The director shall give full public notice if a precinct is established or abolished, if the boundaries of a precinct are designated, abolished, or modified, or if the location of a polling place is changed. Public notice must include
(1) whenever possible, sending written notice of the change to each affected registered voter in the precinct;
(2) providing notice of the change
(A) by publication once in a local newspaper of general circulation in the precinct; or
(B) if there is not a local newspaper of general circulation in the precinct, by posting written notice in three conspicuous places as close to the precinct as possible; at least one posting location must be in the precinct;
(3) posting notice of the change on the Internet website of the division of elections;
(4) providing notification of the change to the appropriate municipal clerks, community councils, tribal groups, Native villages, and village regional corporations established under 43 U.S.C. 1606 (Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act); and
(5) inclusion in the official election pamphlet.
Structure Alaska Statutes
Chapter 10. Election Precincts, Election Officials, and Redistricting
Article 1. Election Precincts and Officials.
Sec. 15.10.010. Precinct boundaries initially established.
Sec. 15.10.020. Precinct boundaries and polling places modified by director.
Sec. 15.10.030. Uniform precinct boundaries required for state and local elections.
Sec. 15.10.040. Restriction on precinct boundary modification.
Sec. 15.10.050. General duty and standard for precinct boundary modification.
Sec. 15.10.070. Precinct boundary identification.
Sec. 15.10.080. Dates for designating precinct boundary.
Sec. 15.10.090. Notice of precinct boundary or polling place designation and modification.
Sec. 15.10.100. Judicial review of precinct boundary.
Sec. 15.10.105. Division of elections; personnel rules.
Sec. 15.10.107. Staff training.
Sec. 15.10.108. Youth vote ambassador program.
Sec. 15.10.110. Appointment of election supervisors.
Sec. 15.10.120. Appointment of election board.
Sec. 15.10.125. Appointment of additional election boards.
Sec. 15.10.140. Appointment of counters.
Sec. 15.10.170. Appointment and privileges of watchers.
Sec. 15.10.180. Appointment of state ballot counting review board.