Code of Alabama
Chapter 8 - Child Labor.
Section 25-8-36 - Time Restrictions.

(a) No person 14 or 15 years of age shall be employed, permitted, or suffered to work in any gainful occupation for more than six days in any one week, or for more than 40 hours in any one week, or for more than eight hours in any one day, or before 7:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m. during school summer vacation. During the time school is in regular session, no person 14 or 15 years of age shall be employed, permitted, or suffered to work in any gainful occupation for more than six days in any one week, or for more than eight hours on a non-school day, or more than three hours on a school day, or for more than 18 hours in any school week, and not before 7:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m.
(b) No person 16, 17, or 18 years of age, who is enrolled in any public or private primary or secondary school system, shall work between 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. on any night preceding a school day. The appropriate county or city superintendent of schools, or where there is no superintendent, the school headmaster, may grant exemptions to the above time restrictions. Exemptions shall be granted only when the individual circumstances are found to be in the best interests of the minor. Information of any exemptions granted shall be transmitted to a child labor inspector on a form authorized by him or her.

Structure Code of Alabama

Code of Alabama

Title 25 - Industrial Relations and Labor.

Chapter 8 - Child Labor.

Section 25-8-32 - Legislative Findings and Intent.

Section 25-8-32.1 - Definitions.

Section 25-8-32.2 - Child Labor Administrative Trust Fund.

Section 25-8-33 - Persons Under 16 Years of Age Prohibited From Working; Exceptions; Evidence of Employment.

Section 25-8-34 - Department of Labor May Declare Place or Occupation Dangerous or Injurious.

Section 25-8-35 - Prohibited Occupations and Places for Individuals Under 16 Years of Age.

Section 25-8-36 - Time Restrictions.

Section 25-8-37 - Employment During Schools Hours; Employment of Persons 14 or 15 Years of Age Upon Waiver of School Attendance.

Section 25-8-38 - Posting of Notice of Law; Time Records; Meal or Rest Period; Child Labor Certificate.

Section 25-8-39 - Age Requirements for Street or Public Place Occupations; Exemptions.

Section 25-8-40 - Restrictions for Minors Engaging in Street or Public Place Occupations.

Section 25-8-41 - Official May Investigate and Revoke Permit Given for Street or Public Place Occupation.

Section 25-8-42 - Minors Violating Provisions as to Street or Public Place Occupations Deemed Delinquent.

Section 25-8-43 - Prohibited Occupations and Places for Individuals Under 18 Years of Age.

Section 25-8-44 - Employment in Establishment Where Alcoholic Beverages Sold; Minors Performing Nude or Partially Nude.

Section 25-8-45 - Eligibility to Work Form - When Required; Child Labor Certificates.

Section 25-8-46 - Eligibility to Work Form - Issuance; Scope.

Section 25-8-47 - Work Permits - Application; Required Papers; Officer Authorized to Administer Oaths for Affidavits.

Section 25-8-48 - Work Permits - Issuance to Persons 16 Years of Age or Older Without Records and Approval.

Section 25-8-49 - Work Permits - Contents and Forms.

Section 25-8-50 - Work Permits - Transmission of Copy to Department and Monthly Report.

Section 25-8-51 - Cancellation of Child Labor Certificate.

Section 25-8-52 - Routine Inspections of Business Establishments.

Section 25-8-53 - School Attendance Officers.

Section 25-8-54 - Working Conditions.

Section 25-8-55 - Inspection and Issuance of Order for Correction of Unsanitary or Unhealthy Conditions.

Section 25-8-56 - Removal of Minor From Establishment.

Section 25-8-57 - Discrimination Prohibited Against Persons Disclosing Information, Making Charges, Refusing to Obey Illegal Orders, Etc.

Section 25-8-58 - Person Selling Article to Minor for Resale on Streets or Public Place Required to Ascertain Whether Minor Has Permit.

Section 25-8-59 - Penalties; Notice of Violation and Opportunity to Show Cause; Hearing.

Section 25-8-60 - Minors Employed as Actors or Performers.

Section 25-8-61 - Minors Employed as Models.