Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 49 - The Environment
§ 49-762.01 - Facilities requiring self-certification

49-762.01. Facilities requiring self-certification
The owner or operator of all solid waste facilities that are not listed in either section 49-762 or 49-762.02 or are not regulated under 40 Code of Federal Regulations part 257, subpart D or under article 11 of this chapter in a program approved by the United States environmental protection agency shall comply with self-certification procedures prescribed by section 49-762.05. A waste tire facility that is not required to obtain solid waste facility plan approval pursuant to section 49-762, paragraph 7 must comply with self-certification procedures as prescribed in section 49-762.05.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 49 - The Environment

§ 49-101 - Definitions

§ 49-102 - Department of environmental quality; director; deputy director; division directors; divisions

§ 49-103 - Department employees; legal counsel

§ 49-104 - Powers and duties of the department and director

§ 49-106 - Statewide application of rules

§ 49-107 - Local delegation of state authority

§ 49-108 - Hazardous materials emergency response operations

§ 49-109 - Certificate of disclosure of violations; remedies

§ 49-110 - Compliance order; hearing; judicial review; enforcement

§ 49-111 - Permit application; plan approval; notice to counties, cities or towns

§ 49-112 - County regulation; standards

§ 49-113 - Fees; unpaid amounts; penalties; audits

§ 49-114 - Appeals of agency decisions

§ 49-115 - Indirect cost fund; use; exemption

§ 49-116 - Informal appeals of agency decisions; technical appeals program fund; definitions

§ 49-117 - Supplemental environmental project; requirements; nexus

§ 49-118 - Notice of violation; hazardous condition; federal agency

§ 49-121 - Definitions

§ 49-122 - Relationship to other law; declaration of application

§ 49-123 - Hazardous materials emergency management program; Arizona emergency response commission; emergency planning and community right-to-know

§ 49-124 - Emergency planning districts; local emergency planning committees

§ 49-125 - Comprehensive emergency response plans

§ 49-126 - Extremely hazardous substances

§ 49-127 - Facilities subject to emergency planning; facility emergency response plans

§ 49-128 - Emergency notification of reportable releases

§ 49-129 - Material safety data sheets

§ 49-130 - Emergency and hazardous chemical inventory forms

§ 49-131 - Toxic chemical release forms; definitions

§ 49-132 - Emergency response fund

§ 49-133 - Emergency response; immunity

§ 49-141 - Environmental nuisances

§ 49-142 - Abatement order; hearing; injunction

§ 49-143 - Abatement of environmental nuisances

§ 49-144 - Right to enter premises for inspection or abatement

§ 49-151 - Definitions

§ 49-152 - Soil remediation standards; restrictions on property use

§ 49-152.01 - Engineering controls; financial assurance

§ 49-152.02 - Enforcement of engineering controls; civil penalty

§ 49-158 - Restrictions on property use; enforcement of engineering and institutional controls

§ 49-159 - Institutional and engineering control fund; purpose

§ 49-171 - Definitions

§ 49-172 - Applicability

§ 49-173 - Application requirements

§ 49-174 - Application review and approval

§ 49-175 - Work plans

§ 49-176 - Community involvement requirements

§ 49-177 - Work plan review and approval

§ 49-178 - Termination and withdrawal

§ 49-179 - Application fees; reimbursement of costs of review

§ 49-180 - Modification of work plan

§ 49-181 - Requests for no further action determination

§ 49-182 - Approval of remediations for cost recovery

§ 49-183 - Insurance

§ 49-184 - Reservation of rights

§ 49-185 - Appeals and dispute resolution

§ 49-186 - Rules; no licensing

§ 49-187 - Voluntary remediation fund

§ 49-188 - Department access to private property

§ 49-191 - Greenhouse gas programs; definition

§ 49-192 - Definitions

§ 49-192.01 - Voluntary environmental stewardship program; minimum qualifications

§ 49-201 - Definitions

§ 49-202 - Designation of state agency

§ 49-202.01 - Surface water quality general grazing permit; best management practices for grazing activities; definition

§ 49-203 - Powers and duties of the director and department

§ 49-204 - Gray water reuse

§ 49-205 - Availability of information to the public

§ 49-206 - Preservation of rights

§ 49-207 - Discrimination prohibited

§ 49-208 - Public participation

§ 49-209 - Industrial discharges to community sewer systems; registration; fee

§ 49-210 - Water quality fee fund; appropriation; exemption; monies held in trust

§ 49-211 - Direct potable reuse of treated wastewater; fees; rules

§ 49-218 - Definitions

§ 49-218.01 - Brownfields cleanup revolving loan fund program; eligibility

§ 49-218.02 - Brownfields cleanup revolving loan fund

§ 49-221 - Water quality standards in general; protected surface waters list

§ 49-222 - Water quality standards for WOTUS

§ 49-223 - Aquifer water quality standards

§ 49-224 - Aquifer identification, classification and reclassification

§ 49-225 - Water quality monitoring

§ 49-231 - Definitions

§ 49-232 - Lists of impaired waters; data requirements; rules

§ 49-233 - Priority ranking and schedule

§ 49-234 - Total maximum daily loads; implementation plans

§ 49-235 - Rules

§ 49-236 - Report

§ 49-237 - Impact of successful judicial appeal of Arizona department of environmental quality decision

§ 49-241 - Permit required to discharge

§ 49-241.01 - Groundwater protection permit facilities; schedule; definition

§ 49-241.02 - Aquifer protection permit program fees

§ 49-242 - Procedural requirements for individual permits; annual registration of permittees; fee

§ 49-243 - Information and criteria for issuing individual permit; definition

§ 49-243.01 - Presumptive best available demonstrated control technology

§ 49-244 - Point of compliance

§ 49-245 - Criteria for issuing general permit

§ 49-245.01 - Storm water general permit

§ 49-245.02 - General permit for certain discharges associated with man-made bodies of water

§ 49-246 - Criteria for developing best management practices

§ 49-247 - Agricultural general permits; best management practices for regulated agricultural activities

§ 49-249 - Aquifer pollution information

§ 49-250 - Exemptions

§ 49-251 - Temporary emergency waiver

§ 49-252 - Closure notification and approval

§ 49-255 - Definitions

§ 49-255.01 - Arizona pollutant discharge elimination system program; rules and standards; affirmative defense; fees; general permit

§ 49-255.02 - Pretreatment program; rules and standards

§ 49-255.03 - Sewage sludge program; rules and requirements

§ 49-255.04 - Special provisions for discharges to non-WOTUS protected surface waters

§ 49-255.05 - Best management practices for activities within non-WOTUS

§ 49-256 - Adoption and enactment of federal definitions

§ 49-256.01 - Dredge and fill permit program; permits; rules; prohibitions; exemptions; exceptions; notice

§ 49-256.02 - Compensatory mitigation

§ 49-257 - Applicability of federal definitions

§ 49-257.01 - Underground injection control permit program; permits; prohibitions; rules

§ 49-261 - Compliance orders; appeal; enforcement

§ 49-262 - Injunctive relief; civil penalties; recovery of litigation costs; affirmative defense

§ 49-263 - Criminal violations; classification; definition

§ 49-263.01 - Arizona pollutant discharge elimination system program; violation; classification

§ 49-263.02 - Sewage sludge program; violation; classification

§ 49-264 - Private right of action; citizen suits; right to intervene

§ 49-265 - Venue

§ 49-281 - Definitions

§ 49-282 - Water quality assurance revolving fund

§ 49-282.01 - Maximum annual payments of fees and taxes by mines to water quality assurance revolving fund; definitions

§ 49-282.02 - Water quality assurance revolving fund; emergency response use; definitions

§ 49-282.03 - Interim remedial actions; reimbursement of the fund; rules

§ 49-282.04 - Cross-contamination inspection; remedial measures

§ 49-282.05 - Agreements for work; suspension of remedial action

§ 49-282.06 - Remedial action criteria; rules

§ 49-283 - Responsible party liability exemptions; definitions

§ 49-283.01 - Remediated water; liability; definitions

§ 49-283.02 - Petroleum liability

§ 49-284 - Notice; reportable quantities; penalties

§ 49-285 - Liability for remedial actions costs; limitation of actions

§ 49-285.01 - Prospective purchaser agreements; assignment; notice; fees; rules

§ 49-286 - Mitigation of non-hazardous releases

§ 49-287 - Enforcement; use of fund; inspections and information gathering; civil penalties

§ 49-287.01 - Investigation scoring and site registry; no further action

§ 49-287.02 - Responsible party search

§ 49-287.03 - Remedial investigation and feasibility study

§ 49-287.04 - Proposed remedial action plan; preliminary list of responsible parties; opportunity to comment; record of decision; appeal

§ 49-287.05 - Notice of liability allocation; eligibility

§ 49-287.06 - Allocation hearing

§ 49-287.07 - Actions for allocation and recovery of remedial action costs; limitation of actions

§ 49-288 - Information gathering and access; enforcement; retaliatory action; civil penalties

§ 49-289 - Fund financed remedial action; definition

§ 49-289.01 - Site boundary adjustment petitions

§ 49-289.02 - Community information; public notice and comment

§ 49-289.03 - Community involvement plan; community advisory boards; rules

§ 49-290 - Exemption from permit requirements; definition

§ 49-290.01 - Applicability of requirements; Arizona department of water resources

§ 49-290.02 - Applicability of Arizona department of water resources requirements; metal mining facilities

§ 49-292 - Settlement; authority and effect

§ 49-292.01 - Qualified business settlements; definition

§ 49-292.02 - Financial hardship settlement

§ 49-294 - Use of monies obtained through consent decrees or litigation

§ 49-295 - Environmental liens

§ 49-296 - Settlement agreements

§ 49-298 - Appealable agency actions; licenses

§ 49-301 - Definitions

§ 49-302 - Information submittal

§ 49-303 - Pesticide evaluation process; reporting requirements

§ 49-304 - Penalty for groundwater protection data gap

§ 49-305 - Groundwater protection list; regulation of pesticides on list

§ 49-306 - Groundwater protection data gap; cancellation of registration

§ 49-307 - Monitoring and testing

§ 49-308 - Enforcement

§ 49-309 - Cancellation of pesticide registration; hearing for reconsideration and continued use

§ 49-310 - New pesticides; conditional registration; reports

§ 49-321 - Appeals

§ 49-322 - Water quality appeals board

§ 49-323 - Appeals to the board; judicial review

§ 49-324 - Stay pending appeal; standard of review

§ 49-351 - Designation of responsible state agency

§ 49-352 - Classifying systems and certifying personnel; limitation

§ 49-353 - Duties of director; rules; prohibited lead use

§ 49-353.01 - Duties of director; rules; standards; water supply; definition

§ 49-354 - Enforcement; violation; classification; compliance orders; judicial review; injunctive relief; civil administrative penalties; civil penalties

§ 49-355 - Small drinking water systems fund; grants; definition

§ 49-356 - Water systems; designating lead agency; coordinating council

§ 49-357 - Joint monitoring and testing

§ 49-358 - Water system compliance assistance program

§ 49-360 - Monitoring assistance program for public water systems; fees; monitoring assistance fund; safe drinking water program fund; rules

§ 49-361 - Sewage treatment plants; operator certification

§ 49-362 - Calculation of wastewater treatment capacity; gray water; definition

§ 49-371 - Local stormwater quality programs; authority; limitations; fee; civil penalty; definition

§ 49-372 - Administrative director; enforcement

§ 49-391 - Local enforcement of water pretreatment requirements; civil penalties

§ 49-401 - Declaration of policy

§ 49-401.01 - Definitions

§ 49-402 - State and county control

§ 49-403 - General permits and individual permits; issuance; definition

§ 49-404 - State implementation plan

§ 49-405 - Attainment area designations

§ 49-406 - Nonattainment area plan

§ 49-407 - Private right of action; citizen suits

§ 49-408 - Air quality conformity; definition

§ 49-409 - Chlorofluorocarbons; permitted use; retaliation prohibited

§ 49-410 - Voluntary Arizona emissions bank; definitions

§ 49-411 - Particulate measures; cities, towns, counties, departments; implementation; report

§ 49-412 - Alternative fuel delivery systems; standardized waivers

§ 49-413 - Clean burning alternative fuels; public refueling

§ 49-421 - Definitions

§ 49-422 - Powers and duties

§ 49-424 - Duties of department

§ 49-425 - Rules; hearing

§ 49-426 - Permits; duties of director; exceptions; applications; objections; fees

§ 49-426.01 - Permits; changes within a source; revisions

§ 49-426.02 - Permit shield

§ 49-426.03 - Enforcement of federal hazardous air pollutant program; definitions

§ 49-426.04 - State list of hazardous air pollutants

§ 49-426.05 - Designation of sources of hazardous air pollutants

§ 49-426.06 - State program for control of hazardous air pollutants

§ 49-426.07 - Imminent and substantial endangerment

§ 49-427 - Grant or denial of applications; revisions

§ 49-428 - Appeals of permit actions

§ 49-429 - Permit transfers; notice; appeal

§ 49-430 - Posting of permit

§ 49-431 - Notice by building permit agencies

§ 49-432 - Classification and reporting; confidentiality of records

§ 49-433 - Special inspection warrant

§ 49-435 - Hearings on orders of abatement

§ 49-437 - Conditional orders; standards; rules

§ 49-438 - Petition for conditional order; publication; public hearing

§ 49-439 - Decisions on petitions for conditional order; terms and conditions

§ 49-440 - Term of conditional order; effective date

§ 49-441 - Suspension and revocation of conditional order

§ 49-442 - Appeal of county decisions

§ 49-443 - Court appeals; procedures

§ 49-444 - Notice of hearing; publication; service

§ 49-447 - Motor vehicle and combustion engine emission; standards

§ 49-448 - Limitations

§ 49-453 - Air quality impact reports; filing

§ 49-454 - Adjusted work hours

§ 49-455 - Permit administration fund; exemption

§ 49-456 - Technical assistance for small business; compliance advisory panel

§ 49-457 - Agricultural best management practices committee; members; powers; permits; enforcement; preemption; definitions

§ 49-457.01 - Leaf blower use restrictions and training; leaf blower equipment sellers; informational material; outreach; applicability

§ 49-457.03 - Off-road vehicles; pollution advisory days; applicability; penalties

§ 49-457.04 - Off-highway vehicle and all-terrain vehicle dealers; informational material; outreach; applicability

§ 49-457.05 - Dust action general permit; best management practices; applicability; definitions

§ 49-458 - Regional haze program; authority

§ 49-458.01 - State implementation plan revision; regional haze; rules

§ 49-459 - State plan; carbon emissions from power plants

§ 49-460 - Violations; production of records

§ 49-461 - Violations; order of abatement

§ 49-462 - Violations; injunctive relief

§ 49-463 - Violations; civil penalties

§ 49-464 - Violation; classification; penalties; definition

§ 49-465 - Air pollution emergency

§ 49-466 - Precedence of actions

§ 49-467 - Preservation of rights

§ 49-471 - Definitions

§ 49-471.01 - Regulatory bill of rights

§ 49-471.02 - Fees; express authority

§ 49-471.03 - Inspections

§ 49-471.04 - Notice of proposed rule or ordinance making

§ 49-471.05 - Contents of preamble

§ 49-471.06 - Public participation; written statements; oral proceedings

§ 49-471.07 - Time and manner of rule or ordinance making

§ 49-471.08 - Expedited rule or ordinance making

§ 49-471.09 - County rule or ordinance making record

§ 49-471.10 - Invalidity of rules or ordinances; prohibited agency action

§ 49-471.11 - Substantive policy statements; directory of rules and policy statements

§ 49-471.12 - Petition for rule or ordinance making or review of practice or policy

§ 49-471.13 - Permitting time frames

§ 49-471.14 - Reporting; compliance with time frames

§ 49-471.15 - Administrative appeals

§ 49-471.16 - Waiver

§ 49-472 - Department studies

§ 49-473 - Board of supervisors

§ 49-474 - County control boards

§ 49-474.01 - Additional board duties in vehicle emissions control areas; definitions

§ 49-474.02 - Voluntary lawn and garden equipment emissions reduction program; criteria

§ 49-474.05 - Dust control; training; site coordinators

§ 49-474.06 - Dust control; subcontractor registration; fee

§ 49-474.07 - Voluntary diesel equipment retrofit program; criteria; inventory; permits

§ 49-475 - Powers and duties

§ 49-476 - Authorization to accept funds or grants

§ 49-476.01 - Monitoring

§ 49-477 - Advisory council

§ 49-478 - Hearing board

§ 49-479 - Rules; hearing

§ 49-480 - Permits; fees

§ 49-480.01 - Permits; changes within a source; revisions

§ 49-480.02 - Appeals of permit actions

§ 49-480.03 - Federal hazardous air pollutant program; date specified by administrator; prohibition

§ 49-480.04 - County program for control of hazardous air pollutants

§ 49-481 - Grant or denial of applications

§ 49-482 - Appeals to hearing board

§ 49-483 - Permit transfers; notice; appeal

§ 49-484 - Expiration of permit

§ 49-485 - Posting of permit

§ 49-486 - Notice by building permit agencies

§ 49-487 - Classification and reporting; confidentiality of records

§ 49-488 - Special inspection warrant

§ 49-490 - Hearings on orders of abatement

§ 49-491 - Conditional orders; standards; rules

§ 49-492 - Petition for conditional order; publication; public hearing

§ 49-493 - Decisions on petitions for conditional order; terms and conditions

§ 49-494 - Term of conditional order; effective date

§ 49-495 - Suspension and revocation of conditional order

§ 49-496 - Decisions of hearing board; subpoenas; effective date

§ 49-497 - Declaratory judgment

§ 49-497.01 - Judicial review of hearing board or administrative law judge decisions

§ 49-497.02 - Judicial review of appealable agency action not subject to review by hearing board or administrative law judge

§ 49-498 - Notice of hearing; publication; service

§ 49-501 - Unlawful open burning; exceptions; civil penalty; definition

§ 49-502 - Violation; classification

§ 49-503 - Defenses

§ 49-504 - Limitations

§ 49-506 - Voluntary no-drive days

§ 49-507 - Technical assistance to small businesses

§ 49-510 - Violations; production of records

§ 49-511 - Violations; order of abatement

§ 49-512 - Violations; injunctive relief

§ 49-513 - Violations; civil penalties

§ 49-514 - Violation; classification; definition

§ 49-515 - Precedence of actions

§ 49-516 - Preservation of rights

§ 49-541 - Definitions

§ 49-542 - Emissions inspection program; powers and duties of director; administration; periodic inspection; minimum standards and rules; exceptions; definition

§ 49-542; Version 2 - Emissions inspection program; powers and duties of director; administration; periodic inspection; minimum standards and rules; exceptions; definition

§ 49-542.02 - Mechanic education program

§ 49-542.03 - Motor vehicle dealer; emissions testing; remedies; definition

§ 49-542.03; Version 2 - Motor vehicle dealer; emissions testing; remedies; definition

§ 49-542.04 - Off-road vehicle and engine standards

§ 49-542.05 - Alternative fuel vehicles

§ 49-543 - Emissions inspection costs; disposition; fleet inspection; certificates

§ 49-544 - Emissions inspection fund; composition; authorized expenditures; exemptions; investment

§ 49-545 - Agreement with independent contractor; qualifications of contractor; agreement provisions

§ 49-546 - Fleet emissions inspection stations; certificates of inspection; dealer's inventory; investigations; revocation or suspension of permit

§ 49-547 - Authority of director to acquire enforcement equipment

§ 49-548 - Improper representation

§ 49-549 - False certificates

§ 49-550 - Violation; classification; civil penalty

§ 49-551 - Air quality fee; air quality fund; purpose

§ 49-551.01 - Diesel vehicle low emissions incentive grants; criteria

§ 49-552 - Enforcement on city, town, county, school district or special district property

§ 49-553 - Vehicle emissions; research; cost analysis

§ 49-554 - Technical assistance review

§ 49-555 - Retrofit of diesel vehicles

§ 49-556 - Low emission vehicle program

§ 49-557 - Government vehicles; emissions inspections; noncompliance; vehicle operation privilege suspension

§ 49-558 - Voluntary accelerated purchase of tier 2 and 3 equipment; definitions

§ 49-558.02 - Voluntary vehicle repair and retrofit program; criteria; fund; report

§ 49-571 - Clean burning or alternative fuel requirements for new buses; definitions

§ 49-572 - Joint use of clean burning or alternative fuel refueling stations

§ 49-573 - Emissions controls; federal vehicles

§ 49-581 - Definitions

§ 49-582 - Travel reduction program regional task force; composition

§ 49-583 - Duties and powers of the task force

§ 49-584 - Staff duties

§ 49-587 - Voluntary participation

§ 49-588 - Requirements for major employers

§ 49-589 - Variances

§ 49-590 - Requirements for high schools, community colleges and universities

§ 49-591 - Exemptions

§ 49-592 - Appeals

§ 49-593 - Violations; civil penalties

§ 49-701 - Definitions

§ 49-701.01 - Definition of solid waste; exemptions

§ 49-701.02 - Exemptions from definition of solid waste; soils; seller's duty to disclose

§ 49-702 - Authorization to accept funds or grants

§ 49-703 - Joint operation

§ 49-704 - Applicability of chapter to local regulations and services

§ 49-705 - Integration of solid waste programs

§ 49-706 - Waste programs general permits; rules

§ 49-721 - Statewide solid waste management plan

§ 49-722 - Planning and technical assistance

§ 49-723 - Research and development

§ 49-724 - Distribution of appropriated funds to local governments

§ 49-741 - Local public facilities for solid waste management

§ 49-742 - User fees

§ 49-743 - Commercial permits

§ 49-744 - Salvaging

§ 49-745 - Ownership of solid waste

§ 49-746 - Private enterprise recycling and solid waste management; definitions

§ 49-747 - Annual registration of solid waste landfills; fee; disposition of revenue

§ 49-761 - Rulemaking authority for solid waste facilities; exemption; financial assurance; recycling facilities

§ 49-762 - Facilities requiring solid waste facility plans; exemption

§ 49-762.01 - Facilities requiring self-certification

§ 49-762.02 - Facilities subject to best management practices; rules

§ 49-762.03 - Solid waste facility plan approval

§ 49-762.04 - Solid waste facility plan review procedures

§ 49-762.05 - Self-certification procedures; rules

§ 49-762.06 - Changes to solid waste facilities and amended plans

§ 49-762.07 - Notices; exemptions; extensions; enforcement; operating standards

§ 49-762.08 - Corrective actions; application

§ 49-763 - Inspections

§ 49-763.01 - Variances

§ 49-764 - Orders; monitoring; pollution control devices

§ 49-765 - Local regulation of solid waste collection

§ 49-766 - Agricultural landfills; notice

§ 49-767 - Government owned solid waste facilities; permission; notice of site to property owners; hearing; exemption

§ 49-768 - Civil penalties

§ 49-769 - Agency orders; appeal

§ 49-770 - Financial assurance requirements for solid waste facilities

§ 49-771 - Restrictive covenants for solid waste landfills

§ 49-772 - Location restrictions for solid waste landfills; definitions

§ 49-773 - Disposal of waste; definition

§ 49-774 - Landfill washout; abatement costs; definitions

§ 49-781 - Compliance orders; appeal; enforcement

§ 49-782 - Actions on approval to operate

§ 49-783 - Injunctive relief; civil penalties; costs

§ 49-784 - Venue

§ 49-785 - Agency orders; appeal

§ 49-791 - Violation; classification; penalties

§ 49-801 - Definitions

§ 49-802 - Federal used oil program; incorporation by reference; rule making

§ 49-803 - Prohibited practices

§ 49-810 - Violation; classification

§ 49-811 - Violation; civil penalty

§ 49-812 - Compliance orders; injunctive relief

§ 49-813 - Program of education

§ 49-817 - Enforcement powers of the director and inspectors

§ 49-831 - Definitions

§ 49-832 - Administration and enforcement by department of environmental quality; powers and duties

§ 49-833 - Public education

§ 49-835 - Recycling of plastics; labels

§ 49-836 - Solid waste landfill disposal fees

§ 49-837 - Recycling fund; use; advisory committee

§ 49-851 - Definitions; applicability

§ 49-852 - Statutory list of special wastes; best management practices rules; applicability of hazardous waste designation

§ 49-854 - Designation of special wastes; criteria; notice; rules

§ 49-855 - Best management practices; fee; criteria

§ 49-856 - Special waste handling requirements; manifest; exemption

§ 49-857 - Special waste management plans; director; approval; fee

§ 49-857.01 - Plan; approval; deadline; judicial review

§ 49-858 - Interim use facilities; special waste

§ 49-859 - Application to water quality permits

§ 49-860 - Annual reporting requirements; inspections

§ 49-861 - Violation; classification; civil penalty

§ 49-862 - Compliance orders; injunctive relief

§ 49-863 - Special waste management fee; exemption

§ 49-865 - Inspections

§ 49-866 - Orders; monitoring; pollution control devices

§ 49-868 - Agency orders; appeal

§ 49-881 - Solid waste fee fund; uses; exemption

§ 49-891 - Coal combustion residuals program; rules; incorporation by reference

§ 49-891.01 - Powers of the director

§ 49-901 - Definitions

§ 49-921 - Definitions

§ 49-922 - Department rules and standards; prohibited permittees

§ 49-922.01 - Hazardous waste manifest errors; penalty; disposition of monies

§ 49-923 - Compliance orders; civil penalties; injunctive relief

§ 49-924 - Violations; civil penalty

§ 49-925 - Violation; classification; definition

§ 49-926 - Enforcement

§ 49-927 - Hazardous waste management fund

§ 49-928 - Availability of information to the public

§ 49-929 - Annual registration of hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities, transporters and generators; fee; disposition of revenue

§ 49-930 - Annual registration of hazardous waste resource recovery facilities; fee; maximum annual payment of fees and taxes; disposition of revenue; definitions

§ 49-931 - Hazardous waste fees; definitions

§ 49-932 - Hazardous waste fuel penalty; disposition of revenue

§ 49-941 - Hazardous waste facilities; notice of site to property owners; time and area requirements

§ 49-942 - Site selection by political subdivision; hearing; notice

§ 49-943 - Agency grant of final permit; prerequisites

§ 49-944 - Exemption

§ 49-961 - Definitions

§ 49-962 - Toxic data report; progress report; exemption

§ 49-963 - Pollution prevention plan; progress report; exemption

§ 49-964 - Review of reports and plans; enforcement; contempt

§ 49-965 - Pollution prevention technical assistance program

§ 49-967 - Availability of information to the public

§ 49-969 - Consumer product information

§ 49-972 - Pollution prevention plan for state agencies; definition

§ 49-973 - Toxic data report; progress report

§ 49-1001 - Definitions

§ 49-1001.01 - Definition of owner; rules

§ 49-1002 - Notification requirements; exemptions

§ 49-1003 - Detection of releases; record keeping requirements

§ 49-1004 - Reporting requirements

§ 49-1005 - Corrective action

§ 49-1006 - Statement of financial responsibility

§ 49-1006.01 - Insurance for releases; termination; notice; coverage; assistance

§ 49-1006.02 - Insurance primacy; requirements; fund access

§ 49-1007 - Liability of guarantors

§ 49-1008 - Closure

§ 49-1009 - Tank performance standards

§ 49-1010 - Preemption of local regulation; delegation of administrative authority

§ 49-1011 - Right to inspect records, tanks and equipment

§ 49-1012 - Confidentiality of records

§ 49-1013 - Enforcement and penalties

§ 49-1014 - Rules; policies; guidelines

§ 49-1015 - Underground storage tank revolving fund; use; purpose

§ 49-1016 - Responsibilities of owners and operators

§ 49-1017 - Powers of director; corrective actions

§ 49-1017.01 - Settlement authority; participation; financial information; process; payment; notice

§ 49-1017.02 - Powers of the director; noncorrective actions

§ 49-1018 - Corrective action; enforcement; priority

§ 49-1019 - Release of regulated substance; causes of action; limitation; liability

§ 49-1020 - Fees

§ 49-1021 - Applicability

§ 49-1022 - Regulated substance migration off site; responsibility; corrective action; notice; appeal; coverage

§ 49-1023 - Delivery prohibition; stop use tag; definitions

§ 49-1024 - Report; underground storage tank revolving fund program

§ 49-1031 - Imposition of tax

§ 49-1031.01 - Underground storage tank excise tax; legislative review

§ 49-1032 - Return and payment of tax; due date

§ 49-1033 - Extensions; abatement

§ 49-1034 - Audits

§ 49-1035 - Interest; penalty; lien

§ 49-1036 - Remission and disposition of revenues

§ 49-1051 - Preapproval process; requirements; corrective action priority

§ 49-1052 - Noncorrective actions; baseline assessment

§ 49-1053 - Reimbursement of corrective action costs; definition

§ 49-1054 - Extent of reimbursement

§ 49-1055 - Extent of reimbursement; termination of eligibility

§ 49-1056 - Lien rights; unrecovered corrective action costs

§ 49-1057 - Intergovernmental agreements

§ 49-1071 - Noncorrective action tank site improvement; purposes; priority

§ 49-1081 - Definitions

§ 49-1082 - Certification of underground storage tank service providers; rules; suspension or revocation of certification

§ 49-1083 - Designation; training; record keeping requirements; rules

§ 49-1091 - Underground storage tank informal appeals

§ 49-1091.01 - Fee and cost reimbursement; application; limitations

§ 49-1101 - Definitions

§ 49-1102 - Shielding of outdoor light fixtures; exemptions

§ 49-1103 - Nonconforming light fixtures

§ 49-1104 - Use of mercury vapor light fixtures

§ 49-1105 - Airport lighting

§ 49-1106 - Exemption of cities, towns and counties

§ 49-1201 - Definitions

§ 49-1202 - Water infrastructure finance authority of Arizona

§ 49-1203 - Powers and duties of authority; definition

§ 49-1203.01 - Water infrastructure finance authority of Arizona; additional powers and duties

§ 49-1204 - Annual audit and report

§ 49-1205 - Water infrastructure finance authority board; legislative intent

§ 49-1206 - Water infrastructure finance authority board; membership; fingerprinting; conduct of office; definition

§ 49-1207 - Federal water programs committee; membership; recommendations

§ 49-1208 - Water supply development committee; long-term water augmentation committee; membership; recommendations

§ 49-1209 - Cooperation with governmental entities

§ 49-1210 - Limitations on water activities

§ 49-1211 - Project delivery methods

§ 49-1212 - Procurement for water-related facilities; insurance; evaluations; deviations

§ 49-1213 - Public-private partnership agreements; private partners; political subdivisions; tax exemptions; prohibition

§ 49-1214 - Attorney general public-private partnership agreement certification

§ 49-1215 - Joint legislative water committee; membership; duties

§ 49-1216 - Financial assistance; loan repayment agreements; political subdivisions

§ 49-1221 - Clean water revolving fund

§ 49-1222 - Clean water revolving fund; administration

§ 49-1223 - Clean water revolving fund; purposes; capitalization grants

§ 49-1224 - Clean water revolving fund financial assistance; procedures; rules

§ 49-1225 - Clean water revolving fund financial assistance; terms

§ 49-1226 - Enforcement; attorney general

§ 49-1241 - Drinking water revolving fund

§ 49-1242 - Drinking water revolving fund; administration; capitalization grant transfer account

§ 49-1243 - Drinking water revolving fund; purposes; capitalization grants

§ 49-1244 - Drinking water revolving fund financial assistance; procedures

§ 49-1245 - Drinking water revolving fund financial assistance; terms

§ 49-1246 - Enforcement; attorney general

§ 49-1261 - Water quality bonds

§ 49-1262 - Water quality bonds; purpose

§ 49-1263 - Bond obligations of the authority

§ 49-1264 - Certification of bonds by attorney general

§ 49-1265 - Water quality bonds as legal investments

§ 49-1266 - Agreement of state

§ 49-1267 - Hardship grant fund

§ 49-1268 - Hardship grant financial assistance

§ 49-1269 - Short-term emergency loan agreements; conditions

§ 49-1270 - Definitions

§ 49-1271 - Water supply development revolving fund

§ 49-1272 - Water supply development revolving fund; administration

§ 49-1273 - Water supply development revolving fund; purposes

§ 49-1274 - Water supply development revolving fund financial assistance; procedures

§ 49-1275 - Water supply development revolving fund; loans; terms

§ 49-1276 - Enforcement; attorney general

§ 49-1277 - Water supply development bonds

§ 49-1278 - Water supply development bonds; purpose

§ 49-1279 - Bond obligations of the authority

§ 49-1280 - Certification of bonds by attorney general

§ 49-1281 - Water supply development bonds as legal investments

§ 49-1282 - Agreement of state

§ 49-1301 - Definitions

§ 49-1302 - Long-term water augmentation fund

§ 49-1303 - Long-term water augmentation fund; purposes; limitation

§ 49-1304 - Evaluation criteria for projects from the long-term water augmentation fund

§ 49-1305 - Opportunity for participation by Colorado River water users

§ 49-1306 - Taxation exemption

§ 49-1307 - Financial assistance from the long-term water augmentation fund; terms

§ 49-1308 - Long-term water augmentation financial assistance; procedures

§ 49-1309 - Long-term water augmentation bonds; requirements; authority; exemption from liability

§ 49-1310 - Long-term water augmentation bond obligations of the authority

§ 49-1311 - Certification of long-term water augmentation bonds by attorney general

§ 49-1312 - Long-term water augmentation bonds as legal investments

§ 49-1313 - Agreement of state

§ 49-1331 - Water conservation grant fund; exemption; administration; report

§ 49-1332 - Water conservation grant fund; purposes

§ 49-1333 - Water conservation grant fund; procedures

§ 49-1334 - Evaluation criteria for water conservation programs and projects from the water conservation grant fund; procedures

§ 49-1335 - Water conservation grant committee; membership; recommendations

§ 49-1401 - Definitions

§ 49-1402 - Audit report; contents

§ 49-1403 - Privilege

§ 49-1404 - Exception; waiver; violation; classification

§ 49-1405 - Exception; disclosure required by court or administrative hearing official

§ 49-1406 - Nonprivileged materials

§ 49-1407 - Review of privileged document by governmental authority

§ 49-1408 - Construction; no immunity

§ 49-1501 - Definition of natural gas storage facility

§ 49-1502 - Natural gas storage facilities; limitation

§ 49-1503 - Exemption of political subdivisions