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Article 1. Department of Education and Early Development.
Sec. 14.07.010. Department of Education and Early Development. - The Department of Education and Early Development includes the commissioner...
Sec. 14.07.020. Duties of the department. - (a) The department shall (1) exercise general supervision over the...
Sec. 14.07.030. Powers of the department. - (a) The department may (1) establish, maintain, govern, operate, discontinue,...
Sec. 14.07.032. Definition for AS 14.07.020 - 14.07.032. - In AS 14.07.020 - 14.07.032, “instructional practices” means the strategies...
Sec. 14.07.050. Selection of textbooks. - [See delayed amendment notes.] Textbooks for use in the public...
Sec. 14.07.057. Transmittal of textbook selections. - A school board that selects its own books shall forward...
Sec. 14.07.060. Regulations. - The board shall adopt regulations that are necessary to carry...
Sec. 14.07.070. Withholding state funds. - State funds may not be paid to a school district...
Article 2. State Board of Education and Early Development.
Sec. 14.07.075. Creation. - There is created at the head of the Department of...
Sec. 14.07.085. Appointment of members. - (a) The seven members of the board, no more than...
Sec. 14.07.095. Term of office. - The members of the board shall be appointed for overlapping...
Sec. 14.07.105. Quorum and chair. - (a) Four members constitute a quorum. (b) The board shall...
Sec. 14.07.115. Removal. - Members of the board serve at the pleasure of the...
Sec. 14.07.125. Meetings. - The board shall meet at least quarterly. Meetings may be...
Sec. 14.07.135. Legal assistance. - The Department of Law shall provide all legal services for...
Sec. 14.07.145. Commissioner of education and early development. - (a) The board shall appoint the commissioner of education and...
Sec. 14.07.150. Budget and fiscal authority. - The commissioner has responsibility and authority for the preparation and...
Sec. 14.07.155. Partisan candidacy prohibited. - A member of the board may not be a candidate...
Sec. 14.07.160. Bylaws. - (a) The board may adopt bylaws for the management of...
Sec. 14.07.165. Duties. - (a) [See delayed amendment note.] The board shall adopt (1)...
Sec. 14.07.168. Report to the legislature. - [See delayed amendment notes.] Not later than the 30th legislative...
Sec. 14.07.170. Additional powers and duties of board. - (a) The board may (1) appoint unpaid advisory commissions; (2)...
Sec. 14.07.180. Curricula approval and review; pilot program; incentives. - (a) [See delayed amendment note.] Notwithstanding any other provision of...
Sec. 14.07.182. Curriculum improvement and best practices fund. - (a) The curriculum improvement and best practices fund is established....