(2)(a) The Director of Human Services or the director’s designee, the Director of the Oregon Health Authority or the director’s designee or the Director of the Housing and Community Services Department or the director’s designee shall enter into a contract with, and make reasonable payment for services provided by, a program in accordance with ORS 418.575 to 418.598, and shall, where necessary, enter into contracts with a lead agency or with county and community entities that have been designated by the county partners to coordinate services provided under this section.
(b) A contract entered into under this subsection shall require only those services that are reasonably available in the county or region where the program is or will be providing services. Services may or may not be located in a given county or region.
(c) At the election of any director or director’s designee, a contract entered into under this subsection may be a performance-based contract.
(3) The programs implemented under this section shall provide an array of services. Depending on resources and availability, the services provided may include but are not limited to the following:
(a) Front end intervention services that include alcohol and drug treatment providers or mental health providers accompanying department caseworkers on initial calls and visits in response to allegations or reports of abuse or neglect. County partners shall participate in assessments to determine the appropriateness and level of program services required for a child and the child’s family, the creation of safety plans to enable the provision of in-home services if appropriate and the development of family preservation and reunification plans for presentation to the juvenile court.
(b) Residential treatment whereby a member of a child’s family with care, custody or control of the child enters a treatment facility accompanied by the child with 24-hour supervision while the child and the member of the child’s family engage in family strengthening activities and receive appropriate mental health and addiction treatment support and services.
(c) Supervised housing whereby a child and the child’s family remain together in program housing while they participate in family strengthening activities, receive mental health and addiction support and services and have the appropriate level of supervision to ensure the physical health, care and safety of the child.
(d) Family-centered day and outpatient treatment services, either after completion of residential treatment or in lieu of residential treatment, designed specifically for substance-abusing parents of children involved in the child welfare system.
(e) Intensive in-home services while the child and family engage in family strengthening activities.
(f) Facilitation of regular contact between a child and the child’s family, if separation has occurred, to facilitate an easier, quicker and more successful transition of the child back into the family home.
(g) Case managers who provide child and family supervision, assistance identifying and accessing needed services, observation and monitoring of parenting behavior, assistance with life skills development and assistance in removing barriers to system independence.
(h) Immediate access to supervised drug-free emergency and short-term housing.
(i) Access to permanent, drug-free housing with on-site case managers and access to supportive services that increase stability for a child and the child’s family.
(j) Family finding services to identify extended family members to provide additional support, resources and alternative placement options if necessary.
(k) Services of a court appointed special advocate appointed under ORS 419B.112 where available.
(L) Other services and interventions as programs evolve, research develops and funding becomes available.
(4) The services provided by programs must be culturally competent and include evidence-informed or evidence-based practices.
(5) The department shall establish by rule client-focused functional outcome measures for programs implemented under this section.
(6) Client-focused functional outcome measures may be used as a basis for funding programs and entering into or renewing contracts with programs.
(7) Programs shall develop and implement training and continuing education curricula for persons delivering program services and, when adequate funding exists, sponsor the attendance of service providers at state or national training programs, conferences or other similar events.
(8) Programs may seek funds from public and private sources to:
(a) Meet match requirements for state or federal grants to support the provision of program services;
(b) Implement and operate the training and educational requirements of subsection (7) of this section; and
(c) Provide financial resources for the hiring of personnel and the provision of existing or enhanced program services.
(9) The department, in consultation with programs, shall report annually to the Governor and the appropriate interim committees of the Legislative Assembly that address child welfare issues on the progress toward and projected costs of full implementation of ORS 418.575 to 418.598. [2011 c.568 §4; 2012 c.97 §29; 2013 c.1 §60]
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 11 - Juvenile Code, Human Services
Chapter 418 - Child Welfare Services
Section 418.015 - Custody and care of needy children by department.
Section 418.027 - Agreements for custody, care or treatment; rules.
Section 418.036 - Child welfare report.
Section 418.039 - Policy on prohibited disqualifications of child welfare services providers.
Section 418.041 - Governor’s Child Foster Care Advisory Commission; terms; compensation.
Section 418.043 - Membership of commission; meetings.
Section 418.044 - Functions and duties of commission; rules.
Section 418.046 - Advisory or technical committees; Child Welfare Equity Advisory Committee.
Section 418.194 - Scheduling visitation around school attendance; records.
Section 418.200 - Definitions.
Section 418.201 - Legislative intent.
Section 418.202 - Oregon Foster Children’s Bill of Rights; rules.
Section 418.203 - Prohibitions on discipline or retaliation for speaking about services received.
Section 418.210 - Application of ORS 418.205 to 418.327.
Section 418.215 - Child-caring agency to be licensed, certified or authorized.
Section 418.240 - Licensing, certification and authorization criteria; duration; fees; rules.
Section 418.246 - Bond for outdoor youth program licensure.
Section 418.248 - Certification of proctor foster homes; rules.
Section 418.255 - Inspection and supervision; training; rules.
Section 418.256 - Interference with disclosure of information; rules.
Section 418.257 - Definitions for ORS 418.257 to 418.259.
Section 418.258 - Report of suspected abuse; notifications; investigation.
Section 418.259 - Investigation of suspected abuse; findings; notifications; reports.
Section 418.262 - Minimum staffing required for licensing, inspection and investigation; rules.
Section 418.265 - Reports; audit.
Section 418.275 - Child-caring agency as guardian of child; power of agency.
Section 418.280 - Placement of children.
Section 418.305 - Access to child receiving care or services.
Section 418.318 - Authority to pay for qualified residential treatment programs.
Section 418.319 - Goal regarding placed children receiving federal assistance.
Section 418.322 - Placement in congregate care residential setting; limitations.
Section 418.323 - Qualified residential treatment program; rules.
Section 418.324 - Independent assessment.
Section 418.327 - Licensing of private residential boarding schools; fees.
Section 418.330 - Payments to adoptive parents or guardians; conditions; limitations.
Section 418.335 - Determination of eligibility for payments; review; hearing.
Section 418.345 - Adoption Applicable Child Savings Fund.
Section 418.351 - Definitions for 418.351 to 418.357.
Section 418.353 - Residential care referrals; disclosures; limitations; compensation; penalties.
Section 418.357 - Residential care referral agents; registration; rules; penalties.
Section 418.359 - Referrals to secure transportation services providers; disclosure.
Section 418.470 - Authority to pay for shelter-care homes.
Section 418.519 - Definitions for ORS 418.519 to 418.532.
Section 418.521 - Prohibitions on restraint and involuntary seclusion of children in care.
Section 418.523 - Permissible use of restraint or involuntary seclusion of child in care.
Section 418.528 - Quarterly reports; public access to reports; notices.
Section 418.532 - Notices to children in care.
Section 418.575 - Definitions for ORS 418.575 to 418.598.
Section 418.578 - Legislative findings.
Section 418.585 - Strengthening, Preserving and Reunifying Families Program Fund.
Section 418.606 - Definitions.
Section 418.607 - Legislative intent.
Section 418.608 - Oregon Foster Children’s Sibling Bill of Rights; rules.
Section 418.609 - Applicability of Indian Child Welfare Act.
Section 418.625 - Definitions for ORS 418.625 to 418.645.
Section 418.627 - Placement consistent with the Indian Child Welfare Act.
Section 418.644 - Interference with disclosure of information; rules.
Section 418.647 - Foster care payments.
Section 418.648 - Rights of foster parents.
Section 418.650 - Policy; purpose.
Section 418.653 - Oregon Youth Corps; advisory board; appointment; term; duties.
Section 418.657 - Duties of program director; participant eligibility; rules; staff.
Section 418.660 - Projects; consistency with public land law.
Section 418.663 - Employment goals.
Section 418.691 - Definitions for ORS 418.691 to 418.701.
Section 418.699 - Additional duties or liabilities not imposed on youth sports providers.
Section 418.706 - State Technical Assistance Team for child fatalities; duties.
Section 418.712 - Definitions for ORS 418.714 and 418.718.
Section 418.714 - Domestic violence fatality review teams.
Section 418.718 - Statewide team.
Section 418.726 - Youth Suicide Intervention and Prevention Advisory Committee.
Section 418.731 - Youth Suicide Intervention and Prevention Coordinator; duties.
Section 418.733 - Updates to Youth Suicide Intervention and Prevention Plan; content.
Section 418.748 - Statewide team on child abuse and suicide.
Section 418.751 - Training and education for persons investigating child abuse.
Section 418.782 - Definitions for ORS 418.746 to 418.796.
Section 418.783 - Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Intervention Program.
Section 418.785 - Child fatality review teams.
Section 418.786 - Grant program.
Section 418.788 - Grant application; criteria for awarding grants; rules.
Section 418.790 - Application contents for regional centers; rules.
Section 418.792 - Application contents for children’s advocacy center.
Section 418.793 - Report to Child Abuse Multidisciplinary Intervention Program; rules.
Section 418.794 - Confidentiality of video recordings.
Section 418.795 - Confidentiality of information and records.
Section 418.796 - Authority of council to solicit and accept contributions.
Section 418.800 - Review of certain cases by county child abuse multidisciplinary team.
Section 418.804 - Short title.
Section 418.808 - Critical incident.
Section 418.811 - Team assignment and membership; rules.
Section 418.816 - Critical Incident Review Team website.
Section 418.927 - When refugee child may be removed from home; placement.
Section 418.933 - Judicial determination on removal required.
Section 418.937 - Placement decision; order of preference for placement.
Section 418.939 - Record for refugee child; content.
Section 418.941 - Refugee Child Welfare Advisory Committee; duties; access to juvenile records.
Section 418.950 - Definitions for ORS 418.950 to 418.970.
Section 418.965 - Approval or denial of applications.
Section 418.976 - Definitions for ORS 418.976 to 418.981.
Section 418.978 - System of Care Advisory Council.
Section 418.979 - Purpose; duties; rules.
Section 418.981 - Children’s System Data Dashboard; rules.
Section 418.983 - System of Care Account.
Section 418.984 - Interdisciplinary assessment teams.
Section 418.990 - Criminal penalties.
Section 418.991 - Penalty for interference with disclosure of information.
Section 418.992 - Civil penalty; rules.