Code of Alabama
Part 4 - Health and Environment.
Section 45-52A-33.01 - Notice Ordering Abatement; Hearing.

(a) Whenever in the opinion of the city official or any other city employee designated by the mayor, a nuisance exists, the official shall order the owner of the property on which the nuisance is located to abate the condition.
(b) The enforcing official shall give the owner written notice in person or by first class mail. The notice shall require the owner to abate the condition within the time stated in the notice or to request a hearing before an administrative official of the city designated by the mayor or council to determine whether there has been a violation. The notice shall apprise the owner of the facts of the alleged nuisance and shall name the particular date, time, and place for the hearing if requested by the owner.
(c) The notice shall be sent to that person shown by the records of the county to have been the last person assessed for payment of ad valorem tax on the property where the nuisance is situated. It shall be the responsibility of that person to promptly advise the enforcing official of a change of ownership or interest in the property.
(d) The notice shall also be posted in a conspicuous place on the property.
(e) The notice shall require the owner to complete abatement of the nuisance within 14 days from the date of notice, provided the enforcing official may stipulate additional time, but in no case more than 28 days.
(f) A hearing before the administrative official shall be requested within five days of the date of the notice by the enforcing official. The enforcing official shall notify the owner by personal service or by first class mail of the determination of the administrative official. If the administrative official determines that a nuisance exists, the owner shall comply with the initial order to abate issued by the enforcing official, with modifications as may be made by the administrative official.