(2) In addition to projects submitted under ORS 418.660 (1), projects of the Oregon Community Stewardship Corps may include, but shall not be limited to:
(a) Child care services.
(b) Elderly and disabled care services.
(c) Literacy education programs.
(d) Recycling and other waste reduction services.
(3) The Oregon Community Stewardship Corps shall offer employment and educational opportunities of at least three but not more than 12 months’ duration for selected participants.
(4) Under rules adopted by the Higher Education Coordinating Commission, participants who successfully complete any program under this section shall be eligible for up to $1,500 in support vouchers that can be used to pay for tuition, books or other items or services that enhance and support education or employment.
(5) All Oregonians who are at least 13 years of age and under 25 years of age are eligible to participate in the program. To ensure that Oregon Community Stewardship Corps participants represent a broad cross section of Oregonians, special emphasis shall be given to recruiting school dropouts and other disadvantaged and at-risk youth, according to criteria established by the Oregon Youth Corps Advisory Board.
(6) To the extent practicable, the program director shall enlist state and federal agencies, local government, nonprofit organizations and private businesses, and any combination of such entities, to act as sponsors for programs administered under this section. Selection of sponsors shall be based on criteria that include the following:
(a) The availability of other resources on a matching basis, including contributions from private sources, other federal, state and local agencies, and moneys available through the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act;
(b) The provision of related educational and job training programs to participants, including but not limited to school and college coursework, training for approved high school equivalency tests such as the General Educational Development (GED), project-related education and professional training;
(c) Assurances that proposed projects will not displace existing employees or duplicate existing private or government programs; and
(d) Assurances that proposed projects are devoted to the enhancement of the community and are not based in maintenance activities and that these projects meet an identified need.
(7) In consultation with the advisory board, the program director shall make grants for programs administered under this section. [1989 c.786 §9; 1991 c.581 §4; 1993 c.676 §45; 1995 c.343 §46; 1997 c.249 §131; 1999 c.59 §114; 1999 c.71 §3; 2001 c.259 §1; 2001 c.684 §27; 2003 c.43 §2; 2011 c.637 §269; 2012 c.104 §43; 2013 c.747 §160; 2015 c.366 §91; 2017 c.66 §23; 2017 c.185 §11; 2017 c.297 §32; 2019 c.209 §3; 2021 c.674 §3]
Note: See note under 418.650.
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 11 - Juvenile Code, Human Services
Chapter 418 - Child Welfare Services
Section 418.015 - Custody and care of needy children by department.
Section 418.027 - Agreements for custody, care or treatment; rules.
Section 418.036 - Child welfare report.
Section 418.039 - Policy on prohibited disqualifications of child welfare services providers.
Section 418.041 - Governor’s Child Foster Care Advisory Commission; terms; compensation.
Section 418.043 - Membership of commission; meetings.
Section 418.044 - Functions and duties of commission; rules.
Section 418.046 - Advisory or technical committees; Child Welfare Equity Advisory Committee.
Section 418.194 - Scheduling visitation around school attendance; records.
Section 418.200 - Definitions.
Section 418.201 - Legislative intent.
Section 418.202 - Oregon Foster Children’s Bill of Rights; rules.
Section 418.203 - Prohibitions on discipline or retaliation for speaking about services received.
Section 418.210 - Application of ORS 418.205 to 418.327.
Section 418.215 - Child-caring agency to be licensed, certified or authorized.
Section 418.240 - Licensing, certification and authorization criteria; duration; fees; rules.
Section 418.246 - Bond for outdoor youth program licensure.
Section 418.248 - Certification of proctor foster homes; rules.
Section 418.255 - Inspection and supervision; training; rules.
Section 418.256 - Interference with disclosure of information; rules.
Section 418.257 - Definitions for ORS 418.257 to 418.259.
Section 418.258 - Report of suspected abuse; notifications; investigation.
Section 418.259 - Investigation of suspected abuse; findings; notifications; reports.
Section 418.262 - Minimum staffing required for licensing, inspection and investigation; rules.
Section 418.265 - Reports; audit.
Section 418.275 - Child-caring agency as guardian of child; power of agency.
Section 418.280 - Placement of children.
Section 418.305 - Access to child receiving care or services.
Section 418.318 - Authority to pay for qualified residential treatment programs.
Section 418.319 - Goal regarding placed children receiving federal assistance.
Section 418.322 - Placement in congregate care residential setting; limitations.
Section 418.323 - Qualified residential treatment program; rules.
Section 418.324 - Independent assessment.
Section 418.327 - Licensing of private residential boarding schools; fees.
Section 418.330 - Payments to adoptive parents or guardians; conditions; limitations.
Section 418.335 - Determination of eligibility for payments; review; hearing.
Section 418.345 - Adoption Applicable Child Savings Fund.
Section 418.351 - Definitions for 418.351 to 418.357.
Section 418.353 - Residential care referrals; disclosures; limitations; compensation; penalties.
Section 418.357 - Residential care referral agents; registration; rules; penalties.
Section 418.359 - Referrals to secure transportation services providers; disclosure.
Section 418.470 - Authority to pay for shelter-care homes.
Section 418.519 - Definitions for ORS 418.519 to 418.532.
Section 418.521 - Prohibitions on restraint and involuntary seclusion of children in care.
Section 418.523 - Permissible use of restraint or involuntary seclusion of child in care.
Section 418.528 - Quarterly reports; public access to reports; notices.
Section 418.532 - Notices to children in care.
Section 418.575 - Definitions for ORS 418.575 to 418.598.
Section 418.578 - Legislative findings.
Section 418.585 - Strengthening, Preserving and Reunifying Families Program Fund.
Section 418.606 - Definitions.
Section 418.607 - Legislative intent.
Section 418.608 - Oregon Foster Children’s Sibling Bill of Rights; rules.
Section 418.609 - Applicability of Indian Child Welfare Act.
Section 418.625 - Definitions for ORS 418.625 to 418.645.
Section 418.627 - Placement consistent with the Indian Child Welfare Act.
Section 418.644 - Interference with disclosure of information; rules.
Section 418.647 - Foster care payments.
Section 418.648 - Rights of foster parents.
Section 418.650 - Policy; purpose.
Section 418.653 - Oregon Youth Corps; advisory board; appointment; term; duties.
Section 418.657 - Duties of program director; participant eligibility; rules; staff.
Section 418.660 - Projects; consistency with public land law.
Section 418.663 - Employment goals.
Section 418.691 - Definitions for ORS 418.691 to 418.701.
Section 418.699 - Additional duties or liabilities not imposed on youth sports providers.
Section 418.706 - State Technical Assistance Team for child fatalities; duties.
Section 418.712 - Definitions for ORS 418.714 and 418.718.
Section 418.714 - Domestic violence fatality review teams.
Section 418.718 - Statewide team.
Section 418.726 - Youth Suicide Intervention and Prevention Advisory Committee.
Section 418.731 - Youth Suicide Intervention and Prevention Coordinator; duties.
Section 418.733 - Updates to Youth Suicide Intervention and Prevention Plan; content.
Section 418.748 - Statewide team on child abuse and suicide.
Section 418.751 - Training and education for persons investigating child abuse.
Section 418.782 - Definitions for ORS 418.746 to 418.796.
Section 418.783 - Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Intervention Program.
Section 418.785 - Child fatality review teams.
Section 418.786 - Grant program.
Section 418.788 - Grant application; criteria for awarding grants; rules.
Section 418.790 - Application contents for regional centers; rules.
Section 418.792 - Application contents for children’s advocacy center.
Section 418.793 - Report to Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Intervention Program; rules.
Section 418.794 - Confidentiality of video recordings.
Section 418.795 - Confidentiality of information and records.
Section 418.796 - Authority of council to solicit and accept contributions.
Section 418.800 - Review of certain cases by county child abuse multidisciplinary team.
Section 418.804 - Short title.
Section 418.808 - Critical incident.
Section 418.811 - Team assignment and membership; rules.
Section 418.816 - Critical Incident Review Team website.
Section 418.927 - When refugee child may be removed from home; placement.
Section 418.933 - Judicial determination on removal required.
Section 418.937 - Placement decision; order of preference for placement.
Section 418.939 - Record for refugee child; content.
Section 418.941 - Refugee Child Welfare Advisory Committee; duties; access to juvenile records.
Section 418.950 - Definitions for ORS 418.950 to 418.970.
Section 418.965 - Approval or denial of applications.
Section 418.976 - Definitions for ORS 418.976 to 418.981.
Section 418.978 - System of Care Advisory Council.
Section 418.979 - Purpose; duties; rules.
Section 418.981 - Children’s System Data Dashboard; rules.
Section 418.983 - System of Care Account.
Section 418.984 - Interdisciplinary assessment teams.
Section 418.990 - Criminal penalties.
Section 418.991 - Penalty for interference with disclosure of information.
Section 418.992 - Civil penalty; rules.