2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 419A - Juvenile Code: General Provisions and Definitions
Section 419A.260 - Expunction; definitions.

(a) "Contact" means any instance in which a person’s act or behavior, or alleged act or behavior, which could result in a referral to a juvenile department or a juvenile court’s assumption of jurisdiction under ORS 419B.100 (1)(a) to (c) and (f) or 419C.005 comes to the attention of an agency specified in paragraph (d) of this subsection.
(b) "Expunction" means:
(A) The removal by destruction of a judgment or order related to a contact and all records and references associated with a subject person;
(B) The removal by sealing of a judgment or order related to a contact and all records and references associated with a subject person;
(C) The removal by redaction of a subject person’s name and all personal identifiers and all references to the subject person within a record; or
(D) If a record is kept by the Department of Human Services the department’s affixing to the front of the file containing the record a stamp or statement identifying the name of the individual, the date of expunction and instruction that no further reference may be made to the record that is subject to the expunction notice or order.
(c) "Person" includes a person under 18 years of age.
(d) "Record" includes a fingerprint or photograph file, report, exhibit or other material which contains information relating to a person’s contact with any law enforcement agency, juvenile court or juvenile department, the Psychiatric Security Review Board, the Department of Human Services, the Oregon Youth Authority or the Oregon Health Authority and is kept manually, through the use of electronic data processing equipment, or by any other means by a law enforcement or public investigative agency, a juvenile court or juvenile department or an agency of the State of Oregon. "Record" does not include:
(A) A transcript of a student’s Youth Corrections Education Program academic record;
(B) Material on file with a public agency which is necessary for obtaining federal financial participation regarding financial assistance or services on behalf of a person who has had a contact;
(C) Records kept or disseminated by the Department of Transportation, State Marine Board and State Fish and Wildlife Commission pursuant to juvenile or adult order or recommendation;
(D) Police and court records related to an order of waiver where the matter is still pending in the adult court or on appeal therefrom, or to any disposition as an adult pursuant to such order;
(E) Records related to a support obligation;
(F) Medical records other than those related to a finding of responsible except for insanity under ORS 419C.411;
(G) Records of a proposed or adjudicated termination of parental rights and adoptions;
(H) Any law enforcement record of a person who currently does not qualify for expunction or of current investigations or cases waived to the adult court;
(I) Records and case reports of the Oregon Supreme Court and the Oregon Court of Appeals;
(J) Any records in cases under ORS 419C.005 in which a juvenile court found a person to be within the jurisdiction of the court based upon the person’s commission of an act which if done by an adult would constitute one of the following offenses:
(i) Aggravated murder under ORS 163.095;
(ii) Murder in any degree under ORS 163.107 or 163.115;
(iii) Attempt, solicitation or conspiracy to commit murder in any degree or aggravated murder;
(iv) Manslaughter in the first degree under ORS 163.118;
(v) Manslaughter in the second degree under ORS 163.125;
(vi) Criminally negligent homicide under ORS 163.145;
(vii) Assault in the first degree under ORS 163.185;
(viii) Criminal mistreatment in the first degree under ORS 163.205;
(ix) Kidnapping in the first degree under ORS 163.235;
(x) Rape in the third degree under ORS 163.355;
(xi) Rape in the second degree under ORS 163.365;
(xii) Rape in the first degree under ORS 163.375;
(xiii) Sodomy in the third degree under ORS 163.385;
(xiv) Sodomy in the second degree under ORS 163.395;
(xv) Sodomy in the first degree under ORS 163.405;
(xvi) Unlawful sexual penetration in the second degree under ORS 163.408;
(xvii) Unlawful sexual penetration in the first degree under ORS 163.411;
(xviii) Sexual abuse in the third degree under ORS 163.415;
(xix) Sexual abuse in the second degree under ORS 163.425;
(xx) Sexual abuse in the first degree under ORS 163.427;
(xxi) Promoting prostitution under ORS 167.012;
(xxii) Compelling prostitution under ORS 167.017;
(xxiii) Aggravated driving while suspended or revoked under ORS 163.196;
(xxiv) Aggravated vehicular homicide under ORS 163.149; or
(xxv) An attempt to commit a crime listed in this subparagraph other than manslaughter in the second degree and criminally negligent homicide;
(K) Blood samples, buccal samples and other physical evidence and identification information obtained, stored or maintained by the Department of State Police under authority of ORS 137.076, 181A.155 or 419C.473;
(L) Records maintained in the Law Enforcement Data System under ORS 163A.035; or
(M) Records of a law enforcement agency or public investigative agency concerning an open or otherwise unresolved investigation.
(e) "Termination" means:
(A) For a person who is the subject of a record kept by a juvenile court or juvenile department, the final disposition of a case by informal means, by a decision not to place the person on probation or make the person a ward of the court after the person has been found to be within the court’s jurisdiction or by a discontinuance of probation, of the court’s wardship or of the jurisdiction of the Psychiatric Security Review Board, the Oregon Health Authority or the Department of Human Services.
(B) For a person who is the subject of a record kept by a law enforcement or public investigative agency, a juvenile court or juvenile department or an agency of the State of Oregon, the final disposition of the person’s most recent contact with a law enforcement agency.
(2) The juvenile court or juvenile department shall make reasonable effort to provide written notice to a child who is within the court’s jurisdiction under ORS 419B.100 (1)(a) to (c) and (f) or to a youth who is within the court’s jurisdiction under ORS 419C.005, and to the child’s or youth’s parent, of the procedures for expunction of a record, the right to and procedure to access counsel under this chapter, the legal effect of an expunction order and the procedures for seeking relief from the duty to report as a sex offender provided under ORS 163A.130, at the following times:
(a) At any dispositional hearing or at the time of entering into a formal accountability agreement;
(b) At the time of termination;
(c) Upon notice to the subject of an expunction pending pursuant to application of a juvenile department or motion on a juvenile court; and
(d) At the time of notice of execution of an expunction order. [1993 c.33 §50; 1993 c.546 §93; 1993 c.602 §2; 1995 c.422 §69; 1999 c.97 §4; 1999 c.111 §1; 1999 c.626 §17; amendments by 1999 c.626 §40 repealed by 2001 c.884 §1; 2001 c.884 §§3b,3d; 2007 c.867 §8; 2009 c.783 §7; 2013 c.708 §27; 2015 c.320 §2; 2019 c.635 §22; 2021 c.585 §5]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 11 - Juvenile Code, Human Services

Chapter 419A - Juvenile Code: General Provisions and Definitions

Section 419A.004 - Definitions.

Section 419A.010 - Appointment of counselors and director; juvenile director oversight committee.

Section 419A.012 - Duties of director or counselor.

Section 419A.014 - Reports by juvenile department.

Section 419A.015 - Reports to school administrators concerning adjudicated youths on probation.

Section 419A.020 - County responsibility for expenses of juvenile department.

Section 419A.050 - Authority to acquire, equip and maintain detention and shelter facilities.

Section 419A.052 - Specifications of facilities.

Section 419A.055 - Examination of facilities; capacity limits; standards for release; notice.

Section 419A.057 - Payment of maintenance expenses; admission of adjudicated youths.

Section 419A.059 - Designation of detention and shelter facilities.

Section 419A.063 - Requirements for detention facilities.

Section 419A.092 - Membership; training.

Section 419A.096 - Duties of Judicial Department in administering boards.

Section 419A.098 - Rules.

Section 419A.100 - Confidentiality of information; penalty.

Section 419A.102 - Access to confidential information by boards; procedure.

Section 419A.106 - Review of cases generally.

Section 419A.107 - Review of cases of adjudicated youths.

Section 419A.108 - Procedure for conflicts of interest.

Section 419A.109 - Review of cases of wards for whom guardian has been appointed; rules.

Section 419A.110 - Immunity of participants in case review.

Section 419A.112 - Disclosure of information to participants in case review; confidentiality.

Section 419A.114 - When presence of agency personnel at board hearings required.

Section 419A.116 - Findings and recommendations; judicial review.

Section 419A.118 - Records; disclosure of findings and recommendations.

Section 419A.120 - Court use of findings and recommendations.

Section 419A.122 - Use of findings and recommendations by Department of Human Services.

Section 419A.128 - State Citizen Review Board Operating Account.

Section 419A.150 - Appointment; qualifications; hearings; orders; rehearings.

Section 419A.200 - Who may appeal; time limitations; procedure; effect of filing appeal; record on appeal; disclosure.

Section 419A.205 - Judgments described; jurisdiction of juvenile court during pendency of appeal; disposition.

Section 419A.208 - Orders subject to appeal by state; effect of appeal of preadjudicatory order.

Section 419A.209 - Joint motion to vacate judgment or order; appeal after reconsideration.

Section 419A.211 - Appointment of counsel.

Section 419A.240 - Use of restraints during juvenile court proceedings.

Section 419A.245 - Use of restraints during transport.

Section 419A.250 - Authority; segregation of records; access; when records may be kept with those of adults; destruction of records; missing children.

Section 419A.252 - Definitions for ORS 419A.252, 419A.253, 419A.255 and 419A.256.

Section 419A.253 - When information in report, material or document considered by court must be identified in record.

Section 419A.255 - Maintenance; disclosure; exceptions to confidentiality.

Section 419A.256 - When transcript of proceeding is part of record of case; access to transcript; disclosure.

Section 419A.257 - Reports and materials privileged; permissible disclosures; use of materials in evidence.

Section 419A.258 - Motion to inspect or copy records.

Section 419A.260 - Expunction; definitions.

Section 419A.262 - Expunction proceeding; notice to victim.

Section 419A.265 - Eligibility for order of expunction for certain adjudications involving marijuana.

Section 419A.267 - Notice of expunction; forms.

Section 419A.269 - Effect of expunction; confidentiality violations; penalties.

Section 419A.271 - Appointment of counsel.

Section 419A.300 - Reports to school districts concerning young persons on conditional release.

Section 419A.305 - Notice to school administrators concerning students subject to juvenile court petitions.