Alaska Statutes
Title 20. Infants and Incompetents

(TRANSFERRED) OCTOBER 1982 Former SectionNew Section20.15.010 25.23.01020.15.020 25.23.02020.15.030 25.23.03020.15.040 25.23.04020.15.050 25.23.05020.15.060 25.23.06020.15.070 25.23.07020.15.080 25.23.08020.15.090 25.23.09020.15.100 25.23.10020.15.110 25.23.11020.15.120 25.23.12020.15.130 25.23.13020.15.140 25.23.14020.15.150 25.23.15020.15.160 25.23.16020.15.170 25.23.170; 25.23.17520.15.180 25.23.18020.15.190 25.23.19020.15.200 25.23.20020.15.210 25.23.21020.15.220 25.23.22020.15.230 25.23.23020.15.240 25.23.24020.20.010 25.20.045

Structure Alaska Statutes

Alaska Statutes

Title 1. General Provisions

Title 2. Aeronautics

Title 3. Agriculture, Animals, and Food

Title 4. Alcoholic Beverages

Title 5. Amusements and Sports

Title 6. Banks and Financial Institutions

Title 8. Business and Professions

Title 9. Code of Civil Procedure

Title 10. Corporations and Associations

Title 11. Criminal Law

Title 12. Code of Criminal Procedure

Title 13. Decedents' Estates, Guardianships, Transfers, Trusts, and Health Care Decisions

Title 14. Education, Libraries, and Museums

Title 15. Elections

Title 16. Fish and Game

Title 17. Food and Drugs

Title 18. Health, Safety, Housing, Human Rights, and Public Defender

Title 19. Highways and Ferries

Title 20. Infants and Incompetents

Title 21. Insurance

Title 22. Judiciary

Title 23. Labor and Workers' Compensation

Title 24. Legislature and Lobbying

Title 25. Marital and Domestic Relations

Title 26. Military Affairs, Veterans, Disasters, and Aerospace

Title 27. Mining

Title 28. Motor Vehicles

Title 29. Municipal Government

Title 30. Navigation, Harbors, Shipping, and Transportation Facilities

Title 31. Oil and Gas

Title 32. Partnership

Title 33. Probation, Prisons, Pardons, and Prisoners

Title 34. Property

Title 35. Public Buildings, Works, and Improvements

Title 36. Public Contracts

Title 37. Public Finance

Title 38. Public Land

Title 39. Public Officers and Employees

Title 40. Public Records and Recorders

Title 41. Public Resources

Title 42. Public Utilities and Carriers and Energy Programs

Title 43. Revenue and Taxation

Title 44. State Government

Title 45. Trade and Commerce

Title 46. Water, Air, Energy, and Environmental Conservation

Title 47. Welfare, Social Services, and Institutions