2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 419A - Juvenile Code: General Provisions and Definitions
Section 419A.004 - Definitions.

(1) "Adjudicated youth" means a person who has been found to be within the jurisdiction of the juvenile court under ORS 419C.005 for an act committed when the person was under 18 years of age.
(2) "Age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate activities" means:
(a) Activities or items that are generally accepted as suitable for children of the same chronological age or level of maturity or that are determined to be developmentally appropriate for a child, based on the development of cognitive, emotional, physical and behavioral capacities that are typical for an age or age group; and
(b) In the case of a specific child, activities or items that are suitable for the child based on the developmental stages attained by the child with respect to the cognitive, emotional, physical and behavioral capacities of the child.
(3) "Another planned permanent living arrangement" means an out-of-home placement for a ward 16 years of age or older that is consistent with the case plan and in the best interests of the ward other than placement:
(a) By adoption;
(b) With a legal guardian; or
(c) With a fit and willing relative.
(4) "CASA Volunteer Program" means a program that is approved or sanctioned by a juvenile court, has received accreditation from the National CASA Association and has entered into a contract with the statewide coordinating entity contracted with by the Oregon Department of Administrative Services under ORS 184.492 to recruit, train and supervise diverse and culturally responsive volunteers to serve as court appointed special advocates.
(5) "Child care center" means a residential facility for wards or adjudicated youths that is licensed, certified or otherwise authorized as a child-caring agency as that term is defined in ORS 418.205.
(6) "Community service" has the meaning given that term in ORS 137.126.
(7) "Conflict of interest" means a person appointed to a local citizen review board who has a personal or pecuniary interest in a case being reviewed by that board.
(8) "Counselor" means a juvenile department counselor or a county juvenile probation officer.
(9) "Court" means the juvenile court.
(10) "Court appointed special advocate" means a person in a CASA Volunteer Program who is appointed by the court to act as a court appointed special advocate pursuant to ORS 419B.112.
(11) "Court facility" has the meaning given that term in ORS 166.360.
(12) "Current caretaker" means a foster parent:
(a) Who is currently caring for a ward who is in the legal custody of the Department of Human Services and who has a permanency plan or concurrent permanent plan of adoption; and
(b) Who has cared for the ward, or at least one sibling of the ward, for at least 12 cumulative months or for one-half of the ward’s or sibling’s life where the ward or sibling is younger than two years of age, calculated cumulatively.
(13) "Department" means the Department of Human Services.
(14) "Detention" or "detention facility" means a facility established under ORS 419A.010 to 419A.020 and 419A.050 to 419A.063 for the detention of youths or adjudicated youths pursuant to a judicial commitment or order.
(15) "Director" means the director of a juvenile department established under ORS 419A.010 to 419A.020 and 419A.050 to 419A.063.
(16) "Guardian" means guardian of the person and not guardian of the estate.
(17) "Indian child" has the meaning given that term in ORS 419B.603.
(18) "Juvenile court" means the court having jurisdiction of juvenile matters in the several counties of this state.
(19) "Local citizen review board" means the board specified by ORS 419A.090 and 419A.092.
(20) "Parent" means the biological or adoptive mother and the legal parent of the child, ward, youth or adjudicated youth. As used in this subsection, "legal parent" means:
(a) A person who has adopted the child, ward, youth or adjudicated youth or whose parentage has been established or declared under ORS 25.501 to 25.556 or 109.065 or by a juvenile court; and
(b) If the child is an Indian child, a man whose parentage has been established as described in ORS 419B.609.
(21) "Permanent foster care" means an out-of-home placement in which there is a long-term contractual foster care agreement between the foster parents and the department that is approved by the juvenile court and in which the foster parents commit to raise a ward in substitute care or adjudicated youth until the age of majority.
(22) "Public building" has the meaning given that term in ORS 166.360.
(23) "Proctor foster home" has the meaning given that term in ORS 418.205.
(24) "Qualified residential treatment program" means a program described in ORS 418.323.
(25) "Reasonable and prudent parent standard" means the standard, characterized by careful and sensible parental decisions that maintain the health, safety and best interests of a child or ward while encouraging the emotional and developmental growth of the child or ward, that a substitute care provider shall use when determining whether to allow a child or ward in substitute care to participate in extracurricular, enrichment, cultural and social activities.
(26) "Reasonable time" means a period of time that is reasonable given a child or ward’s emotional and developmental needs and ability to form and maintain lasting attachments.
(27) "Records" means any information in written form, pictures, photographs, charts, graphs, recordings or documents pertaining to a case.
(28) "Resides" or "residence," when used in reference to the residence of a child, ward, youth or adjudicated youth, means the place where the child, ward, youth or adjudicated youth is actually living or the jurisdiction in which wardship or jurisdiction has been established.
(29) "Restitution" has the meaning given that term in ORS 137.103.
(30) "Serious physical injury" means:
(a) A serious physical injury as defined in ORS 161.015; or
(b) A physical injury that:
(A) Has a permanent or protracted significant effect on a child’s daily activities;
(B) Results in substantial and recurring pain; or
(C) In the case of a child under 10 years of age, is a broken bone.
(31) "Shelter care" means a home or other facility suitable for the safekeeping of a child, ward, youth or adjudicated youth who is taken into temporary custody pending investigation and disposition.
(32) "Short-term detention facility" means a facility established under ORS 419A.050 (3) for holding youths and adjudicated youths pending further placement.
(33) "Sibling" means one of two or more children or wards related:
(a) By blood or adoption through a common legal parent; or
(b) Through the marriage of the children’s or wards’ legal or biological parents.
(34)(a) "Substitute care" means an out-of-home placement directly supervised by the department or other agency, including placement in a foster family home, group home, child-caring agency as defined in ORS 418.205 or other child caring institution or facility.
(b) "Substitute care" does not include care in:
(A) A detention facility, forestry camp or youth correction facility;
(B) A family home that the court has approved as a ward’s permanent placement, when a child-caring agency as defined in ORS 418.205 has been appointed guardian of the ward and when the ward’s care is entirely privately financed;
(C) In-home placement subject to conditions or limitations;
(D) A facility or other entity that houses or provides services only to adjudicated youths committed to the custody of the Oregon Youth Authority by the juvenile court; or
(E) An adjudicated youth foster home as that term is defined in ORS 420.888.
(35) "Surrogate" means a person appointed by the court to protect the right of the child, ward, youth or adjudicated youth to receive procedural safeguards with respect to the provision of free appropriate public education.
(36) "Tribal court" has the meaning given that term in ORS 419B.603.
(37) "Victim" means any person determined by the district attorney, the juvenile department or the court to have suffered direct financial, psychological or physical harm as a result of the act that has brought the youth or adjudicated youth before the juvenile court. When the victim is a minor, "victim" includes the legal guardian of the minor. The youth or adjudicated youth may not be considered the victim. When the victim of the crime cannot be determined, the people of Oregon, as represented by the district attorney, are considered the victims.
(38) "Violent felony" means any offense that, if committed by an adult, would constitute a felony and:
(a) Involves actual or threatened serious physical injury to a victim; or
(b) Is a sexual offense. As used in this paragraph, "sexual offense" has the meaning given the term "sex crime" in ORS 163A.005.
(39) "Ward" means a person within the jurisdiction of the juvenile court under ORS 419B.100.
(40) "Young person" means a person who has been found responsible except for insanity under ORS 419C.411 and placed under the jurisdiction of the Psychiatric Security Review Board.
(41) "Youth" means a person under 18 years of age who is alleged to have committed an act that is a violation, or, if done by an adult would constitute a violation, of a law or ordinance of the United States or a state, county or city.
(42) "Youth care center" has the meaning given that term in ORS 420.855. [1993 c.33 §2; 1993 c.546 §2; 1995 c.422 §65; 1997 c.130 §11; 1997 c.696 §2; 1997 c.873 §4; 1999 c.59 §116; 1999 c.109 §3; 1999 c.577 §11; 1999 c.859 §6; 1999 c.1095 §17; 2001 c.485 §3; 2001 c.900 §122; 2001 c.904 §12; 2001 c.910 §2; 2003 c.396 §1; 2003 c.576 §446; 2005 c.160 §1; 2005 c.517 §2; 2005 c.843 §1; 2007 c.609 §§7,8; 2007 c.806 §§1,2; 2009 c.178 §31; 2012 c.97 §30; 2015 c.254 §1; 2015 c.795 §2; 2016 c.106 §46; 2017 c.351 §1; 2017 c.630 §8; 2017 c.651 §41; 2019 c.382 §1; 2019 c.619 §11; 2020 s.s.1 c.14 §26; 2020 s.s.1 c.19 §§17a,17b; 2021 c.459 §4; 2021 c.489 §1]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 11 - Juvenile Code, Human Services

Chapter 419A - Juvenile Code: General Provisions and Definitions

Section 419A.004 - Definitions.

Section 419A.010 - Appointment of counselors and director; juvenile director oversight committee.

Section 419A.012 - Duties of director or counselor.

Section 419A.014 - Reports by juvenile department.

Section 419A.015 - Reports to school administrators concerning adjudicated youths on probation.

Section 419A.020 - County responsibility for expenses of juvenile department.

Section 419A.050 - Authority to acquire, equip and maintain detention and shelter facilities.

Section 419A.052 - Specifications of facilities.

Section 419A.055 - Examination of facilities; capacity limits; standards for release; notice.

Section 419A.057 - Payment of maintenance expenses; admission of adjudicated youths.

Section 419A.059 - Designation of detention and shelter facilities.

Section 419A.063 - Requirements for detention facilities.

Section 419A.092 - Membership; training.

Section 419A.096 - Duties of Judicial Department in administering boards.

Section 419A.098 - Rules.

Section 419A.100 - Confidentiality of information; penalty.

Section 419A.102 - Access to confidential information by boards; procedure.

Section 419A.106 - Review of cases generally.

Section 419A.107 - Review of cases of adjudicated youths.

Section 419A.108 - Procedure for conflicts of interest.

Section 419A.109 - Review of cases of wards for whom guardian has been appointed; rules.

Section 419A.110 - Immunity of participants in case review.

Section 419A.112 - Disclosure of information to participants in case review; confidentiality.

Section 419A.114 - When presence of agency personnel at board hearings required.

Section 419A.116 - Findings and recommendations; judicial review.

Section 419A.118 - Records; disclosure of findings and recommendations.

Section 419A.120 - Court use of findings and recommendations.

Section 419A.122 - Use of findings and recommendations by Department of Human Services.

Section 419A.128 - State Citizen Review Board Operating Account.

Section 419A.150 - Appointment; qualifications; hearings; orders; rehearings.

Section 419A.200 - Who may appeal; time limitations; procedure; effect of filing appeal; record on appeal; disclosure.

Section 419A.205 - Judgments described; jurisdiction of juvenile court during pendency of appeal; disposition.

Section 419A.208 - Orders subject to appeal by state; effect of appeal of preadjudicatory order.

Section 419A.209 - Joint motion to vacate judgment or order; appeal after reconsideration.

Section 419A.211 - Appointment of counsel.

Section 419A.240 - Use of restraints during juvenile court proceedings.

Section 419A.245 - Use of restraints during transport.

Section 419A.250 - Authority; segregation of records; access; when records may be kept with those of adults; destruction of records; missing children.

Section 419A.252 - Definitions for ORS 419A.252, 419A.253, 419A.255 and 419A.256.

Section 419A.253 - When information in report, material or document considered by court must be identified in record.

Section 419A.255 - Maintenance; disclosure; exceptions to confidentiality.

Section 419A.256 - When transcript of proceeding is part of record of case; access to transcript; disclosure.

Section 419A.257 - Reports and materials privileged; permissible disclosures; use of materials in evidence.

Section 419A.258 - Motion to inspect or copy records.

Section 419A.260 - Expunction; definitions.

Section 419A.262 - Expunction proceeding; notice to victim.

Section 419A.265 - Eligibility for order of expunction for certain adjudications involving marijuana.

Section 419A.267 - Notice of expunction; forms.

Section 419A.269 - Effect of expunction; confidentiality violations; penalties.

Section 419A.271 - Appointment of counsel.

Section 419A.300 - Reports to school districts concerning young persons on conditional release.

Section 419A.305 - Notice to school administrators concerning students subject to juvenile court petitions.