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Sec. 15.10.010. Precinct boundaries initially established. - The state is divided into the election precincts as established...
Sec. 15.10.020. Precinct boundaries and polling places modified by director. - (a) The director shall have the exclusive power to modify...
Sec. 15.10.030. Uniform precinct boundaries required for state and local elections. - The precinct boundaries established by the director shall be the...
Sec. 15.10.040. Restriction on precinct boundary modification. - A precinct may not include territory lying within more than...
Sec. 15.10.050. General duty and standard for precinct boundary modification. - The director shall modify the boundary of a precinct, and...
Sec. 15.10.070. Precinct boundary identification. - Each precinct shall be given an appropriate name or number...
Sec. 15.10.080. Dates for designating precinct boundary. - The director shall designate boundaries of an election precinct which...
Sec. 15.10.090. Notice of precinct boundary or polling place designation and modification. - The director shall give full public notice if a precinct...
Sec. 15.10.100. Judicial review of precinct boundary. - Any person aggrieved by a determination of precinct boundaries by...
Sec. 15.10.105. Division of elections; personnel rules. - (a) The division of elections is created. The lieutenant governor...
Sec. 15.10.107. Staff training. - The director shall, before each primary election in even-numbered years,...
Sec. 15.10.108. Youth vote ambassador program. - (a) The youth vote ambassador program is established in the...
Sec. 15.10.110. Appointment of election supervisors. - The director shall appoint election supervisors, including one in each...
Sec. 15.10.120. Appointment of election board. - (a) An election supervisor shall appoint in each precinct within...
Sec. 15.10.125. Appointment of additional election boards. - In each precinct having 200 or more voters additional election...
Sec. 15.10.140. Appointment of counters. - The chairperson of the election board may appoint a team...
Sec. 15.10.170. Appointment and privileges of watchers. - (a) The precinct party committee, where an organized precinct committee...
Sec. 15.10.180. Appointment of state ballot counting review board. - The director shall appoint two persons from the political party...