Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 49 - The Environment
§ 49-761 - Rulemaking authority for solid waste facilities; exemption; financial assurance; recycling facilities

49-761. Rulemaking authority for solid waste facilities; exemption; financial assurance; recycling facilities
A. The department shall adopt rules regarding the storage, processing, treatment and disposal of solid waste as prescribed by subsections B through M of this section. In adopting rules, the department shall consider the nature of the waste streams at the facilities to be regulated. The department shall also consider other applicable federal and state laws and rules in an effort to avoid practices or requirements that duplicate, are inconsistent with or will result in dual regulation with other applicable rules and laws. Facilities that obtain and maintain coverage under a general permit established by the department pursuant to section 49-706 are exempt from rules adopted pursuant to this section. In adopting rules for solid waste facilities, the director may include requirements for corrective actions in response to a release, as defined in section 49-281, from a solid waste facility that violates or results in a violation of any provision of this chapter, rule adopted pursuant to this chapter or solid waste facility plan approved pursuant to this chapter. These rules shall be consistent with section 49-762.08, subsection B, subsection C, paragraphs 1 and 2 and subsections D and E.
B. For purposes of administering 42 United States Code section 6945, as amended November 8, 1984, 40 C.F.R. part 258 is adopted by reference except as prescribed by paragraph 2 of this subsection. This subsection, as it applies to municipal solid waste landfills, governs if there is any conflict between this subsection and any other statute relating to solid waste. Municipal solid waste landfill facility plans submitted pursuant to section 49-762 shall comply with this subsection. In administering this subsection or in adopting or administering any rules adopted pursuant to this subsection, the department shall ensure that any discretion allowed to a director of an approved state pursuant to the federal regulations is maintained. The following apply to the department's administration of 42 United States Code section 6945 and to the department's adoption of rules for municipal solid waste landfills:
1. The department may adopt rules for municipal solid waste landfills. Rules adopted pursuant to this paragraph shall not be more stringent than or conflict with 40 C.F.R. part 258 for nonprocedural standards, except that the department may adopt aquifer protection standards that are more stringent than 40 C.F.R. part 258 if those standards are consistent with and not more stringent than standards developed pursuant to chapter 2, article 3 of this title, or if the standards are adopted pursuant to article 9 of this chapter. Rules adopted pursuant to this paragraph are effective on the concurrence of the administrator with this state's municipal solid waste landfill program.
2. 40 C.F.R. part 258, table I is not adopted in its entirety. The department shall use aquifer water quality standards that have been adopted by the department pursuant to section 49-223 and shall use those portions of table I that are more restrictive than the standards adopted pursuant to section 49-223.
C. The department shall adopt rules for those solid waste land disposal facilities that are not municipal solid waste landfills and that are not regulated by the coal combustion residuals program established pursuant to article 11 of this chapter. Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection shall not be more stringent than or conflict with 40 C.F.R. part 257, subparts A and B for nonprocedural standards, except that the department may adopt aquifer protection standards that are more stringent than 40 C.F.R. part 257, subparts A and B if these standards are consistent with and not more stringent than standards developed pursuant to chapter 2, article 3 of this title, or if the standards are adopted pursuant to article 9 of this chapter. In administering this subsection, the department shall ensure that any discretion allowed to a director of an approved state pursuant to the federal regulations is maintained in the department's rules. Aquifer protection provisions adopted pursuant to this subsection do not apply to an owner or operator of a solid waste facility if the owner or operator submits an administratively complete application for an aquifer protection permit pursuant to chapter 2, article 3 of this title before the date that the owner or operator is required to submit a solid waste facility plan.
D. The department shall adopt rules to define biohazardous medical waste and to regulate biohazardous medical waste and medical sharps to include all of the following:
1. A definition for biohazardous medical waste that includes wastes that contain material that is likely to transmit etiologic agents that have been shown to cause or contribute to increased human morbidity or mortality of epidemiologic significance. The department shall consult with the department of health services in making this determination.
2. Reasonably necessary rules regarding the storage, collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of biohazardous medical waste and medical sharps, beginning with the placement by the generator of the waste in containers for the purpose of waste collection. The department may require payment of a fee for the licensure of a transporter of biohazardous medical waste. After July 20, 2011, the department shall establish by rule a fee for the licensure of a transporter of biohazardous medical waste, including a maximum fee. As part of the rulemaking process, there must be public notice and comment and a review of the rule by the joint legislative budget committee. After September 30, 2013, the department shall not increase that fee by rule without specific statutory authority for the increase. The fees shall be deposited, pursuant to sections 35-146 and 35-147, in the solid waste fee fund established by section 49-881. In the case of self-hauling of waste by the generator, all storage facilities under the generator's control and all waste handling practices including storage, treatment and transportation shall be in accordance with these rules. The department shall also adopt reasonably necessary rules regarding the tracking of biohazardous medical waste and medical sharps.
E. The department may adopt reasonably necessary rules regarding the storage, collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of nonbiohazardous medical waste beginning with the placement by the generator of the waste in containers for the purpose of waste collection. In the case of self-hauling of the waste by the generator, all storage facilities under the generator's control and all waste handling practices including storage, treatment and transportation shall be in accordance with these rules.
F. The department shall adopt rules for the application of sludge from a wastewater treatment facility to land for use as fertilizer or beneficial soil amendment. For the purposes of this subsection, " sludge" has the same meaning as sewage sludge as defined in 40 Code of Federal Regulations section 122.2 in effect on January 1, 1998.
G. The department shall adopt rules regarding the storage, processing, treatment or disposal of solid waste at solid waste facilities that are identified in section 49-762.01. The rules shall allow the owner or operator to certify compliance with the department's statutes and rules instead of obtaining a solid waste facility plan approval. The rules shall provide that the applicant at its option may request approval of a solid waste facility plan rather than certifying compliance.
H. The department shall issue by rule best management practices for the classes of solid waste facilities set forth in section 49-762.02.
I. The department shall adopt reasonably necessary rules establishing minimum standards for storing, collecting, transporting, disposing and reclaiming solid waste, including garbage, trash, rubbish, manure and other objectionable wastes. These rules shall provide for inspecting premises, containers, processes, equipment and vehicles, and for abating as environmental nuisances any premises, containers, processes, equipment or vehicles that do not comply with the minimum standards of these rules. The rules adopted pursuant to this subsection do not apply to sites that are either regulated by section 49-762, 49-762.01 or 49-762.02 or exempted from the definition of solid waste facility in section 49-701 or from the definition of solid waste in section 49-701.01. Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection, rules adopted pursuant to this subsection shall apply to defining environmental nuisances pursuant to section 49-141.
J. The department shall adopt rules relating to financial assurance requirements. The rules shall indicate the types of financial assurance mechanisms to be required and the content, terms and conditions of each financial mechanism, including circumstances under which the department may take action on the financial assurance mechanism for facility closure, postclosure care if necessary and corrective action for known releases. The financial assurance mechanisms shall include all of the following:
1. Surety bond.
2. Certificate of deposit.
3. Trust fund with pay-in period.
4. Letter of credit.
5. Insurance policy.
6. Certificate of self-insurance.
7. Deposit with the state treasurer.
8. Evidence of ability to meet any of the following:
(a) Corporate financial test.
(b) Local government financial test.
(c) Corporate guarantee test.
(d) Local government guarantee test.
(e) Political subdivision financial test that shall require the department to consider the entity's bond rating, income stream, assets, liabilities and assessed valuation of taxable property.
9. Multiple financial assurance mechanisms.
10. Additional financial assurance mechanisms that may be acceptable to the director.
K. The department shall adopt rules that prescribe standards to be used in determining if a site is a recycling facility.
L. The director may adopt rules that prescribe standards to be used in determining if a solid waste facility includes significant solid waste transfer activities that warrant the facility's regulation as a transfer facility.
M. The department shall adopt facility design, construction, operation, closure and postclosure maintenance rules for biosolids processing facilities and household waste composting facilities that must obtain plan approval pursuant to section 49-762.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 49 - The Environment

§ 49-101 - Definitions

§ 49-102 - Department of environmental quality; director; deputy director; division directors; divisions

§ 49-103 - Department employees; legal counsel

§ 49-104 - Powers and duties of the department and director

§ 49-106 - Statewide application of rules

§ 49-107 - Local delegation of state authority

§ 49-108 - Hazardous materials emergency response operations

§ 49-109 - Certificate of disclosure of violations; remedies

§ 49-110 - Compliance order; hearing; judicial review; enforcement

§ 49-111 - Permit application; plan approval; notice to counties, cities or towns

§ 49-112 - County regulation; standards

§ 49-113 - Fees; unpaid amounts; penalties; audits

§ 49-114 - Appeals of agency decisions

§ 49-115 - Indirect cost fund; use; exemption

§ 49-116 - Informal appeals of agency decisions; technical appeals program fund; definitions

§ 49-117 - Supplemental environmental project; requirements; nexus

§ 49-118 - Notice of violation; hazardous condition; federal agency

§ 49-121 - Definitions

§ 49-122 - Relationship to other law; declaration of application

§ 49-123 - Hazardous materials emergency management program; Arizona emergency response commission; emergency planning and community right-to-know

§ 49-124 - Emergency planning districts; local emergency planning committees

§ 49-125 - Comprehensive emergency response plans

§ 49-126 - Extremely hazardous substances

§ 49-127 - Facilities subject to emergency planning; facility emergency response plans

§ 49-128 - Emergency notification of reportable releases

§ 49-129 - Material safety data sheets

§ 49-130 - Emergency and hazardous chemical inventory forms

§ 49-131 - Toxic chemical release forms; definitions

§ 49-132 - Emergency response fund

§ 49-133 - Emergency response; immunity

§ 49-141 - Environmental nuisances

§ 49-142 - Abatement order; hearing; injunction

§ 49-143 - Abatement of environmental nuisances

§ 49-144 - Right to enter premises for inspection or abatement

§ 49-151 - Definitions

§ 49-152 - Soil remediation standards; restrictions on property use

§ 49-152.01 - Engineering controls; financial assurance

§ 49-152.02 - Enforcement of engineering controls; civil penalty

§ 49-158 - Restrictions on property use; enforcement of engineering and institutional controls

§ 49-159 - Institutional and engineering control fund; purpose

§ 49-171 - Definitions

§ 49-172 - Applicability

§ 49-173 - Application requirements

§ 49-174 - Application review and approval

§ 49-175 - Work plans

§ 49-176 - Community involvement requirements

§ 49-177 - Work plan review and approval

§ 49-178 - Termination and withdrawal

§ 49-179 - Application fees; reimbursement of costs of review

§ 49-180 - Modification of work plan

§ 49-181 - Requests for no further action determination

§ 49-182 - Approval of remediations for cost recovery

§ 49-183 - Insurance

§ 49-184 - Reservation of rights

§ 49-185 - Appeals and dispute resolution

§ 49-186 - Rules; no licensing

§ 49-187 - Voluntary remediation fund

§ 49-188 - Department access to private property

§ 49-191 - Greenhouse gas programs; definition

§ 49-192 - Definitions

§ 49-192.01 - Voluntary environmental stewardship program; minimum qualifications

§ 49-201 - Definitions

§ 49-202 - Designation of state agency

§ 49-202.01 - Surface water quality general grazing permit; best management practices for grazing activities; definition

§ 49-203 - Powers and duties of the director and department

§ 49-204 - Gray water reuse

§ 49-205 - Availability of information to the public

§ 49-206 - Preservation of rights

§ 49-207 - Discrimination prohibited

§ 49-208 - Public participation

§ 49-209 - Industrial discharges to community sewer systems; registration; fee

§ 49-210 - Water quality fee fund; appropriation; exemption; monies held in trust

§ 49-211 - Direct potable reuse of treated wastewater; fees; rules

§ 49-218 - Definitions

§ 49-218.01 - Brownfields cleanup revolving loan fund program; eligibility

§ 49-218.02 - Brownfields cleanup revolving loan fund

§ 49-221 - Water quality standards in general; protected surface waters list

§ 49-222 - Water quality standards for WOTUS

§ 49-223 - Aquifer water quality standards

§ 49-224 - Aquifer identification, classification and reclassification

§ 49-225 - Water quality monitoring

§ 49-231 - Definitions

§ 49-232 - Lists of impaired waters; data requirements; rules

§ 49-233 - Priority ranking and schedule

§ 49-234 - Total maximum daily loads; implementation plans

§ 49-235 - Rules

§ 49-236 - Report

§ 49-237 - Impact of successful judicial appeal of Arizona department of environmental quality decision

§ 49-241 - Permit required to discharge

§ 49-241.01 - Groundwater protection permit facilities; schedule; definition

§ 49-241.02 - Aquifer protection permit program fees

§ 49-242 - Procedural requirements for individual permits; annual registration of permittees; fee

§ 49-243 - Information and criteria for issuing individual permit; definition

§ 49-243.01 - Presumptive best available demonstrated control technology

§ 49-244 - Point of compliance

§ 49-245 - Criteria for issuing general permit

§ 49-245.01 - Storm water general permit

§ 49-245.02 - General permit for certain discharges associated with man-made bodies of water

§ 49-246 - Criteria for developing best management practices

§ 49-247 - Agricultural general permits; best management practices for regulated agricultural activities

§ 49-249 - Aquifer pollution information

§ 49-250 - Exemptions

§ 49-251 - Temporary emergency waiver

§ 49-252 - Closure notification and approval

§ 49-255 - Definitions

§ 49-255.01 - Arizona pollutant discharge elimination system program; rules and standards; affirmative defense; fees; general permit

§ 49-255.02 - Pretreatment program; rules and standards

§ 49-255.03 - Sewage sludge program; rules and requirements

§ 49-255.04 - Special provisions for discharges to non-WOTUS protected surface waters

§ 49-255.05 - Best management practices for activities within non-WOTUS

§ 49-256 - Adoption and enactment of federal definitions

§ 49-256.01 - Dredge and fill permit program; permits; rules; prohibitions; exemptions; exceptions; notice

§ 49-256.02 - Compensatory mitigation

§ 49-257 - Applicability of federal definitions

§ 49-257.01 - Underground injection control permit program; permits; prohibitions; rules

§ 49-261 - Compliance orders; appeal; enforcement

§ 49-262 - Injunctive relief; civil penalties; recovery of litigation costs; affirmative defense

§ 49-263 - Criminal violations; classification; definition

§ 49-263.01 - Arizona pollutant discharge elimination system program; violation; classification

§ 49-263.02 - Sewage sludge program; violation; classification

§ 49-264 - Private right of action; citizen suits; right to intervene

§ 49-265 - Venue

§ 49-281 - Definitions

§ 49-282 - Water quality assurance revolving fund

§ 49-282.01 - Maximum annual payments of fees and taxes by mines to water quality assurance revolving fund; definitions

§ 49-282.02 - Water quality assurance revolving fund; emergency response use; definitions

§ 49-282.03 - Interim remedial actions; reimbursement of the fund; rules

§ 49-282.04 - Cross-contamination inspection; remedial measures

§ 49-282.05 - Agreements for work; suspension of remedial action

§ 49-282.06 - Remedial action criteria; rules

§ 49-283 - Responsible party liability exemptions; definitions

§ 49-283.01 - Remediated water; liability; definitions

§ 49-283.02 - Petroleum liability

§ 49-284 - Notice; reportable quantities; penalties

§ 49-285 - Liability for remedial actions costs; limitation of actions

§ 49-285.01 - Prospective purchaser agreements; assignment; notice; fees; rules

§ 49-286 - Mitigation of non-hazardous releases

§ 49-287 - Enforcement; use of fund; inspections and information gathering; civil penalties

§ 49-287.01 - Investigation scoring and site registry; no further action

§ 49-287.02 - Responsible party search

§ 49-287.03 - Remedial investigation and feasibility study

§ 49-287.04 - Proposed remedial action plan; preliminary list of responsible parties; opportunity to comment; record of decision; appeal

§ 49-287.05 - Notice of liability allocation; eligibility

§ 49-287.06 - Allocation hearing

§ 49-287.07 - Actions for allocation and recovery of remedial action costs; limitation of actions

§ 49-288 - Information gathering and access; enforcement; retaliatory action; civil penalties

§ 49-289 - Fund financed remedial action; definition

§ 49-289.01 - Site boundary adjustment petitions

§ 49-289.02 - Community information; public notice and comment

§ 49-289.03 - Community involvement plan; community advisory boards; rules

§ 49-290 - Exemption from permit requirements; definition

§ 49-290.01 - Applicability of requirements; Arizona department of water resources

§ 49-290.02 - Applicability of Arizona department of water resources requirements; metal mining facilities

§ 49-292 - Settlement; authority and effect

§ 49-292.01 - Qualified business settlements; definition

§ 49-292.02 - Financial hardship settlement

§ 49-294 - Use of monies obtained through consent decrees or litigation

§ 49-295 - Environmental liens

§ 49-296 - Settlement agreements

§ 49-298 - Appealable agency actions; licenses

§ 49-301 - Definitions

§ 49-302 - Information submittal

§ 49-303 - Pesticide evaluation process; reporting requirements

§ 49-304 - Penalty for groundwater protection data gap

§ 49-305 - Groundwater protection list; regulation of pesticides on list

§ 49-306 - Groundwater protection data gap; cancellation of registration

§ 49-307 - Monitoring and testing

§ 49-308 - Enforcement

§ 49-309 - Cancellation of pesticide registration; hearing for reconsideration and continued use

§ 49-310 - New pesticides; conditional registration; reports

§ 49-321 - Appeals

§ 49-322 - Water quality appeals board

§ 49-323 - Appeals to the board; judicial review

§ 49-324 - Stay pending appeal; standard of review

§ 49-351 - Designation of responsible state agency

§ 49-352 - Classifying systems and certifying personnel; limitation

§ 49-353 - Duties of director; rules; prohibited lead use

§ 49-353.01 - Duties of director; rules; standards; water supply; definition

§ 49-354 - Enforcement; violation; classification; compliance orders; judicial review; injunctive relief; civil administrative penalties; civil penalties

§ 49-355 - Small drinking water systems fund; grants; definition

§ 49-356 - Water systems; designating lead agency; coordinating council

§ 49-357 - Joint monitoring and testing

§ 49-358 - Water system compliance assistance program

§ 49-360 - Monitoring assistance program for public water systems; fees; monitoring assistance fund; safe drinking water program fund; rules

§ 49-361 - Sewage treatment plants; operator certification

§ 49-362 - Calculation of wastewater treatment capacity; gray water; definition

§ 49-371 - Local stormwater quality programs; authority; limitations; fee; civil penalty; definition

§ 49-372 - Administrative director; enforcement

§ 49-391 - Local enforcement of water pretreatment requirements; civil penalties

§ 49-401 - Declaration of policy

§ 49-401.01 - Definitions

§ 49-402 - State and county control

§ 49-403 - General permits and individual permits; issuance; definition

§ 49-404 - State implementation plan

§ 49-405 - Attainment area designations

§ 49-406 - Nonattainment area plan

§ 49-407 - Private right of action; citizen suits

§ 49-408 - Air quality conformity; definition

§ 49-409 - Chlorofluorocarbons; permitted use; retaliation prohibited

§ 49-410 - Voluntary Arizona emissions bank; definitions

§ 49-411 - Particulate measures; cities, towns, counties, departments; implementation; report

§ 49-412 - Alternative fuel delivery systems; standardized waivers

§ 49-413 - Clean burning alternative fuels; public refueling

§ 49-421 - Definitions

§ 49-422 - Powers and duties

§ 49-424 - Duties of department

§ 49-425 - Rules; hearing

§ 49-426 - Permits; duties of director; exceptions; applications; objections; fees

§ 49-426.01 - Permits; changes within a source; revisions

§ 49-426.02 - Permit shield

§ 49-426.03 - Enforcement of federal hazardous air pollutant program; definitions

§ 49-426.04 - State list of hazardous air pollutants

§ 49-426.05 - Designation of sources of hazardous air pollutants

§ 49-426.06 - State program for control of hazardous air pollutants

§ 49-426.07 - Imminent and substantial endangerment

§ 49-427 - Grant or denial of applications; revisions

§ 49-428 - Appeals of permit actions

§ 49-429 - Permit transfers; notice; appeal

§ 49-430 - Posting of permit

§ 49-431 - Notice by building permit agencies

§ 49-432 - Classification and reporting; confidentiality of records

§ 49-433 - Special inspection warrant

§ 49-435 - Hearings on orders of abatement

§ 49-437 - Conditional orders; standards; rules

§ 49-438 - Petition for conditional order; publication; public hearing

§ 49-439 - Decisions on petitions for conditional order; terms and conditions

§ 49-440 - Term of conditional order; effective date

§ 49-441 - Suspension and revocation of conditional order

§ 49-442 - Appeal of county decisions

§ 49-443 - Court appeals; procedures

§ 49-444 - Notice of hearing; publication; service

§ 49-447 - Motor vehicle and combustion engine emission; standards

§ 49-448 - Limitations

§ 49-453 - Air quality impact reports; filing

§ 49-454 - Adjusted work hours

§ 49-455 - Permit administration fund; exemption

§ 49-456 - Technical assistance for small business; compliance advisory panel

§ 49-457 - Agricultural best management practices committee; members; powers; permits; enforcement; preemption; definitions

§ 49-457.01 - Leaf blower use restrictions and training; leaf blower equipment sellers; informational material; outreach; applicability

§ 49-457.03 - Off-road vehicles; pollution advisory days; applicability; penalties

§ 49-457.04 - Off-highway vehicle and all-terrain vehicle dealers; informational material; outreach; applicability

§ 49-457.05 - Dust action general permit; best management practices; applicability; definitions

§ 49-458 - Regional haze program; authority

§ 49-458.01 - State implementation plan revision; regional haze; rules

§ 49-459 - State plan; carbon emissions from power plants

§ 49-460 - Violations; production of records

§ 49-461 - Violations; order of abatement

§ 49-462 - Violations; injunctive relief

§ 49-463 - Violations; civil penalties

§ 49-464 - Violation; classification; penalties; definition

§ 49-465 - Air pollution emergency

§ 49-466 - Precedence of actions

§ 49-467 - Preservation of rights

§ 49-471 - Definitions

§ 49-471.01 - Regulatory bill of rights

§ 49-471.02 - Fees; express authority

§ 49-471.03 - Inspections

§ 49-471.04 - Notice of proposed rule or ordinance making

§ 49-471.05 - Contents of preamble

§ 49-471.06 - Public participation; written statements; oral proceedings

§ 49-471.07 - Time and manner of rule or ordinance making

§ 49-471.08 - Expedited rule or ordinance making

§ 49-471.09 - County rule or ordinance making record

§ 49-471.10 - Invalidity of rules or ordinances; prohibited agency action

§ 49-471.11 - Substantive policy statements; directory of rules and policy statements

§ 49-471.12 - Petition for rule or ordinance making or review of practice or policy

§ 49-471.13 - Permitting time frames

§ 49-471.14 - Reporting; compliance with time frames

§ 49-471.15 - Administrative appeals

§ 49-471.16 - Waiver

§ 49-472 - Department studies

§ 49-473 - Board of supervisors

§ 49-474 - County control boards

§ 49-474.01 - Additional board duties in vehicle emissions control areas; definitions

§ 49-474.02 - Voluntary lawn and garden equipment emissions reduction program; criteria

§ 49-474.05 - Dust control; training; site coordinators

§ 49-474.06 - Dust control; subcontractor registration; fee

§ 49-474.07 - Voluntary diesel equipment retrofit program; criteria; inventory; permits

§ 49-475 - Powers and duties

§ 49-476 - Authorization to accept funds or grants

§ 49-476.01 - Monitoring

§ 49-477 - Advisory council

§ 49-478 - Hearing board

§ 49-479 - Rules; hearing

§ 49-480 - Permits; fees

§ 49-480.01 - Permits; changes within a source; revisions

§ 49-480.02 - Appeals of permit actions

§ 49-480.03 - Federal hazardous air pollutant program; date specified by administrator; prohibition

§ 49-480.04 - County program for control of hazardous air pollutants

§ 49-481 - Grant or denial of applications

§ 49-482 - Appeals to hearing board

§ 49-483 - Permit transfers; notice; appeal

§ 49-484 - Expiration of permit

§ 49-485 - Posting of permit

§ 49-486 - Notice by building permit agencies

§ 49-487 - Classification and reporting; confidentiality of records

§ 49-488 - Special inspection warrant

§ 49-490 - Hearings on orders of abatement

§ 49-491 - Conditional orders; standards; rules

§ 49-492 - Petition for conditional order; publication; public hearing

§ 49-493 - Decisions on petitions for conditional order; terms and conditions

§ 49-494 - Term of conditional order; effective date

§ 49-495 - Suspension and revocation of conditional order

§ 49-496 - Decisions of hearing board; subpoenas; effective date

§ 49-497 - Declaratory judgment

§ 49-497.01 - Judicial review of hearing board or administrative law judge decisions

§ 49-497.02 - Judicial review of appealable agency action not subject to review by hearing board or administrative law judge

§ 49-498 - Notice of hearing; publication; service

§ 49-501 - Unlawful open burning; exceptions; civil penalty; definition

§ 49-502 - Violation; classification

§ 49-503 - Defenses

§ 49-504 - Limitations

§ 49-506 - Voluntary no-drive days

§ 49-507 - Technical assistance to small businesses

§ 49-510 - Violations; production of records

§ 49-511 - Violations; order of abatement

§ 49-512 - Violations; injunctive relief

§ 49-513 - Violations; civil penalties

§ 49-514 - Violation; classification; definition

§ 49-515 - Precedence of actions

§ 49-516 - Preservation of rights

§ 49-541 - Definitions

§ 49-542 - Emissions inspection program; powers and duties of director; administration; periodic inspection; minimum standards and rules; exceptions; definition

§ 49-542; Version 2 - Emissions inspection program; powers and duties of director; administration; periodic inspection; minimum standards and rules; exceptions; definition

§ 49-542.02 - Mechanic education program

§ 49-542.03 - Motor vehicle dealer; emissions testing; remedies; definition

§ 49-542.03; Version 2 - Motor vehicle dealer; emissions testing; remedies; definition

§ 49-542.04 - Off-road vehicle and engine standards

§ 49-542.05 - Alternative fuel vehicles

§ 49-543 - Emissions inspection costs; disposition; fleet inspection; certificates

§ 49-544 - Emissions inspection fund; composition; authorized expenditures; exemptions; investment

§ 49-545 - Agreement with independent contractor; qualifications of contractor; agreement provisions

§ 49-546 - Fleet emissions inspection stations; certificates of inspection; dealer's inventory; investigations; revocation or suspension of permit

§ 49-547 - Authority of director to acquire enforcement equipment

§ 49-548 - Improper representation

§ 49-549 - False certificates

§ 49-550 - Violation; classification; civil penalty

§ 49-551 - Air quality fee; air quality fund; purpose

§ 49-551.01 - Diesel vehicle low emissions incentive grants; criteria

§ 49-552 - Enforcement on city, town, county, school district or special district property

§ 49-553 - Vehicle emissions; research; cost analysis

§ 49-554 - Technical assistance review

§ 49-555 - Retrofit of diesel vehicles

§ 49-556 - Low emission vehicle program

§ 49-557 - Government vehicles; emissions inspections; noncompliance; vehicle operation privilege suspension

§ 49-558 - Voluntary accelerated purchase of tier 2 and 3 equipment; definitions

§ 49-558.02 - Voluntary vehicle repair and retrofit program; criteria; fund; report

§ 49-571 - Clean burning or alternative fuel requirements for new buses; definitions

§ 49-572 - Joint use of clean burning or alternative fuel refueling stations

§ 49-573 - Emissions controls; federal vehicles

§ 49-581 - Definitions

§ 49-582 - Travel reduction program regional task force; composition

§ 49-583 - Duties and powers of the task force

§ 49-584 - Staff duties

§ 49-587 - Voluntary participation

§ 49-588 - Requirements for major employers

§ 49-589 - Variances

§ 49-590 - Requirements for high schools, community colleges and universities

§ 49-591 - Exemptions

§ 49-592 - Appeals

§ 49-593 - Violations; civil penalties

§ 49-701 - Definitions

§ 49-701.01 - Definition of solid waste; exemptions

§ 49-701.02 - Exemptions from definition of solid waste; soils; seller's duty to disclose

§ 49-702 - Authorization to accept funds or grants

§ 49-703 - Joint operation

§ 49-704 - Applicability of chapter to local regulations and services

§ 49-705 - Integration of solid waste programs

§ 49-706 - Waste programs general permits; rules

§ 49-721 - Statewide solid waste management plan

§ 49-722 - Planning and technical assistance

§ 49-723 - Research and development

§ 49-724 - Distribution of appropriated funds to local governments

§ 49-741 - Local public facilities for solid waste management

§ 49-742 - User fees

§ 49-743 - Commercial permits

§ 49-744 - Salvaging

§ 49-745 - Ownership of solid waste

§ 49-746 - Private enterprise recycling and solid waste management; definitions

§ 49-747 - Annual registration of solid waste landfills; fee; disposition of revenue

§ 49-761 - Rulemaking authority for solid waste facilities; exemption; financial assurance; recycling facilities

§ 49-762 - Facilities requiring solid waste facility plans; exemption

§ 49-762.01 - Facilities requiring self-certification

§ 49-762.02 - Facilities subject to best management practices; rules

§ 49-762.03 - Solid waste facility plan approval

§ 49-762.04 - Solid waste facility plan review procedures

§ 49-762.05 - Self-certification procedures; rules

§ 49-762.06 - Changes to solid waste facilities and amended plans

§ 49-762.07 - Notices; exemptions; extensions; enforcement; operating standards

§ 49-762.08 - Corrective actions; application

§ 49-763 - Inspections

§ 49-763.01 - Variances

§ 49-764 - Orders; monitoring; pollution control devices

§ 49-765 - Local regulation of solid waste collection

§ 49-766 - Agricultural landfills; notice

§ 49-767 - Government owned solid waste facilities; permission; notice of site to property owners; hearing; exemption

§ 49-768 - Civil penalties

§ 49-769 - Agency orders; appeal

§ 49-770 - Financial assurance requirements for solid waste facilities

§ 49-771 - Restrictive covenants for solid waste landfills

§ 49-772 - Location restrictions for solid waste landfills; definitions

§ 49-773 - Disposal of waste; definition

§ 49-774 - Landfill washout; abatement costs; definitions

§ 49-781 - Compliance orders; appeal; enforcement

§ 49-782 - Actions on approval to operate

§ 49-783 - Injunctive relief; civil penalties; costs

§ 49-784 - Venue

§ 49-785 - Agency orders; appeal

§ 49-791 - Violation; classification; penalties

§ 49-801 - Definitions

§ 49-802 - Federal used oil program; incorporation by reference; rule making

§ 49-803 - Prohibited practices

§ 49-810 - Violation; classification

§ 49-811 - Violation; civil penalty

§ 49-812 - Compliance orders; injunctive relief

§ 49-813 - Program of education

§ 49-817 - Enforcement powers of the director and inspectors

§ 49-831 - Definitions

§ 49-832 - Administration and enforcement by department of environmental quality; powers and duties

§ 49-833 - Public education

§ 49-835 - Recycling of plastics; labels

§ 49-836 - Solid waste landfill disposal fees

§ 49-837 - Recycling fund; use; advisory committee

§ 49-851 - Definitions; applicability

§ 49-852 - Statutory list of special wastes; best management practices rules; applicability of hazardous waste designation

§ 49-854 - Designation of special wastes; criteria; notice; rules

§ 49-855 - Best management practices; fee; criteria

§ 49-856 - Special waste handling requirements; manifest; exemption

§ 49-857 - Special waste management plans; director; approval; fee

§ 49-857.01 - Plan; approval; deadline; judicial review

§ 49-858 - Interim use facilities; special waste

§ 49-859 - Application to water quality permits

§ 49-860 - Annual reporting requirements; inspections

§ 49-861 - Violation; classification; civil penalty

§ 49-862 - Compliance orders; injunctive relief

§ 49-863 - Special waste management fee; exemption

§ 49-865 - Inspections

§ 49-866 - Orders; monitoring; pollution control devices

§ 49-868 - Agency orders; appeal

§ 49-881 - Solid waste fee fund; uses; exemption

§ 49-891 - Coal combustion residuals program; rules; incorporation by reference

§ 49-891.01 - Powers of the director

§ 49-901 - Definitions

§ 49-921 - Definitions

§ 49-922 - Department rules and standards; prohibited permittees

§ 49-922.01 - Hazardous waste manifest errors; penalty; disposition of monies

§ 49-923 - Compliance orders; civil penalties; injunctive relief

§ 49-924 - Violations; civil penalty

§ 49-925 - Violation; classification; definition

§ 49-926 - Enforcement

§ 49-927 - Hazardous waste management fund

§ 49-928 - Availability of information to the public

§ 49-929 - Annual registration of hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities, transporters and generators; fee; disposition of revenue

§ 49-930 - Annual registration of hazardous waste resource recovery facilities; fee; maximum annual payment of fees and taxes; disposition of revenue; definitions

§ 49-931 - Hazardous waste fees; definitions

§ 49-932 - Hazardous waste fuel penalty; disposition of revenue

§ 49-941 - Hazardous waste facilities; notice of site to property owners; time and area requirements

§ 49-942 - Site selection by political subdivision; hearing; notice

§ 49-943 - Agency grant of final permit; prerequisites

§ 49-944 - Exemption

§ 49-961 - Definitions

§ 49-962 - Toxic data report; progress report; exemption

§ 49-963 - Pollution prevention plan; progress report; exemption

§ 49-964 - Review of reports and plans; enforcement; contempt

§ 49-965 - Pollution prevention technical assistance program

§ 49-967 - Availability of information to the public

§ 49-969 - Consumer product information

§ 49-972 - Pollution prevention plan for state agencies; definition

§ 49-973 - Toxic data report; progress report

§ 49-1001 - Definitions

§ 49-1001.01 - Definition of owner; rules

§ 49-1002 - Notification requirements; exemptions

§ 49-1003 - Detection of releases; record keeping requirements

§ 49-1004 - Reporting requirements

§ 49-1005 - Corrective action

§ 49-1006 - Statement of financial responsibility

§ 49-1006.01 - Insurance for releases; termination; notice; coverage; assistance

§ 49-1006.02 - Insurance primacy; requirements; fund access

§ 49-1007 - Liability of guarantors

§ 49-1008 - Closure

§ 49-1009 - Tank performance standards

§ 49-1010 - Preemption of local regulation; delegation of administrative authority

§ 49-1011 - Right to inspect records, tanks and equipment

§ 49-1012 - Confidentiality of records

§ 49-1013 - Enforcement and penalties

§ 49-1014 - Rules; policies; guidelines

§ 49-1015 - Underground storage tank revolving fund; use; purpose

§ 49-1016 - Responsibilities of owners and operators

§ 49-1017 - Powers of director; corrective actions

§ 49-1017.01 - Settlement authority; participation; financial information; process; payment; notice

§ 49-1017.02 - Powers of the director; noncorrective actions

§ 49-1018 - Corrective action; enforcement; priority

§ 49-1019 - Release of regulated substance; causes of action; limitation; liability

§ 49-1020 - Fees

§ 49-1021 - Applicability

§ 49-1022 - Regulated substance migration off site; responsibility; corrective action; notice; appeal; coverage

§ 49-1023 - Delivery prohibition; stop use tag; definitions

§ 49-1024 - Report; underground storage tank revolving fund program

§ 49-1031 - Imposition of tax

§ 49-1031.01 - Underground storage tank excise tax; legislative review

§ 49-1032 - Return and payment of tax; due date

§ 49-1033 - Extensions; abatement

§ 49-1034 - Audits

§ 49-1035 - Interest; penalty; lien

§ 49-1036 - Remission and disposition of revenues

§ 49-1051 - Preapproval process; requirements; corrective action priority

§ 49-1052 - Noncorrective actions; baseline assessment

§ 49-1053 - Reimbursement of corrective action costs; definition

§ 49-1054 - Extent of reimbursement

§ 49-1055 - Extent of reimbursement; termination of eligibility

§ 49-1056 - Lien rights; unrecovered corrective action costs

§ 49-1057 - Intergovernmental agreements

§ 49-1071 - Noncorrective action tank site improvement; purposes; priority

§ 49-1081 - Definitions

§ 49-1082 - Certification of underground storage tank service providers; rules; suspension or revocation of certification

§ 49-1083 - Designation; training; record keeping requirements; rules

§ 49-1091 - Underground storage tank informal appeals

§ 49-1091.01 - Fee and cost reimbursement; application; limitations

§ 49-1101 - Definitions

§ 49-1102 - Shielding of outdoor light fixtures; exemptions

§ 49-1103 - Nonconforming light fixtures

§ 49-1104 - Use of mercury vapor light fixtures

§ 49-1105 - Airport lighting

§ 49-1106 - Exemption of cities, towns and counties

§ 49-1201 - Definitions

§ 49-1202 - Water infrastructure finance authority of Arizona

§ 49-1203 - Powers and duties of authority; definition

§ 49-1203.01 - Water infrastructure finance authority of Arizona; additional powers and duties

§ 49-1204 - Annual audit and report

§ 49-1205 - Water infrastructure finance authority board; legislative intent

§ 49-1206 - Water infrastructure finance authority board; membership; fingerprinting; conduct of office; definition

§ 49-1207 - Federal water programs committee; membership; recommendations

§ 49-1208 - Water supply development committee; long-term water augmentation committee; membership; recommendations

§ 49-1209 - Cooperation with governmental entities

§ 49-1210 - Limitations on water activities

§ 49-1211 - Project delivery methods

§ 49-1212 - Procurement for water-related facilities; insurance; evaluations; deviations

§ 49-1213 - Public-private partnership agreements; private partners; political subdivisions; tax exemptions; prohibition

§ 49-1214 - Attorney general public-private partnership agreement certification

§ 49-1215 - Joint legislative water committee; membership; duties

§ 49-1216 - Financial assistance; loan repayment agreements; political subdivisions

§ 49-1221 - Clean water revolving fund

§ 49-1222 - Clean water revolving fund; administration

§ 49-1223 - Clean water revolving fund; purposes; capitalization grants

§ 49-1224 - Clean water revolving fund financial assistance; procedures; rules

§ 49-1225 - Clean water revolving fund financial assistance; terms

§ 49-1226 - Enforcement; attorney general

§ 49-1241 - Drinking water revolving fund

§ 49-1242 - Drinking water revolving fund; administration; capitalization grant transfer account

§ 49-1243 - Drinking water revolving fund; purposes; capitalization grants

§ 49-1244 - Drinking water revolving fund financial assistance; procedures

§ 49-1245 - Drinking water revolving fund financial assistance; terms

§ 49-1246 - Enforcement; attorney general

§ 49-1261 - Water quality bonds

§ 49-1262 - Water quality bonds; purpose

§ 49-1263 - Bond obligations of the authority

§ 49-1264 - Certification of bonds by attorney general

§ 49-1265 - Water quality bonds as legal investments

§ 49-1266 - Agreement of state

§ 49-1267 - Hardship grant fund

§ 49-1268 - Hardship grant financial assistance

§ 49-1269 - Short-term emergency loan agreements; conditions

§ 49-1270 - Definitions

§ 49-1271 - Water supply development revolving fund

§ 49-1272 - Water supply development revolving fund; administration

§ 49-1273 - Water supply development revolving fund; purposes

§ 49-1274 - Water supply development revolving fund financial assistance; procedures

§ 49-1275 - Water supply development revolving fund; loans; terms

§ 49-1276 - Enforcement; attorney general

§ 49-1277 - Water supply development bonds

§ 49-1278 - Water supply development bonds; purpose

§ 49-1279 - Bond obligations of the authority

§ 49-1280 - Certification of bonds by attorney general

§ 49-1281 - Water supply development bonds as legal investments

§ 49-1282 - Agreement of state

§ 49-1301 - Definitions

§ 49-1302 - Long-term water augmentation fund

§ 49-1303 - Long-term water augmentation fund; purposes; limitation

§ 49-1304 - Evaluation criteria for projects from the long-term water augmentation fund

§ 49-1305 - Opportunity for participation by Colorado River water users

§ 49-1306 - Taxation exemption

§ 49-1307 - Financial assistance from the long-term water augmentation fund; terms

§ 49-1308 - Long-term water augmentation financial assistance; procedures

§ 49-1309 - Long-term water augmentation bonds; requirements; authority; exemption from liability

§ 49-1310 - Long-term water augmentation bond obligations of the authority

§ 49-1311 - Certification of long-term water augmentation bonds by attorney general

§ 49-1312 - Long-term water augmentation bonds as legal investments

§ 49-1313 - Agreement of state

§ 49-1331 - Water conservation grant fund; exemption; administration; report

§ 49-1332 - Water conservation grant fund; purposes

§ 49-1333 - Water conservation grant fund; procedures

§ 49-1334 - Evaluation criteria for water conservation programs and projects from the water conservation grant fund; procedures

§ 49-1335 - Water conservation grant committee; membership; recommendations

§ 49-1401 - Definitions

§ 49-1402 - Audit report; contents

§ 49-1403 - Privilege

§ 49-1404 - Exception; waiver; violation; classification

§ 49-1405 - Exception; disclosure required by court or administrative hearing official

§ 49-1406 - Nonprivileged materials

§ 49-1407 - Review of privileged document by governmental authority

§ 49-1408 - Construction; no immunity

§ 49-1501 - Definition of natural gas storage facility

§ 49-1502 - Natural gas storage facilities; limitation

§ 49-1503 - Exemption of political subdivisions