Code of Virginia
Chapter 15 - Telegraph and Telephone Companies
§ 56-484.2. Extension or reduction upon poll of certain subscribers

A. Upon petition of five percent but in no case less than twenty-five of the subscribers in an established telephone exchange for an extension or reduction of their local service area to include or exclude a contiguous local exchange or exchanges, or upon resolution of the governing body of a county for a countywide local service area, the Commission shall estimate the approximate change in the monthly rate for service which will result from such extension or reduction. In the case of a governing body resolution for countywide calling, the Commission, prior to estimating the approximate rate change, shall determine which exchanges within the county have a community of interest calling percentage that is fifty percent or greater in at least one direction to at least one other exchange within the county. The Commission shall then undertake to estimate the approximate change in the monthly rate for service that will result from such expanded local calling area for each such exchange. The Commission shall order the affected company or companies to poll those subscribers whose monthly rate for service would change if the proposed changes were adopted. However, polls shall not be required in the exchange or exchanges to which the petitioners desire an extension of local service if (i) any resulting rate increases in any twelve-month period do not, in the aggregate, exceed five percent of the existing monthly one-party residential flat rate service for the affected exchange to which the petitioners desire an extension of local service or (ii) any resulting rate increases in any twelve-month period, in the aggregate, exceed five percent solely due to rate regrouping. No more than one petition for a poll from the same group of subscribers or resolution from the governing body of a county shall be considered by the Commission during any three-year period. For purposes of determining the exchanges that will be polled pursuant to this subsection, "community of interest calling percentage" means the percentage of customers in an exchange that make one or more calls per month to another exchange within the county.
B. If a poll is required pursuant to subsection A and a majority of the subscribers are in favor of the proposed change, or if the Commission determines that a majority of subscribers voting are in favor of the proposed change, the Commission shall order the extension or reduction of their local service area. For the purposes of this section, the number of subscribers in an established telephone exchange shall be deemed to be the number of subscribers in an exchange as of January 1 of the calendar year when the petition is submitted to the Commission. Telephone subscribers shall be given thirty-five days from the day ballots are placed in the U.S. mail to return their survey form. Upon completion of the poll, results shall be duly certified to the Commission.
C. If a poll is not required pursuant to subsection A, the Commission shall require notice to customers in exchanges in which polls are not required and shall convene a hearing on the proposed extension or reduction of the local calling area if the lesser of five percent or 150 of the customers within such exchanges request a hearing. The Commission may convene a hearing under this subsection on its own motion without regard to the number of customers who request a hearing.
D. Where the governing body of a county passes a resolution for a countywide local service area under subsection A and the poll for such service is defeated, the governing body shall reimburse the affected company or companies for the costs of the poll.
E. The Commission shall give the highest priority to petitions or resolutions presented under subsection A that involve exchanges in rural areas.
1976, c. 265; 1978, c. 232; 1985, c. 382; 1990, c. 339; 1993, c. 974; 1994, cc. 180, 347; 1995, c. 466; 1996, c. 272.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 56 - Public Service Companies

Chapter 15 - Telegraph and Telephone Companies

§ 56-458. Right to erect lines parallel to railroads; occupation of roads, streets, etc.; location of same

§ 56-458.1. Relocation of lines or works of certain public utilities acquired by Commonwealth Transportation Board

§ 56-459. Removal of old line not required by this chapter

§ 56-460. How consent of appropriate authorities obtained; terms of use

§ 56-461. Cost to Commonwealth in connection with construction of line to be paid by company

§ 56-462. Franchise to occupy parks, streets, etc.; imposition of terms, conditions, etc., as to use of streets, etc., and construction thereon

§ 56-463. Company may contract for right-of-way, etc.

§ 56-464. Right of eminent domain

§ 56-465. Preceding sections subject to repeal or change at pleasure

§ 56-466. Location of posts, poles, cables and conduits; height of wires, etc.

§ 56-466.1. Pole attachments; cable television systems and telecommunications service providers

§ 56-466.2. Undergrounding existing overhead distribution lines; relocation of facilities of cable operator

§ 56-467. Restoring condition of ground

§ 56-468. Endangering life or limb by stringing wires across other works

§ 56-468.1. (Contingent expiration -- see Editor's note) Public Rights-of-Way Use Fee

§ 56-468.2. Reimbursement for relocation costs

§ 56-469. Repealed

§ 56-478. Repealed

§ 56-478.1. Repealed

§ 56-479. Commission to make rules; require connection between companies; inspect lines and buildings

§ 56-479.1. Long distance service; change of carriers; prior authorization

§ 56-479.2. Anti-competitive acts; injunctive relief

§ 56-479.3. Authorization and verification for products, goods, and services to be billed on a telephone bill

§ 56-479.4. Designation of eligible telecommunications carrier for purposes of providing Lifeline service

§ 56-480. Rates, etc., on file with Commission not to be questioned in courts; revision; proof

§ 56-480.1. Time limit on institution of approved rates

§ 56-480.2. Operator assistance at pay stations

§ 56-481. Repealed

§ 56-481.1. Rates, charges, and regulations for interexchange telephone service

§ 56-481.2. Rates, charges and regulations for local exchange telephone services provided by new entrants

§ 56-482. Agreements between telephone companies to be submitted to Commission

§ 56-482.1. Reports required of interexchange telephone companies

§ 56-482.2. Penalties

§ 56-483. Refusal or neglect to make reports; obstructing Commission in discharge of duties; violations in general

§ 56-484. Foreign companies to obtain license

§ 56-484.1. Definitions

§ 56-484.2. Extension or reduction upon poll of certain subscribers

§ 56-484.3. Powers of Commission not restricted; rules and regulations

§ 56-484.4. Repealed

§ 56-484.7. Repealed

§ 56-484.7:1. Offering of communications services

§ 56-484.7:2. Approval

§ 56-484.7:3. Repealed

§ 56-484.7:4. Revocation of Commission approval

§ 56-484.8. Repealed

§ 56-484.12. Definitions

§ 56-484.12:1. Repealed

§ 56-484.13. 9-1-1 Services Board; membership; terms; compensation

§ 56-484.14. Powers and duties of the 9-1-1 Services Board

§ 56-484.15. Repealed

§ 56-484.16. Local emergency telecommunications requirements; text messages; use of digits "9-1-1."

§ 56-484.16:1. PSAP dispatchers; training requirements

§ 56-484.17. Wireless E-911 Fund; uses of Fund; enforcement; audit required

§ 56-484.17:1. Collection of prepaid wireless E-911 charge at point of sale; rate established

§ 56-484.18. Designation of official State Police access number; blocking caller identification prohibited

§ 56-484.19. Definitions

§ 56-484.20. Charges for emergency calls

§ 56-484.21. Instructions for emergency calling

§ 56-484.22. Access to PSAPs from telephone stations on MLTS

§ 56-484.23. Provision of emergency call information

§ 56-484.24. Liability

§ 56-484.25. Exemption for certain counties