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Chapter 05. Probation Administration Act
Sec. 33.05.010. Powers of commissioner. - The commissioner shall administer a probation system and enforce the...
Sec. 33.05.020. Duties of commissioner; probation officers and personnel; ignition interlock devices. - (a) The commissioner shall appoint and make available to the...
Sec. 33.05.040. Duties of probation officers. - (a) A probation officer shall (1) furnish to each probationer...
Sec. 33.05.050. Report of probation officer. - When directed by the court, the probation officer shall report...
Sec. 33.05.060. Transfer of jurisdiction over probationer. - Whenever during the period of probation, a probationer goes from...
Sec. 33.05.070. Arrest of probationer. - (a) At any time within the probation period, the probation...
Sec. 33.05.080. Definitions. - In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, (1) “administrative...
Sec. 33.05.090. Short title. - This chapter may be cited as the Probation Administration Act.
Chapter 07. Pretrial Services Program
Sec. 33.07.010. Pretrial services program; establishment. - The commissioner shall establish and administer a pretrial services program...
Sec. 33.07.020. Duties of commissioner; pretrial services. - The commissioner shall (1) appoint and make available to the...
Sec. 33.07.030. Duties of pretrial services officers. - (a) Pretrial services officers shall, in advance of a first...
Sec. 33.07.040. Pretrial services officers as officers of court. - All pretrial services officers shall be available to the superior...
Sec. 33.07.090. Definitions. - In this chapter, (1) “commissioner” means the commissioner of corrections;...
Chapter 16. Parole Administration
Sec. 33.16.010. Parole. - (a) A prisoner who is serving a term or terms...
Sec. 33.16.020. Board of parole. - (a) There is in the Department of Corrections a board...
Sec. 33.16.030. Selection criteria for board members. - (a) The governor shall appoint board members on the basis...
Sec. 33.16.040. Compensation and expenses. - A board member is entitled to compensation at an amount...
Sec. 33.16.050. Meetings of the board. - (a) The board may meet as often as it considers...
Sec. 33.16.060. Duties of the board. - (a) The board shall (1) serve as the parole authority...
Sec. 33.16.070. Process. - The board or a member of the board may issue...
Sec. 33.16.080. Executive director. - The board shall hire an executive director to serve the...
Sec. 33.16.085. Special medical parole. - (a) Notwithstanding a presumptive, mandatory, or mandatory minimum term or...
Sec. 33.16.087. Rights of victims in connection with special medical parole. - (a) If the victim of a crime requests notice of...
Sec. 33.16.090. Eligibility for discretionary parole and minimum terms to be served. - (a) A prisoner sentenced to an active term of imprisonment...
Sec. 33.16.100. Granting of discretionary parole. - (a) The board may authorize the release of a prisoner...
Sec. 33.16.110. Preparole reports. - (a) In determining whether a prisoner is suitable for discretionary...
Sec. 33.16.120. Rights of certain victims in connection with parole. - (a) If the victim of a crime against a person...
Sec. 33.16.130. Parole procedures. - (a) A prisoner eligible for discretionary parole may apply to...
Sec. 33.16.140. Order for parole. - An order for parole issued by the board, setting out...
Sec. 33.16.150. Conditions of parole. - (a) As a condition of parole, a prisoner released on...
Sec. 33.16.160. Change in parole conditions. - (a) Upon application of the state or the parolee, the...
Sec. 33.16.170. Confidentiality of records and information. - (a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, the...
Sec. 33.16.180. Duties of the commissioner. - The commissioner shall (1) conduct investigations of prisoners eligible for...
Sec. 33.16.190. Authority of parole, pretrial services, and probation officers. - An officer appointed by the commissioner under AS 33.05.020(a), AS...
Sec. 33.16.200. Custody of parolee. - Except as provided in AS 33.16.210, the board retains custody...
Sec. 33.16.210. Discharge of parolee. - (a) The board may unconditionally discharge a parolee from the...
Sec. 33.16.220. Revocation of parole. - (a) The board may revoke parole if the prisoner or...
Sec. 33.16.230. Waiver of hearing. - A prisoner or parolee may waive the right to a...
Sec. 33.16.240. Arrest of parole violator. - (a) A parolee may be arrested, with or without a...
Sec. 33.16.250. Execution of warrant for arrest of parolee. - (a) A parole officer, or a peace officer acting at...
Sec. 33.16.260. Designation of victims' representative. - If more than one person who qualifies as a victim...
Sec. 33.16.270. Earned compliance credits. - (a) The commissioner shall establish by regulation a program allowing...
Sec. 33.16.900. Definitions. - In this chapter, (1) [Repealed, § 72,ch. 1, 4SSLA 2017.]...
Chapter 20. Remission of Sentences; Executive Pardons and Clemency
Article 1. Remission of Sentences.
Sec. 33.20.010. Computation of good time. - (a) Notwithstanding AS 12.55.125(f)(3) and 12.55.125(g)(3), a prisoner convicted of...
Sec. 33.20.030. Discharge. - A prisoner shall be released at the expiration of the...
Sec. 33.20.040. Released prisoner. - (a) Except as provided in (c) of this section, a...
Sec. 33.20.050. Forfeiture for offense. - If during the term of imprisonment a prisoner commits an...
Sec. 33.20.060. Restoration of forfeited good time. - The commissioner of corrections may restore all or a portion...
Article 2. Power of Governor to Grant Pardons, Commutations, and Reprieves.
Sec. 33.20.070. Governor may grant pardons, commutations, and reprieves. - The governor may grant pardons, commutations of sentence, and reprieves,...
Sec. 33.20.080. Required notices and investigation by the board of parole. - (a) The governor may not grant executive clemency to a...
Chapter 30. Prison Facilities and Prisoners
Article 1. Establishment, Control, and Management.
Sec. 33.30.011. Duties of commissioner. - (a) The commissioner shall (1) establish, maintain, operate, and control...
Sec. 33.30.012. Notice of release, parole, community placement, work release placement, furlough, or escape of sex offender or child kidnapper. - (a) Within 30 days before release of a sex offender...
Sec. 33.30.013. Commissioner to notify victims. - (a) The commissioner shall notify the victim if (1) the...
Sec. 33.30.015. Living conditions for prisoners. - (a) The commissioner may not (1) make per capita expenditures...
Sec. 33.30.017. Fees for utilities services for prisoners. - (a) The commissioner shall establish a reasonable utility fee for...
Sec. 33.30.021. Regulations. - The commissioner shall adopt regulations to implement this chapter.
Sec. 33.30.025. Siting of prison facilities. - The commissioner shall notify each community council established by municipal...
Sec. 33.30.026. Procurement Code applicable to contracts. - Contracting for services under this chapter is governed by AS...
Sec. 33.30.028. Responsibility for costs of medical care. - (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the liability for...
Sec. 33.30.031. Contracts for confinement and care of prisoners. - (a) The commissioner shall determine the availability of state correctional...
Sec. 33.30.035. Notice to sex offenders or child kidnappers of registration and other requirements. - The department shall provide written notice to a sex offender...
Sec. 33.30.041. Lease of correctional facility to municipality. - (a) If the commissioner determines that it would be in...
Article 2. Commitments, Programs, and Furloughs.
Sec. 33.30.051. Commitment to commissioner. - (a) A person convicted of an offense against the state...
Sec. 33.30.061. Commissioner to designate facility. - (a) The commissioner shall designate the correctional facility to which...
Sec. 33.30.065. Service of sentence by electronic monitoring. - (a) If the commissioner designates a prisoner to serve the...
Sec. 33.30.071. Responsibility for prisoners pending commitment. - (a) The commissioner is not responsible for providing custody, care,...
Sec. 33.30.081. Transportation of prisoners. - (a) The commissioner of public safety is responsible for transporting...
Sec. 33.30.091. Designation of programs. - Except as provided in AS 33.30.111 and 33.30.161, the commissioner...
Sec. 33.30.095. Duties of commissioner before release of prisoner. - (a) The commissioner shall establish a program to prepare a...
Sec. 33.30.101. Furloughs. - (a) The commissioner shall adopt regulations governing the granting of...
Sec. 33.30.111. Prerelease furloughs. - (a) Furlough programs established under AS 33.30.101 must include prerelease...
Sec. 33.30.121. Short-duration furloughs. - (a) A short-duration furlough is an authorized leave of absence...
Sec. 33.30.131. Prerelease or short duration furlough or correctional restitution center placement involving employment. - (a) The commissioner may grant a prerelease or short-duration furlough...
Sec. 33.30.141. Effect of violation of furlough conditions or failure to return. - (a) If, after a hearing, a prisoner on a furlough...
Sec. 33.30.151. Correctional restitution centers. - (a) The commissioner shall establish correctional restitution centers in the...
Sec. 33.30.161. Eligibility to serve time in a correctional restitution center. - (a) The commissioner may not allow a prisoner to serve...
Sec. 33.30.171. Community advisory committees. - The commissioner shall appoint a community advisory committee for each...
Sec. 33.30.181. Confinement to the center. - (a) A prisoner shall be confined to the center at...
Article 3. Miscellaneous Provisions.
Sec. 33.30.191. Employment of prison inmates. - (a) It is the policy of the state that prisoners...
Sec. 33.30.193. Standard applicable to allowing prisoners access to and use of legal reference materials and legal assistance. - If the commissioner imposes a restriction on access to and...
Sec. 33.30.201. Compensation of prison inmates; deductions; disbursement; liens. - (a) Each prisoner who is productively employed, as defined in...
Sec. 33.30.211. Transmission of documents. - (a) When a prisoner is admitted to a correctional facility,...
Sec. 33.30.216. Copies of records for child support purposes. - If a copy of a record prepared or maintained by...
Sec. 33.30.221. Superintendent of correctional facility may administer oaths and acknowledgments. - The superintendent of a correctional facility or the superintendent's assistant...
Sec. 33.30.231. Telephone access and monitoring inside correctional institutions. - (a) A prisoner shall have reasonable access to a telephone...
Sec. 33.30.241. Effect of judgment of conviction on civil rights. - (a) A person who is convicted of a felony involving...
Sec. 33.30.251. Disposal of abandoned personal property. - (a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, it...
Sec. 33.30.261. Excess money as contraband. - (a) A prisoner who possesses money in an amount greater...
Sec. 33.30.271. Forfeiture of property. - A conviction of a person for a crime does not...
Sec. 33.30.281. Crime against sentenced prisoner. - A person who commits a crime against a sentenced prisoner...
Sec. 33.30.291. Treaties. - If a treaty in effect between the United States and...
Sec. 33.30.292. Designation of victims' representative. - If more than one person who qualifies as a victim...
Sec. 33.30.295. Review of prisoner disciplinary decisions. - (a) A prisoner may obtain judicial review by the superior...
Article 4. General Provisions.
Sec. 33.30.901. Definitions. - In this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise, (1) “center”...
Chapter 35. Agreement on Detainers
Sec. 33.35.010. Agreement enacted. - The Agreement on Detainers is enacted into law and entered...
Sec. 33.35.020. “Appropriate court” defined. - The phrase “appropriate court” in AS 33.35.010, with reference to...
Sec. 33.35.030. Enforcement. - All courts, departments, agencies, officers, and employees of the state...
Sec. 33.35.040. Central administrator and information agent. - The commissioner of corrections or the designee of the commissioner...
Chapter 36. Interstate Corrections Compacts
Article 1. Interstate Corrections Compact.
Sec. 33.36.010. Compact enacted. - The Interstate Corrections Compact as contained in this section is...
Sec. 33.36.020. Commitment or transfer of inmates under compact. - An agency or officer of the State of Alaska having...
Sec. 33.36.030. Enforcement of compact. - The courts, departments, agencies, and officers of the State of...
Sec. 33.36.040. Implementation. - The commissioner of corrections or the commissioner's designee shall do...
Article 2. Western Interstate Corrections Compact.
Sec. 33.36.060. Compact enacted. - The Western Interstate Corrections Compact as contained in this section...
Sec. 33.36.070. Commitment or transfer of inmates under compact. - An agency or officer of the State of Alaska having...
Sec. 33.36.080. Enforcement of compact. - The courts, departments, agencies and officers of the State of...
Sec. 33.36.090. Board of parole to hold hearings under compact. - The Alaska board of parole shall hold such hearings as...
Sec. 33.36.100. Implementation of compact. - The commissioner of corrections may enter into such contracts on...
Article 3. Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision.
Sec. 33.36.110. Authorizing governor to execute interstate compact. - The governor of this state is authorized and directed to...
Sec. 33.36.130. Compact administrator. - (a) The governor shall appoint the administrator for the compact...
Sec. 33.36.135. Review of rules. - The compact administrator shall annually, not later than January 31,...
Sec. 33.36.140. State council. - (a) There is created the State Council for Interstate Adult...
Sec. 33.36.145. Application fee. - A person under probation or parole supervision by the Department...