Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 25 - Marital and Domestic Relations
§ 25-801 - Jurisdiction

25-801. Jurisdiction
The superior court has original jurisdiction in proceedings to establish maternity or paternity. All such proceedings shall be civil actions.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 25 - Marital and Domestic Relations

§ 25-101 - Void and prohibited marriages

§ 25-102 - Consent required for marriage of minors

§ 25-103 - Purposes of title; application of title

§ 25-111 - Requirement of license and solemnization; covenant marriages

§ 25-112 - Marriages contracted in another state; validity and effect

§ 25-121 - Marriage license; application; affidavit

§ 25-123 - Recording licenses; endorsement of solemnization; recording return; lost licenses

§ 25-124 - Persons authorized to perform marriage ceremony; definition

§ 25-125 - Marriage ceremony; official; witnesses; marriage license; covenant marriages

§ 25-126 - Application to justice of the peace for marriage and covenant marriage licenses; issuance; violation; classification

§ 25-127 - Issuance of marriage license by a city or town; transfer of fees; handling fee

§ 25-128 - Unlawful acts of person authorized to solemnize marriages; classification

§ 25-129 - Unlawful acts of person authorized to issue marriage license or make marriage records; classification

§ 25-130 - Abstract of marriage in lieu of reproducing marriage license

§ 25-201 - Definitions

§ 25-202 - Enforcement of premarital agreements; exception

§ 25-203 - Scope of agreement

§ 25-204 - Amendment or revocation of agreement

§ 25-205 - Limitation of actions

§ 25-211 - Property acquired during marriage as community property; exceptions; effect of service of a petition

§ 25-213 - Separate property

§ 25-214 - Management and control

§ 25-215 - Liability of community property and separate property for community and separate debts

§ 25-217 - Ownership of property acquired after moving into state

§ 25-218 - Surrogate parentage contracts; prohibition; custody; definition

§ 25-301 - Grounds

§ 25-302 - Procedure and law

§ 25-311 - Jurisdiction; filing of petition

§ 25-312 - Dissolution of marriage; findings necessary

§ 25-313 - Decree of legal separation; findings necessary; termination of decree

§ 25-314 - Pleadings; contents; defense; joinder of parties; confidentiality

§ 25-314.01 - Summary consent petition and decree

§ 25-315 - Preliminary injunction; effect

§ 25-316 - Temporary orders; definition

§ 25-317 - Separation agreement; effect

§ 25-318 - Disposition of property; retroactivity; notice to creditors; assignment of debts; contempt of court

§ 25-318.01 - Military retirement benefits; disability related waiver

§ 25-318.02 - Convicted spouse; award of community property; definition

§ 25-318.03 - Human embryos; disposition; responsibility for resulting child; definitions

§ 25-319 - Maintenance; guidelines; computation factors

§ 25-320 - Child support; factors; methods of payment; additional enforcement provisions; definitions

§ 25-320.02 - Self-employed parent; tax practitioner; definition

§ 25-321 - Representation of child by counsel; fees

§ 25-322 - Payment of maintenance or support; records; disclosure

§ 25-323 - Assignments

§ 25-323.03 - Forms; alternative forms

§ 25-324 - Attorney fees

§ 25-325 - Decree; finality; restoration of maiden name

§ 25-326 - Independence of provisions of decree or temporary order; forms

§ 25-327 - Modification and termination of provisions for maintenance, support and property disposition

§ 25-328 - Sequence of trials when custody or parenting time is an issue

§ 25-329 - Waiting period

§ 25-330 - Employer cooperation

§ 25-331 - Notification requirements

§ 25-341 - Abrogation of alienation of affections action

§ 25-351 - Domestic relations education; plan; administration

§ 25-352 - Applicability of program; compliance

§ 25-353 - Failure to comply

§ 25-354 - Children's issues education fund; report

§ 25-355 - Fees; deferral or waiver

§ 25-381.01 - Purposes of article

§ 25-381.02 - Definitions

§ 25-381.03 - Applicability of article; determination by superior court

§ 25-381.04 - Assignment of judges; number of sessions

§ 25-381.05 - Transfer of cases; reason; duties of transferee judge

§ 25-381.06 - Court assistants; salaries; appointments

§ 25-381.07 - Director of conciliation; powers and duties

§ 25-381.08 - Jurisdiction

§ 25-381.09 - Petition invoking jurisdiction or for transfer of action to conciliation court

§ 25-381.10 - Petition; caption

§ 25-381.11 - Petition; contents

§ 25-381.12 - Blank forms; assistance in preparing and presenting petition

§ 25-381.13 - Fees

§ 25-381.14 - Hearing; time; place; notice; citation; witnesses

§ 25-381.15 - Time and place of holding hearings

§ 25-381.16 - Conduct of hearing; recommendations; aid of specialists; expense; confidential communications

§ 25-381.17 - Orders; duration of effectiveness; reconciliation agreement

§ 25-381.18 - Dissolution of marriage; legal separation; annulment; stay of right to file; jurisdiction for pending actions

§ 25-381.19 - Transfer of certain actions where minor child involved

§ 25-381.20 - Procedure in actions where no child is involved; conciliation court may accept case

§ 25-381.21 - Construction of article

§ 25-381.22 - Subsequent petition filed within one year

§ 25-381.23 - Option for mandatory conciliation

§ 25-381.24 - Counseling

§ 25-401 - Definitions

§ 25-402 - Jurisdiction

§ 25-403 - Legal decision-making; best interests of child

§ 25-403.01 - Sole and joint legal decision-making and parenting time

§ 25-403.02 - Parenting plans

§ 25-403.03 - Domestic violence and child abuse

§ 25-403.04 - Substance abuse

§ 25-403.05 - Sexual offenders; murderers; legal decision-making and parenting time; notification of risk to child

§ 25-403.06 - Parental access to prescription medication and records

§ 25-403.07 - Identification of a primary caretaker and public assistance

§ 25-403.08 - Resources and fees

§ 25-403.09 - Child support

§ 25-404 - Temporary orders

§ 25-405 - Interviews by court; professional assistance

§ 25-406 - Investigations and reports

§ 25-407 - Legal decision-making and parenting time hearings; priority; costs; record

§ 25-408 - Rights of each parent; parenting time; relocation of child; exception; enforcement; access to prescription medication and records

§ 25-409 - Third party rights

§ 25-410 - Judicial supervision

§ 25-411 - Modification of legal decision-making or parenting time; affidavit; contents; military families

§ 25-412 - Expedited child support and parenting time fund

§ 25-413 - Domestic relations education and mediation fund; report

§ 25-414 - Violation of visitation or parenting time rights; penalties

§ 25-415 - Sanctions for litigation misconduct

§ 25-416 - Sexual assault conviction; effect on rights

§ 25-417 - Parent's blindness; burden of proof; specific written findings; definitions

§ 25-500 - Definitions

§ 25-501 - Duties of support; exemption

§ 25-502 - Jurisdiction, venue and procedure; additional enforcement provisions

§ 25-503 - Order for support; methods of payment; modification; termination; statute of limitations; judgment on arrearages; notice; security

§ 25-503.01 - Self-employed parent; monies held as security for payment of support

§ 25-504 - Order of assignment; ex parte order of assignment; responsibilities; violation; termination

§ 25-505 - Limited income withholding orders; definition

§ 25-505.01 - Administrative income withholding order; notice; definition

§ 25-505.02 - Insurance data exchange; withholding orders; immunity; definitions

§ 25-506 - Order for assignment; foreign support order

§ 25-507 - Forms; alternative forms

§ 25-508 - Enforcement of support orders; fee prohibition

§ 25-509 - Representation by attorney general or county attorney; modification of order by attorney general or county attorney

§ 25-510 - Receiving and disbursing support and maintenance monies; arrearages; interest

§ 25-511 - Failure of parent to provide for child; classification

§ 25-511.01 - Spousal maintenance order; violation; classification

§ 25-512 - Consumer credit reports; use of child support or spousal maintenance obligation information

§ 25-513 - Employer cooperation; violation; classification

§ 25-514 - Priority of action and judgments

§ 25-516 - Lien; priority; recording; information statement; payoff amount; release

§ 25-517 - License suspension; notice; administrative review or hearing

§ 25-518 - Child support arrearage; license suspension; hearing

§ 25-519 - Regulatory entities; suspension of license

§ 25-520 - Child support enforcement; administrative subpoena; civil penalty

§ 25-521 - Levy; seizure of property for collection of support debt; definitions

§ 25-522 - Administrative review; notice; determination; judicial review; definitions

§ 25-523 - Financial institutions data match; nonliability; prohibited disclosure; liability; civil liability; definition

§ 25-524 - Financial institutions; surrender of assets; nonliability

§ 25-525 - Administrative enforcement; interstate cases; definition

§ 25-526 - Child support enforcement information; internet posting

§ 25-527 - Child support; overpayment; reimbursement

§ 25-528 - Title IV-D recipients; fee

§ 25-529 - Title IV-D cases; alternative medical insurance coverage

§ 25-530 - Spousal maintenance; veterans disability benefits; definition

§ 25-531 - Definitions

§ 25-532 - Enrollment of child

§ 25-533 - Insurer obligations

§ 25-534 - Employer obligations

§ 25-535 - Enforcement of health insurance coverage; medical support notice; administrative review; service

§ 25-551 - Clerk of the court

§ 25-552 - Jurisdiction; priority of action

§ 25-553 - Request for arrearages; deadline

§ 25-681 - Child support arrest warrant; definition

§ 25-682 - Time and manner of execution; information

§ 25-683 - Procedure after arrest; payment for release from custody

§ 25-684 - Preexisting warrants

§ 25-685 - Entry into criminal information system

§ 25-801 - Jurisdiction

§ 25-802 - Venue

§ 25-803 - Persons who may originate proceedings; legal decision-making; parenting time; conciliation court

§ 25-804 - Time for instituting proceedings

§ 25-805 - Effect of death, absence or insanity of plaintiff

§ 25-806 - Petition

§ 25-807 - Precedence of maternity and paternity proceedings; delay for paternity tests; court order; evidentiary use; alternative tests; out-of-state orders; immunity

§ 25-808 - Preliminary injunction; temporary restraining order; effect

§ 25-809 - Judgment

§ 25-810 - Liability of parents if putative mother or father is a minor; periodic payments

§ 25-812 - Voluntary acknowledgment of paternity; action to overcome paternity

§ 25-813 - Default order of paternity

§ 25-814 - Presumption of paternity

§ 25-815 - Paternity; full faith and credit

§ 25-816 - Title IV-D child support; paternity establishment; genetic testing

§ 25-817 - Temporary orders; presumption of paternity

§ 25-818 - Paternity case registry; acknowledgments and paternity and maternity orders; recording requirements

§ 25-901 - Covenant marriage; declaration of intent; filing requirements

§ 25-902 - Existing marriages; conversion to covenant marriage; recording requirements

§ 25-903 - Dissolution of a covenant marriage; grounds

§ 25-904 - Decree of legal separation; grounds

§ 25-905 - Temporary orders for support and spousal maintenance

§ 25-906 - Information pamphlet; requirements; distribution

§ 25-1001 - Short title

§ 25-1002 - Definitions

§ 25-1003 - Proceeding governed by other law

§ 25-1004 - Application to Indian tribes

§ 25-1005 - International application of chapter

§ 25-1006 - Effect of child custody determination

§ 25-1007 - Priority

§ 25-1008 - Notice to persons outside this state

§ 25-1009 - Appearance and limited immunity

§ 25-1010 - Communication between courts; definition

§ 25-1011 - Taking testimony in another state

§ 25-1012 - Cooperation between courts; preservation of records

§ 25-1013 - Military deployment; home state

§ 25-1031 - Initial child custody jurisdiction

§ 25-1032 - Exclusive continuing jurisdiction

§ 25-1033 - Jurisdiction to modify determination

§ 25-1034 - Temporary emergency jurisdiction

§ 25-1035 - Notice; opportunity to be heard; joinder

§ 25-1036 - Simultaneous proceedings

§ 25-1037 - Inconvenient forum

§ 25-1038 - Jurisdiction declined by reason of conduct

§ 25-1039 - Information to be submitted to court

§ 25-1040 - Appearance of parties and child

§ 25-1221 - Bases for jurisdiction over nonresident

§ 25-1222 - Duration of personal jurisdiction

§ 25-1223 - Initiating and responding tribunal of state

§ 25-1224 - Simultaneous proceedings

§ 25-1225 - Continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to modify child support order

§ 25-1226 - Continuing jurisdiction to enforce child support order

§ 25-1227 - Determination of controlling child support order

§ 25-1228 - Child support orders for two or more obligees

§ 25-1229 - Credit for payments

§ 25-1230 - Application of chapter to nonresident subject to personal jurisdiction

§ 25-1231 - Continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to modify spousal support order

§ 25-1051 - Definitions

§ 25-1052 - Enforcement under Hague convention

§ 25-1053 - Duty to enforce

§ 25-1054 - Temporary visitation

§ 25-1055 - Registration of child custody determination

§ 25-1056 - Enforcement of registered determination

§ 25-1057 - Simultaneous proceedings

§ 25-1058 - Expedited enforcement of child custody determination

§ 25-1059 - Service of petition and order

§ 25-1060 - Hearing and order

§ 25-1061 - Warrant to take physical custody of child

§ 25-1062 - Costs, fees and expenses

§ 25-1063 - Recognition and enforcement

§ 25-1064 - Appeals

§ 25-1065 - Role of attorney general

§ 25-1066 - Role of law enforcement

§ 25-1067 - Costs and expenses

§ 25-1201 - Short title

§ 25-1202 - Definitions

§ 25-1203 - State tribunal and support enforcement agency

§ 25-1204 - Remedies cumulative

§ 25-1205 - Application of chapter to resident of foreign country and foreign support proceeding

§ 25-1241 - Proceedings under this chapter

§ 25-1242 - Proceeding by minor parent

§ 25-1243 - Application of law of state

§ 25-1244 - Duties of initiating tribunal

§ 25-1245 - Duties and powers of responding tribunal

§ 25-1246 - Inappropriate tribunal

§ 25-1247 - Duties of support enforcement agency

§ 25-1248 - Duty of the attorney general

§ 25-1249 - Private counsel

§ 25-1250 - Duties of department of economic security

§ 25-1251 - Pleadings and accompanying documents

§ 25-1252 - Nondisclosure of information in exceptional circumstances

§ 25-1253 - Costs and fees

§ 25-1254 - Limited immunity of petitioner

§ 25-1255 - Nonparentage as defense

§ 25-1256 - Special rules of evidence and procedure

§ 25-1257 - Communications between tribunals

§ 25-1258 - Assistance with discovery

§ 25-1259 - Receipt and disbursement of payments

§ 25-1271 - Establishment of support order

§ 25-1272 - Proceeding to determine parentage of a child

§ 25-1281 - Employer's receipt of income withholding order of another state

§ 25-1282 - Employer's compliance with income withholding order of another state

§ 25-1283 - Employer's compliance with two or more income withholding orders

§ 25-1284 - Immunity from civil liability

§ 25-1285 - Penalties for noncompliance

§ 25-1286 - Contest by obligor

§ 25-1287 - Administrative enforcement of orders

§ 25-1301 - Registration of order for enforcement

§ 25-1302 - Procedure to register order for enforcement

§ 25-1303 - Effect of registration for enforcement

§ 25-1304 - Choice of law

§ 25-1305 - Notice of registration of order

§ 25-1306 - Procedure to contest validity or enforcement of registered support order

§ 25-1307 - Contest of registration or enforcement

§ 25-1308 - Confirmed order

§ 25-1309 - Procedure to register child support order of another state for modification

§ 25-1310 - Effect of registration for modification

§ 25-1311 - Modification of child support order of another state

§ 25-1312 - Recognition of order modified in another state

§ 25-1313 - Jurisdiction to modify child support order of another state if individual parties reside in this state

§ 25-1314 - Notice to issuing tribunal of modification

§ 25-1315 - Jurisdiction to modify child support order of foreign country

§ 25-1316 - Procedure to register child support order of foreign country for modification

§ 25-1331 - Definitions

§ 25-1332 - Applicability

§ 25-1333 - Relationship of department of economic security to United States central authority

§ 25-1334 - Initiation by department of economic security of support proceeding under convention

§ 25-1335 - Direct request

§ 25-1336 - Registration of convention support order

§ 25-1337 - Contest of registered convention support order

§ 25-1338 - Recognition and enforcement of registered convention support order

§ 25-1339 - Partial enforcement

§ 25-1340 - Foreign support agreement

§ 25-1341 - Modification of convention child support order

§ 25-1342 - Personal information; limit on use

§ 25-1343 - Record in original language; English translation

§ 25-1361 - Grounds for rendition

§ 25-1362 - Conditions of rendition

§ 25-1401 - Legitimacy of children born out of wedlock

§ 25-1501 - Alleged incapacitated person; guardian ad litem