Code of Virginia
Chapter 5 - Unfair Trade Practices
§ 38.2-516. Prohibited compensation for intra-company replacement

No insurer shall pay a commission or other compensation to an appointed agent who has replaced an existing individual accident and sickness policy with a policy issued by the same insurer when such new policy provides benefits substantially similar to the benefits under the replaced policy, except that an insurer may pay to such agent a commission or other compensation to the extent that the commission or other compensation does not exceed the renewal commission that would have been paid to the agent had the replaced policy continued in force.
1990, c. 265.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 38.2 - Insurance

Chapter 5 - Unfair Trade Practices

§ 38.2-500. Declaration of purpose

§ 38.2-501. Definitions

§ 38.2-502. Misrepresentations and false advertising of insurance policies

§ 38.2-503. False information and advertising generally

§ 38.2-504. Defamation

§ 38.2-505. Boycott, coercion and intimidation

§ 38.2-506. False statements and entries

§ 38.2-507. Stock operations and advisory board contracts

§ 38.2-508. Unfair discrimination

§ 38.2-508.1. Unfair discrimination; members of the armed forces

§ 38.2-508.2. Discrimination prohibited

§ 38.2-508.3. Consideration of Medicaid eligibility prohibited

§ 38.2-508.4. Genetic information privacy

§ 38.2-508.5. Re-underwriting individual under existing group or individual accident and sickness insurance policy prohibited; exceptions

§ 38.2-509. Rebates

§ 38.2-510. Unfair claim settlement practices

§ 38.2-511. Failure to maintain record of complaints

§ 38.2-512. Misrepresentation in insurance documents or communications

§ 38.2-513. Repealed

§ 38.2-513.1. Insurance sales by depository institutions and other lending institutions

§ 38.2-514. Failure to make disclosure

§ 38.2-514.1. Disclosure required

§ 38.2-514.2. Disclosures required of motor vehicle rental contract insurance agents and enrollers

§ 38.2-515. Power of Commission

§ 38.2-515.1. Power of Commission; policies issued outside of the Commonwealth

§ 38.2-516. Prohibited compensation for intra-company replacement

§ 38.2-517. Unfair settlement practices; replacement and repair; penalty

§ 38.2-518. Certificates of insurance