Connecticut General Statutes
Chapter 58 - Purchases and Printing
Section 4a-67d. - Purchase of cars, light duty trucks and buses. Gasoline mileage ratings. Alternative-fueled, hybrid electric or plug-in electric vehicles. Zero-emission vehicles and buses. Requirements. Exemptions. Definitions. Report. Aggregate pr...

(a) The fleet average for cars or light duty trucks purchased by the state shall: (1) On and after October 1, 2001, have a United States Environmental Protection Agency estimated highway gasoline mileage rating of at least thirty-five miles per gallon and on and after January 1, 2003, have a United States Environmental Protection Agency estimated highway gasoline mileage rating of at least forty miles per gallon, (2) comply with the requirements set forth in 10 CFR 490 concerning the percentage of alternative-fueled vehicles required in the state motor vehicle fleet, and (3) obtain the best achievable mileage per pound of carbon dioxide emitted in its class. The alternative-fueled vehicles purchased by the state to comply with said requirements shall be capable of operating on natural gas or electricity or any other system acceptable to the United States Department of Energy that operates on fuel that is available in the state.

(b) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, (1) on and after January 1, 2008: (A) At least fifty per cent of all cars and light duty trucks purchased or leased by the state shall be alternative-fueled, hybrid electric or plug-in electric vehicles, (B) all alternative-fueled vehicles purchased or leased by the state shall be certified to the California Air Resources Board's Low Emission Vehicle II Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Standard, and (C) all gasoline-powered light duty and hybrid vehicles purchased or leased by the state shall, at a minimum, be certified to the California Air Resource Board's Low Emission Vehicle II Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Standard, (2) on and after January 1, 2012, one hundred per cent of such cars and light duty trucks shall be alternative-fueled, hybrid electric or plug-in electric vehicles, and (3) on and after January 1, 2030, at least fifty per cent of such cars and light duty trucks shall be zero-emission vehicles.
(c) On and after January 1, 2030, at least thirty per cent of all buses purchased or leased by the state shall be zero-emission buses.
(d) The provisions of subsections (a) to (c), inclusive, of this section shall not apply to any emergency vehicle.
(e) As used in this section, (1) “emergency vehicle” means a vehicle used by the Department of Motor Vehicles, Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Department of Correction, Office of State Capitol Police, Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, Department of Developmental Services, Department of Social Services, Department of Children and Families, Department of Transportation, Judicial Department, Board of Pardons and Paroles, Board of Regents for Higher Education, The University of Connecticut or The University of Connecticut Health Center for law enforcement or emergency response purposes, (2) “hybrid” means a passenger car that draws acceleration energy from two on-board sources of stored energy that consists of either an internal combustion or heat engine which uses combustible fuel and a rechargeable energy storage system, and, for any passenger car or light duty truck with a model year of 2004 or newer, that is certified to meet or exceed the California Air Resources Board's LEV (Low Emission Vehicle) II LEV Standard, (3) “zero-emission vehicle” means a battery electric vehicle, hybrid electric vehicle, range-extended electric vehicle and any vehicle that is certified by the executive officer of the California Air Resources Board to produce zero emissions of any criteria pollutant under all operational modes and conditions, and (4) “zero-emission bus” means any urban bus certified by the executive officer of the California Air Resources Board to produce zero emissions of any criteria pollutant under all operational modes and conditions.
(f) In performing the requirements of this section, the Commissioners of Administrative Services, Energy and Environmental Protection and Transportation shall, whenever possible, consider the use of and impact on Connecticut-based companies.
(g) The Commissioner of Administrative Services, in consultation with the Commissioner of Transportation, shall study the feasibility of creating a competitive bid process for the aggregate procurement of zero-emission vehicles and zero-emission buses and determine whether such aggregate procurement would achieve a cost savings on the purchase of such vehicles and buses and related administrative costs. On or before January 1, 2020, the Commissioner of Administrative Services shall report, in accordance with the provisions of section 11-4a, on the results of such study to the joint standing committees of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to government administration and transportation. The Commissioner of Administrative Services may proceed with such aggregate procurement if the commissioner determines such aggregate procurement would achieve a cost savings.
(P.A. 90-219, S. 5; P.A. 93-37, S. 1, 2; 93-199, S. 5, 6; P.A. 01-168, S. 2; P.A. 04-231, S. 2; P.A. 07-242, S. 122; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 07-4, S. 34; P.A. 11-51, S. 134; 11-80, S. 1; P.A. 17-243, S. 3; P.A. 19-117, S. 93; P.A. 21-76, S. 19.)
*Note: Section 35 of public act 07-4 of the June special session is special in nature and therefore has not been codified but remains in full force and effect according to its terms.
History: P.A. 93-37 amended Subsec. (a) to modify the gasoline mileage requirements and added Subsec. (d) re requirements for purchase of alternative fuel vehicles, effective April 22, 1993; P.A. 93-199 changed mileage rating in Subsec. (a) from 26 to 29 miles per gallon for cars and from 20 to 24 miles per gallon for light duty trucks and added exemption in Subsec. (b) for certain vehicles purchased by state and intended for conversion to alternative fuel use, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 01-168 amended Subsec. (a) by redefining the highway gasoline mileage rating required in the state motor vehicle fleet, and deleted Subsec. (d) re requirements for the purchase of car and light duty trucks powered by combustion of natural gas or electricity in calendar years 1993 and 1994; P.A. 04-231 added Subsec. (a)(3) re best achievable mileage per pound of carbon dioxide and amended Subsec. (b) to delete exception for cars or trucks intended for conversion into natural gas or electric-powered vehicles; P.A. 07-242 added new Subsec. (b) re efficiency ratings, redesignated existing Subsecs. (b) and (c) as Subsecs. (c) and (d), and made exception in Subsec. (c) applicable to new Subsec. (b) as well as Subsec. (a), effective June 4, 2007; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 07-4 added new Subsec. (b) re requirements for alternative-fueled, hybrid electric or plug-in electric vehicles, amended Subsec. (c) by replacing provision re vehicles purchased for law enforcement or special use purposes with provision re vehicles of the Department of Public Safety, and added Subsecs. (e) to (i), effective June 29, 2007; pursuant to P.A. 11-51, “Commissioner of Public Safety” and “Department of Public Safety” were changed editorially by the Revisors to “Commissioner of Emergency Services and Public Protection” and “Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection”, effective July 1, 2011; pursuant to P.A. 11-80, “Commissioner of Environmental Protection” was changed editorially by the Revisors to “Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection” in Subsecs. (e), (f) and (i), effective July 1, 2011; P.A. 17-243 amended Subsec. (c) to replace provision re designation of necessary vehicles of Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection with reference to emergency vehicles, amended Subsec. (d) to designate existing provisions re definitions of “car” and “light duty truck” as Subdiv. (1) and add Subdivs. (2) and (3) re definitions of “emergency vehicle” and “hybrid”, deleted Subsec. (e) re report on composition of state fleet and redesignated Subsecs. (f) and (g) as Subsecs. (e) and (f), amended redesignated Subsec. (e) to delete Subdiv. (3) re listing of exempted vehicles and redesignate Subdivs. (4) and (5) as Subdivs. (3) and (4), deleted Subsec. (h) re definition of “hybrid” and redesignated Subsec. (i) as Subsec. (g), and made technical and conforming changes, effective July 11, 2017; P.A. 19-117 amended Subsec. (b) to add Subdiv. (3) re zero-emission vehicles on and after January 1, 2030, added new Subsec. (c) re zero-emission buses on and after January 1, 2030, designated existing provision re explanation of determination in annual report as new Subsec. (d) and amended same to replace “this subsection” with “subsections (b) and (c) of this section”, redesignated existing Subsecs. (c) to (g) as Subsecs. (e) to (i), added exception in redesignated Subsec. (e) applicable to new Subsec. (c), amended redesignated Subsec. (f) to delete former Subdiv. (1) defining “car” and “light duty truck”, redesignate existing Subdivs. (2) and (3) as new Subdivs. (1) and (2), and add Subdivs. (3) and (4) defining “zero-emission vehicle” and “zero-emission bus”, respectively, amended redesignated Subsec. (g) to add “, in consultation with the Commissioner of Transportation,” and add Subdivs. (5) and (6) re vehicle purchasing and procurement plan and assessment of truck availability, respectively, amended redesignated Subsec. (i) to add reference to Commissioner of Transportation, added Subsec. (j) re aggregate procurement of zero-emission vehicles and zero-emission buses, and made technical changes; P.A. 21-76 deleted former Subsec. (d) re explanation of determination of nonavailability of vehicles in annual report, redesignated existing Subsecs. (e) and (f) as Subsecs. (d) and (e), deleted former Subsec. (g) re annual report by Commissioner of Administrative Services, deleted former Subsec. (h) re authorization to enter into agreements and redesignated existing Subsecs. (i) and (j) as Subsecs. (f) and (g), effective July 1, 2021.

Structure Connecticut General Statutes

Connecticut General Statutes

Title 4a - Administrative Services

Chapter 58 - Purchases and Printing

Section 4a-50. (Formerly Sec. 4-109). - Definitions.

Section 4a-51. (Formerly Sec. 4-110). - Duties of Administrative Services Commissioner re purchases.

Section 4a-52. (Formerly Sec. 4-111). - Regulations.

Section 4a-52a. - Purchases by constituent units of the state system of higher education. Disqualification from bidding. Delegation of purchasing authority to state agencies.

Section 4a-52b. - Circumstances in which constituent units authorized to purchase by negotiation.

Section 4a-53. (Formerly Sec. 4-110c). - Cooperative purchasing plans. Purchase from person having contract to sell to other governmental or nonprofit entities or public purchasing consortia.

Section 4a-53a. - Contracting agent for group of municipalities.

Section 4a-54. (Formerly Sec. 4-110a). - Purchasing by certain institutions through Administrative Services Commissioner.

Section 4a-55. (Formerly Sec. 4-110b). - Laundry service and supply contracts.

Section 4a-56. (Formerly Sec. 4-123). - Purchasing standards and specifications.

Section 4a-57. (Formerly Sec. 4-112). - Competitive bidding or competitive negotiation for purchases and contracts. Regulations. Waivers. Exceptions.

Section 4a-57a. - Distribution of surplus state property. Lease of property to municipalities.

Section 4a-57b. - Program to encourage bidding on state contracts by businesses which trade with African countries.

Section 4a-57c. - Multiple criteria bids or proposals. Pilot program.

Section 4a-57d. - Report re resident bidders. Program to increase state contract awards to resident bidders.

Section 4a-57e. - Purchases of personal protective equipment. List of companies. Report.

Section 4a-58. (Formerly Sec. 4-113). - Standardization Committee. Waiver of bid or proposal requirement.

Section 4a-59. (Formerly Sec. 4-114). - Award of contracts.

Section 4a-59a. - Restrictions on contract extensions. Exceptions. Explanation of reasons for noncompliance.

Section 4a-60. (Formerly Sec. 4-114a). - Nondiscrimination and affirmative action provisions in awarding agency, municipal public works and quasi-public agency project contracts.

Section 4a-60a. - Provisions re nondiscrimination on the basis of sexual orientation required in awarding agency, municipal public works and quasi-public agency project contracts.

Section 4a-60b. - Reverse auctions. Use by contracting agencies authorized.

Section 4a-60g. (Formerly Sec. 32-9e). - Set-aside programs for small contractors and minority business enterprises.

Section 4a-60h. (Formerly Sec. 32-9f). - Administration of state set-aside program. Administration of set-aside program for municipal public works and quasi-public agency project contracts. Regulations.

Section 4a-60i. (Formerly Sec. 32-9g). - Responsibilities of agency heads to negotiate and approve contracts not affected.

Section 4a-60j. (Formerly Sec. 32-9h). - Time for payment of contractors.

Section 4a-61. (Formerly Sec. 4-114b). - Award of contracts concerning minority business enterprises.

Section 4a-62. (Formerly Sec. 4-114c). - Minority Business Enterprise Review Committee.

Section 4a-63. - Disqualification from bidding on contracts. Suspension.

Section 4a-64. (Formerly Sec. 4-116). - Persons not to be interested in contract.

Section 4a-65. (Formerly Sec. 4-115). - Unlawful purchases.

Section 4a-66. (Formerly Sec. 4-25). - Acquisition of federal property. Contracts with federal agencies concerning health services. Exemption from statutes or municipal charter. Purchasing from federal contractors.

Section 4a-67. (Formerly Sec. 4-120a). - Acquisition of federal surplus property.

Section 4a-67a. - Efforts to increase state purchase of goods containing recyclable materials and goods capable of being recycled or remanufactured.

Section 4a-67b. - Elimination of use of disposable and single-use products in state government.

Section 4a-67c. - Equipment and appliances for state use, energy standards.

Section 4a-67d. - Purchase of cars, light duty trucks and buses. Gasoline mileage ratings. Alternative-fueled, hybrid electric or plug-in electric vehicles. Zero-emission vehicles and buses. Requirements. Exemptions. Definitions. Report. Aggregate pr...

Section 4a-67e. - Standards for purchase of recycled paper.

Section 4a-67f. - Specifications for printing and writing paper.

Section 4a-67g. - Recycling and remanufacture of laser printer toner cartridges.

Section 4a-67h. - Procedures promoting the procurement and use of recycled products and environmentally preferable products and services by state agencies.

Section 4a-68 to 4a-70. (Formerly Secs. 4-34, 4-117, 4-124). - Commissioner to contract for state printing; exception; reproduction of documents filed with certain agencies. Commissioner of Administrative Services to approve requests for microcopying...

Section 4a-70a. - Prohibition on printing state stationery containing party symbol.

Section 4a-71. (Formerly Sec. 4-121a). - Prompt payment by state departments and agencies.

Section 4a-72. (Formerly Sec. 4-121b). - Prompt payment. Exceptions.

Section 4a-73. (Formerly Sec. 4-121c). - Administration of prompt payment provisions.

Section 4a-74. (Formerly Sec. 4-110d). - Governmental exemption from public utility late payment charge.

Section 4a-75. (Formerly Sec. 4-122). - Payment of obligations. Department of Administrative Services Revolving Fund.

Section 4a-76. (Formerly Sec. 4-122a). - Recording of estimated requirements.

Section 4a-77. - Definitions.

Section 4a-78. - State policy with respect to providing Social Security numbers and federal employer identification numbers.

Section 4a-79. - Federal Social Security number or employer identification number required on each license issued by a public agency.

Section 4a-80. - Federal Social Security number or employer identification number required of all contractors purchasing goods or services.

Section 4a-81. - Contracts for goods and services over fifty thousand dollars. Representations in contract re consulting agreements. Failure to agree to representations.

Section 4a-82. - Janitorial work program for persons with a disability and persons with a disadvantage. Inclusion of contractual services in program.