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Sec. 47.30.700. Initial involuntary commitment procedures. - (a) Upon petition of any adult, a judge shall immediately...
Sec. 47.30.705. Emergency detention for evaluation. - (a) A peace officer, health officer, mental health professional, or...
Sec. 47.30.707. Admission to and hold at a crisis stabilization center. - (a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, when...
Sec. 47.30.708. Admission to and detention at a crisis residential center. - (a) A respondent who is delivered to a crisis residential...
Sec. 47.30.709. Rights of respondents at crisis stabilization centers and crisis residential centers; psychotropic medication; time. - (a) If, at any time during a respondent's hold at...
Sec. 47.30.710. Examination; hospitalization. - (a) A respondent who is delivered under AS 47.30.700 -...
Sec. 47.30.715. Procedure after order. - When an evaluation facility receives a proper order for evaluation,...
Sec. 47.30.720. Release before expiration of 72-hour period. - If at any time in the course of the 72-hour...
Sec. 47.30.725. Rights; notification. - (a) When a respondent is detained for evaluation under AS...
Sec. 47.30.730. Petition for 30-day commitment. - (a) In the course of the 72-hour evaluation period, a...
Sec. 47.30.735. 30-day commitment; hearing. - (a) Upon receipt of a proper petition for commitment, the...
Sec. 47.30.740. Procedure for 90-day commitment following 30-day commitment. - (a) At any time during the respondent's 30-day commitment, the...
Sec. 47.30.745. 90-day commitment hearing rights; continued commitment. - (a) A respondent subject to a petition for 90-day commitment...
Sec. 47.30.750. Conduct of hearing. - The hearing under AS 47.30.745 shall be conducted in the...
Sec. 47.30.755. Court order. - (a) After the hearing and within the time limit specified...
Sec. 47.30.760. Placement at closest facility. - Treatment shall always be available at a state-operated hospital; however,...
Sec. 47.30.765. Appeal. - The respondent has the right to an appeal from an...
Sec. 47.30.770. Additional 180-day commitment. - (a) The respondent shall be released from involuntary treatment at...
Sec. 47.30.772. Medication and treatment. - An evaluation facility or designated treatment facility may administer medication...
Sec. 47.30.775. Commitment of minors. - The provisions of AS 47.30.700 - 47.30.815 apply to minors....
Sec. 47.30.780. Early discharge. - (a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, the...
Sec. 47.30.785. Authorized absences. - A respondent undergoing involuntary treatment on an inpatient basis under...
Sec. 47.30.790. Unauthorized absences: return to facility; required notice. - When a respondent undergoing involuntary treatment on an inpatient basis...
Sec. 47.30.795. Involuntary outpatient care for committed persons. - (a) A respondent who was originally committed to involuntary inpatient...
Sec. 47.30.800. Conversion of involuntary outpatient treatment to inpatient commitment. - (a) A respondent ordered by the court under the provisions...
Sec. 47.30.803. Conversion from involuntary to voluntary status. - A patient subject to involuntary hospitalization under AS 47.30.705, 47.30.735,...
Sec. 47.30.805. Computation, extension, and expiration of periods of time. - (a) Except as provided in (b) of this section, (1)...
Sec. 47.30.810. Habeas corpus not limited. - Nothing in AS 47.30.660 - 47.30.915 may be construed as...
Sec. 47.30.815. Limitation of liability; bad faith application a felony. - (a) A person acting in good faith upon either actual...