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Part 1 - Alcoholic Beverages.
Section 45-52A-30 - Regulation of Sale of Alcoholic Beverages on Sunday. - (a) The sale of alcoholic beverages during certain hours after...
Section 45-52A-30.01 - Sale of Draft or Keg Beer. - The Decatur City Council, by ordinance, may regulate and permit...
Part 2 - Education .
Section 45-52A-31 - Board of Education - Creation; Composition. - There is established a school board for the City of...
Section 45-52A-31.01 - Board of Education - Districts. - The school districts from which the board members are to...
Section 45-52A-31.02 - Board of Education - Qualifications of Members. - A candidate for each place on the board of education...
Section 45-52A-31.03 - Board of Education - Election of Members; Terms of Office. - Elected school board members shall serve four-year terms with the...
Section 45-52A-31.04 - Board of Education - Run-Off Election. - In the event no candidate receives a majority of all...
Section 45-52A-31.05 - Board of Education - Representation of Students. - All members of the board created by this part shall...
Section 45-52A-31.06 - Board of Education - Compensation. - The compensation for the members of the school board shall...
Section 45-52A-31.07 - Board of Education - Auditing of Records. - The board of education shall have the financial records of...
Section 45-52A-31.08 - Board of Education - Liability of Members; Powers and Duties. - Members of the board of education shall be immune from...
Part 3 - Employees.
Section 45-52A-32 - Retirement Pension Benefits. - The governing body of the City of Decatur is authorized...
Section 45-52A-32.01 - Receipt of Badge, Pistol, etc., Upon Retirement. - The City of Decatur may provide each city police officer...
Part 4 - Health and Environment.
Section 45-52A-33 - Overgrown Grass or Weeds May Be Declared a Public Nuisance and Abated. - An abundance of overgrown grass or weeds within the City...
Section 45-52A-33.01 - Notice Ordering Abatement; Hearing. - (a) Whenever in the opinion of the city official or...
Section 45-52A-33.02 - Abatement of Nuisance by City; Liability for Expenses. - (a) If the owner fails, neglects, or refuses to abate...
Section 45-52A-33.03 - Redemption of Lien. - Where an assessment is made against a lot or lots...
Part 5 - Historic Preservation and Tourism.
Section 45-52A-34 - Purpose. - The purposes of this part are to provide for the...
Section 45-52A-34.01 - Historic Preservation Commission; Architectural Review Boards. - The governing body of the City of Decatur electing to...
Section 45-52A-34.02 - Composition of Board; Personnel; Annual Report; Meetings. - (a) An historic preservation commission created by an ordinance enacted...
Section 45-52A-34.04 - Powers and Duties. - The commission created by an ordinance enacted pursuant to this...
Section 45-52A-34.05 - Recommendation for Designation of Historic Properties and Districts. - (a) On recommendation of the historic preservation commission the City...
Section 45-52A-34.06 - Public Hearing: Notice. - (a) Before the commission shall recommend the designation of an...
Section 45-52A-34.07 - Notice of Designation. - Upon the designation of any historic property or historic district...
Section 45-52A-34.08 - Certificate of Appropriateness for Modification, Erection, or Demolition; Applications; Rulemaking Authority; Design Standards; Records. - (a) No change in the exterior appearance of an historic...
Section 45-52A-34.09 - Appeal of Denial. - Any person having a request for a certificate of appropriateness...
Section 45-52A-34.10 - Approval of Application; Rejection. - (a) The commission shall approve an application and issue a...
Section 45-52A-34.11 - Judicial Action to Prevent Improper Changes; Damages. - The commission, or the City of Decatur, shall be authorized...
Section 45-52A-34.12 - Architectural Review Board. - (a) The City of Decatur, enacting an ordinance pursuant to...
Section 45-52A-34.13 - Creation of Joint Commission and Board. - The City of Decatur may create a joint commission and...
Section 45-52A-34.14 - Continuation of Prior Commissions or Boards. - No provision of this part shall be construed to require...
Part 6 - Utilities.
Section 45-52A-35 - Municipal Utilities Board - Creation. - There is created and established the Municipal Utilities Board of...
Section 45-52A-35.01 - Municipal Utilities Board - Appointment of Members. - H. A. Wyatt of Decatur, Morgan County, is named and...
Section 45-52A-35.02 - Municipal Utilities Board - Qualification of Members. - No person shall be eligible for membership on the board...
Section 45-52A-35.03 - Municipal Utilities Board - Oath of Office. - Before entering upon the duties of his or her office,...
Section 45-52A-35.04 - Municipal Utilities Board - Election of Members; Term of Office. - The members of the board shall serve staggered terms of...
Section 45-52A-35.05 - Municipal Utilities Board - Organization. - At the first meeting of the board after March 3,...
Section 45-52A-35.06 - Municipal Utilities Board - Compensation. - The chair of the board shall be paid at the...
Section 45-52A-35.07 - Municipal Utilities Board - Meetings. - (a) The board shall hold a regular meeting each month...
Section 45-52A-35.08 - Municipal Utilities Board - Authority and Duties. - (a) The board shall have complete control of each of...
Section 45-52A-35.09 - Municipal Utilities Board - Bonding of Employees. - The board shall obtain and carry individual bonds or a...
Section 45-52A-35.10 - Municipal Utilities Board - Impeachment and Removal of Members. - Members of the board may be removed from office in...
Section 45-52A-35.11 - Municipal Utilities Board - Employment and Duties of Accountant Expert. - The board shall cause an audit of its books and...
Section 45-52A-35.12 - Municipal Utilities Board - Annual Reports. - Within 90 days after the end of each fiscal year...
Section 45-52A-35.13 - Municipal Utilities Board - Publication of Receipts and Disbursements. - Within 60 days after the end of each fiscal year...
Section 45-52A-35.14 - Municipal Utilities Board - Expenditures for Construction or Additions. - No expenditures for property to be acquired and for any...
Section 45-52A-35.15 - Municipal Utilities Board - Funds. - All funds of the board shall be kept separate from...
Section 45-52A-35.16 - Municipal Utilities Board - Bond of Depository. - The board shall require from the depository adequate bond or...