Code of Virginia
Chapter 1 - Mechanics' and Materialmen's Liens
§ 43-19. Validity and priority of lien not affected by assignments

Every assignment or transfer by a general contractor, in whole or in part, of his contract with the owner or of any money or consideration coming to him under such contract, or by a subcontractor of his contract with the general contractor, in whole or in part, or of any money or consideration coming to him under his contract with the general contractor, and every writ of fieri facias, attachment or other process against the general contractor or subcontractor to subject or encumber his interest arising under such contract, shall be subject to the liens given by this chapter to laborers, mechanics, and materialmen. No such assignment or transfer shall in any way affect the validity or the priority of satisfaction of liens given by this chapter.
Code 1919, § 6435.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 43 - Mechanics' and Certain Other Liens

Chapter 1 - Mechanics' and Materialmen's Liens

§ 43-1. Definitions

§ 43-2. Structures, materials, etc., deemed permanently annexed to freehold

§ 43-3. Lien for work done and materials furnished; waiver of right to file or enforce lien

§ 43-4. Perfection of lien by general contractor; recordation and notice

§ 43-4.1. Liens to be recorded in deed books and indexed in general index of deeds

§ 43-4.01. Posting of building permit; identification of mechanics' lien agent in building permit; notice to mechanics' lien agent; effect of notice

§ 43-5. Sufficiency of memorandum and affidavit required by § 43-4

§ 43-6. Repealed

§ 43-7. Perfection of lien by subcontractor; extent of lien; affirmative defense; provisions relating to time-share estates

§ 43-8. Sufficiency of memorandum, affidavit and notice required by § 43-7

§ 43-9. Perfection of lien by person performing labor or furnishing materials for a subcontractor; extent of lien

§ 43-10. Sufficiency of memorandum, affidavit and notice required by § 43-9

§ 43-11. How owner or general contractor made personally liable to subcontractor, laborer or materialman

§ 43-12. Repealed

§ 43-13. Funds paid to general contractor or subcontractor must be used to pay persons performing labor or furnishing material

§ 43-13.1. Use of lien waiver form; forgery or signing without authority

§ 43-13.2. When an affidavit or a signed statement of payment required of owner prior to sale

§ 43-13.3. An affidavit or a signed statement of payment required of owner prior to sale or refinance; penalty

§ 43-14. Repealed

§ 43-14.1. Service of notices

§ 43-15. Inaccuracies in memorandum or description not affecting lien

§ 43-16. What owner may do when contractor fails or refuses to complete building, etc.

§ 43-17. Limitation on suit to enforce lien

§ 43-17.1. Hearing on validity of lien

§ 43-18. Lien of general contractor to inure to benefit of subcontractor

§ 43-19. Validity and priority of lien not affected by assignments

§ 43-20. Extent of lien where owner has less than fee in land

§ 43-21. Priorities between mechanics' and other liens

§ 43-22. How liens enforced

§ 43-23. Priority among liens perfected under this chapter

§ 43-23.1. Forfeiture of lien

§ 43-23.2. Remedies cumulative