2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 418 - Child Welfare Services
Section 418.979 - Purpose; duties; rules.

(2) The primary duty of the council is to develop and maintain a state system of care policy and a comprehensive, long-range plan for a coordinated state system of care that encompasses public health, health systems, child welfare, education, juvenile justice and services and supports for mental and behavioral health and people with intellectual or developmental disabilities. The plan must include, but need not be limited to, recommendations regarding:
(a) Capacity, utilization and types of state and local systems of care and services and supports;
(b) Implementation of in-home behavioral health services, crisis and transition services, therapeutic foster care, in-home family support services and the integration of those services with existing programs of residential services for individuals with behavioral health needs and intellectual developmental disabilities;
(c) Appropriate use of existing systems of care and services and supports;
(d) Whether additional services and supports are necessary to address gaps in coverage;
(e) Methods for assessing the effectiveness of systems of care and services and supports in reducing juvenile dependency or delinquency;
(f) Methods of reducing risk of future juvenile dependency or delinquency;
(g) The effective utilization of the local system of care governance structure;
(h) Guidelines for partner agency core values and guiding principles; and
(i) Guidelines that ensure cultural competence in the provision of services and supports by:
(A) Implementing uniform standards to allow local system of care teams to describe the culturally responsive services and supports available in a system of care.
(B) Providing youth and families with understandable and effective system of care services in a manner compatible with their disabilities, cultural beliefs and practices, literacy skills and language.
(C) Developing and implementing a process to review practices accepted by diverse communities.
(D) Identifying ways to continually improve culturally competent system of care services and implementing a statewide system of care that reflects culturally competent practices.
(3) Other duties of the council are to:
(a) Conduct joint studies by agreement with other state agencies, boards or commissions on any matter within the jurisdiction of the council;
(b) Provide oversight of the implementation of the services described in subsection (2)(b) of this section by the Oregon Health Authority, the Oregon Youth Authority and the Department of Human Services and to provide periodic updates on the agencies’ implementation to the Legislative Assembly;
(c) Provide recommendations to the Director of the Oregon Health Authority, the Director of the Oregon Youth Authority and the Director of Human Services as necessary for the agencies to maintain and strengthen the systems of care;
(d) Make recommendations to the Director of the Oregon Health Authority, the Director of the Oregon Youth Authority and the Director of Human Services to reduce barriers to implementation of systems of care;
(e) Continually monitor and update the Children’s System Data Dashboard described in ORS 418.981, with a specific focus on the number of youth placed in hotels, out-of-state placements, emergency department boarding, congregate care facilities, shelter care or Oregon Youth Authority custody; and
(f) Award grants from funds appropriated by the Legislative Assembly to the council or from funds otherwise available from any other source, for the purpose of supporting local system of care governance and for carrying out the recommendations in the council’s plan developed under subsection (2) of this section.
(4)(a) On or before January 2 of each even-numbered year, the council shall update its plan under subsection (2) of this section and submit the plan to an interim committee of the Legislative Assembly related to youth, and to the Governor.
(b) On or before September 15 of each year, the council shall submit a report in the manner provided in ORS 192.245 to an interim committee of the Legislative Assembly related to youth, and to the Governor, describing how the council is meeting its goals and any remaining barriers to access to services and supports. The report may include recommendations for legislation, including recommendations for changes to the council structure, composition and operating processes.
(c) On or before December 31 of each odd-numbered year, the council, the Department of Human Services and the Oregon Health Authority shall submit a joint report in the manner described in ORS 192.245 to an interim committee of the Legislative Assembly related to youth, describing moneys appropriated to or otherwise made available to the department, the authority or the council in the preceding biennium for the purpose of providing, or providing access to, the services and supports described in subsection (2)(b) of this section. The report must include an accounting of the expenditures made by the department, the authority and the council and of any moneys remaining unspent at the close of the biennium.
(5) The council may:
(a) Apply for and receive gifts and grants from any public or private source.
(b) Submit proposals for legislative measures at the time and in the manner prescribed in ORS 171.130 and 171.133.
(c) Adopt rules to carry out the provisions of this section.
(6) The council shall submit an agency request budget at the time and in the manner prescribed under ORS 291.208.
(7)(a) All agencies of state government are directed to assist the council in the performance of the duties of the council and, to the extent permitted by laws relating to confidentiality, to furnish information and advice that the members of the council consider necessary to perform the duties of the council.
(b) At the council’s request, a participating state agency shall provide the council with the agency’s proposed budget form, prior to the agency’s submission of the form to the Oregon Department of Administrative Services under ORS 291.208, for the council’s review. The council may make recommendations to the agency or, if appropriate, the department regarding the agency’s proposed expenditures for services and supports necessary to implement the council’s policy recommendations under this section.
(8) The council and participating state agencies shall, where applicable, enter into interagency agreements to:
(a) Provide staff and resources to assist the council in carrying out the council’s duties;
(b) Share computer systems and technologies, to the extent allowed by law;
(c) Collect and analyze data related to the state system of care and the performance of the council’s duties; or
(d) Investigate the effectiveness of the council’s proposals and recommendations under this section.
(9) Moneys that are appropriated to or otherwise made available to the council or the Oregon Health Authority for the purpose of supporting the duties of the council may not be expended except as directed by the council. [2019 c.616 §3; 2021 c.670 §3]
Note: See note under 418.976.

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 11 - Juvenile Code, Human Services

Chapter 418 - Child Welfare Services

Section 418.005 - Powers of department in connection with child welfare services; rules; advisory committee.

Section 418.015 - Custody and care of needy children by department.

Section 418.016 - Criminal records checks required for caregivers of children and for other persons in household; rules.

Section 418.017 - Parent allowed to anonymously leave child at authorized facility; facility immunity; notification to department.

Section 418.018 - Department required to inform public about ORS 418.017 and affirmative defense; funding.

Section 418.025 - Prevention, reduction or control of juvenile delinquency by county programs and activities.

Section 418.027 - Agreements for custody, care or treatment; rules.

Section 418.032 - Department subrogated to right of support for certain children in department custody; child support agreements for children with disabilities.

Section 418.034 - Department responsible for costs of medical care of certain children in detention or lockup facilities; recovery of costs; obtaining additional funds.

Section 418.036 - Child welfare report.

Section 418.039 - Policy on prohibited disqualifications of child welfare services providers.

Section 418.041 - Governor’s Child Foster Care Advisory Commission; terms; compensation.

Section 418.043 - Membership of commission; meetings.

Section 418.044 - Functions and duties of commission; rules.

Section 418.046 - Advisory or technical committees; Child Welfare Equity Advisory Committee.

Section 418.194 - Scheduling visitation around school attendance; records.

Section 418.200 - Definitions.

Section 418.201 - Legislative intent.

Section 418.202 - Oregon Foster Children’s Bill of Rights; rules.

Section 418.203 - Prohibitions on discipline or retaliation for speaking about services received.

Section 418.205 - Definitions for ORS 418.205 to 418.327, 418.330, 418.470, 418.475, 418.950 to 418.970 and 418.992 to 418.998.

Section 418.210 - Application of ORS 418.205 to 418.327.

Section 418.215 - Child-caring agency to be licensed, certified or authorized.

Section 418.240 - Licensing, certification and authorization criteria; duration; fees; rules.

Section 418.246 - Bond for outdoor youth program licensure.

Section 418.248 - Certification of proctor foster homes; rules.

Section 418.255 - Inspection and supervision; training; rules.

Section 418.256 - Interference with disclosure of information; rules.

Section 418.257 - Definitions for ORS 418.257 to 418.259.

Section 418.258 - Report of suspected abuse; notifications; investigation.

Section 418.259 - Investigation of suspected abuse; findings; notifications; reports.

Section 418.260 - Investigation of abuses, deficiencies, violations or failures to comply in child-caring agencies.

Section 418.262 - Minimum staffing required for licensing, inspection and investigation; rules.

Section 418.265 - Reports; audit.

Section 418.270 - Surrender of child to child-caring agency; consent to adoption; time for adoption proceedings; effect of release and surrender.

Section 418.275 - Child-caring agency as guardian of child; power of agency.

Section 418.280 - Placement of children.

Section 418.295 - Certain attorneys not to represent prospective adoptive parents; employees not to recommend any attorney to prospective adoptive parents.

Section 418.305 - Access to child receiving care or services.

Section 418.307 - Medical or dental treatment of children without consent; conditions; immunity of treating personnel.

Section 418.312 - When transfer of custody not required; voluntary placement agreement; review of children placed in certain institutions.

Section 418.318 - Authority to pay for qualified residential treatment programs.

Section 418.319 - Goal regarding placed children receiving federal assistance.

Section 418.321 - Out-of-state child-caring agency; contract requirements; licensing; transport of child; placement of juvenile offenders; rules.

Section 418.322 - Placement in congregate care residential setting; limitations.

Section 418.323 - Qualified residential treatment program; rules.

Section 418.324 - Independent assessment.

Section 418.325 - Medical examinations required; frequency; child’s health record; other health care; explanation to adoptive parents.

Section 418.327 - Licensing of private residential boarding schools; fees.

Section 418.330 - Payments to adoptive parents or guardians; conditions; limitations.

Section 418.335 - Determination of eligibility for payments; review; hearing.

Section 418.345 - Adoption Applicable Child Savings Fund.

Section 418.351 - Definitions for 418.351 to 418.357.

Section 418.353 - Residential care referrals; disclosures; limitations; compensation; penalties.

Section 418.357 - Residential care referral agents; registration; rules; penalties.

Section 418.359 - Referrals to secure transportation services providers; disclosure.

Section 418.470 - Authority to pay for shelter-care homes.

Section 418.475 - Independent residence facilities; extent and nature of agreement between person and department.

Section 418.495 - Authority to purchase care; agreement content; payment standards for foster care; rules.

Section 418.517 - Procedures for use of psychotropic medications for children in foster care; rules; hearing.

Section 418.519 - Definitions for ORS 418.519 to 418.532.

Section 418.521 - Prohibitions on restraint and involuntary seclusion of children in care.

Section 418.523 - Permissible use of restraint or involuntary seclusion of child in care.

Section 418.526 - Program procedures; record keeping; notices following use of restraint or involuntary seclusion; reports.

Section 418.528 - Quarterly reports; public access to reports; notices.

Section 418.529 - Training standards and certification; instructor qualifications; continuing education; rules.

Section 418.532 - Notices to children in care.

Section 418.575 - Definitions for ORS 418.575 to 418.598.

Section 418.578 - Legislative findings.

Section 418.580 - Strengthening, Preserving and Reunifying Families programs; implementation; contracts; services provided; rules; training; funding; annual report.

Section 418.585 - Strengthening, Preserving and Reunifying Families Program Fund.

Section 418.590 - Waiver of federal requirements; plan for reinvesting savings and combining resources.

Section 418.595 - Placement and referral to program to be considered in reasonable or active efforts determination; written explanation.

Section 418.598 - Rules.

Section 418.606 - Definitions.

Section 418.607 - Legislative intent.

Section 418.608 - Oregon Foster Children’s Sibling Bill of Rights; rules.

Section 418.609 - Applicability of Indian Child Welfare Act.

Section 418.625 - Definitions for ORS 418.625 to 418.645.

Section 418.627 - Placement consistent with the Indian Child Welfare Act.

Section 418.640 - Supervision of foster homes; foster and adoptive parent training; rules; law enforcement officer training.

Section 418.642 - Confidentiality of information about person who maintains foster home; exceptions; rules.

Section 418.644 - Interference with disclosure of information; rules.

Section 418.647 - Foster care payments.

Section 418.648 - Rights of foster parents.

Section 418.650 - Policy; purpose.

Section 418.653 - Oregon Youth Corps; advisory board; appointment; term; duties.

Section 418.657 - Duties of program director; participant eligibility; rules; staff.

Section 418.658 - Oregon Community Stewardship Corps; projects; tuition vouchers for program participants; sponsors; criteria; rules.

Section 418.660 - Projects; consistency with public land law.

Section 418.663 - Employment goals.

Section 418.691 - Definitions for ORS 418.691 to 418.701.

Section 418.696 - Youth sports providers encouraged to perform certain activities related to qualifications of coaches or supervisors.

Section 418.699 - Additional duties or liabilities not imposed on youth sports providers.

Section 418.701 - Youth sports providers authorized to request criminal background checks from Department of State Police.

Section 418.702 - Training and continuing education for mandatory reporters; notice to persons required to report child abuse.

Section 418.706 - State Technical Assistance Team for child fatalities; duties.

Section 418.708 - Child’s savings account; establishment; capacity to contract; parental consent; liability of financial institution; monitoring of account.

Section 418.712 - Definitions for ORS 418.714 and 418.718.

Section 418.714 - Domestic violence fatality review teams.

Section 418.718 - Statewide team.

Section 418.726 - Youth Suicide Intervention and Prevention Advisory Committee.

Section 418.731 - Youth Suicide Intervention and Prevention Coordinator; duties.

Section 418.733 - Updates to Youth Suicide Intervention and Prevention Plan; content.

Section 418.735 - Plan for communication among local mental health authorities regarding certain suicides; Oregon Health Authority notification; authority as resource; notice of death suspected to be suicide.

Section 418.746 - Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Intervention Account; uses; eligibility determination; plans; rules.

Section 418.747 - County teams for investigation; duties; training; method of investigation; designated medical professional.

Section 418.748 - Statewide team on child abuse and suicide.

Section 418.751 - Training and education for persons investigating child abuse.

Section 418.780 - Purpose.

Section 418.782 - Definitions for ORS 418.746 to 418.796.

Section 418.783 - Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Intervention Program.

Section 418.784 - Advisory Council on Child Abuse Assessment; membership; officers; meetings; quorum.

Section 418.785 - Child fatality review teams.

Section 418.786 - Grant program.

Section 418.788 - Grant application; criteria for awarding grants; rules.

Section 418.790 - Application contents for regional centers; rules.

Section 418.792 - Application contents for children’s advocacy center.

Section 418.793 - Report to Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Intervention Program; rules.

Section 418.794 - Confidentiality of video recordings.

Section 418.795 - Confidentiality of information and records.

Section 418.796 - Authority of council to solicit and accept contributions.

Section 418.800 - Review of certain cases by county child abuse multidisciplinary team.

Section 418.804 - Short title.

Section 418.806 - Policy.

Section 418.808 - Critical incident.

Section 418.811 - Team assignment and membership; rules.

Section 418.813 - Report.

Section 418.816 - Critical Incident Review Team website.

Section 418.927 - When refugee child may be removed from home; placement.

Section 418.933 - Judicial determination on removal required.

Section 418.937 - Placement decision; order of preference for placement.

Section 418.939 - Record for refugee child; content.

Section 418.941 - Refugee Child Welfare Advisory Committee; duties; access to juvenile records.

Section 418.950 - Definitions for ORS 418.950 to 418.970.

Section 418.955 - Policy.

Section 418.960 - City and county siting of child-caring facilities; applications; denial procedure; proof of facility qualifications.

Section 418.965 - Approval or denial of applications.

Section 418.976 - Definitions for ORS 418.976 to 418.981.

Section 418.978 - System of Care Advisory Council.

Section 418.979 - Purpose; duties; rules.

Section 418.981 - Children’s System Data Dashboard; rules.

Section 418.983 - System of Care Account.

Section 418.984 - Interdisciplinary assessment teams.

Section 418.990 - Criminal penalties.

Section 418.991 - Penalty for interference with disclosure of information.

Section 418.992 - Civil penalty; rules.

Section 418.993 - Procedure.

Section 418.995 - Factors considered in imposing penalty.

Section 418.998 - Disposition of penalties.