(a) The division of elections is created. The lieutenant governor shall control and supervise the division of elections. The lieutenant governor shall appoint a director of elections. The director shall act for the lieutenant governor in the supervision of central and regional election offices, the hiring, performance evaluation, promotion, termination, and all other matters relating to the employment and training of election personnel, and the administration of all state elections as well as those municipal elections that the state is required to conduct. The director is responsible for the coordination of state responsibilities under 42 U.S.C. 1973gg (National Voter Registration Act of 1993). The director serves at the pleasure of the lieutenant governor.
(b) It is essential that the nonpartisan nature, integrity, credibility, and impartiality of the administration of elections be maintained. To that end,
(1) the director of elections, the election supervisors appointed under AS 15.10.110, and the full-time members of the director's staff
(A) may not join, support or otherwise participate in a partisan political organization, faction, or activity, including but not limited to the making of political contributions; and
(B) may not hold or campaign for elective office, be an officer of a political party or member or officer of a political committee, permit their name to be used, or make any contributions, in support of or in opposition to a candidate or a ballot proposition or question, participate in any way in a national, state, or local election campaign, or lobby or employ or assist a lobbyist;
(2) the full-time employees of the division of elections, except for the director of elections and the elections supervisors appointed under AS 15.10.110, are subject to the personnel rules adopted under the authority of AS 39.25.150(7), (15), and (16); and
(3) the director of elections, the election supervisors appointed under AS 15.10.110, and the full-time members of the director's staff may, notwithstanding (1) of this subsection, express private opinion, register as to political party, and vote.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 10. Election Precincts, Election Officials, and Redistricting
Article 1. Election Precincts and Officials.
Sec. 15.10.010. Precinct boundaries initially established.
Sec. 15.10.020. Precinct boundaries and polling places modified by director.
Sec. 15.10.030. Uniform precinct boundaries required for state and local elections.
Sec. 15.10.040. Restriction on precinct boundary modification.
Sec. 15.10.050. General duty and standard for precinct boundary modification.
Sec. 15.10.070. Precinct boundary identification.
Sec. 15.10.080. Dates for designating precinct boundary.
Sec. 15.10.090. Notice of precinct boundary or polling place designation and modification.
Sec. 15.10.100. Judicial review of precinct boundary.
Sec. 15.10.105. Division of elections; personnel rules.
Sec. 15.10.107. Staff training.
Sec. 15.10.108. Youth vote ambassador program.
Sec. 15.10.110. Appointment of election supervisors.
Sec. 15.10.120. Appointment of election board.
Sec. 15.10.125. Appointment of additional election boards.
Sec. 15.10.140. Appointment of counters.
Sec. 15.10.170. Appointment and privileges of watchers.
Sec. 15.10.180. Appointment of state ballot counting review board.