The purposes of this part are to provide for the establishment of a historic preservation commission and architectural review board, and to promote the educational, cultural, economic and general welfare of the City of Decatur, in Morgan County, Alabama, through the preservation and protection of buildings, sites, structures, areas, and districts of historic significance and interest; through the preservation and enhancement of the national, state, and local historic, architectural, archaeological, and aesthetic heritage found in Decatur's historic and aesthetic attraction to tourists and visitors.
Structure Code of Alabama
Chapter 52A - Morgan County Municipalities.
Part 5 - Historic Preservation and Tourism.
Section 45-52A-34.01 - Historic Preservation Commission; Architectural Review Boards.
Section 45-52A-34.02 - Composition of Board; Personnel; Annual Report; Meetings.
Section 45-52A-34.04 - Powers and Duties.
Section 45-52A-34.05 - Recommendation for Designation of Historic Properties and Districts.
Section 45-52A-34.06 - Public Hearing: Notice.
Section 45-52A-34.07 - Notice of Designation.
Section 45-52A-34.09 - Appeal of Denial.
Section 45-52A-34.10 - Approval of Application; Rejection.
Section 45-52A-34.11 - Judicial Action to Prevent Improper Changes; Damages.
Section 45-52A-34.12 - Architectural Review Board.
Section 45-52A-34.13 - Creation of Joint Commission and Board.
Section 45-52A-34.14 - Continuation of Prior Commissions or Boards.