Alaska Statutes
Chapter 16. Parole Administration
Sec. 33.16.020. Board of parole.

(a) There is in the Department of Corrections a board of parole consisting of five members appointed by the governor, subject to confirmation by a majority of members of the legislature in joint session.
(b) Members of the board serve for staggered terms of five years and until their successors are appointed.
(c) The governor shall choose the presiding officer of the board from among the membership.
(d) The governor shall make appointments to the board with due regard for representation on the board of the ethnic, racial, sexual, and cultural populations of the state.
(e) The governor shall appoint at least one member who resides in the First Judicial District, one member who resides in the Third Judicial District, and one member who resides in either the Second or Fourth Judicial District.