Alaska Statutes
Article 1. Election Precincts and Officials.
Sec. 15.10.108. Youth vote ambassador program.

(a) The youth vote ambassador program is established in the division of elections.
(b) In order to serve as a member of the youth vote ambassador program, an individual must
(1) be a student age 16 or older
(A) enrolled in a public or private high school program in this state; or
(B) being educated in the student's home by a parent or legal guardian in this state under AS 14.30.010(b)(12);
(2) volunteer to serve in the youth vote ambassador program and be appointed to the youth vote ambassador program by the director of elections; and
(3) if appointed, agree to complete a program of training as determined by the director of elections.
(c) An election supervisor may appoint a member of the youth vote ambassador program to serve on a precinct election board appointed under AS 15.10.120. A program member who is appointed to serve on an election board under this subsection serves under the supervision of the chairperson for that board.
(d) A member of the program who is appointed under (c) of this section is compensated as provided in AS 15.15.380 only for service on the election board of the precinct.
(e) A member of the program may provide unpaid volunteer services related to education and outreach on state elections as directed by, and under the supervision of, the director of elections.
(f) In this section, “program” means the youth vote ambassador program.