(a) The City of Decatur, enacting an ordinance pursuant to this part, may elect to create an architectural review board, hereinafter sometimes called the board, to perform the duties and responsibilities of the historic preservation commission in accepting, considering, and approving or rejecting applications for certificates of appropriateness, as set out in Sections 45-52A-34.08, 45-52A-34.09, 45-52A-34.10, and 45-52A-34.11.
(b) If the board is created, it shall be composed of not less than five members who shall have demonstrated training or experience in the fields of history, architecture, architectural history, urban planning, archaeology, or law. Members of the board need not be residents of the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Decatur, however, at least one-half shall be residents of an historical district. No elected public officials shall serve as members of the board. Not more than one-fifth of the members of the board shall be public officials.
(c) Members of the board shall be nominated by the chief executive officer of the City of Decatur and appointed by the governing body of the City of Decatur. Nomination and appointment of members of the commission shall be made so that the board will be composed of persons with as much of the training and experience specified in subsection (b) as possible.
(d) Except for the original members of the board, members of the board shall serve three-year terms and shall be appointed in such manner as to serve overlapping terms. Two of the original members of the board shall be appointed to serve one-year terms and the remainder of the original members of the board shall be appointed to serve three-year terms. Members of the board may be reappointed.
(e) Members of the board may be removed for cause by the governing body of the City of Decatur.
(f) Vacancies on the board shall be filled by persons nominated by the chief executive officer of the City of Decatur and appointed by the governing body of the City of Decatur. Such appointments shall be for the unexpired term of the member replaced.
(g) Members of the board shall elect a chair and vice-chair and such other officers as the members deem necessary. The board shall adopt rules of procedure and shall communicate those rules of procedure to the chief executive officer and governing body of the City of Decatur creating the board. The rules of procedure of the board shall specify what number of members of the board shall constitute a quorum.
(h) Members of the board shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred on behalf of the board, in accordance with the rules and regulations for the reimbursement of expenses adopted by the board.
(i) The board may employ such professional, technical, office, and other personnel as may be necessary to carry out the purposes and responsibilities of the board.
(j) Meetings of the board shall be public meetings, other than executive sessions, and shall be held at times and places and pursuant to such notices as are specified in the ordinance creating the board.
(k) If, in the opinion of the governing body of the City of Decatur, the workload of the board is, or is contemplated to be excessive, the governing body of the City of Decatur may create more than one board, and designate the historic properties, and historic districts with which each board will be concerned, so long as each historic property and each historic district designated by the City of Decatur shall be subject to the control of only one board. Each board created shall have all of the powers and authority set forth in this part with respect to the historic properties and historic districts with which it is concerned.
Structure Code of Alabama
Chapter 52A - Morgan County Municipalities.
Part 5 - Historic Preservation and Tourism.
Section 45-52A-34.01 - Historic Preservation Commission; Architectural Review Boards.
Section 45-52A-34.02 - Composition of Board; Personnel; Annual Report; Meetings.
Section 45-52A-34.04 - Powers and Duties.
Section 45-52A-34.05 - Recommendation for Designation of Historic Properties and Districts.
Section 45-52A-34.06 - Public Hearing: Notice.
Section 45-52A-34.07 - Notice of Designation.
Section 45-52A-34.09 - Appeal of Denial.
Section 45-52A-34.10 - Approval of Application; Rejection.
Section 45-52A-34.11 - Judicial Action to Prevent Improper Changes; Damages.
Section 45-52A-34.12 - Architectural Review Board.
Section 45-52A-34.13 - Creation of Joint Commission and Board.
Section 45-52A-34.14 - Continuation of Prior Commissions or Boards.