Alaska Statutes
Article 1. General Provisions.
Sec. 14.03.078. Annual progress reports.

(a) [See delayed amendment notes.] The department shall provide to the legislature by February 15 of each year by electronic means an annual report regarding the progress of each school and school district toward high academic performance by all students. The report required under this section must include
(1) information described under AS 14.03.120(d);
(2) progress of the department
(A) toward implementing the school accountability provisions of AS 14.03.123; and
(B) in assisting high schools to become accredited;
(3) a description of the resources provided to each school and school district for coordinated school improvement activities and staff training in each school and school district;
(4) each school district's and each school's progress in aligning curriculum with state education performance standards;
(5) a description of the efforts by the department to assist a public school or district that receives a low performance designation under AS 14.03.123;
(6) a description of intervention efforts by each school district and school for students who are not meeting state performance standards; and
(7) the number and percentage of turnover in certificated personnel and superintendents.
(b) By December 31 of each year, the department shall provide to the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority established by AS 44.25.200 a report on the progress of school districts in the state toward the objective of AS 14.30.278(b), based on performance indicators included in the most current plan submitted by the state to the United States Secretary of Education as required under 20 U.S.C. 1412(a).
(c) [Effective July 1, 2023.] Each school district shall make available to the public the portion of the report under (a)(8) of this section that pertains to the school district by posting the information in a prominent location on the school district's or local community's Internet website or by another easily accessible method.
(d) [Effective July 1, 2023.] In this section, “administrative employee” means an employee who does not provide direct classroom instruction for students as a regular part of the employee's job.

Structure Alaska Statutes

Alaska Statutes

Title 14. Education, Libraries, and Museums

Chapter 03. Public Schools Generally

Article 1. General Provisions.

Sec. 14.03.010. Establishment of school system.

Sec. 14.03.015. State education policy.

Sec. 14.03.016. A parent's right to direct the education of the parent's child.

Sec. 14.03.020. School year.

Sec. 14.03.030. School term.

Sec. 14.03.040. Day in session.

Sec. 14.03.050. School holidays.

Sec. 14.03.060. Elementary, junior high, and secondary schools.

Sec. 14.03.070. School age.

Sec. 14.03.072. Literacy and early reading information.

Sec. 14.03.073. Secondary school course credit.

Sec. 14.03.075. College and career readiness assessment; retroactive issuance of diploma.

Sec. 14.03.077. High school diploma for certain veterans.

Sec. 14.03.078. Annual progress reports.

Sec. 14.03.080. Right to attend school.

Sec. 14.03.083. Contracting for services.

Sec. 14.03.085. Procurement preference for recycled Alaska products.

Sec. 14.03.090. Partisan, sectarian, or denominational doctrines prohibited.

Sec. 14.03.095. Part-time school attendance.

Sec. 14.03.100. Use of school facilities.

Sec. 14.03.105. Search of school lockers.

Sec. 14.03.110. Questionnaires and surveys administered in public schools.

Sec. 14.03.113. District determination of scholarship eligibility.

Sec. 14.03.115. Access to school records by parent, foster parent, or guardian.

Sec. 14.03.120. Education planning; reports.

Sec. 14.03.123. School and district accountability.

Sec. 14.03.125. Fund for the improvement of school performance.

Sec. 14.03.127. Funding for Internet services.

Sec. 14.03.130. Display of flags and pledge of allegiance.

Sec. 14.03.135. Dress code; natural hairstyles.

Sec. 14.03.140. Emergency drills.

Sec. 14.03.150. Property insurance required.

Sec. 14.03.160. Suspension or expulsion of students for possessing weapons.