Alaska Statutes
Article 7. Involuntary Admission for Treatment.
Sec. 47.30.745. 90-day commitment hearing rights; continued commitment.

(a) A respondent subject to a petition for 90-day commitment has, in addition to the rights specified elsewhere in this chapter, or otherwise applicable, the rights enumerated in this section. Written notice of these rights shall be served on the respondent and the respondent's attorney and guardian, if any, and may be served on an adult designated by the respondent at the time the petition for 90-day commitment is served. An attempt shall be made by oral explanation to ensure that the respondent understands the rights enumerated in the notice. If the respondent does not understand English, the explanation shall be given in a language the respondent understands.
(b) Unless the respondent is released or is admitted voluntarily following the filing of a petition and before the hearing, the respondent is entitled to a judicial hearing within five judicial days of the filing of the petition as set out in AS 47.30.740(b) to determine if the respondent is mentally ill and as a result is likely to cause harm to self or others, or if the respondent is gravely disabled. If the respondent is admitted voluntarily following the filing of the petition, the voluntary admission constitutes a waiver of any hearing rights under AS 47.30.740 or under AS 47.30.685. If at any time during the respondent's voluntary admission under this subsection, the respondent submits to the facility a written request to leave, the professional person in charge may file with the court a petition for a 180-day commitment of the respondent under AS 47.30.770. The 180-day commitment hearing shall be scheduled for a date not later than 90 days after the respondent's voluntary admission.
(c) The respondent is entitled to a jury trial upon request filed with the court if the request is made at least two judicial days before the hearing. If the respondent requests a jury trial, the hearing may be continued for no more than 10 calendar days. The jury shall consist of six persons.
(d) If a jury trial is not requested, the court may still continue the hearing at the respondent's request for no more than 10 calendar days.
(e) The respondent has a right to retain an independent licensed physician or other mental health professional to examine the respondent and to testify on the respondent's behalf. Upon request by an indigent respondent, the court shall appoint an independent licensed physician or other mental health professional to examine the respondent and testify on the respondent's behalf. The court shall consider an indigent respondent's request for a specific physician or mental health professional. A motion for the appointment may be filed in court at any reasonable time before the hearing and shall be acted upon promptly. Reasonable fees and expenses for expert examiners shall be determined by the rules of court.
(f) The proceeding shall in all respects be in accord with constitutional guarantees of due process and, except as otherwise specifically provided in AS 47.30.700 - 47.30.915, the rules of evidence and procedure in civil proceedings.
(g) Until the court issues a final decision, the respondent shall continue to be treated at the treatment facility unless the petition for 90-day commitment is withdrawn. If a decision has not been made within 20 days of filing of the petition, not including extensions of time due to jury trial or other requests by the respondent, the respondent shall be released.

Structure Alaska Statutes

Alaska Statutes

Title 47. Welfare, Social Services, and Institutions

Chapter 30. Mental Health

Article 7. Involuntary Admission for Treatment.

Sec. 47.30.700. Initial involuntary commitment procedures.

Sec. 47.30.705. Emergency detention for evaluation.

Sec. 47.30.707. Admission to and hold at a crisis stabilization center.

Sec. 47.30.708. Admission to and detention at a crisis residential center.

Sec. 47.30.709. Rights of respondents at crisis stabilization centers and crisis residential centers; psychotropic medication; time.

Sec. 47.30.710. Examination; hospitalization.

Sec. 47.30.715. Procedure after order.

Sec. 47.30.720. Release before expiration of 72-hour period.

Sec. 47.30.725. Rights; notification.

Sec. 47.30.730. Petition for 30-day commitment.

Sec. 47.30.735. 30-day commitment; hearing.

Sec. 47.30.740. Procedure for 90-day commitment following 30-day commitment.

Sec. 47.30.745. 90-day commitment hearing rights; continued commitment.

Sec. 47.30.750. Conduct of hearing.

Sec. 47.30.755. Court order.

Sec. 47.30.760. Placement at closest facility.

Sec. 47.30.765. Appeal.

Sec. 47.30.770. Additional 180-day commitment.

Sec. 47.30.772. Medication and treatment.

Sec. 47.30.775. Commitment of minors.

Sec. 47.30.780. Early discharge.

Sec. 47.30.785. Authorized absences.

Sec. 47.30.790. Unauthorized absences: return to facility; required notice.

Sec. 47.30.795. Involuntary outpatient care for committed persons.

Sec. 47.30.800. Conversion of involuntary outpatient treatment to inpatient commitment.

Sec. 47.30.803. Conversion from involuntary to voluntary status.

Sec. 47.30.805. Computation, extension, and expiration of periods of time.

Sec. 47.30.810. Habeas corpus not limited.

Sec. 47.30.815. Limitation of liability; bad faith application a felony.