(a) If, at any time during a respondent's hold at a crisis stabilization center or detention at a crisis residential center, the professional person in charge determines that the respondent does not meet the standard for a hold or detention, the respondent may no longer be held or detained. The professional person in charge shall notify the petitioner and the court, if applicable.
(b) When a respondent is held at a crisis stabilization center or detained at a crisis residential center, the respondent has the rights identified in AS 47.30.725 and,
(1) if an adult, the rights identified under AS 47.30.817 - 47.30.865; and
(2) if a minor, the rights identified in AS 47.30.700 - 47.30.865.
(c) A respondent subject to an involuntary stabilization hold or detention at a crisis stabilization center or crisis residential center may, at any time, convert to voluntary status if the professional person in charge agrees that
(1) the respondent is an appropriate patient for voluntary status; and
(2) the conversion is made in good faith.
(d) A crisis stabilization center or crisis residential center may administer psychotropic medication to an involuntarily held or detained respondent only in a manner that is consistent with AS 47.30.838.
(e) Computation of a 23-hour and 59-minute holding time at a crisis stabilization center includes Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, but does not include any period of time necessary to transport a respondent to a crisis stabilization center. Computation of a seven-day detention at a crisis residential center includes Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, but does not include any period of time necessary to transport a respondent to a crisis residential center.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Title 47. Welfare, Social Services, and Institutions
Article 7. Involuntary Admission for Treatment.
Sec. 47.30.700. Initial involuntary commitment procedures.
Sec. 47.30.705. Emergency detention for evaluation.
Sec. 47.30.707. Admission to and hold at a crisis stabilization center.
Sec. 47.30.708. Admission to and detention at a crisis residential center.
Sec. 47.30.710. Examination; hospitalization.
Sec. 47.30.715. Procedure after order.
Sec. 47.30.720. Release before expiration of 72-hour period.
Sec. 47.30.725. Rights; notification.
Sec. 47.30.730. Petition for 30-day commitment.
Sec. 47.30.735. 30-day commitment; hearing.
Sec. 47.30.740. Procedure for 90-day commitment following 30-day commitment.
Sec. 47.30.745. 90-day commitment hearing rights; continued commitment.
Sec. 47.30.750. Conduct of hearing.
Sec. 47.30.760. Placement at closest facility.
Sec. 47.30.770. Additional 180-day commitment.
Sec. 47.30.772. Medication and treatment.
Sec. 47.30.775. Commitment of minors.
Sec. 47.30.780. Early discharge.
Sec. 47.30.785. Authorized absences.
Sec. 47.30.790. Unauthorized absences: return to facility; required notice.
Sec. 47.30.795. Involuntary outpatient care for committed persons.
Sec. 47.30.800. Conversion of involuntary outpatient treatment to inpatient commitment.
Sec. 47.30.803. Conversion from involuntary to voluntary status.
Sec. 47.30.805. Computation, extension, and expiration of periods of time.
Sec. 47.30.810. Habeas corpus not limited.
Sec. 47.30.815. Limitation of liability; bad faith application a felony.