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Article 1 - Branding and Ranging
Section 11-20-101 - Definitions. - 11-20-101. Definitions. (a) As used in this act: (i) "Agency"...
Section 11-20-102 - Stock Running at Large to Be Branded. - 11-20-102. Stock running at large to be branded. Every stock...
Section 11-20-103 - Brands; Application; Contents; Recording Fees; Refund; Disposition Thereof. - 11-20-103. Brands; application; contents; recording fees; refund; disposition thereof. (a)...
Section 11-20-104 - Brands; Recording Generally. - 11-20-104. Brands; recording generally. Upon receipt of the application and...
Section 11-20-105 - Brands; Extension to Other Species. - 11-20-105. Brands; extension to other species. If a recorded brand...
Section 11-20-106 - Brands; Sheep; Districts Created; Recording Thereof. - 11-20-106. Brands; sheep; districts created; recording thereof. To increase the...
Section 11-20-107 - Brands; Records Kept by Board; Inspection Thereof. - 11-20-107. Brands; records kept by board; inspection thereof. The board...
Section 11-20-108 - Recorded Brand; Certified Copy Deemed Prima Facie Evidence of Ownership. - 11-20-108. Recorded brand; certified copy deemed prima facie evidence of...
Section 11-20-109 - Recorded Brand; Considered as Property; Subject to Sale; Written Instrument Required; Acknowledgment and Recording. - 11-20-109. Recorded brand; considered as property; subject to sale; written...
Section 11-20-110 - Recorded Brand; Bill of Sale; When Title Vests. - 11-20-110. Recorded brand; bill of sale; when title vests. Any...
Section 11-20-111 - State Brand Book; Contents. - 11-20-111. State brand book; contents. The executive officer of the...
Section 11-20-112 - Brand Book; Publication; Form and Contents; Distribution of Copies; Monthly Lists and Biennial Supplements; Costs; Disposition of Proceeds. - 11-20-112. Brand book; publication; form and contents; distribution of copies;...
Section 11-20-113 - County Clerk Prohibited From Recording Brands. - 11-20-113. County clerk prohibited from recording brands. It is unlawful...
Section 11-20-114 - Failure to Record Brand Deemed Abandonment. - 11-20-114. Failure to record brand deemed abandonment. (a) Failure to...
Section 11-20-115 - Rerecording; When Required; Notice; Abandonment. - 11-20-115. Rerecording; when required; notice; abandonment. (a) Every owner of...
Section 11-20-116 - Fees for Renewal, Transfer of Ownership or Alteration of Brand; Recording Bill of Sale Deemed Renewal. - 11-20-116. Fees for renewal, transfer of ownership or alteration of...
Section 11-20-117 - Use of Unrecorded Brands Prohibited; Penalties. - 11-20-117. Use of unrecorded brands prohibited; penalties. (a) It is...
Section 11-20-118 - Drover's Stock; to Be Kept Separate. - 11-20-118. Drover's stock; to be kept separate. Every stock drover...
Section 11-20-119 - Drover's Stock; Liability for Injury to Property; Exceptions. - 11-20-119. Drover's stock; liability for injury to property; exceptions. Every...
Section 11-20-120 - Driving Cattle From Home Range. - 11-20-120. Driving cattle from home range. It is unlawful for...
Section 11-20-121 - Penalties for Failure to Comply With Certain Provisions. - 11-20-121. Penalties for failure to comply with certain provisions. Any...
Section 11-20-125 - Use of a Seasonal Brand; Application for an Annual Permit to Use an Out-of-State Brand. - 11-20-125. Use of a seasonal brand; application for an annual...
Article 2 - Inspection for Brands
Section 11-20-201 - Designation of Contract Services to Implement Brand Inspection Laws; Bond Required; Bond of Inspectors; Interstate Cooperative Agreements. - 11-20-201. Designation of contract services to implement brand inspection laws;...
Section 11-20-202 - Duties of Board; Enforcement of Provisions. - 11-20-202. Duties of board; enforcement of provisions. (a) Inspections for...
Section 11-20-203 - Inspection of Brands at Time of Delivery or Removal; Certificate Required; Lack Thereof; Emergency Movement of Livestock. - 11-20-203. Inspection of brands at time of delivery or removal;...
Section 11-20-204 - Inspector Not to Inspect His Own Livestock; Penalty. - 11-20-204. Inspector not to inspect his own livestock; penalty. It...
Section 11-20-205 - Procedures Generally; Estrays. - 11-20-205. Procedures generally; estrays. (a) Except as otherwise provided, before...
Section 11-20-206 - Certificate of Inspection Generally; Distribution of Copies; Failure to Exhibit; Justification to Hold Vehicle and Livestock. - 11-20-206. Certificate of inspection generally; distribution of copies; failure to...
Section 11-20-208 - Proof of Prior Ownership; Penalties for Furnishing False Proof. - 11-20-208. Proof of prior ownership; penalties for furnishing false proof....
Section 11-20-209 - When Inspection Not Required. - 11-20-209. When inspection not required. No inspection for brands and...
Section 11-20-210 - When Inspection Not Required; Certain Importations; Compliance With Health and Quarantine Regulations Required. - 11-20-210. When inspection not required; certain importations; compliance with health...
Section 11-20-211 - When Inspection Not Required; Contiguous Range. - 11-20-211. When inspection not required; contiguous range. No inspection for...
Section 11-20-212 - In-State Range Movement Permits. - 11-20-212. In-state range movement permits. (a) The board may issue...
Section 11-20-214 - Brand Inspector May Inspect at His Discretion; Voluntary Inspections. - 11-20-214. Brand inspector may inspect at his discretion; voluntary inspections....
Section 11-20-216 - Procurement, Form, Contents and Validity of Truck-Fleet Shipment Permit. - 11-20-216. Procurement, form, contents and validity of truck-fleet shipment permit....
Section 11-20-217 - Certificates and Agreements in Lieu of Inspection; Generally; Shipper's Demand for Inspection; Penalty. - 11-20-217. Certificates and agreements in lieu of inspection; generally; shipper's...
Section 11-20-219 - Certificates and Agreements in Lieu of Inspection; Filing and Distribution of Copies. - 11-20-219. Certificates and agreements in lieu of inspection; filing and...
Section 11-20-220 - Diverted Shipments; Notice Thereof. - 11-20-220. Diverted shipments; notice thereof. Should any shipment or any...
Section 11-20-221 - Common Carriers Not to Receive Livestock for Transportation Without Certificate. - 11-20-221. Common carriers not to receive livestock for transportation without...
Section 11-20-222 - Unbranded Calves; Inspection at Request of Stockman; Fee. - 11-20-222. Unbranded calves; inspection at request of stockman; fee. All...
Section 11-20-223 - Out-of-State Accustomed Range Permits. - 11-20-223. Out-of-state accustomed range permits. (a) The board may issue...
Section 11-20-224 - Permanent Brand Inspection Certificate; Application; Surrender to Board. - 11-20-224. Permanent brand inspection certificate; application; surrender to board. The...
Section 11-20-225 - Annual Horse Brand Inspection Certificate; Surrender to Board; Fee. - 11-20-225. Annual horse brand inspection certificate; surrender to board; fee....
Section 11-20-226 - Certificates to Be Signed and in Possession. - 11-20-226. Certificates to be signed and in possession. The inspection...
Section 11-20-227 - Fraudulent Use of Inspection Certificate and Movement Permit; Penalties. - 11-20-227. Fraudulent use of inspection certificate and movement permit; penalties....
Section 11-20-228 - Impounding of Vehicles; Lien. - 11-20-228. Impounding of vehicles; lien. Any vehicle used in the...
Section 11-20-229 - Penalties for Violation of Certain Provisions. - 11-20-229. Penalties for violation of certain provisions. Any violation of...
Section 11-20-230 - Livestock Seed Stock and Exhibitors Permit; Fees; Transfers; Reports; Enforcement. - 11-20-230. Livestock seed stock and exhibitors permit; fees; transfers; reports;...
Article 3 - Killing Animals to Ascertain Ownership
Section 11-20-301 - When Authorized. - 11-20-301. When authorized. If in the opinion of any authorized...
Section 11-20-302 - Sale of Carcass. - 11-20-302. Sale of carcass. The carcass of any animal killed...
Article 4 - Inspection Fees and Taxes
Section 11-20-401 - Brand Inspection Fees Generally. - 11-20-401. Brand inspection fees generally. (a) Except as otherwise provided,...
Section 11-20-402 - Miscellaneous Inspection Fees. - 11-20-402. Miscellaneous inspection fees. (a) Except as otherwise provided, the...
Section 11-20-404 - Report of Receipts and Expenses. - 11-20-404. Report of receipts and expenses. (a) The board shall...
Section 11-20-405 - Collection and Disposition. - 11-20-405. Collection and disposition. (a) Any funds appropriated by the...
Section 11-20-408 - Examination of Agency Records; Report. - 11-20-408. Examination of agency records; report. (a) The director of...
Section 11-20-409 - Issuance of Certificate. - 11-20-409. Issuance of certificate. Except as otherwise provided in W.S....