District of Columbia Code
Subchapter I - General
§ 22–2720. Tax for maintaining such nuisance

Whenever a permanent injunction issues against any person for maintaining a nuisance as herein defined, or against any owner or agent of the building kept or used for the purpose prohibited by §§ 22-2713 to 22-2720, there shall be assessed against said building and the ground upon which the same is located and against the person or persons maintaining said nuisance, and the owner or agent of said premises, a tax of $300. The assessment of said tax shall be made by the Director of the Department of Finance and Revenue of the District of Columbia and shall be made within 3 months from the date of the granting of the permanent injunction. In case the Director fails or neglects to make said assessment the same shall be made by the Chief of Police, and a return of said assessment shall be made to the Collector of Taxes. Said tax shall be a perpetual lien upon all property, both personal and real used for the purpose of maintaining said nuisance, and the payment of said tax shall not relieve the person or building from any other penalties provided by law. The provisions of the law relating to the collection and distribution of taxes upon personal and real property shall govern in the collection and distribution of the tax herein prescribed in so far as the same are applicable and not in conflict with the provisions of said sections.
(Feb. 7, 1914, 38 Stat. 282, ch. 16, § 8; Oct. 15, 1970, 84 Stat. 931, Pub. L. 91-452, title II, § 258.)
1981 Ed., § 22-2720.
1973 Ed., § 22-2720.
This section is referenced in § 22-1831, § 22-2701.01, § 22-2731, and § 22-4001.
Collection and disbursement of taxes, see § 47-401 et seq.
Pursuant to the Office of the Chief Financial Officer’s “Notice of Public Interest” published in the April 18, 1997, issue of the District of Columbia Register ( 44 DCR 2345) the Office of Tax and Revenue assumed all of the duties and functions previously performed by the Department of Finance and Revenue, as set forth in Commissioner’s Order 69-96, dated March 7, 1969. This action was made effective January 22, 1997, nunc pro tunc.

Structure District of Columbia Code

District of Columbia Code

Title 22 - Criminal Offenses and Penalties

Chapter 27 - Prostitution; Pandering

Subchapter I - General

§ 22–2701. Engaging in prostitution or soliciting for prostitution

§ 22–2701.01. Definitions

§ 22–2702. Inmate or frequenter of house of ill fame. [Repealed]

§ 22–2703. Suspension of sentence; conditions; enforcement

§ 22–2704. Abducting or enticing child from his or her home for purposes of prostitution; harboring such child

§ 22–2705. Pandering; inducing or compelling an individual to engage in prostitution

§ 22–2706. Compelling an individual to live life of prostitution against his or her will

§ 22–2707. Procuring; receiving money or other valuable thing for arranging assignation

§ 22–2708. Causing spouse or domestic partner to live in prostitution

§ 22–2709. Detaining an individual in disorderly house for debt there contracted

§ 22–2710. Procuring for house of prostitution

§ 22–2711. Procuring for third persons

§ 22–2712. Operating house of prostitution

§ 22–2713. Premises occupied for lewdness, assignation, or prostitution declared nuisance

§ 22–2714. Abatement of nuisance under § 22-2713 by injunction — Temporary injunction

§ 22–2715. Abatement of nuisance under § 22-2713 by injunction — Trial; dismissal of complaint; prosecution; costs

§ 22–2716. Violation of injunction granted under § 22-2714

§ 22–2717. Order of abatement; sale of property; entry of closed premises punishable as contempt

§ 22–2718. Disposition of proceeds of sale

§ 22–2719. Bond for abatement; order for delivery of premises; effect of release

§ 22–2720. Tax for maintaining such nuisance

§ 22–2721. Granting immunity to witnesses. [Repealed]

§ 22–2722. Keeping bawdy or disorderly houses

§ 22–2723. Property subject to seizure and forfeiture

§ 22–2724. Impoundment

§ 22–2725. Anti-Prostitution Vehicle Impoundment Proceeds Fund