Section 4-121 is repealed.
(1949 Rev., S. 306; P.A. 77-614, S. 609, 610.)
Structure Connecticut General Statutes
Title 4 - Management of State Agencies
Section 4-65a. - Office of Policy and Management.
Section 4-66. - Powers and duties of Secretary of Office of Policy and Management.
Section 4-66aa. - Community investment account. Distribution of funds.
Section 4-66b. - Capital development impact statements.
Section 4-66c. - Urban action bonds.
Section 4-66cc. - Agricultural sustainability account.
Section 4-66d. - Standardized form for notification of possible reimbursement liability.
Section 4-66e. - Development of interagency self-sufficiency measurement standards.
Section 4-66f. - Maintenance of funds received from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Section 4-66h. - Main Street Investment Fund account. Distribution of funds.
Section 4-66k. - Regional planning incentive account.
Section 4-66l. - Municipal revenue sharing account. Grants.
Section 4-66m. - Intertown capital equipment purchase incentive program. Bond authorization.
Section 4-66n. - Municipal reimbursement and revenue account. Distribution of funds.
Section 4-66o. - Receivables for anticipated revenue.
Section 4-66p. - Municipal Revenue Sharing Fund.
Section 4-66q. - Regional councils of governments. Establishment of revenue sharing agreements.
Section 4-67a. - Medical Affairs Reference Committee.
Section 4-67b. - Appraisal fee schedule established.
Section 4-67c. - Fee schedule for health services established by Commissioner of Social Services.
Section 4-67d. - Professional Advisory Committee.
Section 4-67i. - Agency procurement plan.
Section 4-67m. - Development of goals, objectives and measures; implementation and revision; report.
Section 4-67s. - Child Poverty and Prevention Council: Definitions.
Section 4-67v. - Governor's budget document re prevention goals.
Section 4-67z. - Review of legal obstacles to sharing of high value data. Report.
Section 4-68aa. - Social innovation investment enterprise. Social innovation account.
Section 4-68bb. - Project Longevity Initiative. Definitions. Implementation.
Section 4-68cc. - Neighborhood Security Fellowship Program.
Section 4-68d. - Collection of sums due state for public assistance.
Section 4-68dd. - Municipal Grant Portal.
Section 4-68ff. - Collection, presentation and reporting of prosecutorial data.
Section 4-68g. (Formerly Sec. 17-21). - Conservators for mentally ill or mentally retarded persons.
Section 4-68gg. - Annual report re community engagement training.
Section 4-68j. - Disapproval of requests by any state agency or official may be in writing.
Section 4-68l. - Grants to towns to supplement reimbursement under the general assistance program.
Section 4-68n. - Correctional system population projections.
Section 4-68o. - Reporting system to track criminal justice system trends and outcomes.
Section 4-68p. - Report of data analysis of state criminal justice system trends.
Section 4-68t. - Tracking, analysis and reporting of recidivism rates for children.
Section 4-68x. - Urban violence reduction grant program.
Section 4-68y. - Disproportionate minority contact: Definitions, reports.
Section 4-70e. - Office of Finance. Executive financial officer.
Section 4-71a. - Estimates of recommended state grants-in-aid to towns under the budget document.
Section 4-71b. - Estimates of state grants-in-aid under state budget act.
Section 4-71c. - Computation of the cost of an indexed increase in assistance payments.
Section 4-72. - Governor's budget message.
Section 4-73. - Recommended appropriations.
Section 4-74. - Appropriation and revenue bills.
Section 4-75. - Publication of the budget document.
Section 4-76. - Governor to explain budget document and reports to legislative committees.
Section 4-78. - Information contained in budget recommendations.
Section 4-79. - Tentative budget.
Section 4-80. - Hearings on tentative budget.
Section 4-81. - Formulation of the budget.
Section 4-82. - Supplemental estimates.
Section 4-82a. - Governor to report to General Assembly re projected deficit.
Section 4-83. - Prohibited estimates or requests.
Section 4-84. - Contingency appropriation.
Section 4-85a. - Reductions of appropriations for the fiscal year 1971–1972.
Section 4-85d. - Submission of accounting of federal energy funds.
Section 4-87. - Transfer and revision of appropriations. Relocation expenses.
Section 4-88. - Reversion of unencumbered balances.
Section 4-89. - Appropriations; treatment of unexpended balances at close of fiscal year.
Section 4-93. - Finance Advisory Committee; appointment and term. Meeting agenda.
Section 4-94. - Finance Advisory Committee to approve transfers of funds.
Section 4-95. - Appropriation for social services assistance and care.
Section 4-96. - Additions to specific appropriations.
Section 4-97. - Use of appropriations.
Section 4-97a. - Moneys received for specific statutory purpose.
Section 4-99. - Commitment of appropriations prior to beginning of fiscal period.
Section 4-100. - Penalty for exceeding appropriations; exceptions.
Section 4-101. - Appropriations to hospitals.
Section 4-101b. - Certification of reasonable efforts of hospitals to provide uncompensated care.
Section 4-102. - Hospital societies' reports.
Section 4-103. - Uniform system of accounting for hospitals receiving state aid.
Section 4-104. - Inspection and subpoena of hospital records.
Section 4-105. - Procedure where right to inspect records is denied.
Section 4-106. - Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases in hospitals receiving state aid.
Section 4-107. - Institutions receiving state aid; visitation.
Section 4-108. - Director of purchases; appointment.
Section 4-112a. - Sale of state highway equipment.
Section 4-121. - Supervisor of State Publications.
Section 4-124aa. - Information technology internship and work-study program. Guidelines. Report.
Section 4-124bb. - Connecticut Career Ladder Advisory Committee. Establishment. Membership.
Section 4-124cc. - Career ladder programs. Development of three-year plan.
Section 4-124ee. - Connecticut nursing faculty incentive program. Guidelines. Report.
Section 4-124ii. - Awarding of grants to generate talent in institutions of higher education.
Section 4-124jj. - Office of Workforce Strategy account. Report
Section 4-124kk. - American Rescue Plan Act funds; use by Office of Workforce Strategy.
Section 4-124nn. - Connecticut Career Accelerator Program Advisory Committee.
Section 4-124uu. - Program re trained workforce for the film industry.
Section 4-124vv. - Labor Department to fund Connecticut Career Choices.
Section 4-124w. - Office of Workforce Strategy. Responsibilities.
Section 4-124ww. - Report identifying workforce shortage sectors and subsectors.
Section 4-124g. - Transitional provisions.
Section 4-124i. - Regional councils of governments. Definitions.
Section 4-124j. - Creation. Membership. Withdrawal.
Section 4-124k. - Representatives of members.
Section 4-124l. - Certification of establishment of council. Transitional period.
Section 4-124m. - Rights and duties of councils.
Section 4-124n. - Bylaws. Officers. Committees. Meetings.
Section 4-124o. - Regional planning commissions.
Section 4-124p. - Receipt of funds. Dues. Contracts. Audits. Annual report.
Section 4-124r. - Purchase of real property; borrowing for such purchase.
Section 4-124s. - Regional performance incentive program.
Section 4-124u. - Process for voluntary review of projects of regional significance.