11-19-501. When notice of importation to be made; contents; applicability of rules and regulations of board.
(a) Any person intending to bring or cause to be brought any sheep from any other state or territory, the District of Columbia or any foreign country into Wyoming in any manner except by shipping them through the state by railroad or truck, shall, ten (10) days before crossing the state line, notify the executive officer of the board of the proposed action. The notice shall set forth the number of sheep, the brands or marks thereon, the name of the owner and the locality from which the sheep came and through which they have been driven.
(b) Sheep trailed or shipped into the state from adjoining states for immediate interstate shipment or for show and exhibition purposes, sheep grazing along and across state lines, and sheep shipped from any part of this state to feed yards in any other part of the state when shipment is made by interstate route, are governed by the rules and regulations of the board.
Structure Wyoming Statutes
Title 11 - Agriculture, Livestock and Other Animals
Chapter 19 - Contagious and Infectious Diseases Among Livestock
Article 5 - Regulation and Inspection of Sheep
Section 11-19-502 - Unloading Sheep in Transit Prohibited; Exception; Cost of Enforcement.
Section 11-19-503 - Bringing Infected Sheep Into State Prohibited.
Section 11-19-504 - Refusal to Give Information Deemed Misdemeanor.