Code of Virginia
Chapter 15 - Telegraph and Telephone Companies
§ 56-484.17. Wireless E-911 Fund; uses of Fund; enforcement; audit required

A. There is hereby created in the state treasury a special nonreverting fund to be known as the Wireless E-911 Fund (the Fund). The Fund shall be established on the books of the Comptroller. Interest earned on moneys in the Fund shall remain in the Fund and be credited to it. Any moneys remaining in the Fund, including interest thereon, at the end of each fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund but shall remain in the Fund. Except as provided in § 44-146.18:5, moneys in the Fund shall be used for the purposes stated in subsections C and D. Expenditures and disbursements from the Fund shall be made by the State Treasurer on warrants issued by the Comptroller upon written request signed by the Tax Commissioner or the State Coordinator of Emergency Management.
B. Each CMRS provider and each CMRS reseller shall collect a monthly wireless E-911 surcharge of $0.82 from each of its customers whose place of primary use is within the Commonwealth. However, no surcharge shall be imposed on federal, state and local government agencies. A payment equal to all wireless E-911 surcharges shall be remitted within 30 days to the Department of Taxation. The Department of Taxation, after subtracting its direct costs of administration, shall deposit all remitted wireless E-911 surcharges into the state treasury. The Comptroller shall as soon as practicable deposit such moneys into the Fund. Each CMRS provider and CMRS reseller may retain an amount equal to three percent of the wireless E-911 surcharges collected to defray the costs of collecting the surcharges. State and local taxes shall not apply to any wireless E-911 surcharge collected from customers. Surcharges collected from customers shall be subject to the provisions of the federal Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act (4 U.S.C. § 116 et seq., as amended).
The CMRS provider and CMRS reseller shall collect the surcharge through regular periodic billing.
C. Sixty percent of the Wireless E-911 Fund shall be distributed on a monthly basis to the PSAPs according to each PSAP's average pro rata distribution from the Wireless E-911 Fund for fiscal years 2007-2012, taking into account any funding adjustments made pursuant to subsection E. On or before July 1, 2018, and every five years thereafter, the Department of Taxation shall recalculate the distribution percentage for each PSAP based on the population and call load data of the PSAP for the previous five fiscal years, which data shall continue to be received by the Board and then reported to the Department of Taxation. The distribution from the Wireless E-911 Fund shall be made on a monthly basis to the PSAPs according to such distribution percentage beginning July 1 of such fiscal year.
D. The remaining 40 percent of the Fund shall be distributed to PSAPs or on behalf of PSAPs based on grant requests received by the Board each fiscal year. The Board shall establish criteria for receiving and making grants from the Fund, including procedures for determining the amount of a grant and payment schedule. The Board shall give the highest priority to grants that support the regional or multijurisdictional deployment and sustainment of NG9-1-1, and it shall give secondary priority to grants that support the deployment and sustainment of (i) NG9-1-1 in a single jurisdiction and (ii) in-building repeaters that improve public safety radio coverage within buildings with impaired radio coverage. If requested by an originating service provider, the Board shall execute a contract to reimburse that originating service provider for its costs incurred to deliver 9-1-1 calls to the ESInet points of interconnection. The Board shall ensure that cost is minimized while still achieving necessary 9-1-1 service and ESInet objectives. The Board may retain some or all of this uncommitted funding for an identified 9-1-1 funding need or for a reserve balance pursuant to a reserve balance policy adopted by the Board.
E. After the end of each fiscal year, on a schedule adopted by the Board, the Board shall audit the grant funding received by all recipients to ensure it was utilized in accordance with the grant requirements. Each funding recipient shall provide such verification of such costs as may be requested by the Board. Any overpayment shall be refunded to the Board or credited to payments during the then-current fiscal year, on such schedule as the Board shall determine. If payments are less than the actual costs reported, the Board may include the additional funding in the then-current fiscal year.
F. The Auditor of Public Accounts, or his legally authorized representatives, shall audit the Wireless E-911 Fund as determined necessary by the Auditor of Public Accounts. The cost of such audit shall be borne by the Board and be payable from the Wireless E-911 Fund, as appropriate. The Board shall furnish copies of the audits to the Governor, the Public Safety Subcommittees of the Senate Committee on Finance and Appropriations and the House Committee on Appropriations, and the Virginia State Crime Commission.
G. The special tax authorized by § 58.1-1730 shall not be imposed on consumers of CMRS.
2000, c. 1064; 2001, c. 529; 2002, c. 68; 2003, c. 341; 2004, c. 167; 2005, c. 942; 2006, cc. 739, 780; 2010, cc. 466, 566; 2011, cc. 162, 630; 2012, cc. 25, 165, 672; 2017, cc. 22, 260; 2018, cc. 57, 307, 532, 533; 2020, c. 423; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 248.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 56 - Public Service Companies

Chapter 15 - Telegraph and Telephone Companies

§ 56-458. Right to erect lines parallel to railroads; occupation of roads, streets, etc.; location of same

§ 56-458.1. Relocation of lines or works of certain public utilities acquired by Commonwealth Transportation Board

§ 56-459. Removal of old line not required by this chapter

§ 56-460. How consent of appropriate authorities obtained; terms of use

§ 56-461. Cost to Commonwealth in connection with construction of line to be paid by company

§ 56-462. Franchise to occupy parks, streets, etc.; imposition of terms, conditions, etc., as to use of streets, etc., and construction thereon

§ 56-463. Company may contract for right-of-way, etc.

§ 56-464. Right of eminent domain

§ 56-465. Preceding sections subject to repeal or change at pleasure

§ 56-466. Location of posts, poles, cables and conduits; height of wires, etc.

§ 56-466.1. Pole attachments; cable television systems and telecommunications service providers

§ 56-466.2. Undergrounding existing overhead distribution lines; relocation of facilities of cable operator

§ 56-467. Restoring condition of ground

§ 56-468. Endangering life or limb by stringing wires across other works

§ 56-468.1. (Contingent expiration -- see Editor's note) Public Rights-of-Way Use Fee

§ 56-468.2. Reimbursement for relocation costs

§ 56-469. Repealed

§ 56-478. Repealed

§ 56-478.1. Repealed

§ 56-479. Commission to make rules; require connection between companies; inspect lines and buildings

§ 56-479.1. Long distance service; change of carriers; prior authorization

§ 56-479.2. Anti-competitive acts; injunctive relief

§ 56-479.3. Authorization and verification for products, goods, and services to be billed on a telephone bill

§ 56-479.4. Designation of eligible telecommunications carrier for purposes of providing Lifeline service

§ 56-480. Rates, etc., on file with Commission not to be questioned in courts; revision; proof

§ 56-480.1. Time limit on institution of approved rates

§ 56-480.2. Operator assistance at pay stations

§ 56-481. Repealed

§ 56-481.1. Rates, charges, and regulations for interexchange telephone service

§ 56-481.2. Rates, charges and regulations for local exchange telephone services provided by new entrants

§ 56-482. Agreements between telephone companies to be submitted to Commission

§ 56-482.1. Reports required of interexchange telephone companies

§ 56-482.2. Penalties

§ 56-483. Refusal or neglect to make reports; obstructing Commission in discharge of duties; violations in general

§ 56-484. Foreign companies to obtain license

§ 56-484.1. Definitions

§ 56-484.2. Extension or reduction upon poll of certain subscribers

§ 56-484.3. Powers of Commission not restricted; rules and regulations

§ 56-484.4. Repealed

§ 56-484.7. Repealed

§ 56-484.7:1. Offering of communications services

§ 56-484.7:2. Approval

§ 56-484.7:3. Repealed

§ 56-484.7:4. Revocation of Commission approval

§ 56-484.8. Repealed

§ 56-484.12. Definitions

§ 56-484.12:1. Repealed

§ 56-484.13. 9-1-1 Services Board; membership; terms; compensation

§ 56-484.14. Powers and duties of the 9-1-1 Services Board

§ 56-484.15. Repealed

§ 56-484.16. Local emergency telecommunications requirements; text messages; use of digits "9-1-1."

§ 56-484.16:1. PSAP dispatchers; training requirements

§ 56-484.17. Wireless E-911 Fund; uses of Fund; enforcement; audit required

§ 56-484.17:1. Collection of prepaid wireless E-911 charge at point of sale; rate established

§ 56-484.18. Designation of official State Police access number; blocking caller identification prohibited

§ 56-484.19. Definitions

§ 56-484.20. Charges for emergency calls

§ 56-484.21. Instructions for emergency calling

§ 56-484.22. Access to PSAPs from telephone stations on MLTS

§ 56-484.23. Provision of emergency call information

§ 56-484.24. Liability

§ 56-484.25. Exemption for certain counties