Arizona Revised Statutes
Title 25 - Marital and Domestic Relations
§ 25-518 - Child support arrearage; license suspension; hearing

25-518. Child support arrearage; license suspension; hearing
A. If a court finds from the evidence presented at a hearing to enforce a child support order that the obligor has wilfully failed to pay child support, continues after notice pursuant to section 25-517, subsection A to wilfully fail to pay child support and is at least six months in arrears, the court shall do either of the following:
1. Send a certificate of noncompliance to the board or agency ordering the suspension or denial of a driver license or recreational license.
2. Send a certificate of noncompliance to the department of transportation that the noncommercial driver license of the obligor be restricted to travel as described in section 28-144.
B. To be eligible for a restricted license pursuant to subsection A, paragraph 2 of this section, the obligor must do all of the following:
1. Be employed for at least thirty hours per week.
2. Have a place of employment or attend a school that is located more than one mile from the obligor's place of residence.
3. Show that the employment or educational endeavor can reasonably be expected to contribute to bringing the obligor into compliance with the support order in a timely manner.
4. Enter into a payment plan with the department of economic security to pay the child support arrearage. If the court finds that the obligor is not in compliance with the agreement at any time, the obligor is subject to license suspension pursuant to this section.
C. If the obligor has complied with the support order since the suspension or denial, the obligor may petition the court for a hearing. If the obligor establishes at the review hearing that the obligor is in compliance with the support order or a court ordered plan for payment of arrearages, the court shall send a certificate of compliance to the board or agency. Except for licenses issued under title 17, the obligor may then apply for license reinstatement and shall pay all applicable fees.
D. In a title IV-D case, the department or its agent may file with the clerk of the superior court an affidavit indicating that the obligor is in compliance with the support order or the child support obligation. Within five business days after the affidavit is filed, the clerk shall send a notice of compliance to the obligor by first class mail. The clerk shall send a copy of the notice of compliance to the department and the licensing board or agency.
E. Except for licenses issued under title 17, the board or agency shall suspend or deny the license of the licensee within thirty days after receiving the notice of noncompliance from the court. The board or agency shall not lift the suspension until the board or agency receives a certificate of compliance from the court. Notwithstanding section 41-1064, subsection C and section 41-1092.11, subsection B, the board or agency is not required to conduct a hearing. The board or agency shall notify the department in writing or by any other means prescribed by the department of all suspensions within ten days after the suspension. The information shall include the name, address, date of birth and social security number of the licensee and the license category.
F. A certificate of noncompliance without further action invalidates a license to take wildlife in this state and prohibits the obligor from applying for a license issued by an automated drawing system under title 17. The court shall send a copy of the certificate of noncompliance to the department of economic security, and the department of economic security shall notify the Arizona game and fish department of all obligors against whom a notice of noncompliance has been issued and who have applied for a license issued by an automated drawing system.
G. Notwithstanding this section, the title IV-D agency or its agent may send a certificate of noncompliance to a board or agency to order it to suspend an obligor's professional or occupational license if the obligor:
1. Has wilfully failed to pay child support, continues after notice pursuant to section 25-517, subsection E to wilfully fail to pay child support and is at least six months in arrears.
2. Requested an administrative review and the determination confirms that the obligor is required to pay child support and has wilfully failed to pay and that either the obligor did not request a hearing on the determination or the determination was upheld after a hearing.
3. Failed to respond to the notice pursuant to section 25-517, subsection E.
H. If the obligor has paid all arrearages or if the obligor has entered into a written agreement with the title IV-D agency or its agent, the title IV-D agency shall issue a notice of compliance to the licensing board or agency.

Structure Arizona Revised Statutes

Arizona Revised Statutes

Title 25 - Marital and Domestic Relations

§ 25-101 - Void and prohibited marriages

§ 25-102 - Consent required for marriage of minors

§ 25-103 - Purposes of title; application of title

§ 25-111 - Requirement of license and solemnization; covenant marriages

§ 25-112 - Marriages contracted in another state; validity and effect

§ 25-121 - Marriage license; application; affidavit

§ 25-123 - Recording licenses; endorsement of solemnization; recording return; lost licenses

§ 25-124 - Persons authorized to perform marriage ceremony; definition

§ 25-125 - Marriage ceremony; official; witnesses; marriage license; covenant marriages

§ 25-126 - Application to justice of the peace for marriage and covenant marriage licenses; issuance; violation; classification

§ 25-127 - Issuance of marriage license by a city or town; transfer of fees; handling fee

§ 25-128 - Unlawful acts of person authorized to solemnize marriages; classification

§ 25-129 - Unlawful acts of person authorized to issue marriage license or make marriage records; classification

§ 25-130 - Abstract of marriage in lieu of reproducing marriage license

§ 25-201 - Definitions

§ 25-202 - Enforcement of premarital agreements; exception

§ 25-203 - Scope of agreement

§ 25-204 - Amendment or revocation of agreement

§ 25-205 - Limitation of actions

§ 25-211 - Property acquired during marriage as community property; exceptions; effect of service of a petition

§ 25-213 - Separate property

§ 25-214 - Management and control

§ 25-215 - Liability of community property and separate property for community and separate debts

§ 25-217 - Ownership of property acquired after moving into state

§ 25-218 - Surrogate parentage contracts; prohibition; custody; definition

§ 25-301 - Grounds

§ 25-302 - Procedure and law

§ 25-311 - Jurisdiction; filing of petition

§ 25-312 - Dissolution of marriage; findings necessary

§ 25-313 - Decree of legal separation; findings necessary; termination of decree

§ 25-314 - Pleadings; contents; defense; joinder of parties; confidentiality

§ 25-314.01 - Summary consent petition and decree

§ 25-315 - Preliminary injunction; effect

§ 25-316 - Temporary orders; definition

§ 25-317 - Separation agreement; effect

§ 25-318 - Disposition of property; retroactivity; notice to creditors; assignment of debts; contempt of court

§ 25-318.01 - Military retirement benefits; disability related waiver

§ 25-318.02 - Convicted spouse; award of community property; definition

§ 25-318.03 - Human embryos; disposition; responsibility for resulting child; definitions

§ 25-319 - Maintenance; guidelines; computation factors

§ 25-320 - Child support; factors; methods of payment; additional enforcement provisions; definitions

§ 25-320.02 - Self-employed parent; tax practitioner; definition

§ 25-321 - Representation of child by counsel; fees

§ 25-322 - Payment of maintenance or support; records; disclosure

§ 25-323 - Assignments

§ 25-323.03 - Forms; alternative forms

§ 25-324 - Attorney fees

§ 25-325 - Decree; finality; restoration of maiden name

§ 25-326 - Independence of provisions of decree or temporary order; forms

§ 25-327 - Modification and termination of provisions for maintenance, support and property disposition

§ 25-328 - Sequence of trials when custody or parenting time is an issue

§ 25-329 - Waiting period

§ 25-330 - Employer cooperation

§ 25-331 - Notification requirements

§ 25-341 - Abrogation of alienation of affections action

§ 25-351 - Domestic relations education; plan; administration

§ 25-352 - Applicability of program; compliance

§ 25-353 - Failure to comply

§ 25-354 - Children's issues education fund; report

§ 25-355 - Fees; deferral or waiver

§ 25-381.01 - Purposes of article

§ 25-381.02 - Definitions

§ 25-381.03 - Applicability of article; determination by superior court

§ 25-381.04 - Assignment of judges; number of sessions

§ 25-381.05 - Transfer of cases; reason; duties of transferee judge

§ 25-381.06 - Court assistants; salaries; appointments

§ 25-381.07 - Director of conciliation; powers and duties

§ 25-381.08 - Jurisdiction

§ 25-381.09 - Petition invoking jurisdiction or for transfer of action to conciliation court

§ 25-381.10 - Petition; caption

§ 25-381.11 - Petition; contents

§ 25-381.12 - Blank forms; assistance in preparing and presenting petition

§ 25-381.13 - Fees

§ 25-381.14 - Hearing; time; place; notice; citation; witnesses

§ 25-381.15 - Time and place of holding hearings

§ 25-381.16 - Conduct of hearing; recommendations; aid of specialists; expense; confidential communications

§ 25-381.17 - Orders; duration of effectiveness; reconciliation agreement

§ 25-381.18 - Dissolution of marriage; legal separation; annulment; stay of right to file; jurisdiction for pending actions

§ 25-381.19 - Transfer of certain actions where minor child involved

§ 25-381.20 - Procedure in actions where no child is involved; conciliation court may accept case

§ 25-381.21 - Construction of article

§ 25-381.22 - Subsequent petition filed within one year

§ 25-381.23 - Option for mandatory conciliation

§ 25-381.24 - Counseling

§ 25-401 - Definitions

§ 25-402 - Jurisdiction

§ 25-403 - Legal decision-making; best interests of child

§ 25-403.01 - Sole and joint legal decision-making and parenting time

§ 25-403.02 - Parenting plans

§ 25-403.03 - Domestic violence and child abuse

§ 25-403.04 - Substance abuse

§ 25-403.05 - Sexual offenders; murderers; legal decision-making and parenting time; notification of risk to child

§ 25-403.06 - Parental access to prescription medication and records

§ 25-403.07 - Identification of a primary caretaker and public assistance

§ 25-403.08 - Resources and fees

§ 25-403.09 - Child support

§ 25-404 - Temporary orders

§ 25-405 - Interviews by court; professional assistance

§ 25-406 - Investigations and reports

§ 25-407 - Legal decision-making and parenting time hearings; priority; costs; record

§ 25-408 - Rights of each parent; parenting time; relocation of child; exception; enforcement; access to prescription medication and records

§ 25-409 - Third party rights

§ 25-410 - Judicial supervision

§ 25-411 - Modification of legal decision-making or parenting time; affidavit; contents; military families

§ 25-412 - Expedited child support and parenting time fund

§ 25-413 - Domestic relations education and mediation fund; report

§ 25-414 - Violation of visitation or parenting time rights; penalties

§ 25-415 - Sanctions for litigation misconduct

§ 25-416 - Sexual assault conviction; effect on rights

§ 25-417 - Parent's blindness; burden of proof; specific written findings; definitions

§ 25-500 - Definitions

§ 25-501 - Duties of support; exemption

§ 25-502 - Jurisdiction, venue and procedure; additional enforcement provisions

§ 25-503 - Order for support; methods of payment; modification; termination; statute of limitations; judgment on arrearages; notice; security

§ 25-503.01 - Self-employed parent; monies held as security for payment of support

§ 25-504 - Order of assignment; ex parte order of assignment; responsibilities; violation; termination

§ 25-505 - Limited income withholding orders; definition

§ 25-505.01 - Administrative income withholding order; notice; definition

§ 25-505.02 - Insurance data exchange; withholding orders; immunity; definitions

§ 25-506 - Order for assignment; foreign support order

§ 25-507 - Forms; alternative forms

§ 25-508 - Enforcement of support orders; fee prohibition

§ 25-509 - Representation by attorney general or county attorney; modification of order by attorney general or county attorney

§ 25-510 - Receiving and disbursing support and maintenance monies; arrearages; interest

§ 25-511 - Failure of parent to provide for child; classification

§ 25-511.01 - Spousal maintenance order; violation; classification

§ 25-512 - Consumer credit reports; use of child support or spousal maintenance obligation information

§ 25-513 - Employer cooperation; violation; classification

§ 25-514 - Priority of action and judgments

§ 25-516 - Lien; priority; recording; information statement; payoff amount; release

§ 25-517 - License suspension; notice; administrative review or hearing

§ 25-518 - Child support arrearage; license suspension; hearing

§ 25-519 - Regulatory entities; suspension of license

§ 25-520 - Child support enforcement; administrative subpoena; civil penalty

§ 25-521 - Levy; seizure of property for collection of support debt; definitions

§ 25-522 - Administrative review; notice; determination; judicial review; definitions

§ 25-523 - Financial institutions data match; nonliability; prohibited disclosure; liability; civil liability; definition

§ 25-524 - Financial institutions; surrender of assets; nonliability

§ 25-525 - Administrative enforcement; interstate cases; definition

§ 25-526 - Child support enforcement information; internet posting

§ 25-527 - Child support; overpayment; reimbursement

§ 25-528 - Title IV-D recipients; fee

§ 25-529 - Title IV-D cases; alternative medical insurance coverage

§ 25-530 - Spousal maintenance; veterans disability benefits; definition

§ 25-531 - Definitions

§ 25-532 - Enrollment of child

§ 25-533 - Insurer obligations

§ 25-534 - Employer obligations

§ 25-535 - Enforcement of health insurance coverage; medical support notice; administrative review; service

§ 25-551 - Clerk of the court

§ 25-552 - Jurisdiction; priority of action

§ 25-553 - Request for arrearages; deadline

§ 25-681 - Child support arrest warrant; definition

§ 25-682 - Time and manner of execution; information

§ 25-683 - Procedure after arrest; payment for release from custody

§ 25-684 - Preexisting warrants

§ 25-685 - Entry into criminal information system

§ 25-801 - Jurisdiction

§ 25-802 - Venue

§ 25-803 - Persons who may originate proceedings; legal decision-making; parenting time; conciliation court

§ 25-804 - Time for instituting proceedings

§ 25-805 - Effect of death, absence or insanity of plaintiff

§ 25-806 - Petition

§ 25-807 - Precedence of maternity and paternity proceedings; delay for paternity tests; court order; evidentiary use; alternative tests; out-of-state orders; immunity

§ 25-808 - Preliminary injunction; temporary restraining order; effect

§ 25-809 - Judgment

§ 25-810 - Liability of parents if putative mother or father is a minor; periodic payments

§ 25-812 - Voluntary acknowledgment of paternity; action to overcome paternity

§ 25-813 - Default order of paternity

§ 25-814 - Presumption of paternity

§ 25-815 - Paternity; full faith and credit

§ 25-816 - Title IV-D child support; paternity establishment; genetic testing

§ 25-817 - Temporary orders; presumption of paternity

§ 25-818 - Paternity case registry; acknowledgments and paternity and maternity orders; recording requirements

§ 25-901 - Covenant marriage; declaration of intent; filing requirements

§ 25-902 - Existing marriages; conversion to covenant marriage; recording requirements

§ 25-903 - Dissolution of a covenant marriage; grounds

§ 25-904 - Decree of legal separation; grounds

§ 25-905 - Temporary orders for support and spousal maintenance

§ 25-906 - Information pamphlet; requirements; distribution

§ 25-1001 - Short title

§ 25-1002 - Definitions

§ 25-1003 - Proceeding governed by other law

§ 25-1004 - Application to Indian tribes

§ 25-1005 - International application of chapter

§ 25-1006 - Effect of child custody determination

§ 25-1007 - Priority

§ 25-1008 - Notice to persons outside this state

§ 25-1009 - Appearance and limited immunity

§ 25-1010 - Communication between courts; definition

§ 25-1011 - Taking testimony in another state

§ 25-1012 - Cooperation between courts; preservation of records

§ 25-1013 - Military deployment; home state

§ 25-1031 - Initial child custody jurisdiction

§ 25-1032 - Exclusive continuing jurisdiction

§ 25-1033 - Jurisdiction to modify determination

§ 25-1034 - Temporary emergency jurisdiction

§ 25-1035 - Notice; opportunity to be heard; joinder

§ 25-1036 - Simultaneous proceedings

§ 25-1037 - Inconvenient forum

§ 25-1038 - Jurisdiction declined by reason of conduct

§ 25-1039 - Information to be submitted to court

§ 25-1040 - Appearance of parties and child

§ 25-1221 - Bases for jurisdiction over nonresident

§ 25-1222 - Duration of personal jurisdiction

§ 25-1223 - Initiating and responding tribunal of state

§ 25-1224 - Simultaneous proceedings

§ 25-1225 - Continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to modify child support order

§ 25-1226 - Continuing jurisdiction to enforce child support order

§ 25-1227 - Determination of controlling child support order

§ 25-1228 - Child support orders for two or more obligees

§ 25-1229 - Credit for payments

§ 25-1230 - Application of chapter to nonresident subject to personal jurisdiction

§ 25-1231 - Continuing, exclusive jurisdiction to modify spousal support order

§ 25-1051 - Definitions

§ 25-1052 - Enforcement under Hague convention

§ 25-1053 - Duty to enforce

§ 25-1054 - Temporary visitation

§ 25-1055 - Registration of child custody determination

§ 25-1056 - Enforcement of registered determination

§ 25-1057 - Simultaneous proceedings

§ 25-1058 - Expedited enforcement of child custody determination

§ 25-1059 - Service of petition and order

§ 25-1060 - Hearing and order

§ 25-1061 - Warrant to take physical custody of child

§ 25-1062 - Costs, fees and expenses

§ 25-1063 - Recognition and enforcement

§ 25-1064 - Appeals

§ 25-1065 - Role of attorney general

§ 25-1066 - Role of law enforcement

§ 25-1067 - Costs and expenses

§ 25-1201 - Short title

§ 25-1202 - Definitions

§ 25-1203 - State tribunal and support enforcement agency

§ 25-1204 - Remedies cumulative

§ 25-1205 - Application of chapter to resident of foreign country and foreign support proceeding

§ 25-1241 - Proceedings under this chapter

§ 25-1242 - Proceeding by minor parent

§ 25-1243 - Application of law of state

§ 25-1244 - Duties of initiating tribunal

§ 25-1245 - Duties and powers of responding tribunal

§ 25-1246 - Inappropriate tribunal

§ 25-1247 - Duties of support enforcement agency

§ 25-1248 - Duty of the attorney general

§ 25-1249 - Private counsel

§ 25-1250 - Duties of department of economic security

§ 25-1251 - Pleadings and accompanying documents

§ 25-1252 - Nondisclosure of information in exceptional circumstances

§ 25-1253 - Costs and fees

§ 25-1254 - Limited immunity of petitioner

§ 25-1255 - Nonparentage as defense

§ 25-1256 - Special rules of evidence and procedure

§ 25-1257 - Communications between tribunals

§ 25-1258 - Assistance with discovery

§ 25-1259 - Receipt and disbursement of payments

§ 25-1271 - Establishment of support order

§ 25-1272 - Proceeding to determine parentage of a child

§ 25-1281 - Employer's receipt of income withholding order of another state

§ 25-1282 - Employer's compliance with income withholding order of another state

§ 25-1283 - Employer's compliance with two or more income withholding orders

§ 25-1284 - Immunity from civil liability

§ 25-1285 - Penalties for noncompliance

§ 25-1286 - Contest by obligor

§ 25-1287 - Administrative enforcement of orders

§ 25-1301 - Registration of order for enforcement

§ 25-1302 - Procedure to register order for enforcement

§ 25-1303 - Effect of registration for enforcement

§ 25-1304 - Choice of law

§ 25-1305 - Notice of registration of order

§ 25-1306 - Procedure to contest validity or enforcement of registered support order

§ 25-1307 - Contest of registration or enforcement

§ 25-1308 - Confirmed order

§ 25-1309 - Procedure to register child support order of another state for modification

§ 25-1310 - Effect of registration for modification

§ 25-1311 - Modification of child support order of another state

§ 25-1312 - Recognition of order modified in another state

§ 25-1313 - Jurisdiction to modify child support order of another state if individual parties reside in this state

§ 25-1314 - Notice to issuing tribunal of modification

§ 25-1315 - Jurisdiction to modify child support order of foreign country

§ 25-1316 - Procedure to register child support order of foreign country for modification

§ 25-1331 - Definitions

§ 25-1332 - Applicability

§ 25-1333 - Relationship of department of economic security to United States central authority

§ 25-1334 - Initiation by department of economic security of support proceeding under convention

§ 25-1335 - Direct request

§ 25-1336 - Registration of convention support order

§ 25-1337 - Contest of registered convention support order

§ 25-1338 - Recognition and enforcement of registered convention support order

§ 25-1339 - Partial enforcement

§ 25-1340 - Foreign support agreement

§ 25-1341 - Modification of convention child support order

§ 25-1342 - Personal information; limit on use

§ 25-1343 - Record in original language; English translation

§ 25-1361 - Grounds for rendition

§ 25-1362 - Conditions of rendition

§ 25-1401 - Legitimacy of children born out of wedlock

§ 25-1501 - Alleged incapacitated person; guardian ad litem