Code of Virginia
Chapter 8 - Banks
§ 6.2-871. Investment in stock or securities of bank service corporations

A. As used in this section, "bank service corporation" means a corporation engaged primarily in rendering services, other than the renting of the bank premises or the furnishing of furniture or fixtures, to two or more banks.
B. A bank may acquire, own, and hold the stock and other securities or obligations of a bank service corporation in an amount not to exceed 10 percent of the bank's capital stock and permanent surplus. A bank may not invest in any bank service corporation unless it uses or intends to use the services of the bank service corporation. A bank may not invest in more than one bank service corporation without the consent of the Commission.
C. Stock in a Federal Reserve Bank shall not be considered stock of a bank service corporation within the meaning of this section.
Code 1950, § 6-49.1; 1962, c. 38; 1966, c. 584, § 6.1-58; 2010, c. 794.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 6.2 - Financial Institutions and Services

Chapter 8 - Banks

§ 6.2-800. Definitions

§ 6.2-801. Application of chapter

§ 6.2-802. Effect of chapter on certain banks

§ 6.2-803. Entities authorized to engage in banking business

§ 6.2-804. Amendment of powers of state banks by regulation of the Commission

§ 6.2-805. Commission authorized to confer on state banks power to make charges comparable to those permitted to national banking associations

§ 6.2-806. Saturday closing of banks

§ 6.2-807. Discoverability or admissibility of compliance review committee documents

§ 6.2-808. Incorporation; corporate powers

§ 6.2-809. Bankers' banks

§ 6.2-810. Effect of chapter on charter powers

§ 6.2-811. Membership in Federal Reserve Bank System or Federal Home Loan Bank System

§ 6.2-812. Inspection of records, reports, and information of insured banks

§ 6.2-813. Participation by banks in school thrift or savings plans

§ 6.2-814. Powers of banks

§ 6.2-815. Suspension of business during emergency

§ 6.2-816. Banks to obtain certificate of authority

§ 6.2-817. Capital stock subscriptions

§ 6.2-818. Repealed

§ 6.2-818.1. Virtual currency custody services by banks

§ 6.2-819. Authority to engage in trust business; permission of Commission required

§ 6.2-820. Powers of national banks as fiduciaries

§ 6.2-821. Separation of banking and trust functions; establishment of trust department

§ 6.2-822. Merger and share exchange by state banks

§ 6.2-823. Conversion of national banking association to state bank; certificate of authority

§ 6.2-824. Status of converted bank

§ 6.2-825. State bank becoming national bank; notice required; effect on liabilities

§ 6.2-826. Effect of conversion of state bank to national bank

§ 6.2-827. Rights of national bank stockholders dissenting from conversion

§ 6.2-828. Conversion of state bank to federal savings institution

§ 6.2-829. Conversion from state savings bank to state bank; conversion from state bank to state savings bank

§ 6.2-830. Conversion from stock association to bank; conversion from bank to stock association

§ 6.2-831. Establishment of branch banks; redesignation of main office

§ 6.2-832. Establishment of automated teller machines and electronic terminals

§ 6.2-833. Bank agent for depository institution

§ 6.2-834. Operation of branch office under different name; civil penalty

§ 6.2-835. Banking facilities in certain hospitals or federal areas

§ 6.2-836. Definitions

§ 6.2-837. Interstate branching by Virginia state banks

§ 6.2-838. Interstate branching

§ 6.2-839. Interstate branching through the acquisition of a branch

§ 6.2-840. Filing requirements

§ 6.2-841. Repealed

§ 6.2-842. Powers

§ 6.2-843. Examination; periodic reports; cooperative agreements; assessment of fees

§ 6.2-844. Enforcement

§ 6.2-845. Additional branches

§ 6.2-846. Regulations; fees

§ 6.2-847. Notice of subsequent merger or other transaction

§ 6.2-848. Repealed

§ 6.2-849. Definitions

§ 6.2-850. Authority to branch outside the Commonwealth by merger

§ 6.2-851. Interstate merger transactions and branching permitted

§ 6.2-852. Filing requirements

§ 6.2-853. Conditions for interstate merger

§ 6.2-854. Powers

§ 6.2-855. Examinations and periodic reports

§ 6.2-856. Cooperative agreements; assessment of fees

§ 6.2-857. Enforcement

§ 6.2-858. Regulations; fees

§ 6.2-859. Notice of subsequent merger

§ 6.2-860. Bank to be managed by board of directors; number of directors

§ 6.2-861. Application of Virginia Stock Corporation Act

§ 6.2-862. Directors to own stock in bank

§ 6.2-863. Oaths of directors

§ 6.2-864. Report to Commission of election of director

§ 6.2-865. Removal of director or officer; appeals; penalty

§ 6.2-866. Meetings of board of directors

§ 6.2-867. Discount by officer, director, or employee of paper refused by bank

§ 6.2-868. Bonds required of officers and employees; blanket bond

§ 6.2-869. Dividends; surplus; undivided profits

§ 6.2-870. Limitation of amount invested in bank premises

§ 6.2-871. Investment in stock or securities of bank service corporations

§ 6.2-872. For what purpose banks may purchase, hold, and convey real estate

§ 6.2-873. Additional permissible investments in real estate

§ 6.2-874. Prohibited uses of bank's own stock; other investments or loans

§ 6.2-875. Limitations on obligations of borrowers

§ 6.2-876. Loans to executive officers or directors

§ 6.2-877. Overdrafts by bank officer or director

§ 6.2-878. Loans secured by real estate generally

§ 6.2-879. Certain loans not considered loans secured by real estate

§ 6.2-880. Construction loans

§ 6.2-881. Investment in reverse annuity mortgages

§ 6.2-882. Bank borrowing money or rediscounting its notes

§ 6.2-883. Acceptance of drafts or bills of exchange; issuance of letters of credit

§ 6.2-884. Ownership and lease of personal property

§ 6.2-885. Investment in stock or securities of controlled subsidiary corporations

§ 6.2-886. Regulation of controlled subsidiary corporations by Commission

§ 6.2-887. Insurance business of controlled subsidiary

§ 6.2-888. Real estate brokerage business of controlled subsidiary

§ 6.2-889. Required reserves

§ 6.2-890. Preferences by pledging assets

§ 6.2-891. Perfection of certain security interests

§ 6.2-892. Federal deposit insurance a credit towards certain required bonds

§ 6.2-893. Payment of balance of deceased person or person under disability

§ 6.2-894. Deposits in and withdrawals from accounts of convicts

§ 6.2-895. Repealed

§ 6.2-896. Deposits of minors

§ 6.2-897. Bank need not inquire as to fiduciary funds deposited in fiduciary's personal account

§ 6.2-898. Examinations

§ 6.2-899. Examination of affiliates

§ 6.2-900. Special examinations

§ 6.2-901. Assistance in making examinations

§ 6.2-902. Notice of examination

§ 6.2-903. Revaluation of assets after examination

§ 6.2-904. Report of examination; inspection and dissemination to directors

§ 6.2-905. Communications to board or executive committee

§ 6.2-906. Disclosure of irregularities; Commission's powers

§ 6.2-907. Reports of condition and other statements

§ 6.2-908. Fees for supervision and regulation and for certain examinations and investigations

§ 6.2-909. Assessment and payment of fees; lien

§ 6.2-910. Reduction of fees

§ 6.2-911. Examination of national banks

§ 6.2-912. Definition

§ 6.2-913. Closing bank; appointment of receiver

§ 6.2-914. Merger or transfer of assets of insolvent bank

§ 6.2-915. Protection of state deposits upon insolvency

§ 6.2-916. Appointment of receiver

§ 6.2-917. Execution of powers of sale by receivers

§ 6.2-918. Rights and powers of receivers generally

§ 6.2-919. Interest on deposits; distribution of surplus remaining after payment of depositors

§ 6.2-920. Proceedings to bar certain claims against banks in liquidation

§ 6.2-921. When publication of list of creditors unnecessary

§ 6.2-922. When publication once in two newspapers sufficient

§ 6.2-923. When claims barred

§ 6.2-924. Power of receivers to contract for loans and make investments

§ 6.2-925. Definitions

§ 6.2-926. Appointment of FDIC as receiver

§ 6.2-927. Transfer of title to bank assets

§ 6.2-928. Posting of notice; effect of posting notice

§ 6.2-929. Powers of receiver

§ 6.2-930. Emergency sale of assets

§ 6.2-931. Notice and proof of claim; notice of rejection of claim; petition for hearing

§ 6.2-932. Payment of claims filed after prescribed period

§ 6.2-933. Distribution of assets

§ 6.2-934. Receivership procedures involving assets held by closed bank as fiduciary

§ 6.2-935. Termination of executory contracts and leases; liability; extension of statute of limitations

§ 6.2-936. Subrogation to rights of bank depositors

§ 6.2-937. Destruction of records

§ 6.2-938. Engaging in banking business without authority; Commission may examine accounts of suspected person; penalty

§ 6.2-939. Unlawful use of terms indicating that business is bank; penalty

§ 6.2-940. Making derogatory statements affecting banks; penalty

§ 6.2-941. Use of bank name, logo, or symbol for marketing purposes; penalty

§ 6.2-942. False certification of checks; penalty

§ 6.2-943. Offenses by officer, director, agent, or employee of bank; penalties

§ 6.2-944. Officers, directors, agents, and employees violating or causing bank to violate laws; civil liability not affected

§ 6.2-945. Receiving deposit knowing bank to be insolvent; penalty

§ 6.2-946. Civil penalties for violation of Commission's orders

§ 6.2-947. Definitions

§ 6.2-948. Privilege for self-assessment reports

§ 6.2-949. Exceptions from self-evaluation privilege

§ 6.2-950. Effect on other privileges

§ 6.2-951. Definitions

§ 6.2-952. Conditions for a benefits consortium

§ 6.2-953. Benefits consortium and sponsoring association not subject to regulation or taxation as an insurance company