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Article 1. General Provisions.
Sec. 14.03.010. Establishment of school system. - There is established in the state a system of public...
Sec. 14.03.015. State education policy. - It is the policy of this state that the purpose...
Sec. 14.03.016. A parent's right to direct the education of the parent's child. - (a) A local school board shall, in consultation with parents,...
Sec. 14.03.020. School year. - The school year begins on the first day of July...
Sec. 14.03.030. School term. - A school term begins and ends on the dates fixed...
Sec. 14.03.040. Day in session. - [See delayed amendment note.] Each day within the school term...
Sec. 14.03.050. School holidays. - (a) Public schools may not be in session on school...
Sec. 14.03.060. Elementary, junior high, and secondary schools. - (a) Except as provided in (e) of this section, an...
Sec. 14.03.070. School age. - A child who is six years of age on or...
Sec. 14.03.072. Literacy and early reading information. - (a) [See delayed amendment notes.] Each school district shall annually...
Sec. 14.03.073. Secondary school course credit. - (a) A school district shall provide the opportunity for students...
Sec. 14.03.075. College and career readiness assessment; retroactive issuance of diploma. - (a) [Repealed, §§ 25, 29 ch 2 SSSLA 2015.] (b)...
Sec. 14.03.077. High school diploma for certain veterans. - (a) Notwithstanding other provisions of this chapter, the commissioner shall...
Sec. 14.03.078. Annual progress reports. - (a) [See delayed amendment notes.] The department shall provide to...
Sec. 14.03.080. Right to attend school. - (a) A child of school age is entitled to attend...
Sec. 14.03.083. Contracting for services. - (a) A school district may contract for educational services provided...
Sec. 14.03.085. Procurement preference for recycled Alaska products. - A school district shall comply with AS 29.71.050, except that...
Sec. 14.03.090. Partisan, sectarian, or denominational doctrines prohibited. - Partisan, sectarian, or denominational doctrines may not be advocated in...
Sec. 14.03.095. Part-time school attendance. - (a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, a...
Sec. 14.03.100. Use of school facilities. - The governing body of a school district may allow the...
Sec. 14.03.105. Search of school lockers. - (a) Subject to (b) of this section, a locker or...
Sec. 14.03.110. Questionnaires and surveys administered in public schools. - (a) A school district, principal or other person in charge...
Sec. 14.03.113. District determination of scholarship eligibility. - A school district shall determine whether a student who graduates...
Sec. 14.03.115. Access to school records by parent, foster parent, or guardian. - Upon request of a parent, foster parent, or guardian of...
Sec. 14.03.120. Education planning; reports. - (a) A district shall annually file with the department, and...
Sec. 14.03.123. School and district accountability. - (a) By September 1 of each year, the department shall...
Sec. 14.03.125. Fund for the improvement of school performance. - (a) The fund for the improvement of school performance is...
Sec. 14.03.127. Funding for Internet services. - (a) Each fiscal year, a district in which one or...
Sec. 14.03.130. Display of flags and pledge of allegiance. - (a) United States and Alaska flags shall be displayed upon...
Sec. 14.03.135. Dress code; natural hairstyles. - (a) A governing body may not adopt a school dress...
Sec. 14.03.140. Emergency drills. - The principal or other persons in charge of each public...
Sec. 14.03.150. Property insurance required. - (a) Each school district shall purchase and maintain or provide...
Sec. 14.03.160. Suspension or expulsion of students for possessing weapons. - (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a school district...
Article 2. Charter Schools.
Sec. 14.03.250. Application for charter school. - (a) A local school board shall prescribe an application procedure...
Sec. 14.03.253. Charter school application appeal. - (a) In an appeal to the commissioner under AS 14.03.250,...
Sec. 14.03.255. Organization and operation of a charter school. - (a) A charter school operates as a school in the...
Sec. 14.03.260. Funding for charter school. - (a) A local school board shall provide an approved charter...
Sec. 14.03.264. Charter school grant program. - (a) A charter school that is established on or after...
Sec. 14.03.265. Admission. - (a) The program of a charter school may be designed...
Sec. 14.03.270. Teacher or employee transfers, evaluations, and negotiated agreements. - (a) A teacher or employee may not be assigned to...
Sec. 14.03.275. Contracts; duration. - A contract for a charter school may be for a...
Sec. 14.03.280. Regulations. - The state Board of Education and Early Development may adopt...
Sec. 14.03.290. Definitions. - In AS 14.03.250 - 14.03.290, (1) “academic policy committee” means...
Article 3. Correspondence Study Programs.
Sec. 14.03.300. Correspondence study programs; individual learning plans. - (a) A district or the department that provides a correspondence...
Sec. 14.03.310. Student allotments. - (a) Except as provided in (e) of this section, the...