Wyoming Statutes
Article 1 - Branding and Ranging
Section 11-20-109 - Recorded Brand; Considered as Property; Subject to Sale; Written Instrument Required; Acknowledgment and Recording.

11-20-109. Recorded brand; considered as property; subject to sale; written instrument required; acknowledgment and recording.
Any brand recorded as required by law is the property of the person in whose name it is recorded, and is subject to sale, assignment, transfer, devise and descent as personal property. Instruments of writing evidencing sale, assignment or transfer shall be acknowledged and recorded in the office of the board. Acknowledgment and recording of such instruments have the same effect as to third parties as the acknowledgment and recording of instruments affecting real estate.

Structure Wyoming Statutes

Wyoming Statutes

Title 11 - Agriculture, Livestock and Other Animals

Chapter 20 - Brands

Article 1 - Branding and Ranging

Section 11-20-101 - Definitions.

Section 11-20-102 - Stock Running at Large to Be Branded.

Section 11-20-103 - Brands; Application; Contents; Recording Fees; Refund; Disposition Thereof.

Section 11-20-104 - Brands; Recording Generally.

Section 11-20-105 - Brands; Extension to Other Species.

Section 11-20-106 - Brands; Sheep; Districts Created; Recording Thereof.

Section 11-20-107 - Brands; Records Kept by Board; Inspection Thereof.

Section 11-20-108 - Recorded Brand; Certified Copy Deemed Prima Facie Evidence of Ownership.

Section 11-20-109 - Recorded Brand; Considered as Property; Subject to Sale; Written Instrument Required; Acknowledgment and Recording.

Section 11-20-110 - Recorded Brand; Bill of Sale; When Title Vests.

Section 11-20-111 - State Brand Book; Contents.

Section 11-20-112 - Brand Book; Publication; Form and Contents; Distribution of Copies; Monthly Lists and Biennial Supplements; Costs; Disposition of Proceeds.

Section 11-20-113 - County Clerk Prohibited From Recording Brands.

Section 11-20-114 - Failure to Record Brand Deemed Abandonment.

Section 11-20-115 - Rerecording; When Required; Notice; Abandonment.

Section 11-20-116 - Fees for Renewal, Transfer of Ownership or Alteration of Brand; Recording Bill of Sale Deemed Renewal.

Section 11-20-117 - Use of Unrecorded Brands Prohibited; Penalties.

Section 11-20-118 - Drover's Stock; to Be Kept Separate.

Section 11-20-119 - Drover's Stock; Liability for Injury to Property; Exceptions.

Section 11-20-120 - Driving Cattle From Home Range.

Section 11-20-121 - Penalties for Failure to Comply With Certain Provisions.

Section 11-20-125 - Use of a Seasonal Brand; Application for an Annual Permit to Use an Out-of-State Brand.