As used in this section and section 22a-209c:
(1) “Biomedical waste treatment” means to render biomedical waste noninfectious by decontamination, autoclaving, incineration or by other techniques approved by the commissioner;
(2) “Human blood and blood products” means items containing free-flowing liquid waste blood, serum, plasma and other blood products or containers filled with such discarded fluids, except that blood in a glass vial shall be considered a sharp provided intravenous bags which did not contain blood or blood products shall not be considered a blood product;
(3) “Free-flowing liquid blood” means blood that is not contained by the disposable item or is visibly dripping;
(4) “Body fluid” means blood or any substance which contains visible blood, semen, vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, pleural fluid, peritoneal fluid and pericardial fluid;
(5) “Infectious body fluids” means only waste cerebrospinal, pleural and peritoneal fluids. Dialysates shall not be considered blood or body fluids;
(6) “Chemotherapy waste” means waste that has come in contact with an antineoplastic agent during the preparation, handling or administration of such an agent. A container which is or has been used to contain such an agent shall be deemed chemotherapy waste even if such container is empty;
(7) “Decontaminate” means to substantially reduce or eliminate, by disinfection or other means, any biological hazard that is or may be associated with biomedical waste;
(8) “Hypodermic needle and syringe” means needles, syringes and any other types of intravascular device including, but not limited to, in-dwelling catheters and introducers;
(9) “Infectious agent” means any organism, such as a virus or bacterium, that is capable of being communicated by invasion and multiplication in body tissue and capable of causing disease or adverse health impacts in humans;
(10) “Infectious waste” means types of waste listed in subparagraphs (A) to (G), inclusive, of this subdivision which are capable of causing infectious diseases because there is reason to believe that such waste has been contaminated by an organism that is known or suspected to be pathogenic to humans and such organism may be present in sufficient virulence to transmit disease. The following shall be considered infectious waste:
(A) Cultures and stocks of agents infectious to humans and associated biologicals including cultures from medical, clinical, hospital, public health, research and industrial laboratories; wastes from the production of biologicals; discarded live and attenuated vaccines; and culture dishes and devices used to transfer, inoculate, or mix cultures;
(B) Human blood, blood products and infectious body fluids;
(C) Sharps;
(D) Research animal waste which includes contaminated animal carcasses, animal body parts and bedding or animals that were intentionally exposed to infectious agents during research or special laboratory testing, including research in veterinary hospital, production of biologicals, or testing of pharmaceuticals;
(E) Isolation wastes;
(F) Any material collected during or resulting from the cleanup of a spill of infectious or chemotherapy waste; or
(G) Any waste which is mixed with infectious waste and which is neither a hazardous waste, as defined in section 22a-115, nor a radioactive material subject to section 22a-118;
(11) “Isolation waste” means biological waste and discarded material contaminated with body fluids from (A) humans who are isolated to protect others from a highly communicable disease, or (B) animals which are isolated because they are known to be infected with a highly communicable disease. A highly communicable disease is one listed in biosafety level 4 of the Centers for Disease Control/National Institutes of Health Guidelines entitled “Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories” and dated May, 1988. These agents include fifteen arboviruses, arenaviruses and filoviruses: Junin, Marburg, Congo-Crimean, hemorrhagic fever, Lassa, Macherpo, Ebola, Guanarito and the tick-borne encephalitis virus complex Absettarov, Hanzalova, Hypr, Kumlinge, Kyasanur Forest disease, Omsk hemorrhagic fever, and Russian spring-summer encephalitis;
(12) “Pathological waste” means any human tissue, organ or body part, except teeth and the contiguous structures of bone and gum, removed during surgery, autopsy or other medical procedure. Pathological waste does not include formaldehyde or other preservative agent, or a human corpse or part thereof regulated pursuant to section 7-64 or chapter 368i, 368j or 368k;
(13) “Sharps” means discarded sharps that have been used in animal or human patient care or treatment or in medical, research or industrial laboratories, including hypodermic needles; syringes, with or without attached needle; scalpel blades; glass blood vials; suture needles; needles with attached tubing; glass culture dishes and pasteur pipettes, provided such glassware is known to have been in contact with an infectious agent; anaesthetic carpules used in dental offices; and unused, discarded hypodermic needles, suture needles, syringes and scalpel blades; and
(14) “Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection.
(P.A. 94-182, S. 2, 4; P.A. 11-80, S. 1; June 12 Sp. Sess. P.A. 12-2, S. 65.)
History: P.A. 94-182 effective July 1, 1994; (Revisor's note: In 1997 various misspellings of virus types listed in Subdiv. (11) were corrected editorially by the Revisors); pursuant to P.A. 11-80, “Commissioner of Environmental Protection” was changed editorially by the Revisors to “Commissioner of Energy and Environmental Protection” in Subdiv. (14), effective July 1, 2011; June 12 Sp. Sess. P.A. 12-2 made a technical change in Subdiv. (13).
Structure Connecticut General Statutes
Title 22a - Environmental Protection
Chapter 446d - Solid Waste Management
Section 22a-207. (Formerly Sec. 19-524a). - Definitions.
Section 22a-207b. - Solid waste disposal areas and transfer stations, permit required.
Section 22a-208aa. - Issuance of permit for solid waste facility located near housing development.
Section 22a-208c. - Restriction on receiving, disposing of, processing or transporting solid waste.
Section 22a-208f. - Scrap metal processor exempt from permit requirement.
Section 22a-208j. - Moratorium on permits for wood-burning facilities.
Section 22a-208k. - Demolition debris disposed of at wood-burning facilities.
Section 22a-208l. - Wood-burning facility. Types of wood to be burned.
Section 22a-208m. - Regulations.
Section 22a-208n. - Wood-burning facility. Ambient air quality sampling. Air emissions monitoring.
Section 22a-208o. - Permits. Use of groundwater and surface waters for cooling tower use.
Section 22a-208p. - Location of wood-burning facility in area classified “GC”. Conditions. Appeal.
Section 22a-208q. - Composting product. Presegregation. Regulations.
Section 22a-208r. - Model demonstration composting facility.
Section 22a-208w. - Information re recycling credit.
Section 22a-208x. - Disposal options for certain types of bulky waste.
Section 22a-208z. - Use of crushed recycled glass as cover material.
Section 22a-209. (Formerly Sec. 19-524c). - Regulations.
Section 22a-209a. - Certain processed wood and wood fuel excluded from regulation as solid waste.
Section 22a-209b. - Biomedical waste. Definitions.
Section 22a-209c. - Biomedical waste. Disposal requirements.
Section 22a-209e. - Certain lamp recycling facilities to be considered volume reduction plants.
Section 22a-209g. - Labeling of products containing mercury.
Section 22a-209i. - Universal waste rule. Fluorescent lamps. Equipment containing mercury.
Section 22a-213a. - Disposal of biomedical waste by generators.
Section 22a-214. (Formerly Sec. 19-524h). - Commissioner to administer and control funds.
Section 22a-215. (Formerly Sec. 19-524i). - Review of applications for federal funds.
Section 22a-219a. - Definitions.
Section 22a-219b. - Grants to municipalities for resources recovery facilities.
Section 22a-219d. - Municipal Tipping Fee Fund.
Section 22a-219e. - Grants from Municipal Tipping Fee Fund.
Section 22a-220b. - Payments to municipalities by operators of solid waste land disposal facilities.
Section 22a-220d. - Warning. Penalty.
Section 22a-220e. - Municpal glass collection pilot program. Requirements. Report.
Section 22a-221. (Formerly Sec. 19-524o). - Contracts with regard to solid waste management.
Section 22a-221b. - Disposal of solid waste collected from state facilities.
Section 22a-225. - Orders. Appeals.
Section 22a-226. - Civil penalty.
Section 22a-226c. - Penalty for illegal disposal of biomedical waste.
Section 22a-226d. - Municipal enforcement of solid waste disposal laws. Penalties.
Section 22a-226e. - Recycling of source-separated organic materials. Report.
Section 22a-227. - Municipal solid waste management plan.
Section 22a-229. - Consistency with plan. Polystyrene packaging.
Section 22a-230. - Orders to implement plan.
Section 22a-231. - Regulations re operating procedures for resources recovery facilities.
Section 22a-232. - Solid waste assessment. Penalty imposed for nonpayment.
Section 22a-233. - Solid waste account. Annual report.
Section 22a-233a. - Costs of testing.
Section 22a-234. - Advisory Board for Solid Waste Management Alternatives.
Section 22a-235. - Operations and maintenance plan.
Section 22a-235a. - List of municipalities without contracts to dispose of solid waste.
Section 22a-236. - Applicability of certain sections to resources recovery facilities.
Section 22a-237. - Inspection of resources recovery facilities.
Section 22a-239a. - Independent management audits of resources recovery facilities.
Section 22a-240. - Public education on risk assessment and risk management.
Section 22a-240a. - Studies of dioxin levels in area of proposed resources recovery facilities.
Section 22a-241. - Municipal solid waste recycling program. Advisory council.
Section 22a-241e. - Orders if local processing not implemented.
Section 22a-241f. - Recyclable items prohibited in landfills and resources recovery facilities.
Section 22a-241g. - Noncompliance with recycling strategy.
Section 22a-241i. - Commercial establishment. Penalty.
Section 22a-241m. - Opportunities for recycling infrastructure investment program.
Section 22a-241n. - Solid waste reduction strategies. Program. Development and implementation.
Section 22a-243. (Formerly Sec. 22a-77). - Definitions.
Section 22a-245c. - Implementation delay re beverage containers containing noncarbonated beverages.
Section 22a-245d. - Regulations.
Section 22a-247. (Formerly Sec. 22a-80). - Legislative findings and declaration of policy.
Section 22a-248. (Formerly Sec. 22a-81). - Definitions.
Section 22a-249. (Formerly Sec. 22a-82). - Duties of commissioner re litter control and recycling.
Section 22a-250a. - Forfeiture of vehicles used in violation of certain environmental laws.
Section 22a-250b. - Reward for information re illegal dumping.
Section 22a-250c. - Collection of civil penalties by state or municipalities.
Section 22a-251. (Formerly Sec. 22a-88). - Regulations.
Section 22a-252. - Disposal of asbestos.
Section 22a-255. - Definitions.
Section 22a-255a. - Sale of certain beverage containers prohibited.
Section 22a-255b. - Identification code. Regulations.
Section 22a-255c. - Symbols indicating packaging is recyclable or made of recycled material.
Section 22a-255d. - Regulations re packaging material.
Section 22a-255e. - Plastic bags and paper bags at retail establishments.
Section 22a-255f. - Public education program on waste reduction.
Section 22a-255g. - Legislative finding.
Section 22a-255h. - Definitions.
Section 22a-255j. - Exempt packages and packaging components.
Section 22a-255k. - Certificates of compliance.
Section 22a-255l. - Penalties. Referral to Attorney General.
Section 22a-255m. - Report. Recommendations by department.
Section 22a-256. - “Consumer product” defined.
Section 22a-256a. - Recycling of nickel-cadmium batteries contained in consumer products.
Section 22a-256aa. - Directory publishers: Failure to achieve percentages. Penalty.
Section 22a-256b. - Sale of nickel-cadmium batteries contained in consumer products. Exemption.
Section 22a-256bb. - Annual reports. Exemption.
Section 22a-256cc. - Deposit of revenue into General Fund.
Section 22a-256d. - Sale of alkaline manganese batteries.
Section 22a-256dd. - Inclusion of expenses when determining rates.
Section 22a-256e. - Sale of zinc-carbon batteries.
Section 22a-256ee. - Directory publishers: Recycling goals.
Section 22a-256f. - Definitions.
Section 22a-256g. - Batteries. Disposal. Penalties.
Section 22a-256h. - Deposit for batteries. Refunds. Disposal by retailer. Written notice. Penalty.
Section 22a-256i. - Acceptance of batteries by wholesalers. Inspections. Warnings and citations.
Section 22a-256m. - Definitions.
Section 22a-256n. - Publishers: Use of newsprint with recycled content. Schedule.
Section 22a-256o. - Publishers: Failure to achieve percentages. Penalty.
Section 22a-256p. - Printers: Use of newsprint with recycled content. Schedule.
Section 22a-256q. - Printers: Failure to achieve percentages. Penalty.
Section 22a-256r. - Annual reports. Exemption.
Section 22a-256s. - Report by commissioner.
Section 22a-256t. - Deposit of revenue into General Fund.
Section 22a-256u. - Regulations.
Section 22a-256v. - Alternative standards for recycled newsprint.
Section 22a-256y. - Definitions.
Section 22a-256z. - Directory publishers: Use of directory stock with recycled fiber. Schedule.