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Article 1 - In General
Section 11-19-101 - Duties of State Veterinarian Generally; Failure to Comply With Provisions; Penalty. - 11-19-101. Duties of state veterinarian generally; failure to comply with...
Section 11-19-102 - Duty of Public to Report Diseases; List of Reportable Diseases; Failure to Comply or Obstruction of Duty; Liability; Penalties. - 11-19-102. Duty of public to report diseases; list of reportable...
Section 11-19-103 - Quarantine of Diseased Animals Generally; Treatment, Testing and Vaccination Thereof; Effect of Failure to Obey Order of State Veterinarian; Appeal; Stay of Action. - 11-19-103. Quarantine of diseased animals generally; treatment, testing and vaccination...
Section 11-19-104 - Slaughter of Diseased Animals; Authority of Veterinarian; Slaughtering Order; When Consent of Owner Required. - 11-19-104. Slaughter of diseased animals; authority of veterinarian; slaughtering order;...
Section 11-19-106 - Removal of Diseased Animals; Owner's Claims. - 11-19-106. Removal of diseased animals; owner's claims. (a) All claims...
Section 11-19-107 - Auditor to Pay Claims Allowed by Board; Effect of Failure to Submit Claim to Board. - 11-19-107. Auditor to pay claims allowed by board; effect of...
Section 11-19-108 - Compensation of Board. - 11-19-108. Compensation of board. Each member of a board of...
Section 11-19-109 - Limitations on Indemnity. - 11-19-109. Limitations on indemnity. The liability of the state for...
Section 11-19-110 - Quarantine of Diseased Animals; Authority of Veterinarian Over Animals in Transit. - 11-19-110. Quarantine of diseased animals; authority of veterinarian over animals...
Section 11-19-111 - Regulation of Importation of Animals; Prohibited Acts; Penalties; Applicability. - 11-19-111. Regulation of importation of animals; prohibited acts; penalties; applicability....
Section 11-19-112 - Cooperation With Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. - 11-19-112. Cooperation with animal and plant health inspection service. The...
Section 11-19-118 - Animal Reimbursement Program Account. - 11-19-118. Animal reimbursement program account. (a) There is created the...
Article 2 - Tuberculin Test of Dairy Cattle
Section 11-19-201 - Definitions. - 11-19-201. Definitions. (a) As used in this act: (i) "Dairy...
Section 11-19-208 - Ear Tags; Record to Be Kept of Livestock Animals Tested. - 11-19-208. Ear tags; record to be kept of livestock animals...
Section 11-19-209 - Tests of Livestock Animals. - 11-19-209. Tests of livestock animals. Whenever the state veterinarian suspects...
Section 11-19-214 - Disposition of Diseased Livestock. - 11-19-214. Disposition of diseased livestock. All livestock animals in Wyoming...
Section 11-19-215 - Prohibited Acts; Penalties. - 11-19-215. Prohibited acts; penalties. Any person who intentionally interferes with,...
Article 3 - Tuberculosis Modified Accredited Areas
Section 11-19-303 - Appropriations by Counties for Control of Diseases. - 11-19-303. Appropriations by counties for control of diseases. The board...
Section 11-19-304 - Prohibition on Importation of Cattle or Bison; Penalties. - 11-19-304. Prohibition on importation of cattle or bison; penalties. Any...
Section 11-19-305 - Powers of State Veterinarian. - 11-19-305. Powers of state veterinarian. The state veterinarian may make...
Section 11-19-306 - Penalties for Violation of Rules and Regulations. - 11-19-306. Penalties for violation of rules and regulations. Any person...
Article 4 - Brucellosis Test of Cattle
Section 11-19-401 - Tagging, Branding and Disposition of Cattle Reacting to Test; Penalties for Failure to Comply. - 11-19-401. Tagging, branding and disposition of cattle reacting to test;...
Section 11-19-402 - Breeding Cattle and Bison Entering State to Show Evidence of Negative Test or Vaccination for Brucellosis; Exceptions. - 11-19-402. Breeding cattle and bison entering state to show evidence...
Section 11-19-403 - When Cattle or Bison Exempt From Provisions. - 11-19-403. When cattle or bison exempt from provisions. Breeding cattle...
Section 11-19-404 - Applicability of Provisions. - 11-19-404. Applicability of provisions. The Wyoming livestock board shall determine...
Section 11-19-405 - Control of Brucellosis; Governor Authorized to Negotiate With Federal Agencies. - 11-19-405. Control of brucellosis; governor authorized to negotiate with federal...
Section 11-19-406 - Sale of Diseased Cattle or Domestic Bison. - 11-19-406. Sale of diseased cattle or domestic bison. All cattle...
Section 11-19-407 - Brucellosis Testing Program. - 11-19-407. Brucellosis testing program. (a) The livestock board shall develop...
Article 5 - Regulation and Inspection of Sheep
Section 11-19-501 - When Notice of Importation to Be Made; Contents; Applicability of Rules and Regulations of Board. - 11-19-501. When notice of importation to be made; contents; applicability...
Section 11-19-502 - Unloading Sheep in Transit Prohibited; Exception; Cost of Enforcement. - 11-19-502. Unloading sheep in transit prohibited; exception; cost of enforcement....
Section 11-19-503 - Bringing Infected Sheep Into State Prohibited. - 11-19-503. Bringing infected sheep into state prohibited. It is unlawful...
Section 11-19-504 - Refusal to Give Information Deemed Misdemeanor. - 11-19-504. Refusal to give information deemed misdemeanor. Any herder or...
Section 11-19-505 - Owners to Be Jointly and Severally Liable; When Arrest Necessary; Service of Summons and Complaint. - 11-19-505. Owners to be jointly and severally liable; when arrest...
Section 11-19-506 - Penalties. - 11-19-506. Penalties. Any person who violates W.S. 11-19-501 through 11-19-505...
Article 6 - Wildlife/livestock Disease Research Partnership
Section 11-19-601 - Findings; Purposes. - 11-19-601. Findings; purposes. (a) The interaction of livestock and wildlife...
Section 11-19-602 - Wyoming Wildlife/livestock Disease Research Partnership Board Created; Membership; Duties; Purposes. - 11-19-602. Wyoming wildlife/livestock disease research partnership board created; membership; duties;...
Section 11-19-603 - Account Created. - 11-19-603. Account created. There is created a wildlife/livestock disease research...
Section 11-19-604 - Wyoming Bighorn/domestic Sheep Plan. - 11-19-604. Wyoming bighorn/domestic sheep plan. (a) The Wyoming bighorn/domestic sheep...