1099.10. (Perm). Children's Hospital Research and Innovation Campus tax exemptions

§ 32–541.07. (Perm). Coordination of benefits

§ 31–2231.20a. (Perm). Prohibition on offsetting short-term disability benefits

§ 7–1234.02. (Perm). Perinatal Mental Health Task Force

§ 29–910. (Perm). Meetings; regular and special

§ 2–575. (Perm). Open meetings

§ 2–576. (Perm). Notice of meetings

§ 2–577. (Perm). Meeting procedures

§ 47–860. (Perm). Tax abatement for affordable housing in high-need affordable housing areas

§ 25–723. (Perm). Hours of sale and service for on-premises retail licensees and temporary licensees

§ 8–1031.12a. (Perm). Home Composting Incentive Program

§ 1–301.115a. (Perm). Creation and duties of Office of the Inspector General

§ 8–771.01. (Perm). Definitions

§ 8–771.03. (Perm). Battery stewardship plan

§ 8–771.05. (Perm). Annual reporting

§ 8–771.04. (Perm). Battery stewardship organization

§ 8–771.09. (Perm). Disposal ban

§ 8–1041.03. (Perm). Registration

§ 8–1041.05. (Perm). Manufacturer responsibilities

§ 4–681.01. (Perm). Definitions

§ 4–681.02. (Perm). Child Trust Fund

§ 4–681.03. (Perm). Child Trust Fund Program

§ 4–681.05. (Perm). Enrollment in the CTF Program; denial

§ 4–681.07. (Perm). Reporting requirement

§ 4–681.08. (Perm). Rules

§ 1–309.51. (Perm). Succession

§ 1–309.10. (Perm). Advisory Neighborhood Commissions — Duties and responsibilities; notice; great weight; access to documents; reports; contributions

§ 1–303.21. (Perm). Rules

§ 6–1403. (Perm). Scope

§ 6–1409. (Perm). Amendments; supplements; editions

§ 1–309.13a. (Perm). Advisory Neighborhood Commissions Technical Support and Assistance Fund

§ 47–3503. (Perm). Exemptions for qualifying lower income homeownership households and cooperative housing associations

§ 6–202. (Perm). Establishment of District of Columbia Housing Authority; purposes of Authority; Fund

§ 6–211. (Perm). Board of Commissioners

§ 6–213. (Perm). Executive Director

§ 10–551.07e. (Perm). Government Space Maintenance and Repair Transparency Dashboard

§ 42–3505.01. (Perm). Evictions

§ 47–1382. (Perm). Purchaser’s deed; payment; compliance with terms of judgment as to payments

§ 38–502.01. (Perm). Certification of COVID-19 immunization

§ 47–802. (Perm). Definitions

§ 47–869. (Perm). Performing arts venue real property tax rebate

§ 7–2504.08. (Perm). Identification number on firearm required before sale

§ 7–2505.01. (Perm). Sales and transfers prohibited

§ 50–301.03. (Perm). Definitions

§ 50–301.07. (Perm). Department of For-Hire Vehicles – duties; jurisdiction; powers

§ 50–301.30. (Perm). Vehicle inspection officers

§ 1–604.06. (Perm). Personnel authority

§ 1–609.05. (Perm). Lack of job protection; procedural protection

§ 1–611.09. (Perm). Compensation — Mayor and members of Council; Attorney General

§ 50–921.02. (Perm). Director