Alaska Statutes
Article 1. General Provisions.
Sec. 14.03.120. Education planning; reports.

(a) A district shall annually file with the department, and make available to the public, a report that
(1) establishes district goals and priorities for improving education in the district;
(2) includes a plan for achieving district goals and priorities; and
(3) includes a means of measuring the achievement of district goals and priorities.
(b) The department shall summarize the reports submitted under (a) of this section and include all revenue received by each school district organized in easily sortable categories including ADM and district, as a statewide report, provide a copy to the governor, publish the report on the department's Internet website, and notify the legislature that the report is available; in this subsection, “revenue” means all money reported to the department as receipts from any source, including state, federal, local, special, and other funding.
(c) A district shall make efforts to encourage students, parents, teachers, and other members of the community to participate in the preparation of the report submitted under (a) of this section.
(d) Annually, before the date set by the district under (e) of this section, each public school shall deliver to the department for posting on the department's Internet website and provide, in a public meeting of parents, students, and community members, a report on the school's performance and the performance of the school's students. The report shall be prepared on a form prescribed by the department and must include
(1) information on accreditation;
(2) results of norm-referenced achievement tests;
(3) results of state standards-based assessments in language arts and mathematics;
(4) a description, including quantitative and qualitative measures, of student, parent, community, and business involvement in student learning;
(5) a description of the school's attendance, retention, dropout, and graduation rates as specified by the state board;
(6) the annual percent of enrollment change, regardless of reason, and the annual percent of enrollment change due to student transfers into and out of the school district;
(7) if Native language education is provided, a summary and evaluation of the curriculum described in AS 14.30.420;
(8) the performance designation assigned the school under AS 14.03.123 and the methodology used to assign the performance designation, including the measures used and their relative weights;
(9) other information concerning school performance and the performance of the school's students as required by the state board in regulation; and
(10) information on the number, attendance, and performance of students enrolled in the school whose parents or guardians are on active duty in the armed forces of the United States, the United States Coast Guard, the Alaska National Guard, the Alaska Naval Militia, or the Alaska State Defense Force.
(e) By a date set by the district, each public school in the district shall provide the report described in (d) of this section to the district's governing body. Along with the report, each public school shall submit a summary of comments made on the report by parents, students, and community members. By July 1 of each year, each district shall provide to the department a report on the performance of each public school and the public school students in the district. The district's report must
(1) be entitled “School District Report Card to the Public”; and
(2) include
(A) copies of the reports and summaries of comments submitted under this section by each public school in the district;
(B) a compilation of the material described in (A) of this paragraph by each public school in the district;
(C) the designation assigned the district under AS 14.03.123 and the methodology used to assign the performance designation, including the measures used and their relative weights; and
(D) other information concerning school performance and the performance of the school's students as required by the state board in regulation.
(f) By January 15 of each year, the department shall provide to the governor and make available to the public and the legislature a report on the performance of public schools in this state. The report must be entitled “Alaska's Public Schools: A Report Card to the Public.” The report must include
(1) comprehensive information on each public school compiled, collected, and reported under (d) and (e) of this section for the prior school year;
(2) a summary of the information described in (1) of this subsection; the summary must be prepared in a manner that allows school performance to be measured against established state education standards; and
(3) the most recent performance designation under AS 14.03.123 received by each public school and by the state public school system.
(g) In this section, “district” has the meaning given in AS 14.17.990.
(h) [Effective July 1, 2023; See delayed repeal note.] To the extent allowable under state and federal privacy laws, each district shall annually report to the department information from the previous school year regarding
(1) the number of students and teaching staff assigned to each classroom in grades kindergarten through three;
(2) the number and percentage of students
(A) in grades kindergarten through three who demonstrated improvement on expected grade-level skills on the statewide screening tool;
(B) in grades kindergarten through three who performed below expected grade-level skills on the statewide screening tool, by grade;
(C) in grades kindergarten through three who did not progress to the next grade and the reasons the students did not progress;
(D) in grade three who demonstrated sufficient reading skills to progress to grade four based on the statewide screening tool;
(E) in grade three who progressed to grade four based on a waiver under AS 14.30.765(f);
(F) in grade three who demonstrated sufficient reading skills to progress to grade four based on an alternative standardized reading screening;
(G) in grade three who demonstrated sufficient reading skills to progress to grade four based on a student reading portfolio;
(3) the performance on the statewide screening tool of students in a grade above grade three who did not progress to grade four or who progressed to grade four based on a waiver under AS 14.30.765(f).
(i) [Effective July 1, 2023.] To the extent allowable under state and federal privacy laws, the department shall post on the department's Internet website and make available for download the information reported under this section. The department shall post the information in a single downloadable comma-separated values file or a similar single downloadable file that allows data storage in tabular format. The file must include the comprehensive information about each public school reported under (d) and (e) of this section in a single list that may be sorted and compared.
(j) [Effective July 1, 2023.] If the department receives the information required to be reported under this section from multiple sources, the department shall consolidate the information. Nothing in this section requires a district to provide duplicate information to the department in separate documents.

Structure Alaska Statutes

Alaska Statutes

Title 14. Education, Libraries, and Museums

Chapter 03. Public Schools Generally

Article 1. General Provisions.

Sec. 14.03.010. Establishment of school system.

Sec. 14.03.015. State education policy.

Sec. 14.03.016. A parent's right to direct the education of the parent's child.

Sec. 14.03.020. School year.

Sec. 14.03.030. School term.

Sec. 14.03.040. Day in session.

Sec. 14.03.050. School holidays.

Sec. 14.03.060. Elementary, junior high, and secondary schools.

Sec. 14.03.070. School age.

Sec. 14.03.072. Literacy and early reading information.

Sec. 14.03.073. Secondary school course credit.

Sec. 14.03.075. College and career readiness assessment; retroactive issuance of diploma.

Sec. 14.03.077. High school diploma for certain veterans.

Sec. 14.03.078. Annual progress reports.

Sec. 14.03.080. Right to attend school.

Sec. 14.03.083. Contracting for services.

Sec. 14.03.085. Procurement preference for recycled Alaska products.

Sec. 14.03.090. Partisan, sectarian, or denominational doctrines prohibited.

Sec. 14.03.095. Part-time school attendance.

Sec. 14.03.100. Use of school facilities.

Sec. 14.03.105. Search of school lockers.

Sec. 14.03.110. Questionnaires and surveys administered in public schools.

Sec. 14.03.113. District determination of scholarship eligibility.

Sec. 14.03.115. Access to school records by parent, foster parent, or guardian.

Sec. 14.03.120. Education planning; reports.

Sec. 14.03.123. School and district accountability.

Sec. 14.03.125. Fund for the improvement of school performance.

Sec. 14.03.127. Funding for Internet services.

Sec. 14.03.130. Display of flags and pledge of allegiance.

Sec. 14.03.135. Dress code; natural hairstyles.

Sec. 14.03.140. Emergency drills.

Sec. 14.03.150. Property insurance required.

Sec. 14.03.160. Suspension or expulsion of students for possessing weapons.