(1) "Agency" means any person or organization providing substitute residential care for an average daily population of eight or fewer children. "Agency" includes but is not limited to:
(a) Child-caring agencies licensed, certified or otherwise authorized by the Department of Human Services under ORS 418.205 to 418.327;
(b) Foster homes as defined in ORS 418.625 providing care for more than four children; and
(c) Youth care centers as defined in ORS 420.855.
(2) "Average daily population" means the sum of days in residence of all children residing in a child-caring facility during a certain period divided by the number of days in the period.
(3) "Child-caring facility" means a residence or building used by an agency to provide substitute residential care for children. [1979 c.597 §2; 1987 c.94 §133; 2016 c.106 §29]
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 11 - Juvenile Code, Human Services
Chapter 418 - Child Welfare Services
Section 418.015 - Custody and care of needy children by department.
Section 418.027 - Agreements for custody, care or treatment; rules.
Section 418.036 - Child welfare report.
Section 418.039 - Policy on prohibited disqualifications of child welfare services providers.
Section 418.041 - Governor’s Child Foster Care Advisory Commission; terms; compensation.
Section 418.043 - Membership of commission; meetings.
Section 418.044 - Functions and duties of commission; rules.
Section 418.046 - Advisory or technical committees; Child Welfare Equity Advisory Committee.
Section 418.194 - Scheduling visitation around school attendance; records.
Section 418.200 - Definitions.
Section 418.201 - Legislative intent.
Section 418.202 - Oregon Foster Children’s Bill of Rights; rules.
Section 418.203 - Prohibitions on discipline or retaliation for speaking about services received.
Section 418.210 - Application of ORS 418.205 to 418.327.
Section 418.215 - Child-caring agency to be licensed, certified or authorized.
Section 418.240 - Licensing, certification and authorization criteria; duration; fees; rules.
Section 418.246 - Bond for outdoor youth program licensure.
Section 418.248 - Certification of proctor foster homes; rules.
Section 418.255 - Inspection and supervision; training; rules.
Section 418.256 - Interference with disclosure of information; rules.
Section 418.257 - Definitions for ORS 418.257 to 418.259.
Section 418.258 - Report of suspected abuse; notifications; investigation.
Section 418.259 - Investigation of suspected abuse; findings; notifications; reports.
Section 418.262 - Minimum staffing required for licensing, inspection and investigation; rules.
Section 418.265 - Reports; audit.
Section 418.275 - Child-caring agency as guardian of child; power of agency.
Section 418.280 - Placement of children.
Section 418.305 - Access to child receiving care or services.
Section 418.318 - Authority to pay for qualified residential treatment programs.
Section 418.319 - Goal regarding placed children receiving federal assistance.
Section 418.322 - Placement in congregate care residential setting; limitations.
Section 418.323 - Qualified residential treatment program; rules.
Section 418.324 - Independent assessment.
Section 418.327 - Licensing of private residential boarding schools; fees.
Section 418.330 - Payments to adoptive parents or guardians; conditions; limitations.
Section 418.335 - Determination of eligibility for payments; review; hearing.
Section 418.345 - Adoption Applicable Child Savings Fund.
Section 418.351 - Definitions for 418.351 to 418.357.
Section 418.353 - Residential care referrals; disclosures; limitations; compensation; penalties.
Section 418.357 - Residential care referral agents; registration; rules; penalties.
Section 418.359 - Referrals to secure transportation services providers; disclosure.
Section 418.470 - Authority to pay for shelter-care homes.
Section 418.519 - Definitions for ORS 418.519 to 418.532.
Section 418.521 - Prohibitions on restraint and involuntary seclusion of children in care.
Section 418.523 - Permissible use of restraint or involuntary seclusion of child in care.
Section 418.528 - Quarterly reports; public access to reports; notices.
Section 418.532 - Notices to children in care.
Section 418.575 - Definitions for ORS 418.575 to 418.598.
Section 418.578 - Legislative findings.
Section 418.585 - Strengthening, Preserving and Reunifying Families Program Fund.
Section 418.606 - Definitions.
Section 418.607 - Legislative intent.
Section 418.608 - Oregon Foster Children’s Sibling Bill of Rights; rules.
Section 418.609 - Applicability of Indian Child Welfare Act.
Section 418.625 - Definitions for ORS 418.625 to 418.645.
Section 418.627 - Placement consistent with the Indian Child Welfare Act.
Section 418.644 - Interference with disclosure of information; rules.
Section 418.647 - Foster care payments.
Section 418.648 - Rights of foster parents.
Section 418.650 - Policy; purpose.
Section 418.653 - Oregon Youth Corps; advisory board; appointment; term; duties.
Section 418.657 - Duties of program director; participant eligibility; rules; staff.
Section 418.660 - Projects; consistency with public land law.
Section 418.663 - Employment goals.
Section 418.691 - Definitions for ORS 418.691 to 418.701.
Section 418.699 - Additional duties or liabilities not imposed on youth sports providers.
Section 418.706 - State Technical Assistance Team for child fatalities; duties.
Section 418.712 - Definitions for ORS 418.714 and 418.718.
Section 418.714 - Domestic violence fatality review teams.
Section 418.718 - Statewide team.
Section 418.726 - Youth Suicide Intervention and Prevention Advisory Committee.
Section 418.731 - Youth Suicide Intervention and Prevention Coordinator; duties.
Section 418.733 - Updates to Youth Suicide Intervention and Prevention Plan; content.
Section 418.748 - Statewide team on child abuse and suicide.
Section 418.751 - Training and education for persons investigating child abuse.
Section 418.782 - Definitions for ORS 418.746 to 418.796.
Section 418.783 - Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Intervention Program.
Section 418.785 - Child fatality review teams.
Section 418.786 - Grant program.
Section 418.788 - Grant application; criteria for awarding grants; rules.
Section 418.790 - Application contents for regional centers; rules.
Section 418.792 - Application contents for children’s advocacy center.
Section 418.793 - Report to Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Intervention Program; rules.
Section 418.794 - Confidentiality of video recordings.
Section 418.795 - Confidentiality of information and records.
Section 418.796 - Authority of council to solicit and accept contributions.
Section 418.800 - Review of certain cases by county child abuse multidisciplinary team.
Section 418.804 - Short title.
Section 418.808 - Critical incident.
Section 418.811 - Team assignment and membership; rules.
Section 418.816 - Critical Incident Review Team website.
Section 418.927 - When refugee child may be removed from home; placement.
Section 418.933 - Judicial determination on removal required.
Section 418.937 - Placement decision; order of preference for placement.
Section 418.939 - Record for refugee child; content.
Section 418.941 - Refugee Child Welfare Advisory Committee; duties; access to juvenile records.
Section 418.950 - Definitions for ORS 418.950 to 418.970.
Section 418.965 - Approval or denial of applications.
Section 418.976 - Definitions for ORS 418.976 to 418.981.
Section 418.978 - System of Care Advisory Council.
Section 418.979 - Purpose; duties; rules.
Section 418.981 - Children’s System Data Dashboard; rules.
Section 418.983 - System of Care Account.
Section 418.984 - Interdisciplinary assessment teams.
Section 418.990 - Criminal penalties.
Section 418.991 - Penalty for interference with disclosure of information.
Section 418.992 - Civil penalty; rules.