Code of Virginia
Chapter 15 - Telegraph and Telephone Companies
§ 56-478. Repealed

Repealed by Acts 1973, c. 376.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 56 - Public Service Companies

Chapter 15 - Telegraph and Telephone Companies

§ 56-458. Right to erect lines parallel to railroads; occupation of roads, streets, etc.; location of same

§ 56-458.1. Relocation of lines or works of certain public utilities acquired by Commonwealth Transportation Board

§ 56-459. Removal of old line not required by this chapter

§ 56-460. How consent of appropriate authorities obtained; terms of use

§ 56-461. Cost to Commonwealth in connection with construction of line to be paid by company

§ 56-462. Franchise to occupy parks, streets, etc.; imposition of terms, conditions, etc., as to use of streets, etc., and construction thereon

§ 56-463. Company may contract for right-of-way, etc.

§ 56-464. Right of eminent domain

§ 56-465. Preceding sections subject to repeal or change at pleasure

§ 56-466. Location of posts, poles, cables and conduits; height of wires, etc.

§ 56-466.1. Pole attachments; cable television systems and telecommunications service providers

§ 56-466.2. Undergrounding existing overhead distribution lines; relocation of facilities of cable operator

§ 56-467. Restoring condition of ground

§ 56-468. Endangering life or limb by stringing wires across other works

§ 56-468.1. (Contingent expiration -- see Editor's note) Public Rights-of-Way Use Fee

§ 56-468.2. Reimbursement for relocation costs

§ 56-469. Repealed

§ 56-478. Repealed

§ 56-478.1. Repealed

§ 56-479. Commission to make rules; require connection between companies; inspect lines and buildings

§ 56-479.1. Long distance service; change of carriers; prior authorization

§ 56-479.2. Anti-competitive acts; injunctive relief

§ 56-479.3. Authorization and verification for products, goods, and services to be billed on a telephone bill

§ 56-479.4. Designation of eligible telecommunications carrier for purposes of providing Lifeline service

§ 56-480. Rates, etc., on file with Commission not to be questioned in courts; revision; proof

§ 56-480.1. Time limit on institution of approved rates

§ 56-480.2. Operator assistance at pay stations

§ 56-481. Repealed

§ 56-481.1. Rates, charges, and regulations for interexchange telephone service

§ 56-481.2. Rates, charges and regulations for local exchange telephone services provided by new entrants

§ 56-482. Agreements between telephone companies to be submitted to Commission

§ 56-482.1. Reports required of interexchange telephone companies

§ 56-482.2. Penalties

§ 56-483. Refusal or neglect to make reports; obstructing Commission in discharge of duties; violations in general

§ 56-484. Foreign companies to obtain license

§ 56-484.1. Definitions

§ 56-484.2. Extension or reduction upon poll of certain subscribers

§ 56-484.3. Powers of Commission not restricted; rules and regulations

§ 56-484.4. Repealed

§ 56-484.7. Repealed

§ 56-484.7:1. Offering of communications services

§ 56-484.7:2. Approval

§ 56-484.7:3. Repealed

§ 56-484.7:4. Revocation of Commission approval

§ 56-484.8. Repealed

§ 56-484.12. Definitions

§ 56-484.12:1. Repealed

§ 56-484.13. 9-1-1 Services Board; membership; terms; compensation

§ 56-484.14. Powers and duties of the 9-1-1 Services Board

§ 56-484.15. Repealed

§ 56-484.16. Local emergency telecommunications requirements; text messages; use of digits "9-1-1."

§ 56-484.16:1. PSAP dispatchers; training requirements

§ 56-484.17. Wireless E-911 Fund; uses of Fund; enforcement; audit required

§ 56-484.17:1. Collection of prepaid wireless E-911 charge at point of sale; rate established

§ 56-484.18. Designation of official State Police access number; blocking caller identification prohibited

§ 56-484.19. Definitions

§ 56-484.20. Charges for emergency calls

§ 56-484.21. Instructions for emergency calling

§ 56-484.22. Access to PSAPs from telephone stations on MLTS

§ 56-484.23. Provision of emergency call information

§ 56-484.24. Liability

§ 56-484.25. Exemption for certain counties