Alaska Statutes
Article 1. Election Precincts and Officials.
Sec. 15.10.090. Notice of precinct boundary or polling place designation and modification.

The director shall give full public notice if a precinct is established or abolished, if the boundaries of a precinct are designated, abolished, or modified, or if the location of a polling place is changed. Public notice must include
(1) whenever possible, sending written notice of the change to each affected registered voter in the precinct;
(2) providing notice of the change
(A) by publication once in a local newspaper of general circulation in the precinct; or
(B) if there is not a local newspaper of general circulation in the precinct, by posting written notice in three conspicuous places as close to the precinct as possible; at least one posting location must be in the precinct;
(3) posting notice of the change on the Internet website of the division of elections;
(4) providing notification of the change to the appropriate municipal clerks, community councils, tribal groups, Native villages, and village regional corporations established under 43 U.S.C. 1606 (Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act); and
(5) inclusion in the official election pamphlet.