Code of Virginia
Chapter 1 - Mechanics' and Materialmen's Liens
§ 43-12. Repealed

Repealed by Acts 1968, c. 568.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 43 - Mechanics' and Certain Other Liens

Chapter 1 - Mechanics' and Materialmen's Liens

§ 43-1. Definitions

§ 43-2. Structures, materials, etc., deemed permanently annexed to freehold

§ 43-3. Lien for work done and materials furnished; waiver of right to file or enforce lien

§ 43-4. Perfection of lien by general contractor; recordation and notice

§ 43-4.1. Liens to be recorded in deed books and indexed in general index of deeds

§ 43-4.01. Posting of building permit; identification of mechanics' lien agent in building permit; notice to mechanics' lien agent; effect of notice

§ 43-5. Sufficiency of memorandum and affidavit required by § 43-4

§ 43-6. Repealed

§ 43-7. Perfection of lien by subcontractor; extent of lien; affirmative defense; provisions relating to time-share estates

§ 43-8. Sufficiency of memorandum, affidavit and notice required by § 43-7

§ 43-9. Perfection of lien by person performing labor or furnishing materials for a subcontractor; extent of lien

§ 43-10. Sufficiency of memorandum, affidavit and notice required by § 43-9

§ 43-11. How owner or general contractor made personally liable to subcontractor, laborer or materialman

§ 43-12. Repealed

§ 43-13. Funds paid to general contractor or subcontractor must be used to pay persons performing labor or furnishing material

§ 43-13.1. Use of lien waiver form; forgery or signing without authority

§ 43-13.2. When an affidavit or a signed statement of payment required of owner prior to sale

§ 43-13.3. An affidavit or a signed statement of payment required of owner prior to sale or refinance; penalty

§ 43-14. Repealed

§ 43-14.1. Service of notices

§ 43-15. Inaccuracies in memorandum or description not affecting lien

§ 43-16. What owner may do when contractor fails or refuses to complete building, etc.

§ 43-17. Limitation on suit to enforce lien

§ 43-17.1. Hearing on validity of lien

§ 43-18. Lien of general contractor to inure to benefit of subcontractor

§ 43-19. Validity and priority of lien not affected by assignments

§ 43-20. Extent of lien where owner has less than fee in land

§ 43-21. Priorities between mechanics' and other liens

§ 43-22. How liens enforced

§ 43-23. Priority among liens perfected under this chapter

§ 43-23.1. Forfeiture of lien

§ 43-23.2. Remedies cumulative