Code of Virginia
Chapter 5 - Unfair Trade Practices
§ 38.2-513. Repealed

Repealed by Acts 2001, c. 371.

Structure Code of Virginia

Code of Virginia

Title 38.2 - Insurance

Chapter 5 - Unfair Trade Practices

§ 38.2-500. Declaration of purpose

§ 38.2-501. Definitions

§ 38.2-502. Misrepresentations and false advertising of insurance policies

§ 38.2-503. False information and advertising generally

§ 38.2-504. Defamation

§ 38.2-505. Boycott, coercion and intimidation

§ 38.2-506. False statements and entries

§ 38.2-507. Stock operations and advisory board contracts

§ 38.2-508. Unfair discrimination

§ 38.2-508.1. Unfair discrimination; members of the armed forces

§ 38.2-508.2. Discrimination prohibited

§ 38.2-508.3. Consideration of Medicaid eligibility prohibited

§ 38.2-508.4. Genetic information privacy

§ 38.2-508.5. Re-underwriting individual under existing group or individual accident and sickness insurance policy prohibited; exceptions

§ 38.2-509. Rebates

§ 38.2-510. Unfair claim settlement practices

§ 38.2-511. Failure to maintain record of complaints

§ 38.2-512. Misrepresentation in insurance documents or communications

§ 38.2-513. Repealed

§ 38.2-513.1. Insurance sales by depository institutions and other lending institutions

§ 38.2-514. Failure to make disclosure

§ 38.2-514.1. Disclosure required

§ 38.2-514.2. Disclosures required of motor vehicle rental contract insurance agents and enrollers

§ 38.2-515. Power of Commission

§ 38.2-515.1. Power of Commission; policies issued outside of the Commonwealth

§ 38.2-516. Prohibited compensation for intra-company replacement

§ 38.2-517. Unfair settlement practices; replacement and repair; penalty

§ 38.2-518. Certificates of insurance