Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 32 - Professions and Occupations
§ 32-101 - Purpose; definitions

32-101. Purpose; definitions
A. The purpose of this chapter is to provide for the safety, health and welfare of the public through the promulgation and enforcement of standards of qualification for those individuals who are registered or certified and seeking registration or certification pursuant to this chapter.
B. In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
1. " Advertising" includes business cards, signs or letterhead provided by a person to the public.
2. " Alarm" or " alarm system" :
(a) Means any mechanical or electrical device that is designed to emit an audible alarm or transmit a signal or message if activated and that is used to detect an unauthorized entry into a building or other facility or alert other persons of the occurrence of a medical emergency or the commission of an unlawful act against a person or in a building or other facility.
(b) Includes:
(i) A silent, panic, holdup, robbery, duress, burglary, medical alert or proprietor alarm that requires emergency personnel to respond.
(ii) A low-voltage electric fence.
(c) Does not include a telephone call diverter or a system that is designed to report environmental and other occurrences and that is not designed or used to alert or cause other persons to alert public safety personnel.
3. " Alarm agent" :
(a) Means a person, whether an employee, an independent contractor or otherwise, who acts on behalf of an alarm business and who tests, maintains, services, repairs, sells, rents, leases or installs alarm systems.
(b) Does not include any action by a person that:
(i) Is performed in connection with an alarm system located on the person's own property or the property of the person's employer.
(ii) Is acting on behalf of an alarm business whose work duties do not include visiting the location where an alarm system installation occurs.
4. " Alarm business" :
(a) Means any person who, either alone or through a third party, engages in the business of either of the following:
(i) Providing alarm monitoring services.
(ii) Selling, leasing, renting, maintaining, repairing or installing a nonproprietor alarm system or service.
(b) Does not include any of the following:
(i) A person or company that purchases, rents or uses an alarm that is affixed to a motor vehicle.
(ii) A person who owns or conducts a business of selling, leasing, renting, installing, maintaining or monitoring an alarm that is affixed to a motor vehicle.
(iii) A person who installs a nonmonitored proprietor alarm for a business that the person owns, is employed by or manages.
(iv) The installation or monitoring of fire alarm systems.
(v) An alarm system that is operated by a city or town.
5. " Alarm subscriber" means any person who:
(a) Leases, rents or purchases any monitored alarm system or service from an alarm business.
(b) Leases or rents an alarm system.
(c) Contracts with an alarm business for alarm monitoring, installation, repair or maintenance services.
6. " Architect" means a person who, by reason of knowledge of the mathematical and physical sciences and the principles of architecture and architectural engineering acquired by professional education and practical experience, is qualified to engage in the practice of architecture and is registered as an architect pursuant to this chapter.
7. " Architectural practice" means any professional service or creative work requiring architectural education, training and experience, and the application of the mathematical and physical sciences and the principles of architecture and architectural engineering to such professional services or creative work as consultation, evaluation, design and review of construction for conformance with contract documents and design, in connection with any building, planning or site development. A person is deemed to practice or offer to practice architecture who in any manner represents that the person is an architect or is able to perform any architectural service or other services recognized by educational authorities as architecture.
8. " Board" means the state board of technical registration.
9. " Controlling person" :
(a) Means a person who is designated by an alarm business.
(b) Does not include an alarm agent.
10. " Engineer" means a person who by reason of engineering education, training and experience may apply engineering principles and interpret engineering data.
11. " Engineering practice" means any professional service or creative work requiring engineering education, training and experience in applying engineering principles and interpreting engineering data to engineering activities that clearly impact the health, safety and welfare of the public and the engineering design of buildings, structures, products, machines, processes and systems to the extent that the engineering education, training and experience requirements prescribed by sections 32-122 and 32-122.01 are necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public. The services or creative work may include providing planning services, studies, designs, design coordination, drawings, specifications and other technical submissions, surveying as prescribed in paragraph 22, subdivisions (d) and (e) of this subsection, and reviewing construction or other design products for the purposes of monitoring compliance with drawings and specifications related to engineered works. A person employed on a full-time basis as an engineer by an employer engaged in the business of developing, mining and treating ores and other minerals shall not be deemed to be practicing engineering for the purposes of this chapter if the person engages in the practice of engineering exclusively for and as an employee of such employer and does not represent that the person is available and is not represented as being available to perform any engineering services for persons other than the person's employer. A person is deemed to practice engineering if the person does any of the following:
(a) Practices any discipline of the profession of engineering or holds out to the public that the person is able and authorized to practice any discipline of engineering.
(b) Represents to the public that the person is a professional engineer by a verbal claim, sign, advertisement, letterhead or card or in any other manner.
(c) Uses a title that implies that the person is a professional engineer.
12. " Engineer-in-training" means a candidate for registration as a professional engineer who both:
(a) Is a graduate in an approved engineering curriculum of four years or more of a school approved by the board or has four years or more of education or experience, or both, in engineering work that meets standards specified by the board in its rules.
(b) Has passed the engineer-in-training examination.
13. " Firm" means any individual or partnership, corporation or other type of association, including the association of a nonregistrant and a registrant who offers to the public professional services regulated by the board.
14. " Geological practice" means any professional service or work requiring geological education, training and experience, and the application of special knowledge of the earth sciences to such professional services as consultation, evaluation of mining properties, petroleum properties and groundwater resources, professional supervision of exploration for mineral natural resources including metallic and nonmetallic ores, petroleum and groundwater, and the geological phases of engineering investigations.
15. " Geologist" means a person, who is not required to be a professional engineer, who by reason of special knowledge of the earth sciences and the principles and methods of search for and appraisal of mineral or other natural resources acquired by professional education and practical experience is qualified to practice geology as attested by registration as a professional geologist. A person who is employed on a full-time basis as a geologist by an employer engaged in the business of developing, mining or treating ores and other minerals is not deemed to be engaged in geological practice for the purposes of this chapter if the person engages in geological practice exclusively for and as an employee of such employer and does not represent that the person is available and is not represented as being available to perform any geological services for persons other than the person's employer.
16. " Geologist-in-training" means a candidate for registration as a professional geologist who both:
(a) Is a graduate of a school approved by the board or has four years or more of education or experience, or both, in geological work that meets standards specified by the board in its rules.
(b) Has passed the geologist-in-training examination.
17. " Home inspection" means a visual analysis for the purposes of providing a professional opinion of the building, any reasonably accessible installed components and the operation of the building's systems, including the controls normally operated by the owner, for the following components of a residential building of four units or less:
(a) Heating system.
(b) Cooling system.
(c) Plumbing system.
(d) Electrical system.
(e) Structural components.
(f) Foundation.
(g) Roof covering.
(h) Exterior and interior components.
(i) Site aspects as they affect the building.
(j) Pursuant to rules adopted by the board, swimming pool and spa.
18. " Home inspection report" means a written report that is prepared for compensation, that is issued after a home inspection and that clearly describes and identifies the inspected systems, structures and components of a completed dwelling and any visible major defects found to be in need of immediate major repair and any recommendations for additional evaluation by appropriate persons.
19. " Home inspector" means an individual who is certified pursuant to this chapter as a home inspector and who engages in the business of performing home inspections and writing home inspection reports.
20. " Landscape architect" means a person who, by reason of professional education or practical experience, or both, is qualified to engage in the practice of landscape architecture as attested by registration as a landscape architect.
21. " Landscape architectural practice" :
(a) Means performing professional services such as consultations, investigation, reconnaissance, research, planning, design or responsible supervision in connection with the development of land and incidental water areas where, and to the extent that, the dominant purpose of such services is the preservation, enhancement or determination of proper land uses, natural land features, ground cover and planting, naturalistic and aesthetic values, the settings of and approaches to buildings, structures, facilities or other improvements, natural drainage and the consideration and the determination of inherent problems of the land relating to erosion, wear and tear, light or other hazards.
(b) Includes locating and arranging such tangible objects and features as are incidental and necessary to the purposes outlined in this paragraph.
(c) Does not include making cadastral surveys or final land plats for official recording or approval, nor mandatorily include planning for governmental subdivisions.
22. " Land surveying practice" means performing one or more of the following professional services:
(a) Measuring land to determine the position of any monument or reference point that marks a property line, boundary or corner for the purpose of determining the area or description of the land.
(b) Locating, relocating, establishing, reestablishing, setting, resetting or replacing of corner monuments or reference points that identify land boundaries, rights-of-way or easements.
(c) Platting or plotting of lands for the purpose of subdividing.
(d) Measuring by angles, distances and elevations natural or artificial features in the air, on the surface and immediate subsurface of the earth, within underground workings and on the surface or within bodies of water for the purpose of determining or establishing their location, size, shape, topography, grades, contours or water surface and depths, and the preparing and perpetuating field note records and maps depicting these features.
(e) Setting, resetting or replacing points to guide the location of new construction.
23. " Land surveyor" means a person who by reason of knowledge of the mathematical and physical sciences, principles of land surveying and evidence gathering acquired by professional education or practical experience, or both, is qualified to practice land surveying as attested by registration as a land surveyor. A person employed on a full-time basis as a land surveyor by an employer engaged in the business of developing, mining or treating ores or other minerals is not deemed to be engaged in land surveying practice for purposes of this chapter if the person engages in land surveying practice exclusively for and as an employee of such employer and does not represent that the person is available and is not represented as being available to perform any land surveying services for persons other than the person's employer.
24. " Land surveyor-in-training" means a candidate for registration as a professional land surveyor who both:
(a) Is a graduate of a school and curriculum approved by the board or has four years or more of education or experience, or both, in land surveying work that meets standards specified by the board in its rules.
(b) Has passed the land surveyor-in-training examination.
25. " Low-voltage electric fence" means a fence that meets all of the following requirements:
(a) Has an electric fence energizer that is powered by a commercial storage battery with a rated voltage of not more than twelve volts and that produces an electric charge on contact with the fence.
(b) Is completely enclosed by a nonelectric fence or wall.
(c) Is continuously monitored.
(d) Is attached to ancillary components or equipment such as closed circuit television systems, access controls, battery recharging devices and video cameras.
(e) Does not exceed ten feet in height or two feet higher than the nonelectric fence or wall described in subdivision (b) of this paragraph, whichever is higher.
(f) Has identification warning signs attached at intervals of not more than sixty feet.
(g) Is not installed in an area zoned exclusively for single family or multifamily residential use.
(h) Does not enclose property that is used for residential purposes.
26. " Monitored alarm" means a device that is designed to detect an entry on any premises and that if activated generates a notification signal.
27. " Person" means any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, association or other organization.
28. " Principal" means an individual who is an officer of the corporation or is designated by a firm as having full authority and responsible charge of the services offered by the firm.
29. " Professional engineer" means a person who, by reason of special knowledge of the mathematical and physical sciences and the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design acquired by professional education and practical experience, is qualified to practice engineering and is registered as a professional engineer pursuant to this chapter.
30. " Proprietor alarm" means any alarm or alarm system that is owned by an alarm subscriber who has not contracted with an alarm business.
31. " Registrant" means a person who is registered or certified by the board.
32. " Registration" means a registration or certification that is issued by the board.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 32 - Professions and Occupations

§ 32-101 - Purpose; definitions

§ 32-102 - State board of technical registration; members; vacancies; terms

§ 32-103 - Qualifications of members

§ 32-104 - Compensation

§ 32-105 - Organization

§ 32-106 - Powers and duties

§ 32-106.01 - Petition for injunction

§ 32-106.02 - Authority to investigate; civil penalties

§ 32-107 - Executive director; duties; compensation

§ 32-108 - Low-voltage electric fence alarm systems; regulation; state preemption

§ 32-109 - Technical registration fund

§ 32-110 - Immunity from personal liability

§ 32-111 - Home inspector rules and standards committee

§ 32-113 - Preemption; power of local authorities

§ 32-121 - Certificate or registration required for practice

§ 32-122 - Qualifications for in-training designation

§ 32-122; Version 2 - Qualifications for in-training registration

§ 32-122.01 - Qualifications for professional registration

§ 32-122.02 - Certification of home inspectors; insurance

§ 32-122.05 - Certification of alarm businesses and controlling persons; applications; fingerprinting; fee; renewal

§ 32-122.06 - Certification of alarm agents; fee; fingerprinting; temporary certification; renewal

§ 32-122.07 - Denial of alarm business, controlling person or alarm agent certification; appeal

§ 32-123 - Application for registration and certification; denial; hearing

§ 32-124 - Schedule of fees; exemption

§ 32-125 - Seals for registrants

§ 32-126 - Exemptions from examination requirement

§ 32-127 - Renewal of certification or registration; penalty fee; cancellation; inactive status; renewal fees; home inspector exam requirement

§ 32-128 - Disciplinary action; letter of concern; judicial review

§ 32-129 - Confidentiality

§ 32-130 - Review of drawings, plans or design specifications by public agencies

§ 32-131 - Assayer emeritus status

§ 32-141 - Firm registration

§ 32-142 - Public works

§ 32-143 - Exceptions

§ 32-144 - Exemptions and limitations; definition

§ 32-145 - Violations; classification

§ 32-146 - Malpractice claim review

§ 32-147 - Board reports; immunity

§ 32-148 - Refusal to obey a subpoena; contempt

§ 32-149 - Transcript copies; cost

§ 32-150 - Failure to comply with board orders; penalty

§ 32-151 - Certify; certification

§ 32-152 - Record documents; definition

§ 32-301 - Definitions

§ 32-304 - Powers and duties

§ 32-321 - Nonapplicability of chapter

§ 32-322 - Barber license; application; qualifications

§ 32-323 - Instructor license; application; qualifications

§ 32-324 - Examinations

§ 32-325 - School license; application; qualifications

§ 32-326 - Shop or salon license; application; qualifications

§ 32-327 - License expiration and renewal

§ 32-328 - Fees; penalty

§ 32-329 - Schools; postsecondary educational institutions

§ 32-2071 - Qualifications of applicants; education; training

§ 32-2071.01 - Requirements for licensure; remediation; credentials

§ 32-2072 - Examinations; exemptions

§ 32-2073 - Temporary licenses; inactive status; reinstatement to active status

§ 32-2074 - Active license; issuance; renewal; expiration; continuing education; cancellation of active license

§ 32-2075 - Exemptions from licensure

§ 32-2076 - Unauthorized practice of medicine

§ 32-2521 - Qualifications

§ 32-2522 - Applications; interview; withdrawal

§ 32-2523 - Licensure; renewal; continuing education; audit; penalty fee; expiration

§ 32-2524 - Exemption from licensure

§ 32-2525 - Cancellation of license

§ 32-2526 - Fees

§ 32-2527 - Change of address; penalty

§ 32-2528 - Inactive license; application; prohibited activities

§ 32-3021 - Private vocational program license; qualifications; provision of information; exemptions

§ 32-3022 - License to grant degrees

§ 32-3023 - Letters of credit, bonds or cash deposits; fund

§ 32-3025 - Application for license; nontransferability; display

§ 32-3027 - Fees

§ 32-3121 - Definitions

§ 32-3122 - Rules

§ 32-3123 - Board delegation; executive director

§ 32-3124 - Temporary licensure; rules; fee; applicability

§ 32-3421 - Practicing without a license; prohibition; use of titles

§ 32-3422 - Persons and practices not required to be licensed

§ 32-3423 - Application for licensure; qualifications

§ 32-3424 - Examination for licensure of occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants

§ 32-3425 - Licensure by endorsement

§ 32-3426 - Renewal of license; inactive status; notice of address or name change

§ 32-3427 - Fees

§ 32-3428 - Limited license

§ 32-3429 - Foreign trained applicants

§ 32-3430 - Fingerprinting; requirement

§ 32-3431 - Occupational therapy licensure compact

§ 32-3521 - Allowable respiratory care services; transactions by medical equipment dealers

§ 32-3522 - Application for licensure

§ 32-3523 - Qualifications

§ 32-3524 - Licensure without examination

§ 32-3525 - Renewal of license; late renewal

§ 32-3526 - Fees

§ 32-3921 - Licensure; acts and persons not affected

§ 32-3922 - Acupuncture detoxification specialist for chemical dependency or trauma; certificate; requirements; fingerprint clearance card; informed consent; definition

§ 32-3923 - Use of title or abbreviation by licensee; prohibited acts; posting of license

§ 32-3924 - Qualifications for licensure; fingerprint clearance card

§ 32-3925 - Renewal of license; continuing education

§ 32-3926 - Visiting professor certificate

§ 32-3927 - Fees

§ 32-4121 - Persons and activities not required to be licensed

§ 32-4122 - Qualifications for licensure

§ 32-4123 - Application; statement of deficiencies; hearing

§ 32-4124 - License renewal; changes of name or addresses

§ 32-4125 - Reinstatement of license

§ 32-4126 - Fees

§ 32-4127 - Temporary licenses

§ 32-4128 - Fingerprinting; requirement

§ 32-4221 - Licensure; persons and activities not required to be licensed

§ 32-4222 - Qualifications for licensure

§ 32-4223 - Reciprocity

§ 32-4224 - Application; temporary licensure

§ 32-4225 - License renewal; changes in personal information; notification; continuing education

§ 32-4226 - Renewal of an expired license; reinstatement of a lapsed license

§ 32-4227 - Fees

§ 32-4228 - Massage therapy schools; recognition

§ 32-351 - Display of license

§ 32-352 - Disciplinary action

§ 32-353 - Grounds for refusal to issue or renew a license or disciplinary action

§ 32-354 - Procedure for disciplinary action; appeal

§ 32-355 - Unlawful acts; violation; classification

§ 32-356 - Injunctions

§ 32-1051 - Duties of licensees

§ 32-1053 - Denial, revocation or suspension of license

§ 32-1055 - Unlawful acts

§ 32-1056 - Violation; classification

§ 32-1057 - Prosecution of violations; individual liability

§ 32-1151 - Engaging in contracting without license prohibited

§ 32-1151.01 - Change in ownership; notice to registrar

§ 32-1151.02 - List of unlicensed contractors; website publication

§ 32-1152 - Bonds

§ 32-1152.01 - Alternatives to cash deposit

§ 32-1153 - Proof of license as prerequisite to civil action

§ 32-1154 - Grounds for suspension or revocation of license; continuing jurisdiction; civil penalty

§ 32-1155 - Filing of complaint; resolution of complaint; service of notice; failure to answer; prohibited citations

§ 32-1156 - Hearings

§ 32-1156.01 - Restitution; prohibition

§ 32-1157 - Appeals; costs; transcript

§ 32-1158 - Contract requirements; provision of documents and receipt at contract signing

§ 32-1158.01 - Swimming pool; spa; construction contracts

§ 32-1158.02 - Residential construction contracts

§ 32-1159 - Indemnity agreements in construction and architect-engineer contracts void; definitions

§ 32-1159.01 - Indemnity agreements in construction and architect-engineer dwelling contracts void; definitions

§ 32-1160 - Claim for termite damages; notice and offer of settlement; applicability; definition

§ 32-1161 - Rights of contractor after suspension of license

§ 32-1162 - Statute of limitations; remedy violations

§ 32-1163 - Effect of chapter upon federal aid contracts

§ 32-1164 - Violation; classification; probation; conditions

§ 32-1165 - Advertising; violation; classification

§ 32-1166 - Cease and desist orders

§ 32-1166.01 - Citation; civil penalties

§ 32-1166.06 - Filing registrar's orders

§ 32-1166.07 - Waiver of civil penalty

§ 32-1168 - Proof of valid license

§ 32-1169 - Building permits; local proof of valid license; violation

§ 32-1261 - Practicing without license; classification

§ 32-1262 - Corporate practice; display of name and license receipt or license; duplicate licenses; fee

§ 32-1263 - Grounds for disciplinary action; definition

§ 32-1263.01 - Types of disciplinary action; letter of concern; judicial review; notice; removal of notice; violation; classification

§ 32-1263.02 - Investigation and adjudication of complaints; disciplinary action; civil penalty; immunity; subpoena authority; definitions

§ 32-1263.03 - Investigation committee; complaints; termination; review

§ 32-1264 - Maintenance of records

§ 32-1265 - Interpretation of chapter

§ 32-1266 - Prosecution of violations

§ 32-1267 - Use of fraudulent instruments; classification

§ 32-1268 - Violations; classification; required proof

§ 32-1269 - Violation; classification; injunctive relief

§ 32-1270 - Deceased or incapacitated dentists; notification

§ 32-1271 - Marking of dentures for identification; retention and release of information

§ 32-1451 - Grounds for disciplinary action; duty to report; immunity; proceedings; board action; notice requirements

§ 32-1451.01 - Right to examine and copy evidence; witnesses; documents; testimony; representation

§ 32-1451.02 - Disciplinary action; reciprocity

§ 32-1451.03 - Complaints; requirements; confidentiality; exception

§ 32-1451.04 - Burden of proof

§ 32-1452 - Substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation; confidential program; private contract; funding; license restrictions; immunity

§ 32-1452.01 - Mental, behavioral and physical health evaluation and treatment; confidential program; private contract; immunity

§ 32-1453 - Judicial review

§ 32-1454 - Injunction

§ 32-1455 - Violation; classification

§ 32-1456 - Medical assistants; allowable tasks; training; use of title; violation; classification

§ 32-1457 - Acquired immune deficiency syndrome; disclosure of patient information; immunity; definition

§ 32-1458 - Reinstatement of revoked or surrendered license

§ 32-1551 - Disciplinary action; duty to report; investigatory powers; immunity; hearing; appeal; notice

§ 32-1551.01 - Right to examine and copy evidence; witnesses; documents; testimony; representation

§ 32-1552 - Reinstatement of a suspended license, certificate or registration; reissuance of a revoked license, certificate or registration

§ 32-1553 - Civil penalties

§ 32-1554 - Observance of public health laws and regulations

§ 32-1555 - Unlawful acts; investigations

§ 32-1556 - Prosecution for violations

§ 32-1557 - Violation; classification

§ 32-1558 - Injunction

§ 32-1559 - Naturopathic medical assistants; certification; supervision; duties; training; use of title

§ 32-1560 - Clinical training program; certificate; duties; use of title

§ 32-1561 - Internship, clinical fellowship and preceptorship programs; duties; prohibitions

§ 32-1663 - Disciplinary action

§ 32-1663.01 - Administrative violations; administrative penalty

§ 32-1664 - Investigation; hearing; notice

§ 32-1665 - Rehearing; judicial review

§ 32-1666 - Unlawful acts

§ 32-1666.01 - Cease and desist orders; injunctive relief

§ 32-1667 - Violations; classification

§ 32-1691 - Exemptions of persons and sales

§ 32-1691.01 - Investigation and adjudication of complaints

§ 32-1693 - Denial, suspension and revocation of license; other disciplinary sanctions

§ 32-1694 - Notice of action; practice pending appeal

§ 32-1695 - Judicial review

§ 32-1696 - Unlawful acts; grounds for disciplinary action; classification

§ 32-1697 - Violations; classification

§ 32-1698 - Prosecution of violations

§ 32-1699 - Injunctions; civil penalties

§ 32-1741 - Practicing optometry without a license prohibited

§ 32-1742 - Registering with board; public registry file; current information

§ 32-1743 - Grounds for censure, civil penalty, probation, suspension, revocation, denial or renewal of license, certificate or registration

§ 32-1744 - Board investigations; duty to report violations; hearing; decision of board; informal settlement conference

§ 32-1745 - Prehearing conferences; orders

§ 32-1746 - Records; maintenance; confidentiality

§ 32-1747 - Right to examine and copy evidence

§ 32-1747.01 - Medical, physical or mental examinations; duty to report; immunity

§ 32-1748 - Reinstatement; definition

§ 32-1749 - Judicial review

§ 32-1750 - Allegations sufficient to charge violation

§ 32-1751 - Cease and desist orders; injunctive relief

§ 32-1752 - Violation; classification

§ 32-1753 - Practice designations; definition

§ 32-1851 - Prohibited acts

§ 32-1852 - Rights and duties of osteopathic physicians and surgeons; scope of practice

§ 32-1853 - Use of title

§ 32-1853.01 - Use of title by a medical assistant

§ 32-1854 - Definition of unprofessional conduct

§ 32-1855 - Disciplinary action; duty to report; hearing; notice; independent medical examinations; surrender of license

§ 32-1855.01 - Right to examine and copy evidence; summoning witnesses and documents; taking testimony; right to counsel; court aid; process

§ 32-1855.03 - Health care institution duty to report; immunity; patient records; confidentiality

§ 32-1856 - Judicial review

§ 32-1857 - Injunction

§ 32-1858 - Violations; classification

§ 32-1859 - Medical assistants

§ 32-1860 - Acquired immune deficiency syndrome; disclosure of patient information; immunity; definition

§ 32-1861 - Substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation program; private contract; funding

§ 32-1961 - Limit on dispensing, compounding and sale of drugs

§ 32-1961.01 - Remote dispensing site pharmacies

§ 32-1962 - New drug; compliance with federal act; exception

§ 32-1963 - Liability of manager, proprietor or pharmacist in charge of a pharmacy; variances in quality of drugs or devices prohibited

§ 32-1963.01 - Substitution for prescription drugs or biological products; requirements; label; definitions

§ 32-1964 - Record of prescription orders; inspections; confidentiality

§ 32-1965 - Prohibited acts

§ 32-1966 - Acts constituting adulteration of a drug or device

§ 32-1967 - Acts constituting misbranding of a drug or device; exceptions; interpretation of misleading label; definition

§ 32-1968 - Dispensing prescription-only drug; prescription orders; refills; labels; misbranding; dispensing soft contact lenses; opioid antagonists

§ 32-1969 - Filling foreign prescription orders; records; exception

§ 32-1970 - Collaborative practice agreements; requirements; rules; definitions

§ 32-1971 - Compounding pharmacies; certain medications; requirements; definitions

§ 32-1972 - Poison or hazardous substances; misbranding and labeling; prohibitions; exemption

§ 32-1973 - Pharmacies; quality assurance

§ 32-1974 - Pharmacists; administration of immunizations, vaccines and emergency medications; authorization; reporting requirements; advisory committee; definition

§ 32-1975 - Legend drug products; listing; code identification; exemption; definitions

§ 32-1976 - Dispensing replacement soft contact lenses; prescription

§ 32-1977 - Sale of methamphetamine precursors by a pharmacy permittee; electronic sales tracking system; violation; classification; state preemption

§ 32-1978 - Sale of dextromethorphan; age requirement; exception; violation; civil penalty; definitions

§ 32-1979 - Pharmacists; dispensing opioid antagonists; board protocols; immunity

§ 32-1979.01 - Self-administered hormonal contraceptives; requirements; rules; immunity; definition

§ 32-1979.02 - Oral fluoride varnish; prescription and administration authority; requirements

§ 32-1979.03 - Tobacco cessation drug therapies; prescription authority; requirements; definition

§ 32-2081 - Grounds for disciplinary action; duty to report; immunity; proceedings; board action; notice requirements; civil penalty

§ 32-2082 - Right to examine and copy evidence; subpoenas; right to counsel; appeal

§ 32-2083 - Injunction

§ 32-2084 - Violations; classification

§ 32-2085 - Confidential communications

§ 32-2086 - Treatment and rehabilitation program

§ 32-2087 - Psychology interjurisdictional compact

§ 32-2087.01 - Participation in compact as condition of employment; prohibition

§ 32-2087.02 - Open meeting requirements

§ 32-2087.03 - State board of psychologist examiners; notice of commission actions

§ 32-2151 - Disposition of funds; trust money deposit requirements

§ 32-2151.01 - Broker requirements; record keeping requirements; definition

§ 32-2151.02 - Real estate employment agreements; definition

§ 32-2152 - Action by broker or salesperson to collect compensation

§ 32-2153 - Grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of licenses; letters of concern; provisional license; retention of jurisdiction by commissioner; definitions

§ 32-2153.01 - Consent order; terms

§ 32-2154 - Cease and desist orders; hearing

§ 32-2155 - Restriction on employment or compensation of person as broker or salesperson

§ 32-2156 - Real estate sales and leases; disclosure

§ 32-2157 - Written notice of charges; summary suspension; hearing; voluntary surrender of license

§ 32-2158 - Hearing; witnesses; deposition; service of process

§ 32-2159 - Judicial review; costs; transcript

§ 32-2160 - Filing of complaint by commissioner; prosecution

§ 32-2160.01 - Civil penalties

§ 32-2161 - False statements or publications concerning land, subdivision or membership camping contract for sale or lease; classification; definition

§ 32-2162 - Sale of cemetery property for speculation unlawful

§ 32-2163 - Unlawful acts; out-of-state broker; cooperation agreement

§ 32-2164 - Unlawful subdivision lot sales

§ 32-2165 - Unlicensed activities; violation; classification

§ 32-2166 - Activities while incarcerated; violation; classification

§ 32-2231 - Acts constituting the practice of veterinary medicine; exceptions; definitions

§ 32-2232 - Unprofessional or dishonorable conduct

§ 32-2233 - Revocation or suspension of license or permit; civil penalty; report of perjury

§ 32-2234 - Informal and formal hearings; censure or probation; notice; consent agreements; rehearing; judicial review

§ 32-2235 - Complaints

§ 32-2236 - Refusal to issue or renew license; reapplication

§ 32-2237 - Committee to investigate violations; referral to county attorney or attorney general; inspection of records; subpoenas; civil penalty; injunctions; cease and desist orders; confidentiality

§ 32-2238 - Violations; classification

§ 32-2239 - Duty of veterinarian to report suspected abuse, cruelty, neglect or animal fighting; immunity

§ 32-2239.01 - Duty to report; clients seeking controlled substances; immunity

§ 32-2239.02 - Duty of veterinarian to scan for presence of microchip; owner notification

§ 32-2240 - Reporting of unprofessional conduct; immunity

§ 32-2240.01 - Burial in landfill; notification requirement; licensed crematory

§ 32-2391 - Suspension and revocation of license; determination; appeal

§ 32-2392 - Violation; classification

§ 32-2393 - Liability insurance required; amount

§ 32-2394 - Cease and desist orders

§ 32-2821 - Revocation or suspension of certificate or permit; civil penalties; enforcement; appeals; hearings

§ 32-2822 - Unlawful acts; classification

§ 32-2824 - Inspections

§ 32-2825 - Injunctive relief

§ 32-2931 - Violations; classification

§ 32-2932 - Use of title or abbreviation by a licensee

§ 32-2933 - Definition of unprofessional conduct

§ 32-2934 - Grounds for suspension or revocation of license; duty to report; unprofessional conduct hearing; decision of board

§ 32-2935 - Right to examine and copy evidence; summoning witnesses and documents; taking testimony; right to counsel; court aid; process

§ 32-2936 - Patient records

§ 32-2937 - Judicial review

§ 32-2939 - Medical assistants

§ 32-2940 - Injunctive relief

§ 32-2941 - Substance abuse and treatment rehabilitation program; private contract; funding

§ 32-2942 - Mental, behavioral and physical health evaluation and treatment program; confidential consent agreement; private contract; immunity

§ 32-2943 - Complaints; statute of limitations

§ 32-3051 - Grounds for disciplinary action

§ 32-3052 - Types of disciplinary action; definition

§ 32-3053 - Persons doing business without a license

§ 32-3054 - Hearing; rehearing or review; surrender of license

§ 32-3055 - Judicial review

§ 32-3056 - Violation; classification

§ 32-3057 - Cease and desist order; injunctive relief; civil penalty

§ 32-3058 - Records; preservation; seizure; confidentiality; release

§ 32-3059 - Opt-in regulation

§ 32-3551 - Use of title; initials; prohibited acts

§ 32-3552 - Grounds for denial of licenses or disciplinary action; judicial review

§ 32-3553 - Disciplinary action; duty to report; immunity; proceedings; board action; confidentiality

§ 32-3554 - Reinstatement of license; modification of probation

§ 32-3555 - Hearings and investigations; subpoenas; representation

§ 32-3556 - Unlawful acts

§ 32-3557 - Injunctive relief; bond; service of process

§ 32-3558 - Violation; classification

§ 32-3631 - Disciplinary proceedings; civil penalties

§ 32-3632 - Hearing and judicial review; costs and fees; appeal

§ 32-3633 - Undue influence; classification

§ 32-3634 - Prohibition against discrimination

§ 32-3635 - Standards of practice; unprofessional conduct

§ 32-3636 - Contingent fees

§ 32-3637 - Retention of records; definition

§ 32-3638 - Violation; classification

§ 32-3639 - Damages; injunctive relief

§ 32-3640 - Prohibition; indemnification agreement

§ 32-3951 - Denial, revocation or suspension of license; hearings; alternative sanctions

§ 32-3952 - Right to examine and copy evidence

§ 32-3953 - Injunctive relief; bond; service of process

§ 32-3954 - Violation; classification

§ 32-3955 - Acupuncture assistants; scope of duties; registration required; use of title

§ 32-4041 - Revocation or suspension of certificate

§ 32-4042 - Certificate reinstatement

§ 32-4151 - Lawful practice

§ 32-4152 - Use of titles; restrictions; violation; classification

§ 32-4153 - Grounds for disciplinary action

§ 32-4154 - Investigative powers; complaints; emergency action; confidentiality

§ 32-4155 - Informal interviews; hearings

§ 32-4156 - Disciplinary actions; penalties

§ 32-4157 - Unlawful practice; classification; civil penalties; injunctive relief

§ 32-4158 - Reporting violations; immunity

§ 32-4159 - Substance abuse recovery program

§ 32-4160 - Public, confidential and privileged information; exception; display of license

§ 32-4161 - Judicial review

§ 32-4251 - Lawful practice

§ 32-4252 - Use of title; restrictions; violation; classification

§ 32-4253 - Disciplinary action; grounds; definitions

§ 32-4254 - Investigative powers; emergency action; disciplinary proceedings; formal interview; hearing; civil penalty

§ 32-4255 - Unlawful practice; classification; civil penalties; injunctive relief

§ 32-4256 - Reporting violations; immunity

§ 32-4257 - Third party reimbursement

§ 32-4258 - Regulation by county or municipality

§ 32-4259 - Access to information; confidential information; display of license

§ 32-4260 - Advertising requirements; civil penalty; definitions

§ 32-501 - Definitions

§ 32-502 - Barbering and cosmetology board; members; appointment; qualifications; terms

§ 32-503 - Organization; meetings; personnel; compensation

§ 32-504 - Powers and duties

§ 32-505 - Barbering and cosmetology fund

§ 32-506 - Nonapplicability of chapter

§ 32-507 - Fees

§ 32-510 - Aestheticians; applications; qualifications

§ 32-511 - Cosmetologists; applications; qualifications

§ 32-512 - Nail technicians; applications; qualifications

§ 32-512.01 - Hairstylists; applications; qualifications

§ 32-513 - Reciprocity

§ 32-514 - Examinations

§ 32-515 - Reexaminations

§ 32-516 - Aestheticians; cosmetologists; cosmetic laser and IPL device use; certification; fees; definitions

§ 32-517 - License renewal

§ 32-518 - Inactive licenses; reactivation; suspension

§ 32-531 - Instructors; applications; qualifications

§ 32-532 - Instructor reciprocity

§ 32-533 - Instructor examinations; reexaminations

§ 32-535 - Instructor license renewal

§ 32-536 - Instructor practice; instruction

§ 32-537 - Instructor; inactive licenses; reactivation; suspension

§ 32-541 - Salon requirements

§ 32-542 - Salon inspections

§ 32-543 - Required display

§ 32-544 - Salon license renewal

§ 32-545 - Change of ownership or location; change of trade name

§ 32-551 - School licenses; applications; requirements

§ 32-552 - Change of ownership or location; change of trade name

§ 32-553 - Instruction staff

§ 32-554 - Required display

§ 32-555 - Equipment

§ 32-556 - Separation of schools from other businesses

§ 32-557 - Services for the public; restrictions

§ 32-558 - Student-school contracts

§ 32-559 - School catalogs

§ 32-560 - Transfer procedures

§ 32-561 - Student records

§ 32-562 - School inspections

§ 32-563 - School closings

§ 32-564 - School license renewal

§ 32-565 - Schools; postsecondary education institutions

§ 32-571 - Disciplinary action

§ 32-572 - Grounds for disciplinary action or refusal to issue or renew license; definition

§ 32-573 - Procedure for disciplinary action; appeal

§ 32-574 - Unlawful acts; violation; classification

§ 32-575 - Injunctions

§ 32-576 - Confidentiality

§ 32-701 - Definitions

§ 32-702 - Arizona state board of accountancy; membership; administrative duties; compensation

§ 32-703 - Powers and duties; rules; executive director; advisory committees and individuals

§ 32-704 - Immunity from liability

§ 32-705 - Board of accountancy fund; disposition of monies

§ 32-707 - Record of proceedings; admissibility as evidence

§ 32-721 - Certified public accountants; qualifications

§ 32-723 - Uniform certified public accountant examination; qualifications

§ 32-725 - Limited reciprocity privilege; qualifications; definition

§ 32-729 - Fees

§ 32-730 - Biennial registration; continuing professional education

§ 32-730.01 - Inactive status; exception

§ 32-730.02 - Canceled status

§ 32-730.03 - Expired status

§ 32-730.04 - Retired status

§ 32-730.05 - Revoked status

§ 32-730.06 - Relinquished status

§ 32-731 - Certified public accountant firm registration requirements; performance of attest services and compilation services; definition

§ 32-732 - Reactivation from inactive or retired status; reinstatement from canceled, expired, relinquished or revoked status

§ 32-741 - Revocation or suspension of certificate; disciplinary action; letter of concern

§ 32-741.01 - Suspension for nonregistration; expiration of certificate or registration

§ 32-741.02 - Suspension for noncompliance with continuing education requirements; expiration of certificate

§ 32-742 - Revocation or suspension of firm's registration; failure to renew or reinstate; reinstatement; relinquishment

§ 32-742.01 - Investigations

§ 32-743 - Hearings; judicial review

§ 32-744 - Ownership and custody of working papers and records

§ 32-745 - Employment of persons by accountants

§ 32-746 - Fraudulent audit practices; classification

§ 32-747 - CPA designation; title; use; unlawful use

§ 32-748 - Board review; executive director's actions

§ 32-749 - Confidential nature of information acquired by accountants; privilege; conditions for disclosure; public records; exceptions

§ 32-750 - Injunction against unlawful act

§ 32-751 - Actions to recover civil penalties

§ 32-801 - Definitions

§ 32-802 - State board of podiatry examiners; compensation; employees; immunity

§ 32-803 - Organization; meetings

§ 32-804 - Rule making powers

§ 32-805 - Secretary of board; duties

§ 32-806 - Podiatry fund

§ 32-821 - Persons not required to be licensed

§ 32-822 - Application for licensure

§ 32-823 - Qualifications of applicant

§ 32-826 - Issuance of license

§ 32-827 - Comity

§ 32-829 - Renewal or cancellation of license; change of address; continuing education

§ 32-830 - Fees

§ 32-1021 - Original application for license; financial statement; bond; definition

§ 32-1022 - Contents of financial statement; bond provisions

§ 32-1023 - Qualifications of applicants

§ 32-1024 - Licensing out-of-state collection agents

§ 32-1025 - Annual renewal of license; suspension; expiration

§ 32-1026 - Issuance of licenses

§ 32-1027 - Issuance of provisional license for limited purposes

§ 32-1028 - Fees

§ 32-1121 - Persons not required to be licensed; penalties; applicability

§ 32-1121; Version 2 - Persons not required to be licensed; penalties; applicability

§ 32-1122 - Qualifications for license

§ 32-1123 - Unlicensed contractors; contract bidding; license denial; exemptions; warning

§ 32-1123.01 - Staggered periods of licensure; biennial renewal

§ 32-1124 - License issuance; required posting and placement; license suspension

§ 32-1124.01 - Confidentiality of licensee's or license applicant's personal identifying information; exception

§ 32-1125 - Renewal of license; qualifying party

§ 32-1125.01 - Inactive license

§ 32-1126 - Fees

§ 32-1127 - Qualifying party; responsibility

§ 32-1127.01 - Qualifying parties; disassociation with license; requalification

§ 32-1128 - Asbestos educational pamphlet

§ 32-1231 - Persons not required to be licensed

§ 32-1232 - Qualifications of applicant; application; fee; fingerprint clearance card

§ 32-1233 - Applicants for licensure; examination requirements

§ 32-1234 - Dental consultant license

§ 32-1235 - Reinstatement of license or certificate; application for previously denied license or certificate

§ 32-1236 - Dentist triennial licensure; continuing education; license reinstatement; license for each place of practice; notice of change of address or place of practice; retired and disabled license status; penalties

§ 32-1237 - Restricted permit

§ 32-1238 - Issuance of restricted permit

§ 32-1239 - Practice under restricted permit

§ 32-1240 - Licensure by credential; examinations; waiver; fee

§ 32-1241 - Training permits; qualified military health professionals

§ 32-1421 - Exemptions from licensing requirements

§ 32-1422 - Basic requirements for granting a license to practice medicine; credentials verification

§ 32-1422.01 - Expedited licensure; medical licensure compact; fingerprinting

§ 32-1423 - Additional requirements for students graduating from an unapproved allopathic school of medicine

§ 32-1424 - Fifth pathway program; licensure

§ 32-1425 - Initial licensure

§ 32-1426 - Licensure by endorsement

§ 32-1427 - Application; hearing on deficiencies in application; interview; probationary license

§ 32-1428 - Pro bono registration

§ 32-1429 - Locum tenens registration

§ 32-1430 - License renewal; expiration

§ 32-1431 - Inactive license; application; practice prohibitions

§ 32-1432 - Teaching license

§ 32-1432.01 - Education teaching permit

§ 32-1432.02 - Training permit; short-term permits; discipline

§ 32-1432.03 - Training permits; approved schools

§ 32-1432.04 - Medical graduate transitional training permits; requirements; definitions

§ 32-1433 - Cancellation of active license

§ 32-1434 - Continuing medical education; audit

§ 32-1435 - Change of address; costs; penalties

§ 32-1436 - Fees and penalty

§ 32-1437 - Training permits; qualified military health professionals

§ 32-1438 - Temporary licensure; requirements; fee

§ 32-1439 - Specialty certification; prohibited requirement for licensure; definition

§ 32-1521 - Persons and acts not affected by this chapter

§ 32-1522 - Basic qualifications for license

§ 32-1522.01 - Temporary licenses; duration of license

§ 32-1523 - Qualifications for license to practice by endorsement; restrictions

§ 32-1523.01 - Foreign graduates; additional qualifications

§ 32-1524 - Application; deficiencies in application; interview; withdrawal; release of information; temporary certificate

§ 32-1525 - Examinations

§ 32-1526 - Licenses; certificates; issuance; renewal; failure to renew

§ 32-1527 - Fees

§ 32-1528 - Retired licensee; waiver of fees; reinstatement

§ 32-1529 - Specialists; certification; qualifications

§ 32-1530 - Exemptions from certificate to dispense fees

§ 32-1681 - Licensure; issuance

§ 32-1682 - Applications for a dispensing optician license; original and renewal; examination

§ 32-1683 - Qualifications of applicants

§ 32-1684 - License issuance, renewal and reinstatement

§ 32-1684.01 - Optical establishment license; qualifications

§ 32-1685 - Fees

§ 32-1686 - Board of dispensing opticians fund

§ 32-1687 - Continuing education

§ 32-1721 - Persons and acts not affected by this chapter

§ 32-1722 - Qualifications of applicant; applications

§ 32-1723 - Licensure by endorsement

§ 32-1724 - Examination of applicants; time of examination

§ 32-1725 - Issuance and display of license and certificate

§ 32-1726 - Renewal of license; continuing education; failure to renew

§ 32-1727 - Fees

§ 32-1728 - Pharmaceutical agents; certification; use; course of study

§ 32-1730 - Fingerprinting

§ 32-1821 - Persons and acts not affected by chapter

§ 32-1822 - Qualifications of applicant; application; fingerprinting; fees

§ 32-1823 - Locum tenens registration; application; term; interview; denial of application; discipline

§ 32-1824 - Expedited licensure; medical licensure compact; fingerprinting

§ 32-1825 - Renewal of licenses; continuing medical education; failure to renew; penalty; reinstatement; waiver of continuing medical education

§ 32-1826 - Fees; penalty

§ 32-1827 - Cancellation of a license; requirements

§ 32-1828 - Education teaching permits

§ 32-1829 - Training permits; issuance of permits

§ 32-1829.01 - Osteopathic graduate transitional training permit; requirements; definitions

§ 32-1830 - Training permits; approved schools

§ 32-1831 - Teaching licenses; definitions

§ 32-1832 - Retired license; waiver of fees; reinstatement; limited license; volunteer work

§ 32-1833 - Pro bono registration

§ 32-1834 - Temporary licensure; requirements; fee

§ 32-1835 - Specialty certification; prohibited requirement for licensure; definition

§ 32-2121 - Applicability of article; exceptions

§ 32-2122 - License required of brokers and salespersons

§ 32-2123 - Application for license as broker or salesperson

§ 32-2124 - Qualifications of licensees

§ 32-2125 - Licenses for corporations, limited liability companies or partnerships

§ 32-2125.01 - Issuance of license; multiple licenses; use

§ 32-2125.02 - Nonresident licensees; service of process; employment

§ 32-2125.03 - Confidentiality of licensee's residential address, electronic mail address, residential telephone number and social security number

§ 32-2126 - Place of business required; notice of change in location; failure to give notice as cancellation of license; signs

§ 32-2127 - Licenses for additional places of business; branch office manager; broker's temporary absence

§ 32-2128 - Display and possession of license certificates; electronic records

§ 32-2129 - Advance payment of license fees

§ 32-2130 - Renewal of licenses; education requirements; broker licensee renewal as salesperson licensee

§ 32-2131 - Reinstatement of license

§ 32-2132 - Fees

§ 32-2133 - Temporary broker's license

§ 32-2134 - Temporary cemetery salesperson's license

§ 32-2134.01 - Membership camping salesperson certificate of convenience

§ 32-2135 - Real estate schools; courses of study; instructors; certification

§ 32-2136 - Broker management clinics

§ 32-2137 - Cancellation of license

§ 32-2211 - Exceptions from application of chapter

§ 32-2212 - Issuance of license; previous licenses qualified; use of designations

§ 32-2213 - Application for license; retention of examination materials

§ 32-2214 - Examination of applicants; confidentiality

§ 32-2215 - Qualifications for license to practice veterinary medicine

§ 32-2216 - Issuance of temporary permits; emergency temporary permits; definition

§ 32-2217 - Employees of the state or political subdivisions; licensure

§ 32-2217.01 - Issuance of permit to nonresident

§ 32-2218 - License renewal and reinstatement

§ 32-2219 - Fees; veterinary licenses; veterinary faculty member licenses

§ 32-2371 - License for schools; requirements; fingerprint clearance card

§ 32-2371.01 - License for agents; requirements

§ 32-2372.01 - Commercial motor vehicle instructors; rules

§ 32-2373 - Refusal to issue or renew license of school or agent

§ 32-2374 - Fees

§ 32-2375 - Disposition of fees

§ 32-2911 - Persons and acts not affected by chapter

§ 32-2912 - Qualifications of applicant; applications; scope of practice

§ 32-2913 - Examination; reexamination

§ 32-2914 - Fees

§ 32-2915 - Licensure; issuance; duplicate licenses; renewal; continuing education; expiration; cancellation

§ 32-2916 - Directory; change of address; civil penalty; fees

§ 32-2917 - Locum tenens registration

§ 32-851 - Practicing podiatry without license prohibited

§ 32-852 - Revocation or suspension of or refusal to issue license; civil penalty

§ 32-852.01 - Investigations; duty to report; unprofessional conduct hearing; decision of board; appeal

§ 32-853 - Certain acts exempt from chapter

§ 32-854 - Unauthorized practice

§ 32-854.01 - Unprofessional conduct

§ 32-855 - Violations; classification; injunctive relief

§ 32-856 - Podiatric medical assistants; rules

§ 32-871 - Dispensing of drugs and devices; conditions; civil penalty; definition

§ 32-1871 - Dispensing of drugs and devices; conditions; exception; civil penalty

§ 32-2951 - Dispensing drugs and devices; conditions; exception; civil penalty; definition

§ 32-900 - Definitions

§ 32-901 - Board of chiropractic examiners; removal; immunity

§ 32-902 - Organization; meetings

§ 32-903 - Compensation

§ 32-904 - Powers and duties

§ 32-905 - Executive director of board; duties; other personnel; immunity

§ 32-906 - Board of chiropractic examiners fund

§ 32-907 - Additional fees

§ 32-921 - Application for license; qualifications of applicant; fee; background investigations

§ 32-922 - Examinations; licensure

§ 32-922.01 - Reciprocity; requirements

§ 32-922.02 - Specialties; certification; fees

§ 32-922.03 - Licensure by endorsement; requirements

§ 32-923 - Change of address; annual renewal fee; failure to renew; waivers; definition

§ 32-924 - Grounds for disciplinary action; hearing; civil penalty; definition

§ 32-925 - Practice of chiropractic; limitations

§ 32-926 - Practice of chiropractic without license prohibited; exemptions

§ 32-927 - Violations; classification

§ 32-928 - Injunctive relief

§ 32-929 - Right to examine and copy evidence; summoning witnesses and documents; taking testimony; right to counsel; court aid; process

§ 32-930 - Chiropractic assistant

§ 32-931 - Continuing education; requirements

§ 32-933 - Inactive license; restrictions; reinstatement to active license

§ 32-934 - Business entities; registration; fees; medical records protocol; civil penalty; exemptions; violation; classification

§ 32-1001 - Definitions

§ 32-1004 - Exemptions

§ 32-1101 - Definitions

§ 32-1101.01 - Local authority

§ 32-1102 - Classification of licenses; contracting business

§ 32-1103 - Registrar of contractors; salary

§ 32-1104 - Powers and duties

§ 32-1105 - Rulemaking powers for purposes of classifying and reclassifying contractors

§ 32-1106 - Enforcement powers

§ 32-1107 - Registrar of contractors fund

§ 32-1131 - Definitions

§ 32-1132 - Residential contractors' recovery fund; claimants; eligibility; definition

§ 32-1132.01 - Actual damages; fund; limitations; definition

§ 32-1133 - Civil recovery; statute of limitations

§ 32-1133.01 - Administrative recovery; statute of limitations

§ 32-1134 - Powers and duties of registrar

§ 32-1134.02 - Insufficiency of fund

§ 32-1135 - Deposit of assessments

§ 32-1137 - Notice of authorized payment to claimant

§ 32-1138 - Subrogation

§ 32-1139 - Liability of fund for each residential contractor's license; suspension of license; repayment

§ 32-1140 - Disciplinary action against contractor

§ 32-1170 - Definitions

§ 32-1170.01 - Installation, alteration or repair of solar device without qualification as solar contractor prohibited

§ 32-1170.02 - Qualification examination

§ 32-1181 - Definitions; applicability

§ 32-1182 - Progress payments by owner; conditions; interest

§ 32-1183 - Performance and payment by contractor, subcontractor or material supplier; conditions; interest

§ 32-1184 - Interruption of performance of construction contract; damages; termination of contract

§ 32-1185 - Construction contracts; suspension of performance; termination

§ 32-1186 - Construction contracts; void provisions

§ 32-1187 - Applicability to state and political subdivisions

§ 32-1188 - Applicability to construction of a dwelling for an owner-occupant; definitions

§ 32-1201 - Definitions

§ 32-1201.01 - Definition of unprofessional conduct

§ 32-1202 - Scope of practice; practice of dentistry

§ 32-1203 - State board of dental examiners; qualifications of members; terms

§ 32-1204 - Removal from office

§ 32-1205 - Organization; meetings; quorum; staff

§ 32-1206 - Compensation of board members; investigation committee members

§ 32-1207 - Powers and duties; executive director; immunity; fees; definitions

§ 32-1208 - Failure to respond to subpoena; civil penalty

§ 32-1209 - Admissibility of records in evidence

§ 32-1210 - Annual report

§ 32-1212 - Dental board fund

§ 32-1213 - Business entities; registration; renewal; civil penalty; exceptions

§ 32-1276 - Definitions

§ 32-1276.01 - Application for licensure; requirements; fingerprint clearance card; denial or suspension of application

§ 32-1276.02 - Dental therapist triennial licensure; continuing education; license renewal and reinstatement; fees; civil penalties; retired and disabled license status

§ 32-1276.03 - Practice of dental therapy; authorized procedures; supervision requirements; restrictions

§ 32-1276.04 - Dental therapists; clinical practice; supervising dentists; written collaborative practice agreements

§ 32-1276.05 - Dental therapists; supervising dentists; collaborative practice relationships

§ 32-1276.06 - Practicing without a license; violation; classification

§ 32-1276.07 - Licensure by credential; examination waiver; fee

§ 32-1276.08 - Dental therapy schools; credit for prior experience or coursework

§ 32-1281 - Practicing as dental hygienist; supervision requirements; definitions

§ 32-1282 - Administration and enforcement

§ 32-1283 - Disposition of revenues

§ 32-1284 - Qualifications of applicant; application; fee; fingerprint clearance card; rules; denial or suspension of application

§ 32-1285 - Applicants for licensure; examination requirements

§ 32-1286 - Recognized dental hygiene schools; credit for prior learning

§ 32-1287 - Dental hygienist triennial licensure; continuing education; license reinstatement; notice of change of address; penalties; retired and disabled license status

§ 32-1288 - Practicing without license; classification

§ 32-1289 - Employment of dental hygienist by public agency, institution or school

§ 32-1289.01 - Dental hygienists; affiliated practice relationships; rules; definition

§ 32-1290 - Grounds for censure, probation, suspension or revocation of license; procedure

§ 32-1291 - Dental assistants; regulation; duties

§ 32-1291.01 - Expanded function dental assistants; training and examination requirements; duties

§ 32-1292 - Restricted permits; suspension; expiration; renewal

§ 32-1292.01 - Licensure by credential; examinations; waiver; fee

§ 32-1293 - Practicing as denturist; denture technology; dental laboratory technician

§ 32-1294 - Supervision by dentist; definitions; mouth preparation by dentist; liability; business association

§ 32-1295 - Board of dental examiners; additional powers and duties

§ 32-1296 - Qualifications of applicant

§ 32-1297.01 - Application for certification; fingerprint clearance card; denial; suspension

§ 32-1297.03 - Qualification for reexamination

§ 32-1297.04 - Fees

§ 32-1297.05 - Disposition of revenues

§ 32-1297.06 - Denturist certification; continuing education; certificate reinstatement; certificate for each place of practice; notice of change of address or place of practice; penalties

§ 32-1297.07 - Discipline; procedure

§ 32-1297.08 - Injunction

§ 32-1297.09 - Violations; classification

§ 32-1298 - Dispensing of drugs and devices; conditions; civil penalty; definition

§ 32-1491 - Dispensing of drugs and devices; exception; civil penalty; conditions; definition

§ 32-1299 - Substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation program; private contract; funding; confidential stipulation agreement

§ 32-1299.21 - Definitions

§ 32-1299.22 - Mobile dental facilities; portable dental units; permits; exceptions

§ 32-1299.23 - Permit application; fees; renewal; notification of changes

§ 32-1299.24 - Standards of operation and practice

§ 32-1299.25 - Informed consent; information for patients

§ 32-1299.26 - Disciplinary actions; cessation of operation

§ 32-1301 - Definitions

§ 32-1301; Version 2 - Definitions

§ 32-1302 - State board of funeral directors and embalmers; members; appointment; term; qualifications; oath; compensation

§ 32-1303 - Board officers

§ 32-1304 - Board meetings

§ 32-1305 - Executive director; compensation; duties

§ 32-1306 - Attorney general to represent and advise board; actions to recover civil penalties

§ 32-1307 - Powers and duties of board

§ 32-1308 - Board of funeral directors' and embalmers' fund

§ 32-1309 - Fees

§ 32-1310 - Confidentiality

§ 32-1311 - Immunity

§ 32-1321 - License or registration requirement; persons not required to be licensed or registered; nontransferability; display

§ 32-1322 - Interns, embalmers and funeral directors; qualifications for licensure

§ 32-1323 - Interns, embalmers and funeral directors; application for licensure

§ 32-1324 - Intern trainee; requirements; temporary employment by funeral establishment

§ 32-1325 - Assistant funeral directors; licensure as funeral directors

§ 32-1325.01 - Embalmer's assistants; qualifications; application for registration

§ 32-1326 - Embalmers and funeral directors; temporary licenses

§ 32-1327 - State equivalent examination; national board examination

§ 32-1328 - State laws and rules examination

§ 32-1329 - Reexamination

§ 32-1330 - Annual intern or embalmer's assistant report

§ 32-1331 - Renewal of licenses and registration; reinstatement of registration

§ 32-1333 - Notice of change in employment

§ 32-1334 - Inactive status

§ 32-1335 - Out-of-state licensees

§ 32-1336 - Board recognition; colleges of funeral service education or mortuary science

§ 32-1337 - Embalming by students enrolled in colleges of mortuary science; requirements

§ 32-1338 - Continuing education

§ 32-1339 - Fingerprinting of applicants; background checks

§ 32-1341 - Alkaline hydrolysis facilities; license required

§ 32-1342 - Alkaline hydrolysis facilities; requirements

§ 32-1343 - Alkaline hydrolysis operators; licensure; application; qualifications; fingerprinting; renewal

§ 32-1344 - Alkaline hydrolysis facilities; licensure requirements; application; renewal

§ 32-1345 - Display of license

§ 32-1346 - Alkaline hydrolysis facilities; nontransferability of license; interim permits; confidentiality; definition

§ 32-1347 - Change of name or location

§ 32-1361 - Prohibition of embalming by certain persons; certification of embalming

§ 32-1362 - Enucleation of eyes by licensed embalmers

§ 32-1363 - Use of funeral director title; unlawful use

§ 32-1364 - Crimes against the dead; classification

§ 32-1365 - Violations; classification

§ 32-1365.01 - Cremation or other lawful disposition of a dead human body; authorization document; immunity

§ 32-1365.02 - Authorizing agents; consent for cremation, disinterment or embalming; definition

§ 32-1366 - Grounds for disciplinary action

§ 32-1367 - Investigations; initial review; disciplinary proceedings; civil penalty; letters of concern; rehearings

§ 32-1368 - Administrative costs

§ 32-1369 - Cease and desist orders; injunctive relief

§ 32-1371 - List of prices of funeral goods and services offered

§ 32-1372 - Display of merchandise prices; rules

§ 32-1373 - Statement of funeral goods and services

§ 32-1374 - Price list requirement; exemption

§ 32-1375 - Price lists; telephone information

§ 32-1376 - Consumer information pamphlet

§ 32-1377 - Rules; relation to federal trade commission regulations

§ 32-1381 - License requirement

§ 32-1382 - Funeral establishment requirements; responsible funeral director

§ 32-1383 - Application; qualifications for licensure

§ 32-1384 - Multiple funeral director license

§ 32-1385 - Retention of records

§ 32-1386 - Renewal of funeral establishment licenses

§ 32-1387 - Display of license

§ 32-1388 - Nontransferability of funeral establishment licenses; change of ownership; interim permits; definition

§ 32-1389 - Funeral establishments; change of name

§ 32-1390 - Funeral establishments; change of location

§ 32-1390.01 - Funeral establishments; disciplinary action; civil penalty

§ 32-1390.02 - Funeral establishments; disciplinary proceedings; notice

§ 32-1391.01 - Powers and duties of board

§ 32-1391.02 - Prearranged funeral agreements; restrictions on sales

§ 32-1391.03 - Department of insurance and financial institutions powers and duties; prearranged funeral trust accounts

§ 32-1391.04 - Prearranged funeral trust accounts; books and records; inspection and examination

§ 32-1391.05 - Prearranged funeral agreements funded by trusts; definition

§ 32-1391.06 - Service fees; prearranged funeral agreements funded by trust

§ 32-1391.07 - Cancellation; prearranged funeral agreements funded by trust

§ 32-1391.08 - Prearranged funeral agreements funded by trust; death of beneficiary

§ 32-1391.09 - Prearranged funeral agreements funded by trust; consumer disclosures

§ 32-1391.10 - Waiver of purchaser rights

§ 32-1391.11 - Prearranged funeral agreements funded by trust; sales; restrictions

§ 32-1391.12 - Prearranged funeral sales endorsement; requirements; renewal

§ 32-1391.13 - Grounds for denial or refusal to renew funeral establishment sales endorsement or disciplinary action

§ 32-1391.14 - Prearranged funeral salespersons; registration requirements; renewal; exemption

§ 32-1391.15 - Grounds for denial or refusal to renew prearranged funeral salesperson registration or disciplinary action

§ 32-1391.16 - Annual trust report

§ 32-1391.17 - Exemptions

§ 32-1391.18 - Violation; classification; penalties and remedies

§ 32-1393 - License requirement

§ 32-1394 - Crematory requirements; responsible cremationist

§ 32-1394.01 - Application; qualifications for cremationist licensure; licensure requirement for responsible cremationists

§ 32-1394.02 - Renewal of cremationist licenses

§ 32-1395 - Application; qualifications for licensure

§ 32-1396 - Renewal of crematory licenses

§ 32-1396.01 - Display of license

§ 32-1397 - Nontransferability of crematory licenses; change of ownership; interim permit; definition

§ 32-1397.01 - Crematories; change of name

§ 32-1397.02 - Crematories; change of location

§ 32-1398 - Crematories; disciplinary action; acts of crematory

§ 32-1398.01 - Crematories; disciplinary proceedings

§ 32-1399 - Crematories; standards of practice

§ 32-1401 - Definitions

§ 32-1402 - Board; appointment; qualifications; term; removal; compensation; immunity; report

§ 32-1403 - Powers and duties of the board; compensation; immunity; committee on executive director selection and retention

§ 32-1403.01 - Licensees; profiles; required information; updates; civil penalty

§ 32-1404 - Meetings; quorum; committees; rules; posting

§ 32-1405 - Executive director; compensation; duties; appeal to the board

§ 32-1406 - Arizona medical board fund

§ 32-1407 - Jurisdiction arbitration panel

§ 32-1408 - Preceptorship awareness campaign; definitions

§ 32-1471 - Health care provider and any other person; emergency aid; nonliability

§ 32-1472 - Limited liability for emergency health care at amateur athletic events

§ 32-1481 - Limitation of liability

§ 32-1482 - Reporting of hepatitis cases

§ 32-1483 - Notification to donors

§ 32-1501 - Definitions

§ 32-1502 - Naturopathic physicians medical board; appointment; qualifications; term of office; immunity

§ 32-1503 - Board organization; meetings; compensation; committees

§ 32-1504 - Powers and duties

§ 32-1505 - Naturopathic physicians medical board fund

§ 32-1507 - Change in status; assessment of costs

§ 32-1508 - Display of licenses and certificates

§ 32-1509 - Executive director; compensation; duties

§ 32-1581 - Dispensing of natural substances, drugs and devices; conditions; civil penalty; dispensing minerals; rules; definitions

§ 32-1601 - Definitions

§ 32-1602 - Board of nursing; member terms; immunity

§ 32-1603 - Qualifications of board members

§ 32-1604 - Compensation

§ 32-1605 - Organization; meetings

§ 32-1605.01 - Executive director; compensation; powers; duties

§ 32-1606 - Powers and duties of board

§ 32-1607 - Preceptorship awareness campaign; definitions

§ 32-1608 - Examinations; notice

§ 32-1609 - Register of licenses and registrations; change of address

§ 32-1611 - Board of nursing fund

§ 32-1631 - Acts and persons not affected by chapter

§ 32-1632 - Qualifications of registered nurse; application for license

§ 32-1633 - Examination of registered nurses

§ 32-1634 - Licensing out-of-state registered nurses

§ 32-1634.01 - Qualifications of international registered nurses; application for license; examination

§ 32-1634.02 - Qualifications of international registered nurses; applicants for licensure; endorsement

§ 32-1634.03 - Qualifications for certified registered nurse anesthetist; temporary certificate

§ 32-1634.04 - Certified registered nurse anesthetist; scope of practice; physician and surgeon immunity

§ 32-1635 - Temporary license to practice registered nursing

§ 32-1635.01 - Temporary certifications; expiration

§ 32-1636 - Use of titles or abbreviations

§ 32-1637 - Qualifications of practical nurse; application for license

§ 32-1638 - Examination of practical nurses

§ 32-1639 - Licensing out-of-state practical nurses

§ 32-1639.01 - Qualifications of international graduate practical nurses; application for license; examination

§ 32-1639.02 - Qualifications of international graduate practical nurses; application for license; endorsement

§ 32-1639.03 - Qualifications of military service applicants; definition

§ 32-1640 - Temporary license to practice as a licensed practical nurse

§ 32-1642 - Renewal of license or registration; failure to renew

§ 32-1643 - Fees; penalties

§ 32-1644 - Approval of nursing schools and nursing programs; application; maintenance of standards

§ 32-1645 - Licensed nursing assistants; certified nursing assistants; licensed health aides; qualifications

§ 32-1646 - Licensed nursing assistants; certified nursing assistants; board powers

§ 32-1647 - Examination of licensed nursing assistants and certified nursing assistants

§ 32-1648 - Licensed nursing assistants; certified nursing assistants; acceptance of out-of-state licenses

§ 32-1649 - Use of title or abbreviations by a licensed nursing assistant and certified nursing assistant

§ 32-1650 - Certified medication assistants; medication administration; delegation

§ 32-1650.01 - Medication assistant training programs; requirements

§ 32-1650.02 - Certified medication assistants; qualifications

§ 32-1650.03 - Certified medication assistants; examination requirements

§ 32-1650.04 - Certified medication assistants; reciprocity

§ 32-1650.05 - Certified medication assistants; recertification; unprofessional conduct

§ 32-1650.06 - Certified medication assistants; disciplinary actions; civil penalties; revocation or denial of certificate

§ 32-1650.07 - Certified medication assistants; use of title

§ 32-1651 - Clinical nurse specialists; prescribing and dispensing authority

§ 32-1660 - Nurse licensure compact

§ 32-1660.01 - Applicability of compact; scope of practice; notification; withdrawal from compact

§ 32-1660.02 - Open meeting requirements

§ 32-1660.03 - Arizona state board of nursing; notice of commission actions

§ 32-1671 - Definitions

§ 32-1672 - Board of dispensing opticians; members; qualifications; terms; removal; immunity

§ 32-1673 - Powers and duties of the board

§ 32-1674 - Records

§ 32-1701 - Definitions

§ 32-1702 - Board of optometry; appointment; qualifications; term; removal

§ 32-1703 - Organization of board; compensation; immunity

§ 32-1704 - Powers and duties of the board

§ 32-1705 - Board of optometry fund

§ 32-1706 - Use of pharmaceutical agents

§ 32-1761 - Referral of patient to licensed physician required on finding of certain symptomatic conditions

§ 32-1771 - Dispensing contact lenses; conformity with federal law; requirements

§ 32-1800 - Definitions

§ 32-1801 - Arizona board of osteopathic examiners in medicine and surgery

§ 32-1802 - Meetings; organization; compensation; committees

§ 32-1803 - Powers and duties

§ 32-1804 - Executive director; compensation; duties

§ 32-1805 - Board fund; disbursements

§ 32-1806 - Jurisdiction arbitration panel

§ 32-1807 - Preceptorship awareness campaign; definitions

§ 32-1901 - Definitions

§ 32-1901.01 - Definition of unethical conduct and unprofessional conduct; permittees; licensees

§ 32-1902 - Arizona state board of pharmacy; immunity

§ 32-1903 - Organization; meetings; quorum; compensation of board; executive director; compensation; powers and duties

§ 32-1904 - Powers and duties of board; immunity

§ 32-1905 - Meetings; time and place; annual report

§ 32-1905; Version 2 - Meetings; time and place; annual report

§ 32-1906 - Membership in national associations; official attendance at professional meetings

§ 32-1907 - Arizona state board of pharmacy fund

§ 32-1908 - Scope of chapter

§ 32-1909 - Donated medicine; donors; authorized recipients; requirements; immunity; definitions

§ 32-1910 - Emergencies; continued provision of services

§ 32-1921 - Exempted acts; exemption from registration fees; definition

§ 32-1921.01 - Disclosures on applications; licensees; applicability

§ 32-1921.01; Version 2 - Disclosures on applications; licensees; registrants; applicability

§ 32-1922 - Qualifications of applicant; reciprocity; preliminary equivalency examination; honorary certificate; fee

§ 32-1923 - Interns and intern preceptors; qualifications; licensure; purpose of internship

§ 32-1923.01 - Pharmacy technicians; pharmacy technician trainees; qualifications; remote dispensing site pharmacies

§ 32-1923.01; Version 2 - Pharmacy technicians; pharmacy technician trainees; qualifications; remote dispensing site pharmacies

§ 32-1924 - Licenses; fees; rules; signatures; online profiles

§ 32-1924; Version 2 - Licenses; fees; rules; signatures; registration; online profiles

§ 32-1925 - Renewal of license of pharmacists, interns and pharmacy technicians; fees; expiration dates; penalty for failure to renew; continuing education

§ 32-1926 - Notice of change of information required

§ 32-1926.01 - Change in residency status; written notice required

§ 32-1927 - Pharmacists; pharmacy interns; disciplinary action

§ 32-1927; Version 2 - Pharmacists; pharmacy interns; disciplinary action

§ 32-1927.01 - Pharmacy technicians; pharmacy technician trainees; disciplinary action

§ 32-1927.01; Version 2 - Pharmacy technicians; pharmacy technician trainees; disciplinary action

§ 32-1927.02 - Permittees; disciplinary action

§ 32-1927.02; Version 2 - Permittees; disciplinary action

§ 32-1927.03 - Persons required to be permitted; formal hearing; disciplinary action

§ 32-1928 - Hearings; restraining order; judicial review

§ 32-1929 - Biennial registration of pharmacies, wholesalers, third-party logistics providers, manufacturers and similar places; application

§ 32-1930 - Types of permits; restrictions on permits; discontinuance of pharmacy permit

§ 32-1931 - Permit fees; issuance; expiration; renewals; online profiles

§ 32-1932.01 - Substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation program; private contract; funding

§ 32-1933 - Display of license or permit

§ 32-1934 - Remote hospital-site pharmacy permittee; requirements

§ 32-1935 - Approval of schools and colleges of pharmacy

§ 32-1936 - Mandatory continuing professional pharmacy education

§ 32-1937 - Exceptions to continuing education requirements

§ 32-1939 - Condition of probation; repayment of inspection costs

§ 32-1940 - Investigations; hearings; conferences; records; confidentiality

§ 32-1941 - Third-party logistics providers; permit required; designated representative; fingerprinting requirements

§ 32-1981 - Definitions

§ 32-1982 - Full-service wholesale permittees; bonds; designated representatives; fingerprinting requirements

§ 32-1983 - Restrictions on transactions

§ 32-1985 - Injunctive relief

§ 32-1991 - Enforcement of chapter

§ 32-1992 - Provisions of marijuana, prescription-only drugs, narcotics, dangerous drugs or controlled substances laws not invalidated by this chapter; medicated feed not included

§ 32-1993 - Authorization to seize certain drugs, counterfeit drugs and equipment; disposition of seized equipment

§ 32-1994 - Authorization to embargo adulterated or misbranded drugs or devices; condemnation; destruction; costs

§ 32-1995 - Injunctions; restraining orders

§ 32-1996 - Violations; classification; civil penalty

§ 32-1996; Version 2 - Violations; classification; civil penalty

§ 32-1997 - Misbranding; promotion of off-label use; definitions

§ 32-2001 - Definitions

§ 32-2002 - Board of physical therapy; appointment; qualifications

§ 32-2003 - Board; powers and duties

§ 32-2004 - Board of physical therapy fund; appropriation; deposit of receipts by board

§ 32-2021 - Persons and activities not required to be licensed

§ 32-2022 - Qualifications for licensure and certification; fingerprint clearance card

§ 32-2023 - Application; denial; hearing

§ 32-2024 - Examinations

§ 32-2025 - Interim permits

§ 32-2026 - Licensure or certification by endorsement

§ 32-2027 - License or certificate renewal; suspension

§ 32-2028 - Reinstatement of license or certificate

§ 32-2029 - Fees

§ 32-2030 - Business entities; patient records; protocol; exemptions; rules

§ 32-2031 - Retired status; reinstatement to active status

§ 32-2032 - Inactive status; reinstatement to active status

§ 32-2041 - Lawful practice

§ 32-2041.01 - Musculoskeletal imaging; ordering; requirements; reporting

§ 32-2042 - Use of titles; restrictions; violation; classification

§ 32-2043 - Supervision; patient care management

§ 32-2044 - Grounds for disciplinary action

§ 32-2045 - Investigative powers; emergency action

§ 32-2046 - Informal and formal hearings

§ 32-2047 - Disciplinary actions; penalties

§ 32-2048 - Unlawful practice; classification; injunctive relief; deposit of civil penalties

§ 32-2049 - Disclosure prohibition

§ 32-2050 - Substance abuse recovery program

§ 32-2051 - Rights of consumers

§ 32-2052 - Judicial review

§ 32-2053 - Physical therapy licensure compact

§ 32-2054 - Participation in compact as condition of employment; prohibition

§ 32-2055 - Open meeting requirements

§ 32-2056 - Board of physical therapy; notice of commission actions; expenditure of certain monies prohibited

§ 32-2061 - Definitions

§ 32-2062 - Board; qualifications; appointments; terms; compensation; immunity

§ 32-2063 - Powers and duties

§ 32-2064 - Meetings; committees; quorum

§ 32-2065 - Board of psychologist examiners fund; separate behavior analyst account

§ 32-2066 - Directory; change of address; costs; civil penalty

§ 32-2067 - Fees; alternative payment methods

§ 32-2091 - Definitions

§ 32-2091.01 - Fees

§ 32-2091.02 - Qualifications of applicant

§ 32-2091.03 - Educational and training standards for licensure

§ 32-2091.04 - Reciprocity

§ 32-2091.06 - Temporary licenses; inactive status; reinstatement to active status

§ 32-2091.07 - Active license; issuance; renewal; expiration; continuing education

§ 32-2091.08 - Exemptions from licensure

§ 32-2091.09 - Grounds for disciplinary action; duty to report; immunity; proceedings; board action; notice requirements; civil penalty

§ 32-2091.10 - Right to examine and copy evidence; subpoenas; right to counsel; confidentiality

§ 32-2091.11 - Injunction

§ 32-2091.12 - Violations; classification

§ 32-2091.13 - Confidential communications

§ 32-2091.14 - Status as behavioral health professional

§ 32-2091.15 - Committee on behavior analysts; membership; duties; board responsibilities

§ 32-2101 - Definitions

§ 32-2102 - Administration of chapter by real estate department; purpose

§ 32-2103 - Placement of monies collected; revision of fees

§ 32-2104 - Real estate advisory board; members; terms; qualifications; compensation; chairman; duties

§ 32-2105 - Meetings of the state real estate advisory board

§ 32-2106 - Real estate commissioner; appointment; qualifications

§ 32-2107 - Powers and duties of commissioner; compensation; administration of department; seal; revolving fund

§ 32-2107.01 - Recorded disclaimer of unlawful restrictions

§ 32-2108 - Powers and duties of commissioner to make investigations and require information

§ 32-2108.01 - License applicants; fingerprint clearance cards; definition

§ 32-2109 - Employment; compensation

§ 32-2110 - Interest of department officer or employee in real estate company prohibited

§ 32-2111 - Attorney general as legal adviser and representative of commissioner

§ 32-2112 - Admissibility of certified copies of department records in evidence

§ 32-2113 - Recorded disclosure for territory in the vicinity of a military airport or ancillary military facility

§ 32-2114 - Recorded disclosure for land under a military training route or restricted air space

§ 32-2114.01 - Military electronics range

§ 32-2115 - Department's website; military training route map; restricted air space map; military electronics range map

§ 32-2116 - Military training routes; contacts

§ 32-2117 - Earth fissure maps; posting; immunity

§ 32-2118 - Competition with private enterprise; prohibition

§ 32-2119 - Consumer education; water supply definitions; map

§ 32-2171 - Definitions

§ 32-2172 - Scope of article

§ 32-2173 - Property management agreements; contents, termination

§ 32-2174 - Property management accounts

§ 32-2175 - Property management records; requirements; audits

§ 32-2176 - Payment of finder fees to apartment tenants; limits; prohibited activities; civil penalty; definitions

§ 32-2181 - Notice to commissioner of intention to subdivide lands; unlawful acting in concert; exceptions; deed restrictions; definition

§ 32-2181.01 - Power of commissioner to exempt certain subdivisions or fractional interests by special order

§ 32-2181.02 - Exempt sales and leases

§ 32-2181.03 - Lot reservations; expiration

§ 32-2182 - Examination of subdivision by commissioner; fee; time limit to determine violation

§ 32-2183 - Subdivision public reports; denial of issuance; unlawful sales; voidable sale or lease; order prohibiting sale or lease; investigations; hearings; summary orders

§ 32-2183.01 - Advertising material; contents; order prohibiting use; costs of investigation; drawings or contests

§ 32-2183.02 - Recording of actions

§ 32-2183.03 - Civil liabilities

§ 32-2183.04 - Surety bond requirement; form; cancellation; effective date; certificate of deposit

§ 32-2183.05 - Military training route disclosure; military electronics range disclosure; residential property

§ 32-2183.06 - Restricted air space disclosure; residential property

§ 32-2184 - Change of subdivision plan after approval by commissioner; notice

§ 32-2185 - Delivery of clear title by vendor on performance of contract by vendee

§ 32-2185.01 - Sale of unimproved lots or parcels; conditions precedent; methods

§ 32-2185.02 - Permanent access to subdivided land; rescindable sales

§ 32-2185.03 - Deposit of fees

§ 32-2185.06 - Contract disclosures; contract disclaimers

§ 32-2185.07 - Jurisdiction

§ 32-2185.08 - Recordable forms of contracts

§ 32-2185.09 - Civil penalties; limitation

§ 32-2186 - Real estate recovery fund; liability limits; definitions

§ 32-2187 - Payments to real estate recovery fund

§ 32-2188 - Statute of limitations; service of summons; application for payment; insufficient monies; definition

§ 32-2188.01 - Notice of claim to judgment debtor; response

§ 32-2188.02 - Correction of deficiencies in the application

§ 32-2188.03 - Investigation and discovery

§ 32-2188.04 - Final decision and order on claim; notice

§ 32-2188.05 - Claimant's right to appeal denial of claim; service of notice of appeal; response; failure to file response

§ 32-2189 - Management of fund

§ 32-2191 - Commissioner's standing in court

§ 32-2192 - Subrogation of rights; collection

§ 32-2193 - Waiver of rights

§ 32-2193.01 - Effect of article on disciplinary action

§ 32-2193.02 - Surety bond requirement; form; cancellation; effective date; certificate of deposit

§ 32-2194 - Exceptions

§ 32-2194.01 - Notice to commissioner of intention to sell cemetery property; exceptions; restrictions

§ 32-2194.02 - Examination by commissioner; fee

§ 32-2194.03 - Issuance or denial of certificate of authority; voidable sale; order prohibiting sale; investigations by commissioner; public hearings; summary orders

§ 32-2194.04 - Contract disclosures; contract disclaimers

§ 32-2194.05 - Advertising material; contents; order prohibiting use

§ 32-2194.06 - Records of transactions

§ 32-2194.07 - Recording of actions

§ 32-2194.08 - Administrative penalties

§ 32-2194.09 - Civil liabilities

§ 32-2194.10 - Change of cemetery plan after approval by commissioner; notice; fee

§ 32-2194.11 - Delivery of clear title by cemetery of cemetery plots

§ 32-2194.12 - Permanent access to cemetery land

§ 32-2194.13 - Deposit of fees

§ 32-2194.14 - Cemetery brokers; disclosures

§ 32-2194.15 - Jurisdiction

§ 32-2194.16 - Sale of undeveloped cemetery property

§ 32-2194.17 - Transaction of cemetery business

§ 32-2194.18 - Application for authority to open and operate cemeteries

§ 32-2194.19 - Investigation of applicant before granting of certificate of authority where needed

§ 32-2194.20 - Right of cemetery to make rules and regulations

§ 32-2194.21 - Survey of property; maps and plats

§ 32-2194.22 - Filing maps and declaration of dedication

§ 32-2194.23 - Nonapplication of law against perpetuities

§ 32-2194.24 - Trust fund to be established before certificate of authority granted

§ 32-2194.25 - Trust fund to be established before existing cemetery can advertise as endowed-care cemetery

§ 32-2194.26 - Initial deposit required in endowment-care fund

§ 32-2194.27 - Restrictive use of income from endowed-care fund; obligation

§ 32-2194.28 - Deposit in endowed-care fund from sales

§ 32-2194.29 - Posting of signs by cemeteries

§ 32-2194.30 - Restriction on use of endowed-care funds

§ 32-2194.31 - Crematories

§ 32-2194.32 - Opening and closing of burial places

§ 32-2194.33 - Cemetery property owners; address notification reclamation; abandoned cemetery plot

§ 32-2195 - Notice to commissioner of intention before offering for sale or lease of unsubdivided land; definition

§ 32-2195.01 - Power of commissioner to exempt certain unsubdivided land by special order

§ 32-2195.02 - Examination of unsubdivided land by commissioner; fee

§ 32-2195.03 - Unsubdivided land reports; denial of issuance; order prohibiting sale or lease; investigations; hearings; summary orders

§ 32-2195.04 - Sale of lots or parcels of unsubdivided lands; conditions precedent; methods

§ 32-2195.05 - Advertising material; contents; order prohibiting use; costs of investigation

§ 32-2195.06 - Civil liabilities

§ 32-2195.07 - Jurisdiction

§ 32-2195.09 - Recordable forms of contracts

§ 32-2195.10 - Change of plan after approval by commissioner; notice

§ 32-2195.11 - Civil penalties; limitation

§ 32-2195.12 - Recording of actions

§ 32-2197 - Definitions

§ 32-2197.01 - Creation of timeshare plans; ratio

§ 32-2197.02 - Notice of intent to sell; application for timeshare plan public report; authorization for pre-sales

§ 32-2197.03 - Purchase agreements; rescission of contract or agreement; cancellation or termination of timeshare interests

§ 32-2197.04 - Notification of material change

§ 32-2197.05 - Escrow or trust account; agreement; evidence of completion; financial assurance

§ 32-2197.06 - Declaration of dedication

§ 32-2197.07 - Examination of plan by commissioner; fees

§ 32-2197.08 - Issuance of public report and amended public report by commissioner on timeshare plan; denial of issuance; additional information; use of another state's public report

§ 32-2197.09 - Rescindable sale or lease

§ 32-2197.10 - Timeshare interest reservations

§ 32-2197.11 - Developer supervisory duties

§ 32-2197.12 - Blanket encumbrance; lien; alternative assurance

§ 32-2197.13 - Hearing on denial of public report

§ 32-2197.14 - Investigations; orders; hearings

§ 32-2197.15 - Order; appointment of receiver; writ of ne exeat

§ 32-2197.16 - Separate disclosures

§ 32-2197.17 - Advertising and promotional requirements; telemarketing and promotional employees; presentations and tours, drawings and contests; commissioner's authority; disclosures

§ 32-2197.18 - Recording of actions

§ 32-2197.19 - Civil liabilities; prohibitions; limitations

§ 32-2197.20 - Civil penalty

§ 32-2197.21 - Payment of finder fees; limits; prohibited activities; records; definition

§ 32-2197.22 - Exemptions; disclosures; exempt communications

§ 32-2197.23 - Power of commissioner to exempt timeshare plans

§ 32-2197.24 - Applicability of article

§ 32-2198 - Unlawful offer or sale of membership camping contract

§ 32-2198.01 - Application for membership camping public report; signature; amendment

§ 32-2198.02 - Issuance of public report; representations prohibited

§ 32-2198.03 - Exemptions

§ 32-2198.04 - Examination of project by commissioner

§ 32-2198.05 - Contracts; cancellation

§ 32-2198.06 - Execution of notes; assignment; purchaser's defenses retained

§ 32-2198.08 - Denial, suspension or revocation of a public report

§ 32-2198.09 - Fees

§ 32-2198.10 - Advertising plans; disclosures; lotteries and drawings

§ 32-2198.11 - Purchaser's remedies

§ 32-2198.13 - Construction of this article

§ 32-2198.14 - Advertising availability of campgrounds to campground members; blanket encumbrances

§ 32-2199 - Administrative adjudication of complaints

§ 32-2199.01 - Hearing; rights and procedures

§ 32-2199.02 - Orders; penalties; disposition

§ 32-2199.04 - Rehearing; appeal

§ 32-2199.05 - Condominium and planned community hearing office fund

§ 32-2201 - Definitions

§ 32-2202 - Board; appointment; term; qualifications; officers; compensation

§ 32-2203 - Reports

§ 32-2204 - Meetings; quorum

§ 32-2205 - Veterinary medical examining board fund

§ 32-2206 - Board personnel

§ 32-2207 - Veterinary board; powers and duties

§ 32-2208 - Immunity from personal liability

§ 32-2209 - Substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation plan; private contract; funding

§ 32-2241 - Certified veterinary technician; services performed

§ 32-2242 - Application for certification as veterinary technician; qualifications

§ 32-2243 - Examination

§ 32-2244 - Certificate

§ 32-2245 - Certified veterinary technician; services; rules and regulations

§ 32-2246 - Duration of certificate

§ 32-2247 - Renewal of expired certificates

§ 32-2248 - Renewal of certification; certificates expired three years or more

§ 32-2249 - Disciplinary action; grounds; emergency care by technician; letter of concern

§ 32-2250 - Veterinary technician certificate fees

§ 32-2261 - Emergency aid; nonliability

§ 32-2271 - License required; inspections

§ 32-2272 - Veterinary premises license; application; nontransferability; expiration; renewal; civil penalty

§ 32-2273 - Premises license fees

§ 32-2274 - Grounds for refusal to issue or renew license or for disciplinary action; procedure

§ 32-2275 - Rules; adoption; considerations

§ 32-2276 - Retention of jurisdiction

§ 32-2281 - Dispensing of drugs and devices; conditions; definition

§ 32-2291 - License requirements; inspections

§ 32-2292 - Animal crematory license; application; nontransferability; expiration; renewal

§ 32-2293 - Animal crematory license fees

§ 32-2294 - Grounds for refusal to issue or renew license or for disciplinary action; procedure; civil penalty

§ 32-2295 - Rules

§ 32-2296 - Retention of jurisdiction

§ 32-2297 - Duty of animal crematory licensee to scan for presence of microchip; owner notification; exception

§ 32-2351 - Definitions

§ 32-2352 - Enforcement; contract with private entity

§ 32-2353 - Exemptions

§ 32-2401 - Definitions

§ 32-2402 - Administration by director; duty to keep records; rules; criminal history records checks

§ 32-2404 - Private investigator and security guard hearing board; qualifications; appointments; terms; compensation; immunity

§ 32-2405 - Powers and duties of hearing board

§ 32-2406 - Hearings and special meetings

§ 32-2407 - Fees; renewal of license or registration certificate

§ 32-2408 - Department of public safety licensing fund

§ 32-2409 - Exemptions

§ 32-2410 - Power of local authorities

§ 32-2411 - License required; violation; classification

§ 32-2412 - Good cause exceptions for misdemeanor and felony offenses

§ 32-2413 - Reciprocal agreements

§ 32-2414 - Licensure or registration of peace officers prohibited

§ 32-2421 - Qualifying party

§ 32-2422 - Qualification of applicant for agency license; substantiation of work experience

§ 32-2423 - Application for agency license; financial responsibility; notice and opportunity to supply additional information

§ 32-2425 - Issuance of license and identification card; deadline for completing application; transfer of license prohibited

§ 32-2426 - Branch office certificate

§ 32-2441 - Qualification of applicant for associate or employee registration

§ 32-2442 - Application for employee registration certificate; registration period cancellation

§ 32-2443 - Employee identification card required; denial

§ 32-2621 - Necessity of security guard registration

§ 32-2622 - Qualifications of applicant for associate, security guard or armed security guard registration certificate

§ 32-2623 - Application for employee registration certificate

§ 32-2624 - Issuance of registration certificates and identification cards

§ 32-2625 - Qualifications of applicant for security guard training instructor or firearms safety training instructor registration certificate

§ 32-2451 - Impersonation of a public officer; display of identification

§ 32-2452 - Authority required to operate under fictitious name

§ 32-2453 - Business address; posting of license

§ 32-2454 - Advertising

§ 32-2455 - Divulging investigative information; false reports prohibited

§ 32-2456 - Authority to investigate complaint; filing; response; retention of records

§ 32-2457 - Grounds for disciplinary action; emergency summary suspension; judicial review

§ 32-2458 - Violation; classification

§ 32-2459 - Grounds for refusal to issue agency license; associate and employee registration and identification; judicial review; good cause exceptions

§ 32-2460 - Authority to employ unlicensed persons; duty to maintain records

§ 32-2461 - Identification card; form

§ 32-2462 - Notice of arrest

§ 32-2551 - Grounds for disciplinary action; duty to report; immunity; proceedings; board action; notice; civil penalty

§ 32-2552 - Right to examine and copy evidence; subpoena authority; right to counsel; confidentiality of records

§ 32-2553 - Judicial review

§ 32-2554 - Violation; classification

§ 32-2555 - Injunctions

§ 32-2556 - Human immunodeficiency virus; disclosure; immunity; definition

§ 32-2557 - Disciplinary action; reciprocity

§ 32-2558 - Reinstatement of revoked or surrendered license

§ 32-2632 - Duty of licensee to provide training of security guards; records; firearms training; rules

§ 32-2633 - Identification cards

§ 32-2634 - Authority; limitations

§ 32-2635 - Uniform and insignia

§ 32-2636 - Grounds for disciplinary action; emergency summary suspension; judicial review

§ 32-2637 - Violations; classification

§ 32-2638 - Disclosure of information to law enforcement officer or county attorney

§ 32-2639 - Authority to investigate complaint; filing and response to complaints; retention of records

§ 32-2640 - Grounds for refusal to issue or renew an agency license; judicial review; good cause exceptions

§ 32-2641 - Grounds for refusal to issue a security guard identification card or registration certificate; judicial review; good cause exceptions

§ 32-2642 - Notice of arrest

§ 32-3281 - Disciplinary action; investigations; hearings; civil penalty; timely complaints; burden of proof

§ 32-3282 - Right to examine and copy evidence; summoning witnesses and documents; taking testimony; right to counsel; confidentiality

§ 32-3283 - Confidential relationship; privileged communications; clients with legal guardians; treatment decisions

§ 32-3284 - Cease and desist orders; injunctions

§ 32-3285 - Judicial review

§ 32-3286 - Unlawful practice; unlawful use of title; violations; classification; civil penalty; exception

§ 32-2501 - Definitions

§ 32-2502 - Arizona regulatory board of physician assistants; membership; appointment; terms; immunity

§ 32-2503 - Organization; meetings; payment for service

§ 32-2504 - Powers and duties; delegation of authority; rules; subcommittees; immunity

§ 32-2505 - Personnel; consultants; compensation

§ 32-2506 - Arizona medical board fund

§ 32-2507 - Licensee profiles; civil penalty

§ 32-2508 - Preceptorship awareness campaign; definitions

§ 32-2531 - Physician assistant scope of practice; health care tasks; supervising physician duties; civil penalty

§ 32-2532 - Prescribing, administering and dispensing drugs; limits and requirements; notice

§ 32-2533 - Supervising physician; responsibilities

§ 32-2534 - Initiation of practice

§ 32-2535 - Emergency medical care; supervision

§ 32-2601 - Definitions

§ 32-2602 - Administration by director; duty to keep records; rules; criminal history records checks

§ 32-2605 - Power of local authorities

§ 32-2606 - Exceptions

§ 32-2607 - Fees; renewal of license or registration certificate

§ 32-2608 - License or registration required; violation; classification

§ 32-2609 - Good cause exceptions for misdemeanor and felony offenses

§ 32-2610 - Reciprocal agreements; recognition

§ 32-2611 - Necessity of an agency license

§ 32-2612 - Qualifications of applicant for agency license; substantiation of work experience

§ 32-2613 - Application for agency license; financial responsibility; notice and opportunity to supply additional information

§ 32-2614 - Issuance of an agency license and identification card; deadline for completing application

§ 32-2616 - Qualifying party; responsibilities

§ 32-2617 - Branch office certificate

§ 32-2801 - Definitions

§ 32-2802 - Advisory committee; members; appointment; terms; compensation; meetings; removal; employees; immunity

§ 32-2803 - Rules

§ 32-2804 - School approval; standards; considerations

§ 32-2805 - Fees; deposit

§ 32-2811 - Prohibitions and limitations; exceptions

§ 32-2812 - Applications for certificate; qualifications; fees; examination; denial

§ 32-2813 - Examination; contents; subsequent examinations

§ 32-2814 - Initial certificates; special permits; temporary certificates

§ 32-2815 - Rules; bone densitometry certification; nuclear medicine certification; continuing education

§ 32-2816 - Certificates; fee; terms; registration; renewal; cancellation; waiver

§ 32-2817 - Use of title; display of certificate or permit

§ 32-2818 - Lapsed certification; inactive status; reinstatement

§ 32-2819 - Radiologist assistants; certification; rules; scope of practice

§ 32-4021 - Standard certification qualifications; application

§ 32-4022 - Examination; requirements; exemption

§ 32-4023 - Certificate renewal

§ 32-4024 - Certificate denial

§ 32-4025 - Administration of oaths

§ 32-2841 - Mammographic technologists; computed tomography technologists; certification; renewal

§ 32-2842 - Mammographic images; physicians; requirements

§ 32-2843 - Facilities; requirements

§ 32-2901 - Definitions

§ 32-2902 - Board of homeopathic and integrated medicine examiners; membership; terms; removal; immunity

§ 32-2903 - Board meetings; organization; compensation

§ 32-2904 - Powers and duties

§ 32-2905 - Executive director; compensation; duties

§ 32-2906 - Board of homeopathic and integrated medicine examiners' fund

§ 32-2907 - Jurisdiction arbitration panel; members; procedures; duties

§ 32-3001 - Definitions

§ 32-3002 - State board for private postsecondary education; committees

§ 32-3003 - Powers and duties

§ 32-3004 - Board for private postsecondary education fund

§ 32-3071 - Definitions

§ 32-3072 - Student tuition recovery fund

§ 32-3073 - Powers and duties of board over fund

§ 32-3074 - Deposit of assessments

§ 32-3075 - Statute of limitations; recovery from fund; eligibility

§ 32-3076 - Subrogation

§ 32-3077 - Violation; penalties

§ 32-3101 - Definitions

§ 32-3102 - Nonapplicability of chapter

§ 32-3103 - Regulation of health professions; legislation; criteria

§ 32-3104 - Health professional groups; written report; legislative informational hearings; proposed legislation

§ 32-3105 - Health professional groups; proposed regulation; factors

§ 32-3106 - Health professional groups; proposed increased scope of practice; factors; legislation

§ 32-3107 - Continuing education requirements; evidence of effectiveness

§ 32-3108 - Grievance process; public testimony

§ 32-3201 - Definitions

§ 32-3201.01 - Definition of medication-assisted treatment

§ 32-3202 - License or certificate suspension

§ 32-3203 - Malpractice claim investigation

§ 32-3204 - Experimental diagnosis, therapy or treatment; implied consent; definition

§ 32-3205 - Board disciplinary action; voting requirements

§ 32-3206 - Disciplinary action; information; disclosure

§ 32-3207 - Health professionals disease hazard; testing; petition; definition

§ 32-3208 - Criminal charges; mandatory reporting requirements; civil penalty; exceptions

§ 32-3209 - Release of information; fees

§ 32-3210 - Billing for laboratory costs; unprofessional conduct; definition

§ 32-3211 - Medical records; protocol; unprofessional conduct; corrective action; exemptions

§ 32-3212 - Umbilical cord blood; patient information; definition

§ 32-3213 - Health professionals; disclosure; unprofessional conduct; definition

§ 32-3214 - Board actions; public access to records; website

§ 32-3215 - Medical marijuana; unprofessional conduct; annual reports; identifying information

§ 32-3216 - Health care providers; charges; public availability; direct payment; notice; definitions

§ 32-3217 - Volunteer health services registration; health professionals; free medical clinic

§ 32-3218 - Health profession regulatory boards; members; training; definitions

§ 32-3219 - Licensure; renewal; notification; definitions

§ 32-3220 - Health professionals; requirements for licensure; prohibition

§ 32-3221 - Lawful health care services; patient education; exceptions; definitions

§ 32-3222 - Health profession regulatory boards; terms of members; board meeting recordings; employment opportunities; websites

§ 32-3223 - Health profession regulatory boards; nondisciplinary confidential monitoring programs

§ 32-3224 - Complaints; time limit on filing; exceptions

§ 32-3225 - Types of disciplinary action; reimbursement

§ 32-3226 - Address of record; disclosure; telephone number or email address; definition

§ 32-3227 - Unauthorized practice of a health profession; verification; posting; violation; classification; definition

§ 32-3228 - Informed consent; breast implant surgery; requirements; unprofessional conduct; work group; definition

§ 32-3229 - Unprofessional conduct; informed consent; pelvic examinations

§ 32-3229.01 - Health professional wellness programs; confidentiality; definition

§ 32-3230 - Prohibition of irreversible gender reassignment surgery for minors; definitions

§ 32-3230.01 - Health professionals; practice; employment; business entities

§ 32-3231 - Definitions

§ 32-3232 - Supervision

§ 32-3233 - Lasers; IPL devices; authorized use; authorized supervision

§ 32-3234 - Laser safety fund

§ 32-3241 - Medical licensure compact

§ 32-3242 - Subpoenas from member boards or courts in member states

§ 32-3243 - Participation in compact as condition of employment; prohibition

§ 32-3244 - Open meeting requirements

§ 32-3245 - Arizona medical board; Arizona board of osteopathic examiners in medicine and surgery; notice of commission actions; expenditure of certain monies prohibited

§ 32-3246 - Conditional repeal; notification; withdrawal from compact; request for review

§ 32-3248 - Health professionals; controlled substances; initial prescriptions; limits; exceptions; definition

§ 32-3248.01 - Schedule II controlled substances; dosage limit; exceptions; morphine; opioid antagonist; definitions

§ 32-3248.02 - Health professionals; substance use or addiction continuing education

§ 32-3249 - Definitions

§ 32-3249.01 - Designated database information; collection; transfer; confidentiality

§ 32-3251 - Definitions

§ 32-3252 - Board of behavioral health examiners; appointment; qualifications; terms; compensation; immunity; training program

§ 32-3253 - Powers and duties

§ 32-3254 - Board of behavioral health examiners fund

§ 32-3255 - Executive director; compensation; duties

§ 32-3256 - Executive director; complaints; dismissal; review

§ 32-3257 - Written notifications and communications; methods of transmission

§ 32-3261 - Academic review committees; members; appointment; qualifications; terms; compensation; immunity; training

§ 32-3271 - Exceptions to licensure; jurisdiction

§ 32-3272 - Fees

§ 32-3273 - License renewal; continuing education

§ 32-3274 - Licensure by endorsement

§ 32-3275 - Requirements for licensure; withdrawal of application

§ 32-3276 - Notice of address and telephone number changes; penalties

§ 32-3277 - Expired licenses; reinstatement

§ 32-3278 - Inactive license

§ 32-3279 - Probationary and temporary licenses

§ 32-3280 - Fingerprinting

§ 32-3291 - Licensed baccalaureate social worker; licensure; qualifications; supervision

§ 32-3292 - Licensed master social worker; licensure; qualifications; supervision

§ 32-3293 - Licensed clinical social worker; licensure; qualifications

§ 32-3301 - Licensed professional counselor; licensure; requirements

§ 32-3303 - Licensed associate counselor; licensure; requirements; supervision

§ 32-3311 - Licensed marriage and family therapist; licensure; qualifications

§ 32-3313 - Licensed associate marriage and family therapist; licensure; requirements; supervision

§ 32-3321 - Licensed substance abuse technician; licensed associate substance abuse counselor; licensed independent substance abuse counselor; qualifications; supervision

§ 32-3401 - Definitions

§ 32-3402 - Board of occupational therapy examiners; members; qualifications; terms; compensation; civil immunity

§ 32-3403 - Executive director; personnel; duties; compensation

§ 32-3404 - Powers and duties; commissioners; committees

§ 32-3405 - Occupational therapy fund; deposit of receipts by board

§ 32-3441 - Proper use of title or designation of occupational therapists; license display; supervision; responsibilities

§ 32-3442 - Disciplinary action; informal meetings; formal interviews; hearings; penalties; reinstatement of license

§ 32-3443 - Hearings and investigations; subpoenas

§ 32-3444 - Judicial review

§ 32-3445 - Violations; classification

§ 32-3446 - Substance abuse recovery program; consent agreement

§ 32-3501 - Definitions

§ 32-3502 - Board of respiratory care examiners; membership, appointment, qualifications

§ 32-3503 - Meetings; organization; compensation

§ 32-3504 - Powers and duties; inspection of records; personnel examinations; immunity

§ 32-3505 - Board of respiratory care examiners fund

§ 32-3506 - Executive director; duties; compensation

§ 32-3601 - Definitions

§ 32-3602 - Applicability of chapter

§ 32-3603 - Registration, license or certificate use; exception

§ 32-3605 - Deputy director; duties; powers; immunity

§ 32-3607 - Fees; use of credit cards; appraisal subcommittee fund

§ 32-3609 - Confidential records

§ 32-3610 - Uniform standards of professional appraisal practice; state standards; exception

§ 32-3611 - Registration, licensure and certification process

§ 32-3612 - Classifications of licensure, registration and certification

§ 32-3613 - Application and qualification requirements for licensure

§ 32-3614 - Application and qualification requirements for certification

§ 32-3614.01 - Application for registered trainee appraiser certificates

§ 32-3614.02 - Application for supervisory appraiser designation

§ 32-3615 - Experience requirement for licensure or certification

§ 32-3616 - Terms of license or certificate

§ 32-3617 - Nonresident temporary licensure or certification

§ 32-3618 - Reciprocity

§ 32-3619 - Renewal of license or certificate; fees

§ 32-3620 - Basis for denial of a license or certificate

§ 32-3621 - Addresses; telephone numbers; email addresses; notification of change

§ 32-3622 - Licenses and certificates

§ 32-3623 - Use of term

§ 32-3624 - Professional corporations and partnerships; appraisal assistance

§ 32-3625 - Continuing education

§ 32-3627 - Inactive license or certificate status; reactivation application; renewal application and fee; continuing education

§ 32-3628 - Inactive license or certificate status during military duty; reactivation application; renewal application and fee; continuing education

§ 32-3651 - Definitions

§ 32-3652 - Registration; renewal; fees

§ 32-3653 - Property tax agent conduct

§ 32-3654 - Disciplinary actions

§ 32-3655 - Rules

§ 32-3656 - Confidential records

§ 32-3661 - Definitions

§ 32-3662 - Registration

§ 32-3663 - Exemptions

§ 32-3664 - Registration forms

§ 32-3665 - Expiration of registration

§ 32-3666 - Consent to service of process

§ 32-3667 - Fee; bond

§ 32-3668 - Owner requirements

§ 32-3669 - Controlling person requirements

§ 32-3670 - Employee requirements

§ 32-3671 - Agreements with independent appraisers; limitations

§ 32-3672 - Certification on registration renewal

§ 32-3673 - Disclosure of fees

§ 32-3674 - Appraiser independence; prohibitions

§ 32-3675 - Payment

§ 32-3676 - Appraisal reports; alteration; use

§ 32-3677 - Review of disputes

§ 32-3678 - Censure, suspension or revocation; civil penalty

§ 32-3679 - Disciplinary hearings

§ 32-3680 - Rulemaking authority

§ 32-3701 - Child support arrearages; suspension of license or certificate; applicability; definition

§ 32-3801 - Personal information maintained by regulatory entities; confidentiality

§ 32-3901 - Definitions

§ 32-3902 - Acupuncture board of examiners; members; qualifications; terms; removal; compensation

§ 32-3903 - Powers and duties of the board

§ 32-3904 - Executive director; personnel; duties; compensation

§ 32-3905 - Acupuncture board of examiners fund

§ 32-3906 - Third party reimbursements

§ 32-4001 - Scope of chapter

§ 32-4002 - Definitions

§ 32-4003 - Reporter certification; violation

§ 32-4004 - Board of certified reporters

§ 32-4005 - Program administration; duties

§ 32-4006 - Enforcement and disciplinary procedures

§ 32-4007 - Certified reporters fund; report

§ 32-4008 - Fees

§ 32-4101 - Definitions

§ 32-4102 - Board; membership; duties; immunity

§ 32-4103 - Board; powers and duties; direction of athletic trainers; continuing education requirements; civil immunity

§ 32-4104 - Executive director; personnel

§ 32-4105 - Athletic training fund

§ 32-4201 - Definitions

§ 32-4202 - Board of massage therapy; members; terms; compensation; immunity

§ 32-4203 - Board; powers and duties

§ 32-4204 - Executive director; personnel; duties; compensation; immunity

§ 32-4205 - Board of massage therapy fund

§ 32-4301 - License, certificate or registration expiration; military active duty; one hundred eighty-day extension

§ 32-4302 - Out-of-state applicants; residents; military spouses; licensure; certification; exceptions; notice

§ 32-4303 - Military education, training and experience

§ 32-4304 - Occupational and professional licenses; websites; reporting; definition

§ 32-4501 - Definitions

§ 32-4502 - Temporary relief from registration, licensing and certification requirements; disaster recovery; notice

§ 32-4601 - Art therapists; title; violation

§ 32-4701 - Provisional license; eligibility; report; definition

§ 32-4801 - Public meetings; digital recordings; posting; definition