2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 419A - Juvenile Code: General Provisions and Definitions
Section 419A.020 - County responsibility for expenses of juvenile department.

(2) When two or more counties have counselors appointed to serve the counties jointly, each county shall provide funds to pay its share of the costs and expenses of the employment of counselors and maintaining juvenile departments. The method of determining the portion of such costs and expenses each county is to bear must be provided in the agreement made between the counties under ORS 419A.010 (1)(b). [1993 c.33 §16; 2003 c.396 §5; 2021 c.489 §35]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 11 - Juvenile Code, Human Services

Chapter 419A - Juvenile Code: General Provisions and Definitions

Section 419A.004 - Definitions.

Section 419A.010 - Appointment of counselors and director; juvenile director oversight committee.

Section 419A.012 - Duties of director or counselor.

Section 419A.014 - Reports by juvenile department.

Section 419A.015 - Reports to school administrators concerning adjudicated youths on probation.

Section 419A.020 - County responsibility for expenses of juvenile department.

Section 419A.050 - Authority to acquire, equip and maintain detention and shelter facilities.

Section 419A.052 - Specifications of facilities.

Section 419A.055 - Examination of facilities; capacity limits; standards for release; notice.

Section 419A.057 - Payment of maintenance expenses; admission of adjudicated youths.

Section 419A.059 - Designation of detention and shelter facilities.

Section 419A.063 - Requirements for detention facilities.

Section 419A.092 - Membership; training.

Section 419A.096 - Duties of Judicial Department in administering boards.

Section 419A.098 - Rules.

Section 419A.100 - Confidentiality of information; penalty.

Section 419A.102 - Access to confidential information by boards; procedure.

Section 419A.106 - Review of cases generally.

Section 419A.107 - Review of cases of adjudicated youths.

Section 419A.108 - Procedure for conflicts of interest.

Section 419A.109 - Review of cases of wards for whom guardian has been appointed; rules.

Section 419A.110 - Immunity of participants in case review.

Section 419A.112 - Disclosure of information to participants in case review; confidentiality.

Section 419A.114 - When presence of agency personnel at board hearings required.

Section 419A.116 - Findings and recommendations; judicial review.

Section 419A.118 - Records; disclosure of findings and recommendations.

Section 419A.120 - Court use of findings and recommendations.

Section 419A.122 - Use of findings and recommendations by Department of Human Services.

Section 419A.128 - State Citizen Review Board Operating Account.

Section 419A.150 - Appointment; qualifications; hearings; orders; rehearings.

Section 419A.200 - Who may appeal; time limitations; procedure; effect of filing appeal; record on appeal; disclosure.

Section 419A.205 - Judgments described; jurisdiction of juvenile court during pendency of appeal; disposition.

Section 419A.208 - Orders subject to appeal by state; effect of appeal of preadjudicatory order.

Section 419A.209 - Joint motion to vacate judgment or order; appeal after reconsideration.

Section 419A.211 - Appointment of counsel.

Section 419A.240 - Use of restraints during juvenile court proceedings.

Section 419A.245 - Use of restraints during transport.

Section 419A.250 - Authority; segregation of records; access; when records may be kept with those of adults; destruction of records; missing children.

Section 419A.252 - Definitions for ORS 419A.252, 419A.253, 419A.255 and 419A.256.

Section 419A.253 - When information in report, material or document considered by court must be identified in record.

Section 419A.255 - Maintenance; disclosure; exceptions to confidentiality.

Section 419A.256 - When transcript of proceeding is part of record of case; access to transcript; disclosure.

Section 419A.257 - Reports and materials privileged; permissible disclosures; use of materials in evidence.

Section 419A.258 - Motion to inspect or copy records.

Section 419A.260 - Expunction; definitions.

Section 419A.262 - Expunction proceeding; notice to victim.

Section 419A.265 - Eligibility for order of expunction for certain adjudications involving marijuana.

Section 419A.267 - Notice of expunction; forms.

Section 419A.269 - Effect of expunction; confidentiality violations; penalties.

Section 419A.271 - Appointment of counsel.

Section 419A.300 - Reports to school districts concerning young persons on conditional release.

Section 419A.305 - Notice to school administrators concerning students subject to juvenile court petitions.